BOOKS: - Altendorfer, Otto: Die Fußball-Nationaltrainer der DDR zwischen SED und Staatssicherheit. Eine biografische Dokumentation, Leipzig 2014. - Autorenkollektiv vom Sportverlag Berlin: Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft Chile 1962, Berlin 1962. - Baingo, Andreas/Heidrich, Herbert/Nachtigall, Rainer: Dynamo Dresden. Ein Fußballklub stellt sich vor, Berlin 1987. - Baingo, Andreas/Hohlfeld, Michael/Riemann, Matthias: Oberliga Nordost - 1000 Tage 3. Liga, Berlin 1994. - Baingo, Andreas/Hohlfeld, Michael: Fussball-Auswahlspieler der DDR. Das Lexikon, Berlin 2000. - Baingo, Andreas/Horn, Michael: Die Geschichte der DDR-Oberliga, Göttingen 2003. - Beckenbauer, Franz (Hrsg.): Fußball Weltmeisterschaft, München 1998. - Bedürftig, Friedemann: Mexico 86. XIII. Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft, München/Zürich 1986. - Bender, Tom/Kühne-Hellmessen, Ulrich: Verrückte Bundesliga, Berlin 2000. - Bender, Tom/Kühne-Hellmessen, Ulrich: Verrückter Europacup, Berlin 2000. - Bender, Tom/Kühne-Hellmessen, Ulrich: Verrückte Nationalelf, Berlin 2000. - Bitter, Jürgen: Deutschlands Fußball. Das Lexikon, Berlin 2000. - Breitner, Paul (Hrsg.): Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft, Frankfurt am Main/Berlin 1982. - Bringmann, Gilbert: Who's who des Deutschen Fußballs. Die Bundesligaspieler 1992/93, Kassel 1992. - Buchspieß, Dieter/Conrad, Willi/Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolf/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Europacup, Berlin 1964. - Buchspieß, Dieter/Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolf/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft England 1966, Berlin 1966. - Deutscher Fußballbund (Hrsg.): Spiel ohne Grenze. 20 Jahre Fußball-Einheit, Gütersloh, 2010. - Deutscher Sportverlag (Hrsg.): Fussball-WM 2002 Korea Japan, Hamburg 2002. - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS): Intertoto-Runden 1961 - 2005, ohne Ort 2005. - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS): VfL 1900 Borussia Mönchengladbach, ohne Ort 1996. - FC Bayern München (Hrsg.): Offizielles Jahrbuch 1993/94, München 1993. - FC Schalke 04 (Hrsg.): Das Jahrbuch 1999/2000, Essen 1999. - FIFA: XXrd Olympic Games Los Angeles 1984. Olympic Football Tournament 29 July - 11 August. Technical Report, Zürich 1984/85. - Franke, Thomas/Hofmann, Marko: neunzehn87. Der Triumphzug des 1. FC Lok Leipzig durch Europa, Leipzig 2012. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Fußballweltmeisterschaft. Mexiko 1970, Berlin 1970. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: X. Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1974, Berlin 1974. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Europameisterschaft. Europacup 76, Berlin 1976. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1978, Berlin 1978. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Europameisterschaft. Europacup 1980, Berlin 1981. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1982, Berlin 1982. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Schlegel, Klaus/Simon, Günter: Europameisterschaft. Europacup 1984, Berlin 1985. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Nöldner, Jürgen/Simon, Günter: Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1986, Berlin 1986. - Friedemann, Horst/Hempel, Wolfgang/Nöldner, Jürgen/Simon, Günter: Fußball 1988. Europameisterschaft. Europacup, Berlin 1988. - Fuge, Jens: Ein Jahrhundert Leipziger Fußball. Die Jahre 1945 bis 1989, Leipzig 1997. - Fuge, Jens: Der Rest von Leipzig. BSG Chemie Leipzig, Kassel 2009. - Furrer, Günther: Deutschland 74. Die X. Fußballweltmeisterschaft. Band I, Zürich 1973. - Furrer, Günther: Deutschland 74. Die X. Fußballweltmeisterschaft. Band II, Zürich 1974. - GFA: Italiens Länderspiele, Rotenburg 1991. - Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Olympischen Gedankens in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Hrsg.): XVII. Olympische Sommerspiele in Rom 1960, Berlin 1960. - Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Olympischen Gedankens in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Hrsg.): XVIII. Olympische Sommerspiele Tokio 1964, Berlin 1966. - Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Olympischen Gedankens in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Hrsg.): Spiele der XX. Olympiade München 1972, Berlin 1973. - Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Olympischen Gedankens in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Hrsg.): XIV. Olympische Winterspiele Sarajevo 1984, Berlin 1984. - Gräfe, Udo/Poser, Peter: Jenas Fussball-Journal. Statistik und Karikatur - pur, Jena 1997. - Gräfe, Udo/Poser, Peter: Jenas Fussball-Journal. Statistik und Karikatur - pur, 1. Chronik-Ergänzung, Jena 1999. - Gräfe, Udo/Poser, Peter: Jenas Fussball-Journal. Geschichte und Statistik, Jena 2001. - Grüne, Hardy (Hrsg.): 100 Jahre Hannover 1996. Der Ball. Der Rasen. Die Roten, Kassel 1995. - Grüne, Hardy: Vom Kronprinzen bis zur Bundesliga 1890 - 1963, Kassel 1996. - Grüne, Hardy (Hrsg.): Von grauen Mäusen und großen Meistern. Das Buch zur Bundesliga, Kassel 1999. - Grüne, Hardy: Bundesliga & Co. - Zahlen, Bilder, Geschichten von 1963 - 2000, Kassel 2000. - Grüne, Hardy: Das große Buch der deutschen Fußballvereine, Kassel 2009. - Grüne, Hardy: Deutsche Pokalgeschichte seit 1935, Kassel 2000. - Grüne, Hardy: Geheuert, Gefeiert, Gefeuert. Die 250 vorzeitigen Trainerwechsel der Bundesligageschichte seit 1963, Kassel 2000. - Grüne, Hardy: Fußball WM-Enzyklopädie 1930 - 2006, Kassel 2002. - Grüne, Hardy: Fußball EM-Enzyklopädie 1960 - 2008, Kassel 2004. - Havemann, Nils: Samstags um halb 4. Die Geschichte der Fußballbundesliga, München 2013. - Havemann, Nils: Fußball unterm Hakenkreuz. Der DFB zwischen Sport, Politik und Kommerz, Frankfurt am Main 2005 (Lizenzausgabe für die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 2006). - Henkel, Christian/Henkel, Martin: Die Stars des DDR-Fußballs. Von Ducke bis Zötzsche, Bielefeld 2011. - Hesselmann, Markus/Rosentritt, Michael: Hansa Rostock. Der Osten lebt, Göttingen 1999. - Huberty, Ernst/Wange, Willy B.: Fußballweltmeisterschaft 1978, Köln 1978. - Infostrada Sports: Champions League, Nieuwegein 2006. - Infostrada Sports/Reuters: Gillette Media Statbook. 