Haskell: A Hierarchy of Trees module Tree where class OrderedSet h where insertOrdered :: Ord a => (h a, a) -> h a class Tree h where isEmptyTree :: root :: height :: preOrder :: successors :: h h h h h a a a a a -> -> -> -> -> Bool a Integer [a] [h a] height t = if isEmptyTree t then 0 else if length (successors t) == 0 then 1 else 1 + maximum (map height (successors t)) class (Tree h) => BinTree h where left :: h a -> h a right :: h a -> h a inOrder :: h a -> [a] inOrder t = if isEmptyTree t then [] else inOrder(left t) ++ [root t] ++ inOrder(right t) class (Tree h) => ArbTree h {- koennte man weglassen -} data StandBinTree a = EmptyBinTree | Node(a, StandBinTree a, StandBinTree a) instance Tree StandBinTree where isEmptyTree(EmptyBinTree) = True isEmptyTree(Node(_,_,_)) = False root(EmptyBinTree) = error "root of empty tree" root(Node(r, _, _)) = r preOrder(EmptyBinTree) = [] preOrder(Node(root, left, right)) = root : preOrder(left) ++ preOrder(right) successors(EmptyBinTree) = [] successors(Node(_, l, r)) = [l, r] instance BinTree StandBinTree where left(EmptyBinTree) = error "left of empty tree" left(Node(_, l, _)) = l right(EmptyBinTree) = error "right of empty tree" right(Node(_, _, r)) = r instance OrderedSet StandBinTree where insertOrdered(EmptyBinTree,x) = Node(x, EmptyBinTree, EmptyBinTree) insertOrdered(Node(root, left, right),x) = if x < root then Node(root, insertOrdered(left, x), right) else if root < x then Node(root, left, insertOrdered(right, x)) else Node(root, left, right) data StandArbTree a = EmptyArbTree | ArbNode(a, [StandArbTree a]) newLeaf x = ArbNode(x, []) -- gehoert eigentlich nach class Tree instance Tree StandArbTree where isEmptyTree(EmptyArbTree) = True isEmptyTree(ArbNode(_,_)) = False root(EmptyArbTree) = error "root of empty tree" root(ArbNode(r, _)) = r preOrder(EmptyArbTree) = [] preOrder(ArbNode(root, succs)) = root : (concatMap preOrder succs) successors(EmptyArbTree) = [] successors(ArbNode(_, s)) = s instance ArbTree StandArbTree
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