Vice Presidents Prof. Dr. Angela Friederici (GSHS) Prof. Dr. Bill Hansson (BMS) Prof. Dr. Ferdi Schüth (CPTS) Prof. Dr. Andreas Barner Dr. Stefan Marcinowski 1303 1246 1252 1299 1299 Deputy Secretary General Rüdiger Willems 1260 Susanne Mellinghoff* 1284 Dr. Angelika Hartmann 1310 IB-I a BM-Section Dr. Ansgar Grimberg Coordinator 1422 Gabriele Bartikowski 1292 Dr. Barbara Berschneider 1244 Dr. Markus Fritz 2278 Dr. Ansgar Grimberg 1422 Michaela Könner 1473 Dr. Ulrike Löhr 1472 Dr. Verena Mauch 1204 Dr. Annette Pfeiffer 1332 Dr. Andrea Rottach 1474 Simone Bischoff Coordinator 2214 1255 1279 1525 1389 1574 IB-I c GSH-Section Simultaneously Member of the Presidential Staff Unit Maria-Antonia Rausch Coordinator 1268 Sabine Berberich Dr. Sabine Gieszinger Susan Hachgenei Corinna Heel Department IV Central Services Dieter Grömling 1610 Rainer Pollack 1370 Unit II a Employment and Tariff Law Unit Project Management Office Staff Unit Organisationshandbuch Stefanie Heil 1700 Angelika Malinowski 1638 Dr. Julian Molina 1283 Staff Unit Private Research Funding Beatrice Melot 1403 Department VII Structural Development and Law Department VIII Finance Department IX Communication and Information Technology Department K Communications Department W Science Policy and Strategic Processes Department Auditing Matthias Ernst 1851 Markus Schleier 2251 Werner Feser 2230 Harald Suckfüll 1556 Dr. Christina Beck* 1275 NN* Ulrike Jendis 1341 Staff Unit Science System Research Policy Unit VI a Institute Finance Staff Unit Corporate and Governing Bodies Staff Unit New Accounting Staff Unit IT-Projects Philip Schluttenhofer 2478 Dr. Christine Gieraths 1306 Michael Frost 1560 Unit III a Budget, Real Estate Subject Area IV 1 Personnel Secretary General, Division 1 Unit V a Research Policy / Berlin Office Unit VI b Programmes, Projects, Infrastructure Unit VII a Taxes Unit IX a Desktop and Applications Unit B Technical Auditing Roswitha Gebhart 2247 Ralf Zscherner 1391 Dr. Bernd Wirsing 030 4990-5641 München: -1074 Unit VIII a Accounting, Bookkeeping, Annual Accounts Dr. Peter Nickel 1434 Stefanie Dust 1737 Thomas Albert 2342 Sonja Lux 2470 Claus Schirrmacher 1343 Unit III b Project Development Subject Area IV 2 Personnel Division 2 Unit V b International Relations Unit VI c Planning, Reporting, Financing Unit VII b Cooperations, Research Legislation, Corporate Compliance Unit VIII b Foundation Manag., Conference Venues, Project Finances Unit IX b SAP-Competence Center Dr. Christian Erlacher 1322 Daniela Wurst 1627 Wolfgang Kiening 1385 Felix Kahle 1270 Adelheid Flemm 1393 Miriam Grau 2413 Inge Götschel 1623 Gerhard Schattenfroh 2209 Unit II d PVS, Personnel Statistics, IT-Participation, Social and Personal Insurance,VBL Dr. Dieter Weichmann 1551 Unit III c Construction Supervision I Wolfgang Kiauka 1631 Tanja Ulrich 1635 Unit VII c Structural Development: Equity Interests, Structural Large-Scale Projects, Tech. Transfer, Public Funding Law Dr. Silke Marx 2403 Unit VIII c SAP, Payment Transactions and Banking Management Maria EichingerKiermeier 2620 Unit IX c IT-Security and IT-Infrastructure Unit VII d Planning and Building Law, Real Estate Law/ General Privat Law Unit VIII d Purchasing and Insurance Maike Schmidt 1711 Rainer Bastian 2238 Unit II b Support of Scientific Members/W2 Scientists Wolfgang Kandlbinder 1331 Science, IMPRS, Research/Education, Corporate Health Mgt, Related Areas Subject Area IV 3 HR Development and Organizational Dev. Caroline Hein (PE) 1809 Philipp Lüninghöner (OE) 2678 Unit III d Construction Supervision II Angelika Malinowski 1638 Dr. Alfred Schmucker 1608 Subject Area IV 4 Internal Facility Services, Occupational Safety Unit III e Construction Supervision III Subject Area IV 5 Budget, Accounting, Cost-Performance Accounting, Procurement Timo Jürschik 1380 Silvia Hartmann 1290 Department V Research Policy and External Relations Presidential Staff Unit Dr. Christina Beck 1275 Susanne Mellinghoff 1284 NN (AL W) Christian Gast 1238 Department VI Financial Control Unit II c IB-I b CPT-Section Sabine Braun Britta Dembinski Dr. Christoph Freudenhammer Nathalie Macknow Dr. Barbara Müller Department III Research Building and Infrastructure 1238 1215 Office of the Sec. General Division 2 Finance, Legal and General Corporate Affairs Maximilian Prugger 1750 Rüdiger Willems 1260 Department II Personnel and Personnel Law Christian Gast Milda Krasauskaite Secretary General Dr. Ludwig Kronthaler 1281 Division 1 Institute, Personnel, Research Building Department I Institute Office of the President President Prof. Dr. Martin Stratmann 1211 Dr. Berthold Neizert 1259 Staff Unit V c Science and Innovation Studies Dr. Berthold Neizert 1259 Minerva Foundation Angelika Lange-Gao (prov. Head) 1420 Dr. Roland Kniebühler 1485 Karin Merl 2204 Alwin Renner 2540 Markus Schell 1695 Julius Benkert 2471 Unit A General Auditing Sylvia EckardtStallbaum 1335 Clearing Unit 1390 MPG Officers (organizationally allocated under Department IV) IT-Security Officer Prof. Dr. Rainer Gerling 1317 Delta Protection Officer Heidi Schuster 1554 Equal Opportunity Officer Dr. Ulla Weber 1421 Officer for Compliance and Corruption Prevention Sven Friese 1571 Officer for the Environment and Safety Dr. Peter Neurieder Dr. Christoph Kolbe 1652 1545 2652 1515 1513 Heike Kiko 1697 Unit IE Institute Development Dr. Helene Schruff 1430 Personal Advisors to the Vice President and Sections Spokesperson: Dr. Patricia Drück 1432 Unit III f Construction Supervision IV Susanne Steidele 1694 Subject Area IV 6 Internal Services, Travel Management, Occupational Integration Managem.(OIM) Martin Pollmann 1338 Unit III g Technic Language Service Team Rudolf Oberholzner 1625 Karin Mukadi 1883 Frank Hafemann 1810 Staff Unit Representative Office for Latin America Hazardous Materials Safety Officer for the MPI Dr. Andreas Trepte Tania Hengmith 2490 Staff Unit Brussels Office Dr. Rüdiger Hesse 0032 2 503-3203 Berlin Archives Dr. Kristina Starkloff 030 8413-3702 Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Offices: Hofgartenstraße 8, 80539 München ● Postal Address: Postfach 10 10 62, 80084 München Phone: +49 (0)89 2108-0 ● Telefax: +49 (0)89 2108-1111 ● Email: [email protected] ● Last updated: April 2016
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