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany, Nieuwegein/London 2006. - Jürgens, Tim: HSV Perlen. Von Kopfballungeheuern und Bananenflanken, Nieuwegein 2006. - Karn, Christian/Rehberg, Richard: Spielerlexikon 1963 - 1994, Bielefeld 2015. - Karte, Uwe/Röhrig, Jörg: Kabinengeflüster. Geschichten aus 40 Jahren DDR-Elf, Kassel 1997. - Kiwitter, Erik: Die großen Derbys. Wismut Aue | FC Karl-Marx-Stadt | Sachsenring Zwickau, Chemnitz 2013. - Knieriem, Lorenz/Grüne, Hardy: Spielerlexikon 1890 - 1963, Kassel 2006. - Kropp, Matthias: Fussball-EM-Almanach 1960 - 1996, Kassel 1996. - Kropp, Matthias: DFB-Pokal Vereinsalmanach 1960 - 1996, Kassel 2000. - Kropp, Matthias: Europapokal-Almanach 1955 - 1990, Kassel 2001. - Kropp, Matthias: Europapokal-Almanach 1990 - 2001, Kassel 2001. - Krüger, Uwe: Ligafussball in der DDR. Tabellenbuch, Kassel 2000. - Kürten, Dieter (Hrsg.): Fußball EM 88 in Deutschland, Köln 1988. - Kürten, Dieter (Hrsg.): EM '92 Schweden, München 1992. - Laube, Volkmar: Blau-Weißes Lexikon. 40 Jahre 1. FC Magdeburg, Magdeburg 2005. - Laube, Volkmar: Vom Bosporus bis nach Bordeaux. Blau-Weiße EC-Geschichte, Magdeburg 2008. - Leske, Hanns: Enzyklopädie des DDR-Fußballs, Göttingen 2007. - Leske, Hanns: Vorwärts. Armeefußball im DDR-Sozialismus. Aufstieg und Fall des ASK/FC Vorwärts Leipzig/Berlin/Frankfurt, Göttingen 2009. - Leske, Hanns: Fußball in der DDR. Kicken im Auftrag der SED, Erfurt 2010. - Leske, Hanns: Die DDR-Oberligaspieler. Ein Lexikon, Kassel 2014. - Leske, Hanns: Magneten für Lederbälle. Torhüter der DDR, Kassel 2014. - Müller, Jürgen: Stahl Riesa. Unsere Fußballhelden von damals, Meißen 2007. - Müller, René: Ins linke obere Eck. Ein Nationaltorhüter erzählt, Taucha 2009. - Nachtigall, Rainer/Baingo, Andreas/Friedemann, Horst: Klub der Hunderter. Fußballprominenz im Nationaltrikot, Berlin 1989. - Nöldner, Jürgen/Pfitzner, Joachim/Gießler, Günther: 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig. Ein Fußballklub stellt sich vor, Berlin 1986. - Nuttelmann, Uwe (Hrsg.): DDR-Oberliga 1962 - 1991, Jade 2007. - Panini: 100 Jahre Bayern München. Die Chronik der letzten 20 Jahre, Nettetal-Kaldenkirchen 1999. - Panini: Euro Cup. Panini Football Collections 1980 - 2008, Modena 2008. - Panini: FIFA WM Chronik. Die deutsche Nationalmannschaft bei den FIFA Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften 1970 - 2006, NettetalKaldenkirchen 2006. - Panini: World Cup. Panini Football Collections 1970 – 2006, Modena, 2006. - Peter, Michael: Der Weg in den Westen. Ein Beitrag zum deutsch-deutschen (Fussball)-Verständnis, Kassel 2001. - Peter, Michael: Ballack, Sammer & Co. Wie Fußballdeutschland von der Wiedervereinigung profitierte, Kassel 2012. - Pleil, Ingolf: Mielke, Macht und Meisterschaft. Dynamo Dresden im Visier der Stasi, Kassel 2013. - Querengässer, Klaus: Who's who des Deutschen Fußballs. Die Bundesligaspieler 1993/94. Alle Spieler der ersten und zweiten Liga, Kassel 1993. - Porsch, Jens-Christian: 40 Jahre und immer in Bewegung. Vier Jahrzehnte ereignisreiches Vereinsleben Rot-Weiß Erfurt, Erfurt 2006. - Redelings, Ben: 50 Jahre Bundesliga. Das Jubiläumsalbum, Göttingen 2012. - Reif, Marcel (Hrsg.): EURO 2000. Das Fußball-EM-Buch, Berlin 2000. - Robinson, Michael (Ed.): Manchester United. 10 Seasons at Old Trafford. 1984/85 to 1993/94, Cleethorpes 1994. - Robinson, Michael (Ed.): Soccer: The International Line-Ups & Statistics Series - England 1961 - 1996, Cleethorpes 1996. - Rohr, Bernd/Simon, Günter: Fußball Lexikon, München 1991. - Rohr, Bernd/Simon, Günter: Fußball Lexikon, München 1993. - Rubenbauer, Gerd/Rummenigge, Karl-Heinz (Hrsg.): Fußball WM '94 USA, München 1994. - Rubenbauer, Gerd (Hrsg.): Fußball Europameisterschaft 1996, Gütersloh/München 1996. - Schlegel, Klaus/Behrendt, Wolfgang: Fußball - Magnet für Millionen, Berlin 1977. - Simon, Günter (Hrsg.): Fußball informativ, Berlin 1986. - Sport Informations Dienst (Redaktioneller Inhalt): Olympische Spiele Peking 2008, München 2008. - Sportverlag Berlin (Hrsg.): POKAL - Vor dem 35. FDGB-Pokalfinale, Berlin 1986. - Sportverlag Berlin (Hrsg.): Toooor! Höhepunkte der Saison 1985/86, Berlin 1986. - Tauber, Fritz: Deutsche Fußballnationalspieler. Spielerstatistiken von A bis Z, Kassel 2012. - Ueberjahn, Dieter: Die besten Fußballer der Welt, Balve 1981. - Urban, Thomas: Schwarze Adler, weiße Adler. Deutsche und polnische Fußballer im Räderwerk der Politik, Göttingen 2011 (Lizenzausgabe für die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn 2012). - VfL Bochum 1848: Das Jahrbuch 1999/2000, Essen 2000. - Weinrich, Matthias: 35 Jahre Bundesliga (Teil 1): Die Gründerjahre 1963 - 1975, Kassel 1998. - Weinrich, Matthias: 35 Jahre Bundesliga (Teil 2): Tore, Krisen und ein Erfolgstrio 1975 - 1987, Kassel 1999. - Weinrich, Matthias: 35 Jahre Bundesliga (Teil 3): Boomjahre, Geld und Stars 1987 - 1998, Kassel 1999. - Weinrich, Matthias: 25 Jahre 2. Liga. Der Zweitliga-Almanach, Kassel 2000. - Weinrich, Matthias: Zweitliga-Almanach. Alle Spieler – Alle Vereine – Alle Ergebnisse, Kassel 