Ralph R.A. Janik, University of Vienna, Section for International Law

Ralph R.A. Janik, University of Vienna, Section for International
Law and International Relations ([email protected])
List of Publications (as of February 2016)
Together with Irene Etzersdorfer, Krieg, humanitäre Intervention und Schutzverantwortung
(UTB 2016)
Together with Markus Beham und Melanie Fink, Völkerrecht verstehen (Facultas 2015)
Together with Markus Beham und Melanie Fink Kodex Völkerrecht (edited by Werner Doralt,
LexisNexis 2015)
Book Chapters:
‘Was würde Kant wohl sagen? Humanitäre Intervention, Schutzverantwortung und der Ewige
Frieden‘ in Jennifer Holzwimmer, Daniel Engel, Lukas Krönke, Annika Schmidl, Helena
Bebert, Julia Faber (Hrsg.), RECHTsFRIEDEn – FRIEDENsRecht (Nomos 2016), 71-92
Together with Manfred Nowak, ‘Torture, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment’
in Andrew Clapham, Paola Gaeta und Marco Sassoli (eds), The Geneva Conventions in
Context. A Commentary (Oxford University Press 2015), 317-342
‘Zum zivilen Ungehorsam in der Demokratie’ in Josefa Breitenlechner, Michael Kalteis, Julia
Kolar, Gisela Kristoferitsch, Matthias Lukan, Emmanuel Manolas, Yvonne Rogatsch and
Kerstin Tobisch (eds), Sicherung von Stabilität und Nachhaltigkeit durch Recht (Jan Sramek
Verlag, 2015), 17-33
‘Das Interventionsverbot im Zeitalter der Demokratie: Zwischen Obsoleszenz und (Wieder)Auferstehung‘ in Andrea Bockley, Ursula Kriebaum and August Reinisch (eds),
Nichtstaatliche Akteure und Interventionsverbot. Beiträge zum 39. Österreichischen
Völkerrechtstag 2014 in Klosterneuburg (Peter Lang, 2015), 107-130
Herausforderung für die Rechtsprechung‘ in Dominik Elser, Anja Eugster, Andreas Kind,
Matthias Uffer, Rahel Baumgartner, Kathrin Williner, Stefan Schlegel, Dominika Blonski,
Alexander Spring, Irene Grohsmann, Rafael Häcki (eds) Das letzte Wort – Rechtsetzung
Rechtskontrolle in der Demokratie (Nomos 2014), 137-160
‘The Responsibility to Protect and Civil Wars – from Strict Non-Interference to the Duty to
Intervene?’ in Vasilka Sancin und Maša Kovič Dine (eds), Responsibility to Protect in Theory
and Practice (GV Založba 2013), 497-519
Together with August Reinisch, ‘Room for Judicial Dialogue’ in August Reinisch (ed), The
Privileges and Immunities of International Organizations in Domestic Courts (Oxford
University Press 2013), 329-338
‘The Responsibility to Protect as an Impetus for Secessionist Movements’ in Matthias C
Kettemann (ed), Grenzen im Völkerrecht (Jan Sramek Verlag 2013), 41-69, available
at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2364478
‘The Janus Face of Nationalism in the European Union’ in Nicolas Maslowski (ed), The 17th
International Conference of Young Scholars: Crucial Problems of International Relations
through the Eyes of Young Scholars: Collective Memory and International Relations
at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2518366
‘Austrian Judicial Decisions Involving Questions of International Law/Österreichische
Judikatur zum internationalen Recht’ 15 Austrian Review of International and European Law
(2010), 243-338 (together with Jane Alice Hofbauer Stephan Wittich)
‘Austrian Judicial Decisions Involving Questions of International Law/Österreichische
Judikatur zum internationalen Recht’, 14 Austrian Review of International and European Law
(2009), 315-488 (together with Jane Alice Hofbauer Stephan Wittich)
Journal Articles
‘You canʹt have one without the other, can you? Assessing the Relationship Between the Use
of Force in the Name of Human Rights and Regime Change’ (2015) 6 Czech Yearbook of
or http://www.rozkotova.com/ebooks/cyil2015/index.html#236
‘Judicial Dialogue on the 1267 Smart Sanctions Regime’ 17 Austrian Review of International
and European Law, S. 83-115, available
at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2646578
‘Putting Security Council Resolution 2098 on the Democratic Republic of Congo in Context:
The Long Way of Peacekeeping’ (2014) 10 Human Security Perspectives, 142-185, available
at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2405513
‘China, Russia, and the Failure of the Responsibility to Protect in Syria: Does
the Fear of Regime Change offer a Serviceable Explanation?’ (2013) 1 Studia Universitatis
at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2367065
‘Austria and the Fight Against the “Islamic State”: Whither Neutrality?’ (EJIL:Talk!, 3.
Februar 2016), available at http://www.ejiltalk.org/austria-and-the-fight-against-the-islamicstate-whither-neutrality/
Jihad and Citizenship (verfassungsblog.com, 17 July 2014; UK Constitutional Law
Association, 22 July 2014), available at http://ukconstitutionallaw.org/2014/07/22/ralph-janikjihad-and-citizenship-assessing-the-austrian-amendment/
and http://www.verfassungsblog.de/en/gesetzesverschaerfung-in-oesterreich-dschihad-undstaatsbuergerschaft/#.VH2j2WMsiZQ
Russia, Ukraine, and the Right to Use Force in Self-Defence (juwiss.de, 27 March 2014),
available at http://www.juwiss.de/42-2014/
Looking at Maidan through the Nicaragua Standard: Did the EU and the US violate the NonIntervention Principle? (International
Law Observer, 18 March
2014), available
at http://www.internationallawobserver.eu/2014/03/18/guest-post-looking-at-maidan-throughthe-nicaragua-standard-did-the-eu-and-the-us-violate-the-non-intervention-principle/