2016-02-26 PUBLICATIONS DR. JULIANE WELZ BOOKS (MONOGRAPHS) Welz, J. (2014). Segregation und Integration in Santiago de Chile zwischen Tradition und Umbruch. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. http://www.steiner-verlag.de/titel/59853.html BOOK CHAPTERS Link, F.; Irarrázaval, F.; Harris, J.; Valenzuela, F.; Welz, J. & Barth, K. (2014). Coping with Natural Disasters and Urban Risk: An approach to urban sustainability from socio-spatial fragmentation and urban vulnerability assessment. In Holt, W. (Ed.), From Sustainable to Resilient Cities: Global Concerns and Urban Efforts. Research in Urban Sociology (RUS), Vol. 14, (pp. 35-58). United Kingdom: Emerald Press. Welz, J., Schwarz, A. & Krellenberg, K. (2014). Understanding hazard exposure for adaptation in a climate change context. In Krellenberg, K. & Hansjürgens, B. (Eds.), Climate Adaptation Santiago (pp. 127-147). Heidelberg: Springer. Kabisch, S.; Heinrichs, D.; Krellenberg, K.; Welz, J.; Rodriguez, J.; Sabatini, F. & Rasse, A. (2012). Socio-spatial differentiation: drivers, risks and opportunities. In Heinrichs, D., Krellenberg, K., Hansjürgens, B., Martínez, F. (Eds.), Risk Habitat Megacity (pp. 155-181). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. Heinrichs, D. & Welz, J. (2011). Intra-urban migration and new patterns of socio-spatial differentiation in Santiago de Chile: an opportunity for social integration? In Alfaro d'Alençon, P.; Imilan, W. A. & Sánchez, L. M. (Eds.), Lateinamerikanische Städte im Wandel: zwischen lokaler Stadtgesellschaft und globalem Einfluss (Band 16, pp. 211-220). Berlin, Münster: Habitat – International. JOURNAL ARTICLES Welz, J. & Krellenberg, K. (2016): Vulnerabilidad frente al cambio climático en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile: posiciones teóricas versus evidencias empíricas. Revista EURE 42 (125). Welz, J.; Haase, A. & Kabisch, S. (2014). Rückkehr nach Leipzig. Statistischer Quartalsbericht (III/2014), Amt für Statistik, Stadt Leipzig, (pp. 24-28). Dohnke, J.; Heinrichs, D.; Kabisch, S.; Krellenberg, K. & Welz, J. (2014). Achieving a Socio-Spatial Mix in a Free Market City: Prospects and Limitations of Social Housing Policy in Santiago de Chile. Housing Studies, DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2014.982516 Krellenberg, K., Link, F., Welz, J., Harris, J., Barth, K. & Irarrázaval, F. (2014). Supporting local adaptation: The contribution of socio-environmental fragmentation to urban vulnerability. Applied Geography 55(1), 61-70. Welz, J.; Haase, A. & Kabisch, S. (2014). Meine Entscheidung für Leipzig. Ergebnisse der Wanderungsbefragung 2014. Statistischer Quartalsbericht (II/2014), Amt für Statistik, Stadt Leipzig, (pp. 19-24). Banzhaf, E.; De la Barrera, F.; Kindler, A.; Reyes-Päcke, S.; Schlink, U.; Welz, J. & Kabisch, S. (2014). A Conceptual Framework for Integrated Analysis of Environmental Quality and Quality of Life. Ecological Indicators 45, 664-668. Krellenberg, K., Welz, J. & Reyes-Päcke, S. (2014). Urban green areas and their potential for social interaction – A case study of a socio-economically mixed neighbourhood in Santiago de Chile. Habitat International 36(1), 11-21. 2016-02-26 Krellenberg, K.; Müller, A.; Schwarz, A.; Höfer, R. & Welz, J. (2013). Flood and heat hazards in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile and the socio-economics of exposure. Applied Geography 38, 86- 95. Krellenberg, K.; Höfer, R. & Welz, J. (2011). Dinámicas recientes y relaciones entre las estructuras urbanas y socioeconómicas en Santiago de Chile: el caso de Peñalolén. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande 48, 107-131. Ebert, A.; Welz, J.; Heinrichs, D.; Krellenberg, K. & Hansjürgens, B. (2010). Socio-environmental change and flood risks: the case of Santiago de Chile. Erdkunde 64(4), 303-313. Krellenberg, K.; Heinrichs, D.; Kabisch, S.; Rodriguez, J. & Welz, J. (2009). Risk Habitat Megacity. Una Iniciativa de Investigación Latinoamericana y su Enfoque de la Vulnerabilidad SocioAmbiental. Cuadernos Geográficos de la Universidad de Granada 45(2): 293-309. http://www.ugr.es/~cuadgeo/docs/articulos/045/045-013.pdf DISCUSSION PAPERS Krellenberg, K.; Link, F.; Welz, J.; Barth, K.; Harris, J.; Irarrázaval, F. & Valenzuela, F. (2014). Approaching urban vulnerability to climate change induced risks in socio-environmentally fragmented areas – The case of Santiago de Chile. UFZ-Report, Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology. Hölzl, C., Krellenberg, K., Heinrichs, D., Welz, J.; & Kabisch, S. (2011). How sustainable are processes of social and spatial differentiation in Santiago de Chile? - Current situation and future scenarios for social inclusion.’ UFZ-Discussion Papers, Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology, 2/2011. Leipzig. http://www.ufz.de/data/DP_2_2011 _Krellenberg15013.pdf SUBMITTED JOURNAL ARTICLES Krellenberg, K.; Link, F.; Welz, J.; Barth, K.; Harris, J.; Irarrázaval, F., ‘Urban vulnerability and the contribution of socio-environmental fragmentation – theoretical and methodological pathways’. Progress in Human Geography (accepted) Krellenberg, K. & Welz, J., ‘Assessing Urban Vulnerability in the Context of Flood and Heat Hazard: Pathways and Challenges for Indicator-based Analysis’. Social Research Indicators (accepted) Welz, J.; Haase, A.; Kabisch, S., ‘Profile städtischer Zuwanderer in Zeiten des Wiederwachstums – das Beispiel Leipzig‘. DisP The Planning Review (in review)
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