2001. - Weinrich, Matthias: Der Europapokal (Band 1): 1955 - 1974, Kassel 2007. - Weinrich, Matthias/Grüne, Hardy: Milliardenliga zwischen Boom und Pleite. Fussball in Deutschland zwischen 1998 und 2003, Kassel 2003. - Weise, Gottfried: Als Maradona 80.000 lockte. Die DDR-Klubs im Europapokal, Göttingen 2015. - Wilson, Jonathan: Behind the curtain. Travels in Eastern European football, London 2006. - Wontorra, Jörg: Italien WM '90, Köln 1990. ANNUALS, (BOOK) SERIES, SPECIAL NUMBERS AND YEARBOOKS: - A Bola Futebol: 2003/04 und 2006/07. - Annuario del Clacio Mondiale: 2004/05. - Das Europäische Fussball-Jahrbuch: 1996/97 and 1997/98. - Deutschlands große Fussballmannschaften: FC Bayern München, VfB Stuttgart, SV Werder Bremen, SG Eintracht Frankfurt, Hamburger SV, 1. FC Kaiserslautern, 1. FC Köln and Karlsruher SC. - Don Balon - Liga Extra: 2003/04 - 2006/07. - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - 50 Jahre Fußball-Europameisterschaft: Band 1 (1960 - 1996) and Band 2 (2000 - 2008). - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - Amateur-Oberliga Nord: Band 1 (1979/80 - 1983/84), Band 2 (1984/85 - 1988/89), Band 3 (1989/90 - 1993/94) and Band 4 (1974/75 - 1978/79). - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - DDR-Chronik: Band 1 (1949/50 - 1956), Band 2 (1957 - 1962/63), Band 3 (1963/64 - 1968/69), Band 4 (1969/70 - 1973/74), Band 5 (1974/75 - 1978/79), Band 6 (1979/80 - 1983/84), Band 7 (1984/85 1988/89), Band 8 (1989/90 - 1990/91, Spieler-ABC der Oberliga und Liga & Trainer-ABC) and Band 9 (Visitenkarten der Vereine). - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - Fußball in Baden-Württemberg: Band 1 (1978/79 - 1985/86) and Band 2 (1986/87 - 1993/94). - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - Nordost-Almanach: 1995/96 - 1999/2000 , 2001/02 - 2006/07 and 2007 - 2009. - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - Nordost-Journal-Extra: 1991/92 – 1994/95. - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - Oberliga: 1993/94 and 2001/02 - 2003/04. - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - West-Chronik: Band 1 (1945 - 1952) und Band 2 (1952 - 1958). - Deutscher Sportclub für Fußballstatistiken (DSFS) - Die Regionalligen/Deutschlands Fußball in Zahlen/Deutscher Fußball-Almanach: 1994/95 - 2014/15. - European Clubs in European Cups: Volume 1 (Arsenal FC London). - FIFA: Confederations Cup Germany 2005 Official Match Programme. - Football in Europe: 2003/04. - Fußball in der DDR: Nationalmannschaft and Europapokal. - Fußball-Woche-Sonderheft: Die Augaben 1997/98, 2001/02 and 2007/08 - 2008/09. - FUWO - Die Neue Fußballwoche/Deutsches Sportecho-Sonderheft: Die Ausgaben 1978/79 - 1989/90. - FUWO - Fußball-Woche extra: Das war unser Fußball im Osten, Neue Bundesliga und Zweite Liga! (Saison 1991/92), EM '92 and Bundesliga und Zweite Liga (Saison 1992/93). - Hammond, Mike (General Editor) - The European Football Yearbook/The European Book of Football/ The European Football Yearbook: 1991/92 - 2003/04 and 2007/08 - 2015/16. - International Federation of Football History & Statistics A-Länderspiele: Volume 1 (DEN & SWE), Volume 2 (NOR, FIN & EST), Volume 3 (ENG & IRL), Volume 4 (BEL), Volume 5 (ARG & URU), Volume 6 (RUS, URS, POL & LIT) und Volume 7 (SUI). - International Federation of Football History & Statistics Europapokal: Volume 1 (EC I 1955 - 1960 & EC III 1955 - 1960). - International Federation of Football History & Statistics Olympische Fußballturniere: Volume 1 (1896 - 1924) and Volume 2 (1928 - 1940). - International Federation of Football History & Statistics World Football Gala: 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. - kicker almanach: 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. - kicker sportmagazin - Bundesliga-Sonderhefte: 1985/86 - 2015/16. - kicker sportmagazin - Bundesliga-Sonderhefte Finale/Die große Bilanz: 1996/97 - 2014/15. - kicker sportmagazin - EM-Sonderhefte: 1988 - 2012. - kicker sportmagazin - Europapokal-Sonderhefte: 1997/98 - 2015/16. - kicker sportmagazin – Europas Top-Ligen: 2015/16. - kicker sportmagazin - WM-Sonderhefte: 1990 - 2014. - kicker Sportmagazin Edition: 100 Jahre Deutsche Länderspiele, 50 Jahre Das Wunder von Bern, Abenteuer Fußball, Die großen Derbys, Faszination Fußball, 100 Deutsche Meister, Die 50 größten Weltstars, Die legendären Weltklubs, 50 Jahre Bundesliga, Mythos Pokal, Die 50 besten Torjäger, Die beste 2. Liga der Welt and Die größten Stars der Bundesliga. - kicker Sportmagazin Legenden & Idole: Franz Beckenbauer. - Le Football Belge L'Annuaire/Belgisch Voetal Het Jaarboek: 1992/93. - Olé edición escpecial: Guía clausura 06. - Onze Mondial - Le Guide complet du Championat: 2002/03. - Ostdeutsche Traditionsvereine: Dynamo Dresden, Energie Cottbus and FC Hansa Rostock. - Panini Almanacco Illustrato Del Calcio: 1994. - Panini - Bundesliga-Sticker-Sammelalbum: 1989/90, 1994/1995 - 1995/96, 1997/98 and 1999/2000 - 2007/08. - Panini - FIFA-World-Cup-Sticker-Sammelalbum: 1990 - 2014. - Panini - Serie A und B-Sticker-Sammelalbum: 2006/07. - Panini - UEFA-Champions-League-Sticker-Sammelalbum: 1999/2000, 2000/01, 2001/02 and 2007/08. - Panini - UEFA-EURO-Sticker-Sammelalbum: 1988 - 2000 and 2008 - 2012. - Panini's Football Yearbook: 1989/90. - Placar Especial Guia do Brasileiro: 1999 and 2001. - Playing in Europe: 1992/93 and 1993/94. - Rothmans Football Yearbook: 1993/94. - SNL Revija: 10 let SNL. - Yearbook: 2003 and 2003/04. - Spanish Football Yearbook: 1999/2000. - UEFA Press Department - UEFA Champions League Official Guide: 1999/2000 (Group Stage 1). - Vereine in Zahlen: BV Borussia 09 Dortmund, FC Bayern München, FC Schalke 04 and VfL 1900 Borussia