Select Bibliography

Select Bibliography
Austin, Jacob, 'The Harmon Doctrine', Canada Bar Review, No. 37, 1959.
Banerjee, AC. Indian Constitutional Documents, Vol.
Mukherjee, 1961
III, Calcutta: A
Batstone, R.K. 'The Utilization of the Nile Waters', International Law and
Comparative Law Quarterly, 1959, 523ff.
Berber, F.J. Die Rechtsquellen des internationalen Wassernutzungsrechts
Munich: Beck Verlag, 1955
-------- 'Some Mdthodological Considerations concerning the Study on the Uses
of the Waters of International Rivers', submitted to Members of the Committee ofInternational Law Association on the Uses of Waters ofInternational
Rivers, Munich, 1957.
--------Rivers in International Law, London/New Yark, 1959.
--------Lehrbuch des Voelkerrechts, Vol. I, Munich: Beck Verlag, 1%0.
--------Lehrbuch des Voelkerrechts, Vol. III, Munich: Beck Verlag, 1977.
Black's Law Dictionary, Revised Third edn., 1933; Fourth edn., St Paul (Minn.,
USA): West Publishing Company, 1968.
--------,12th Reprint, Vol. I (A-K).
Bouvier's Law Dictionary A Concise Encyclopaedia of the Law, Rawle's
Revision, 8th edn., 12th Reprint, 1975.
Briggs, Herbert W. The Law ofNations, Cases, Documents andNotes, London,
British and Foreign State Papers, Vol. 56, London: James Ridgway and Sons,
Caponera, Dante A Outline for the Preparation of a National Water Resources
Law Inventory, Background Paper No.7, Rome: FAD, 1975
--------Outlines for the Preparationofan Inventory on the Legal and Institutional
Aspects ofInternational Water Resources Basins, Background Paper No. 11,
Rome: FAD, 1976
--------Background Documentation: Background Paper No. I/Rev. 1,
Legislative Branch, Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome: FA 0, 1978.
Caponera, Dante A. and Alheritiere, Dominique, Principles of International
Ground Water Law (1), Reprint.
Chamber's Encyclopedia, Vol. XIV, New edn., London: George Newnes,
Chauhan, B.R. Rangordnung verschiedener Arlen von Wassernutzungen nach
internationalem Wasserrecht, Munich: UNI Druck, 1963
--------'Basic Factors for Distribution of Waters of Non-National Rivers', Law
Review (Journal of Punjab University), Vol. XX (1-2), 1968, xxii-xxxi.
--------'Management of International Water Resources through International
Water Resources Commissions', Proceedings of the Annual Seminar,
International Law Association (Indian Branch), New Delhi, 1977, 84ff.
--------Settlement ofInternational Water Law Disputes in International Drainage
Basil's, Berlin: Eric Schmidt Verlag, 1981.
Collier's Encyclopedia, Vol. 23, New York: Macmillan Educational Corporation, 1976.
Constituent Assembly Debates, Vol. IX, New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat,
Dahm, George, Voelkerrecht, Vol. I, Stuttgart, 1959
Darwin, H.e. International Disputes: The Legal Aspects, Report of Study
Group of David Davies Memorial Institute ofInternational Studies, 1972,
Data India, September 20-26, 1982; January 17-23, 1983; August 8-14, 1983;
Eagleton, Clyde, 'The Uses of the Waters of International Rivers', Canadian
Bar Review, N~. 33, 1955.
Encyclopedia Americana, 1968.
Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Vol. 23, 1973.
Eyerrnann, Erich and Froehler, Ludwig, Verwaltungsgerich,sordnungKommentar, Ed. 7, 1977.
Fenwick, e.G. Cases in International Law, edn. 2, Chicago, 1951
Fink, Ollie E. in Jonathan Foreman and Ollie E. Fink (eds.), Water and Man,
Columbus (Ohio); Friends of Hand, 1950.
Settlement of International and Inter-State Water Disputes in India
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Water Law in Selected European
Countries, Legislative Study No. 10, Vol. I, Rome : FAO, 1975.
----- - - -, Legal and Institutional Responses to Growing Water Demand,
Legislative Study No. 14, Rome: FAO, 1977.
-------- ,WaterLaw in Moslem Countries-2, Irrigation and Drainage Paper 2012,
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-- -- - -- - , Systematic Index of In temational Water Resources Treaties, Declarations, Acts and Cases by Basin, Legislative Study No. 15, Rome : FAO,
--- - - - -- , Water Law in Selected African Countries, Legislative Study No. 17,
Rome: FAO, 1979.
- -- --- --, The Law of
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Rome : FAO, 1980.
- - - -- - -- , Water Legislation is South American
Countries, Legislative Study No.
19, Rome :FAO, 1983.
---- - - --, Systematic
Index of International Water Resources Treaties, Declarutions, Acts and Cases by Basin, Vol. 11, Legislative Study No. 34, Rome :
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Foreman, Jonathan and Fink,Ollie E. (eds.),Wafer cutd Man, Columbus (Ohio);
Friends of the Hand, 1950.
Garner, James W. ‘The Doctrine of the Thalweg’, British Year Book of Intertiutional Law, 1935, 178ff.
Gibson, Dale, ‘The Constitutional Context of Canadian Water Planning’,
Alberta Law Review, No. 7, 1969, 171 ff.
Gieseke, Paul, Das Recht der Wasserwittschaft, Munich, 1959.
Government of India Act, 1858, 1915 and 1935 with Indian Indeperrdettce
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Gulati, N.D. Development of Inter-State Rivers-Law and Practice in India,
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Hartig, Edmund, Die Grundsaetze des intentationalert Wasserrechtsrtaclt bislterigen voelketrechtstheorien und nach Kohaerenzprinzip, University of
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Hung, Thomas T.F. 'Some International and Legal Aspects of the Suez Canal
Question', American Journal of International Law, 1957,278ff.
Hutchins, W.A. Selected Problems in the Law of Water Rights in West, ]942.
India, Government of (Ministry of Irrigation and Power), Indus Water Dispute
: Facts and Figures. New Delhi: Publication Division, 1954.
India, Government of, Report ofthe Irrigation Commission, Vol. III, Part I, New
Delhi, 1972.
--------, Ministry of Energy and Irrigation, Report of the Krishna Water Dispute
Tribunal (with the Decision), Vols. I and II, New Delhi, 1973.
--------, Ministry of Irrigation, Further Report of the Krishna Water Dispute
Tribunal, New Delhi, 1976.
-----.---, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Agreements on Development
of Inter-State and International Rivers, New Delhi, 1978a.
--------, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Report of the Narmada Wafer
Dispute Tribunal. Vols. I, III and IV, New Delhi, 1978b.
--------, Ministry of Energy and Irrigation, Report of the Godavari Water Dispute
Tribunal (with the Decision), Vol. J, New Delhi, 1979.
--------, Ministry of Energy and Irrigation. Further Report of the Godavari
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--------, Report of the Rashtriya Barli Ayog (National Commission on Floods),
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--------, Ministry of Irrigation, Report of the Ravi and Beas Waters Tribunal,
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Indus Water Treaty 1960,419 United Nations Treaty Series, 125.
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International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, 1968, 477[f.
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Settlement of International and Inter-State Water Disputes in India
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Jain, M.P. Outlines of Indian Legal History, Bombay: N.M. Tripathi, 1981.
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J. Schorrnueller
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Lipper, 'Equitable Utilization' in Garreston, Hayton and Olmstead (eds.), The
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Muench, F.v. in Archiv des Voelkerrechts, Vol. V, ]955-56, 2]6£f.
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