Mönchengladbach. - Voetbal International Special: 1996/97. - Yearbook of European Football: 1994/95. PERIODICALS: - Calcio 2000: Marzo 2004. - Calcio Italia (English Version): August 2005. - Deutsches Sportecho: 8. März 1988 and 18./19. März 1988. - EURO 2000: No. 1/1993. - FIFA magazine. Offizielle Publikation (deutschsprachige Ausgabe): Januar 2006 - März 2006, September 2006 - Oktober 2006, Dezember 2006, Mai 2007, Juli 2007, Dezember 2007, Februar 2008 - November 2008. - France Football: 7 Août 2007, 25 Septembre 2007 ("Special 60 ans" Supplément), 17 Juin 2008, 5 Août 2008 and 4 Novembre 2008. - Fußballweltzeitschrift: 1 - 34. - FUWO - Die Neue Fußballwoche/FUWO - Fußball-Woche: 52/1961, 7/1976, 38/1976, 39/1976, 41/1976, 42/1976, 45/1976, 48/1976 - 50/1976, 33/1979, 49/1979, 50/1979, 52/1979, 26/1981, 27/1981, 1/1982, 17/1982, 1/1984, 2/1984, 19/1984, 21/1984, 24/1984 - 27/1984, 42/1984, 46/1984, 1/1985 - 104/1992. - Guerini Sportivo: 9-15 settembre 2003. - kicker Sportmagazin (Print Version): 80/1981, 28/1985, 60/1986, 64/1986, 98/1989, 94/1990, 103/1990, 62/1991, 18/1993 68/19931, 69/1993 - 105(&106)/2008. - kicker Sportmagazin (E-Paper): 80/2010 - 32/2015.2 - kicker Sportmagazin (eMagazine archive): January 1963 - November 2015. - kicker fußball magazin/kicker extra - fußball magazin: 1/1976, 5/1977, 9/1978, 12/1978, 5/1979, 6/1979, 6/1986, 7/1986, 8/1986, 9/1986, 12/1986, 1/1987, 2/1987, 3/1987, 4/1987, 5/1987, 6/1987, 7/1987, 8/1987, 9/1987, 7/1988, 3/1989, 4/1989, 12/1989, 1/1990, 2/1990, 11/1990, 12/1990, 1/1991, 2/1991, 3/1991, 4/1991, 5/1991, 6/1991, 1/1992, 2/1992, 2/1993, 1/1994, 2/1994, 1/1995, 2/1995, 1/1996, 2/1996 and 1/1997. - Libero International/Libero - IFFHS Magazin: 6 - 38. - Libero Spezial Deutsch: Sonderausgabe A and 1 - 17. - Sport BILD: 09/1988. - Sportzeitung: 28/2008 and 9/2009. - World Soccer: August 1996, September 1997 - February 1998, May 1998 - November 1998, August 1999, May 2000, July 2000 August 2000, December 2000, February 2001, September 2001 - March 2003 and May 2003 - December 2010 (plus “Extra/Summer” issues: Summer 2006, Summer 2007, Summer 2008 and Summer 2010). Disposed of waste paper or sold on eBay. 1 2 Only the issues released on Monday and not the ones from Thursday. Including the possibility (always used) to download the complete issues as PDF from the kicker website with all regional editions which was abolished in April 2015. WEBSITES: -ßball - - - ... and of course all officials sites of clubs, competitions, confederations, federations and players. LINKS TO RSSSF SITES WHICH I HAVE CREATED OR WHERE I HAVE CONTRIBUTED INFORMATION: - Germany - Player Data - Overview ( - Germany - Player Data - foreign clubs ( - Germany - Player Data - various German clubs ( - (West) Germany - Record International Players ( (West) Germany - International Results ( (West) Germany - World Cup and European Championship ( East Germany - Record International Players ( East Germany - International Results ( East Germany - World Cup and European Championship ( - Saar - International Players ( England - Record International Players ( Poland - Record International Players ( Russia - Record International Players ( Russia - List of International Matches ( Soviet Union/CIS - Record International Players ( Soviet Union - List of International Matches ( Ukraine - Record International Players ( Ukraine - List of International Matches ( - German Participations in European Cups ( - (West) Germany - List of Super/League Cup Finals ( - East Germany - Cup Finals - Full Data ( - Germany - All-Time Most Matches Played in Bundesliga ( (West) Germany - Top Scorers ( (West) Germany - Second Level Top Scorers ( (West) Germany - Footballer of the Year ( East Germany - All-Time Most Matches Played in Oberliga ( East Germany - Top Scorers ( East Germany - Footballer of the Year ( - Players with 100+ Caps and 30+ International Goals ( Players Appearing for Two or More Countries ( Players' Records of Goals and Matches in European Cups ( East Germany - Players in European Cups ( (at December 20, 2015) STATS IN QUESTION3: In "my" statistics and files (and according to and kicker almanach) the 6-2 for the German national team at home against Switzerland on March 26, 1911 in an international friendly is a goal from Germany's Max Gablonsky and not a goal from Gablonsky's team mate Gottfried Fuchs. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and kicker almanach) the 1-3 for the German national team at home against Denmark on October 26, 1913 in an international friendly is a goal from Germany's Adolf Jäger and not a goal from Jäger's team mate Karl Wegele. In "my" statistics and files (and according to Hanns Leske) the 2-1 for ASK Vorwärts Berlin away against SC Turbine Erfurt on March 5, 1961 in the Oberliga is a goal from Vorwärts' Günther Wirth and not a goal from Wirth's team mate Gerhard Vogt. In "my" statistics and files (and according to IFFHS) the 1-0 for Dundee FC at home against 1. FC Köln on September 5, 1962 in the European Champions' Cup is an own goal from Köln's Matthias Hemmersbach and not a goal for Dundee's Andrew 'Andy' Penman. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for 1. FC Köln at home against SC Preußen Münster on October 19, 1963 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from Münster's Dagmar Drewes and not a goal for Köln's Wolfgang Overath. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-2 for VfB Borussia Neunkirchen at home against BV Borussia 09 Dortmund on January 15, 1966 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Neunkirchen's Günter Kuntz and not a goal from Kuntz' team mate Heinz Simmet. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-1 for the Soviet national team in London against Portugal on July 28, 1966 in a FIFA World Cup Match is a goal from Soviet Union's Slava Kalistratovich Metreveli and neither a goal from Metreveli's team mate Anatoliy Andreyevich Banishevskiy nor one from Eduard Vasilyevich Malofeyev. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-2 for Hannoverscher SV 96 away against Hertha BSC on October 30, 1968 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Hannover's Hans Siemensmeyer and neither a goal from Siemensmeyers's team mate Rainer Zobel ( or nor one from Josip Skoblar ( 3 In this list are mainly goals mentioned from players which are part of my two files "German Participations in European Cups" ( and "Germany Player Data - Overview" ( For (West and East) German league goals the four most important sources – “fuwo – Die neue Fußballwoche”, “kicker sportmagazin” (online and eMagazine), and – were checked against each other regarding the name of the scorer for the specific goal in doubt. But of course other available sources are part of the check as well. In "my" statistics and files (and according to, the 1-0 for Hertha BSC at home against 1. FC Nürnberg on March 15, 1969 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from Nürnberg's Jürgen Rynio and not a goal from Hertha's Franz Brungs. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 2-1 for MSV Duisburg away against SG Eintracht Frankfurt on December 11, 1971 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Duisburg's Bernard Dietz and not a goal from Dietz' team mate Rainer Budde. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for VfL Bochum away against 1. FC Kaiserslautern on September 21, 1973 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Bochum's Michael Lameck and not a goal from Lameck's team mate Franz-Josef 'Jupp' Tenhagen. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 2-0 for DSC Arminia Bielefeld at home against ETB Schwarz-Weiß Essen on October 13, 1974 in the 2. Bundesliga Nord is a goal from Bielefeld's Volker Graul and not a goal from Graul's team mate Hans-Peter Miss. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 4-0 for TSV Eintracht Braunschweig at home against Offenbacher FC Kickers on September 27, 1975 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Braunschweig's Bernd Gersdorff and not a goal from Gersdorff's team mate Franz Merkhoffer. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-1 for SV Werder Bremen at home against Karlsruher SC Kickers on September 4, 1976 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Bremen's Per Røntved and not a goal from Røntved's team mate Jürgen Röber. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 4-1 for SC Rot-Weiss Essen at home against OSC Bremerhaven on September 23, 1977 in the 2. Bundesliga Nord is a goal from Essen's Frank Mill and not a goal from Mill's team mate Horst Hrubesch. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 2-0 for TSV Eintracht Braunschweig at home against 1. FC Saarbrücken on September 24, 1977 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Braunschweig's Franz Merkhoffer and not an own goal from Saarbrücken's Nikolaus Semlitsch. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-1 for FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd at home against Berliner FC Dynamo on September 27, 1978 in the UEFA Cup is a goal from Beograd's Zdravko Borovnica and not a goal from Borovnica's team mate Dušan Lukić. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 4-1 for FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd at home against Berliner FC Dynamo on September 27, 1978 in the UEFA Cup is a goal from Beograd's Miloš Šestić and not an own goal from Berlin's Reinhard Lauck. In "my" statistics and files (and according to Vom Bosporus nach Bordeaux) the 2-1 for 1. FC Magdeburg away against Wrexham AFC on September 19, 1979 in the European Cup Winners' Cup is a goal from Magdeburg's Martin Hoffmann and not a goal from Hoffmann's team mate Wolfgang Steinbach. In "my" statistics and files the 2-0 for SG Dynamo Dresden at home against Club Atlético de Madrid on October 3, 1979 in the UEFA Cup is an own goal from Madrid's Miguel Ángel RUIZ García and not a goal for Dresden's Gerd Weber. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 5-0 for SV Darmstadt 98 at home against VfR Bürstadt on August 23, 1980 in the 2. Bundesliga Süd is a goal from Darmstadt's Horst Neumann and not an own goal from Bürstadt's Reinhard Grimm. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-3 for DSC Arminia Bielefeld at home against VfL Bochum on November 15, 1980 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Bielfeld's Norbert Eilenfeldt and not a goal from Eilenfeldt's team mate Karlheinz Geils. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 2-0 for 1. FC Köln at home against VfB Stuttgart on December 10, 1980 in the UEFA Cup is a goal from Köln's Gerhard 'Gerd' Strack and not a goal from Strack's team mate Anthony Stewart 'Tony' Woodcock. In "my" statistics and files the 1-2 for VfL 1900 Borussia Mönchengladbach away against 1. FC Magdeburg on September 16, 1981 in the UEFA Cup is a goal from Gladbach's Frank Mill and not a goal from Mill's team mate Norbert Ringels. In "my" statistics and files the 1-1 for SV Werder Bremen at home against 1. FC Lokomotive Leipzig on November 2, 1983 in the UEFA Cup is an own goal from Leipzig's Ronald Kreer and not a goal from Bremen's Rudolf 'Rudi' Völler. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-2 for Hannoverscher SV 96 away against MSV Duisburg on May 20, 1984 in the 2. Bundesliga is a goal from Hannover's Werner Lorant and not a goal from Lorant's team mate Frank Hartmann. In "my" statistics and files (according to fuwo [1/1985]) the 2-0 for 1. FC Union Berlin away against TSG BAU Rostock on December 9, 1984 in the Liga is a goal from Union's Uwe Borchardt and not a goal from Borchardt's team mate Ralf Sträßer. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for SV Darmstadt 98 away against SC Rot-Weiß Oberhausen on March 16, 1985 in the 2. Bundesliga is a goal from Darmstadt's Karl-Heinz Emig and not a goal from Emig's team mate Bruno Labbadia. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the pictures) the 3-3 for FC Bayer 05 Uerdingen at home against SG Dynamo Dresden on March 19, 1986 in the European Cup Winners' Cup is an own goal from Dresden's Ralf Minge and not a goal from Uerdingen's Larus Gudmundsson. The 4-3 for FC Bayer 04 Uerdingen in this match is a goal from Uerdingen's Wolfgang Schäfer. In "my" statistics and files (and according to FIFA, and the 5-0 for the Soviet national team in Irapuato against Hungary on June 2, 1986 in a FIFA World Cup Match is an own goal from Hungary's László Dajka and not a goal from Soviet Union's Ivan Ivanovich Yaremchuk. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for Karlsruher SC away against SC Fortuna Köln on September 7, 1986 in the 2. Bundesliga is a goal from Karlsruhe's Rainer Schütterle and not a goal from Schütterle's team mate Arno Glesius. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-0 for Real Madrid CF at home against FC Bayern on April 22, 1987 in the European Champions' Cup is a goal from Madrid's SANTILLANA Carlos Alonso González and not an own goal from Bayern's Klaus Augenthaler. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-0 for TSV Alemannia Aachen at home against SV Meppen on December 3, 1988 in the 2. Bundesliga is a goal from Aachen's Egbert Zimmermann and not a goal from Zimmermann's team mate Leo Bunk. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for the Spaninsh national team at home against Northern Ireland on December 21, 1988 in a FIFA World Cup qualifier is an own goal from Northern Ireland's Anton Gerard Patrick Rogan and not a goal from Spain's ROBERTO Fernández Bonillo. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-3 for the Yugoslavian national team away against Sweden on September 4, 1991 in an international friendly is an own goal from Sweden's Peter Larsson and not a goal from Yugoslavia's Dejan Savićević. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-0 for 1. FC Saarbrücken away against SV Darmstadt 98 on December 15, 1991 in the 2. Bundesliga Süd is an own goal from Darmstadt's Stefan Simon and not a goal from Saarbrücken's Wolfgang Schüler. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-0 for SV Waldhof Mannheim at home against SV Stuttgarter Kickers on March 6, 1993 in the 2. Bundesliga is a goal from Mannheim's Uwe Weidemann and not a goal from Weidemann's team mate Norbert Nachtweih. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 2-3 for TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen away against 1. FC Kaiserslautern on September 25, 1993 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Leverkusen's Andreas Thom and not a goal from Thom's team mate Ulf Kirsten. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 2-1 for BV Borussia 09 Dortmund at home against MSV Duisburg on March 11, 1994 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Dortmund's Michael Schulz and not an own goal from Duisburg's Jürgen Rollmann. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-0 for BV Borussia 09 Dortmund at home against TSV 1860 München on August 20, 1994 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Dortmund's Thomas Franck and not an own goal from München's Reiner Maurer. In "my" statistics and files the 2-0 for the Russian national team away against San Marino on June 7, 1995 in an UEFA European Championship qualifier is an own goal from San Marino's Luca Gobbi and not a goal from Russia's Vasiliy Kulkov. In "my" statistics and files (and according to SFV) the 1-0 for the Swiss national team away against Iceland on August 16, 1995 in an UEFA European Championship qualifier is a goal from Switzerland's Adrian Knup and neither a goal from Knups's team mate Christophe Ohrel nor an own goal from Iceland's Ólafur Adolfsson. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the pictures) the 4-1 for the Yugoslavian national team away against El Salvador on November 12, 1995 in an international friendly is an own goal from El Salvador's Geovanni Trigueros Martínez and not a goal from Yugoslavia's Dejan Savićević. In "my" statistics and files (and according to FIGC) the 1-0 for the Italian national team at home against Lithuania on November 15, 1995 in an UEFA European Championship qualifier is a goal from Italy's Alessandro Del Piero and not an own goal from Lithuania's Arūnas Šuika. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 4-1 for SG Eintracht Frankfurt away against Hamburger SV on December 8, 1995 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from Hamburg's Richard Golz and not a goal from Frankfurt's Thomas Doll. In "my" statistics and files (and according to Vladimir Yevgenyevich Beschastnykh and not Igor Mikhailovich Shalimov played in an international friendly for the Russian national team away against Belgium on April 24, 1996 in Bruxelles. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for FC Bayern München at home against 1. FC Köln on April 12, 1997 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Bayern's Markus Babbel and not a goal from Babbel's team mate Ruggiero Rizzitelli. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-1 for Karlsruher SC at home against Hamburger SV on April 26, 1997 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Karlsruhe's Markus Schroth and not a goal from Schroth's team mate Burkhard Reich. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-1 for TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen at home against TSV 1860 München on September 13, 1997 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from 1860's André Hofschneider and not a goal from Leverkusen's Dirk Lottner. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for DSC Arminia Bielefeld at home against BV Borussia 09 Dortmund on October 4, 1997 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from Dortmund's Lars Ricken and not a goal from Bielefeld's Thomas Stratos. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-3 for DSC Arminia Bielefeld at home against FC Bayern München on April 18, 1998 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from Bayern München's Mehmet Scholl and not a goal from Bielefeld's Thomas Stratos. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-0 for VfL Bochum at home against TSV 1860 München on May 9, 1998 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from 1860's Abderrahim Ouakili and not a goal from Bochum's Olaf Schreiber. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 3-1 for the Yugoslavian national team at home against the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on September 5, 1999 in an UEFA European Championship qualifier is an own goal from Macedonia's Marjan Gerasimovski and not a goal from Yugoslavia's Dejan Savićević. In "my" statistics and files (and according to DFB and kicker) the 4-2 for the German national team at home against Liechtenstein on June 7, 2000 in an international friendly is an own goal from Liechtenstein's Daniel Hasler and not a goal from Germany's Ulf Kirsten. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-0 for BV Borussia 09 Dortmund at home against SC Freiburg on October 13, 2000 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Dortmund's Jörg Heinrich and not a goal from Heinrich's team mate Heiko Herrlich. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-2 for SV Waldhof Mannheim away against SpVgg Greuther Fürth on September 8, 2001 in the 2. Bundesliga is a goal from Mannheim's Sascha Licht and not a goal from Licht's team mate Ufuk Selim Teber. In "my" statistics and files (and according to DFB) the 5-0 for the German national team at home against Kuwait on May 9, 2002 in an international friendly is a goal from Germany's Sebastian Kehl and not an own goal from Kuwait's Nohayer Mohsen Al Shammari. In "my" statistics and files (and according to kicker and The European Football Yearbook) the 1-0 for TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen away against Olympiakos SF Pireas on September 18, 2002 in the UEFA Champions League is an own goal from Olympiakos' Dimitrios Eleftheropoulos and not a goal for Leverkusen's Bernd Schneider. In "my" statistics and files (and according to UEFA and Infostrada) the 3-0 for Manchester United FC at home against Olympiakos SF Pireas on October 1, 2002 in the UEFA Champions League is an own goal from Olympiakos' Georgios Anatolakis and not a goal for United's Ryan Joseph Giggs. In "my" statistics and files (and according to EΠO) the 2-1 for the Greek national team away against Cyprus on January 29, 2003 in an international friendly is a goal from Greece's Lampros Choutos and not a goal from Choutos' team mate Georgios Karagounis. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-2 for FC Energie Cottbus at home against 1. FC Nürnberg on February 20, 2004 in the 2. Bundesliga is a goal from Cottbus' Christian Beeck and not a goal from Beeck's team mate Gregg Berhalter. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 2-2 for VfB Stuttgart away against 1. FC Köln on March 20, 2004 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Stuttgart's Silvio Meißner and not an own goal from Köln's Matthias Scherz. In "my" statistics and files (and according to UEFA and Infostrada) the 1-0 for AS Roma away against TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen on October 19, 2004 in the UEFA Champions League is an own goal from Leverkusen's Dimitar Berbatov and not a goal for Roma's Francesco Totti. In "my" statistics and files (and according to TFF) the 2-0 for the Turkish national team at home against Albania on March 26, 2005 in a FIFA World Cup qualifier is an own goal from Albania's Elvin Beqiri and not a goal from Turkey's YILDIRAY Baştürk. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-1 for BV Borussia 09 Dortmund at home against VfL Wolfsburg on January 28, 2006 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Dortmund's Christian Wörns and not an own goal from Wolfsburgs's Stefan Schnoor. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-0 for Hamburger SV away against 1. FC Köln on May 2, 2006 in the 1. Bundesliga is an own goal from Köln's Lukas Sinkiewicz and not a goal from Hamburg's Sergej Barbarez. In "my" statistics and files (and according to the 1-0 for DSC Arminia Bielefeld at home against FC Hansa Rostock on September 15, 2007 in the 1. Bundesliga is a goal from Bielefeld's Jörg Böhme and not an own goal from Rostock's Victor Agali. In "my" statistics and files (and according to FIGC) the 2-0 for the Italian national team in Zürich against Portugal on February 6, 2008 in an international friendly is a goal from Italy's Fabio Cannavaro and not a goal from Cannavaro's team mate Andrea Pirlo. In "my" statistics and files (and according to kicker) the 2-1 for SV Werder Bremen at home against FK Aktobe on August 20, 2009 in the UEFA Europa League is a goal from Werder's Mesut Özil and not a goal from Özil's team mate Claudio Miguel PIZARRO Bosio. In "my" statistics and files (and according to kicker) the 4-0 for VfB Stuttgart at home against Odense Boldklub on December 12, 2010 in the UEFA Europa League is a goal from Stuttgart's Pavel Viktorovich Pogrebnyak and not an own goal from Odense's Anders Møller Christensen. In "my" statistics and files (and according to kicker) the 1-2 for TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen away against Villarreal CF on March 17, 2011 in the UEFA Europa League is an own goal from Villarreal's Gonzalo Javier Rodríguez and not a goal from Leverkusen's Eren Derdiyok. In "my" statistics and files (and according to CONCACAF and U.S. Soccer) the 1-0 for the United States national team against Jamaica on June 19, 2011 in the CONCACAF Gold Cup is a goal from USA's Jermaine Jones and not an own goal from Jamaica's Eric Vernan. In "my" statistics and files (and according to UEFA, DFB and kicker) the 1-0 for the German national team at home against Austria on September 2, 2011 in an UEFA European Championship qualifier is a goal from Germany's Miroslav Klose and not a goal from Klose's team mate Mesut Özil. In "my" statistics and files (and according to FIFA and kicker [27/2013]) the 1-0 for the German national team away against Kazakhstan on March 22, 2013 in a FIFA World Cup qualifier is a goal from Germany's Thomas Müller and not a goal from Müller's team mate Bastian Schweinsteiger. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and kicker [88/2014]) the 1-0 for VfL Wolfsburg away against FK Krasnodar on October 23, 2014 in the UEFA Europa League is an own goal from Krasnodar's Andreas Granqvist and not a goal from Wolfsburg's Ivica Olić. In "my" statistics and files (and according to and the 1-1 for Manchester City FC away against VfL 1900 Borussia Mönchengladbach on September 30, 2015 in the UEFA Champions League is a goal from Manchester's Martín Gastón 'Micho' Demichelis and not an own goal from Mönchengladbach's Andreas Bødtker Christensen. ... to be continued STATS STILL TO CHECK WITH ADDITIONAL SOURCES: SC Wismut Karl-Marx-Stadt 1962/63 Oberliga | Goal | D Riemenschneider or E Einsiedel? ( vs. Nuttelmann 2007) SV Werder Bremen 1968/69 1. Bundesliga | Goal | J Piontek or K Bohnsack (Own goal)? ( vs. & FC Schalke 04 1996/97 UEFA Cup | Goal | M Wilmots or I Anderbrügge? (, kicker 1996 & vs. & FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd 1988/89 European Champions' Cup | Goal | B Đurovski or Ž Đurović? ( vs. & Real Madrid CF 1961/62 European Champions' Cup | Appearance | F Gento or M Bueno? ( vs. & Real Madrid CF 1969/70 European Champions' Cup | Goal | F Gento or R Grosso? ( & vs. DSC Arminia Bielefeld 1973/74 2. Bundesliga Nord | Goal | H-P Miss or V Graul? ( & vs. FC Carl Zeiss Jena 1997/98 2.Bundesliga | Goal | H Weber or M A Rusyaev? ( & vs., & kicker 1997) BV Borussia 09 Dortmund 1992/93 | Appearance | R Tretschok or N Zelić? (Dortmund in Zahlen,,,, kicker 1992 vs. European Football Yearbook, fuwo 1992) Parma AC 1998/99 UEFA Cup | Goal | R N Sensini or J Veron? ( vs. Rosenborg BK Trondheim 1995/96 UEFA Champions League | Goal | H M Brattbakk or B-A Skammelsrud? ( & vs. & Club Brugge KV 1987/88 UEFA Cup | Appearance | F van der Elst or D van Wijk? ( vs., & kicker 1987) AS de Monaco FC 1990/91 UEFA Cup | Appearance | G Weah or G Puel? ( & vs. FC Rot-Weiß Erfurt 1987/88 Oberliga | Appearance | M Busse or H Demme? (, & vs. Nuttelmann 2007, fuwo 1988) SV Darmstadt 98 1980/81 2. Bundesliga Süd | Goal | H Neumann or R Grimm (Own goal)? ( & vs. & kicker 1980) SC Preußen Münster 1976/77 2. Bundesliga Nord | Goal | R Petković or K Wolf? ( vs., & kicker 1976) Arsenal FC London 2007/08 UEFA Champions League | Goal | A Hleb or D Hubáček (Own goal)? ( & vs. & Reial Club Deportiu Espanyol de Barcelona 1991/92 Primera División | Appearance | Cuxart or D Kuznetsov? ( vs. Chemnitzer FC 1990/91 UEFA Cup | Appearance | S Ziffert or Dzurják? (CFC Fanpage, & fuwo 1990 vs.,, Dortmund in Zahlen & kicker 1990) TSV Fortuna 1895 Düsseldorf 1978/79 European Cup Winners' Cup | Goal | K Allofs or T Allofs? ( vs. FC Barcelona 1991/92 European Champions' Cup | Goal | J Dowe (Own goal) or J GOIKOETXEA? ( & vs. & FK Crvena Zvezda Beograd 1983/84 European Champions' Cup | Appearance | L Stojanović or S Stojanović? ( vs. SS Lazio Roma 2001/02 UEFA Champions League | Goal | Fernando Couto or S Fiore? ( vs. Karlsruher SC 1986/87 2. Bundesliga | Goal | R Schütterle or A Glesius? ( & vs. & kicker 1986) AS Roma 2009/10 UEFA Europa League | Goal | F Totti or P Mexès? ( vs. Sakaryaspor Kulübü 1988/89 European Cup Winners' Cup | Goal | D Pešić or K Yıldırım? (kicker 1988 & vs., & VfB Stuttgart 2000/01 UEFA Cup | Goal | I Ganea or R Pinto? (, & kicker 2000 vs. Hannoverscher SV 96 2. Bundesliga 1979/80 | Goal | U Groothuis (Own goal) or D Schatzschneider? ( vs., & kicker 1979) Offenbacher FC Kickers 2. Bundesliga Süd 1977/78 | Appearance | B Rudolf or R Völler or no substitution for F-M Schonert? ( & vs. vs. kicker 1977) Offenbacher FC Kickers 2. Bundesliga Süd 1977/78 | Goal | R Völler or H Bitz? ( & vs. & kicker 1978) BV Borussia 09 Dortmund 1. Bundesliga 2007/08 | Goal | N Valdez or M Delpierre? ( & vs. FC Karl-Marx-Stadt 1974/75 Oberliga | Appearance | G Schädlich or S Schädlich? ( & vs. Nuttelmann 2007) Athletic Club Bilbao 1985/1986 UEFA Cup | Goal | S Urquiaga or J Salinas? ( & vs. & BSG Stahl Riesa 1984/85 Oberliga | Appearance | J Pfahl or I Pfahl? ( vs., & Nuttelmann 2007)
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