SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 134. 8 ASSI GNED BY ATC N CLNC DEL TAKEOFFRUNW AY 9: Cl i mb on headi ng 093 t oi nt er ceptM ZB 125. 9 VORTAC R096 t o BROW S I NT. Thence.... GND CON J L I TAKEOFFRUNW AY 27: Cl i mb on headi ng 278 unt i lPGY R 1 8 2 19 DM E,t hen l ef tt ur n on headi ng 123 t oi nt er ceptPGY VORTAC R260 and R069 t o BROW S I NT. Thence.... 123. 9 LI NDBERGH TOW ER J ULI AN 118. 3 338. 225 114. 0 J LI SOCALDEPCON Chan 87 EAST124. 35 279. 625 N3308 . 43’-W 11635 . 16’ ....( t r ansi t i on)or( assi gned r out e) .M ai nt ai n assi gned al t i t ude. W EST119. 6 363. 1 L4,H4 Expectf i l ed al t i t ude/f l i ghtl evel10 mi nut esaf t erdepar t ur e. I M PERI ALTRANSI TI ON ( BRDR7. I PL) : Fr om overBROW S I NTon PGY R069 and I PLR250 t oI PLVORTAC. TAKEOFFM I NI M UM S J ULI AN TRANSI TI ON ( BRDR7. J LI ) : Fr om overBROW S I NTon Rwy9: 4001 wi t h mi ni mum cl i mb of610’perNM t o 1900 orst andar d wi t h mi ni mum cl i mb of686’ M Z B PGY 0 0 2 ( 3 2 ) * perNM t o 1900. Rwy27:400212 orst andar d wi t h mi ni mum cl i mb of 353’perNM t o 400. I P L MI SSI ON BAY 19 I M PERI AL 117. 8 M ZB 115. 9 I PL Chan 125 278 Chan 106 N3244 . 93’-W 11530 . 51’ R09 6 L4,H4 093 1 2 3 SL-373 (FAA) 8 5 0 0 7 8 0 0 J LIR182 t oJ LIVORTAC. 09 6 7000 *6100 25 50 250 R- V317 P G Y 069 11) ( 64) ( 25 BRO W S N3237 . 87’ W 11646 . 20’ POGGI 109. 8 PGY NOTE:Rwy9-RADAR r equi r ed. Chan 35 NOTE:Rwy27-DM E r equi r ed. N3236 . 62’-W 11658 . 74’ ( NOTES CONTI NUED ON FOLLOW I NG PAGE) SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 NOTE: Char tnott o scal e. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA R260 SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) 069 080 (BRDR7.BROWS) 16091 ATI S TOP ALTI TUDE: DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRI PTI ON BORDER SEVEN DEPARTURE BORDER SEVEN DEPARTURE (BRDR7.BROWS) 20AUG15 T (BRDR7.BROWS) 16091 BORDER SEVEN DEPARTURE SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) SL-373 (FAA) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES Rwy 9: Obstruction light, sign and trees beginning 14’ from DER, 258’ left of centerline, up to 38’ AGL/77’ MSL. Antenna on building, pole and lighted barrier beginning 18’ from DER, 5’ right of centerline, up to 35’ AGL/50’ MSL. Obstruction light on localizer 272’ from DER, on centerline, 19’ AGL/38’ MSL. Vent on building, multiple buildings, and trees beginning 741’ from DER, 104’ right of centerline, up to 173’ AGL/317’ MSL. Electrical system, pole, multiple antennas on lighted buildings and trees beginning 792’ from DER, 135’ left of centerline, up to 66’ AGL/138’ MSL. Buildings and trees beginning 5834’ from DER, 19’ right of centerline, up to 280’ AGL/394’ MSL. Lighted stack, poles and trees beginning 1 NM from DER, 492’ left of centerline, up to 132’ AGL/419’ MSL. Rwy 27:Fence 89’ from DER, 337’ left of centerline, up to 6’ AGL/16’ MSL. Light pole 192’ from DER, 347’ right of centerline, 17’ AGL/30’ MSL. Obstruction light on DME 284’ from DER, 317’ left of centerline, 18’ AGL/28’ MSL. Tree 754’ from DER, 156’ right of centerline, 44’ AGL/54’ MSL. Tree 1021’ from DER, 620’ right of centerline, 58’ AGL/71’ MSL. SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 Obstruction light on flagpole 2515’ from DER, 707’ left of centerline, 98’ AGL/118’ MSL. Tree 2594’ from DER, 353’ right of centerline, 90’ AGL/107’ MSL. Tree 3197’ from DER, 410’ right of centerline, 91’ AGL/111’ MSL. Tree 3316’ from DER, 130’ right of centerline, 100’ AGL/120’ MSL. Tree 3494’ from DER, 947’ right of centerline, 129’ AGL/169’ MSL. Tower 3675’ from DER, 14’ right of centerline, 60’ AGL/115’ MSL. Tree 5046’ from DER, 1446’ left of centerline, 96’ AGL/235’ MSL. Tree 5416’ from DER, 95’ right of centerline, 44’ AGL/184’ MSL. Tree 5448’ from DER, 386’ left of centerline, 67’ AGL/213’ MSL. Tree 5703’ from DER, 272’ right of centerline, 65’ AGL/208’ MSL. Tree 5728’ from DER, 479’ right of centerline, 47’ AGL/188’ MSL. Tree 5914’ from DER, 294’ left of centerline, 54’ AGL/218’ MSL. Tree 5973’ from DER, 7’ left of centerline, 58’ AGL/218’ MSL. Building 1 NM from DER, 2084’ right of centerline, 23’ AGL/178’ MSL. Building light 1.1 NM from DER, 257’ right of centerline, 40’ AGL/238’ MSL. BORDER SEVEN DEPARTURE (BRDR7.BROWS) 20AUG15 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 125. 9 GND CON L34,H4 0 0 0 8 0 0 5 1 ) 4 3 ( 8 2 3 800 0 320 * 0 CLNC DEL Chan 104 N3347 . 00’-W 11803 . 29’ L34,H4 R091 ATI S 134. 8 ASSI GNED BY ATC * 123. 9 FALCC N3315 . 68’ W 11734 . 11’ 271 O C N V208 458 R264 LI NDBERGH TOW ER 118. 3 338. 225 OCEANSI DE SOCALDEPCON 115. 3 OCN 200 * 0 271 8 ( W 11751 . 38’ Chan 100 * J L I 31 ) HARBR N3314 . 28’ 00 80 00 20 4 800 0 34 ( 30) W EST119. 6 363. 1 J ULI AN 114. 0 J LI ( 19) Chan 87 LNSAY R256 25 5 5 1 R N3308 . 77’ W 11729 . 13’ 5) ( 249 R- N3304 . 10’ W 11725 . 78’ NM t o 400. 6 1 Rwy27:400212 orst andar d wi t h mi ni mum cl i mb of353’per 8000 7 ( orst andar d wi t h mi ni mum cl i mb of686’perNM t o 1900. 1 24 R- 4 31 ) Rwy9: 4001 wi t h mi ni mum cl i mb of610’perNM t o 1900 20 TAKEOFFM I NI M UM S N SL-373 (FAA) M AFAN BO KNE N3258 . 41’ W 11721 . 71’ NOTE: Ai r cr af tf i l ed atorabove14000 expectcl ear ancevi a FALCC TRANSI TI ON. M Z B 4 31 ) 6 ( 5 3 3 3 2 NOTE: RADAR r equi r ed. MI SSI ON BAY 117. 8 M ZB Chan 125 R2 9 7 278 bet ween CLSTR I NTand M AFAN I NT. N OC 5 5 1 R ( NARRATI VE ON FOLLOW I NG PAGE) NOTE: Char tnott o scal e. ( NOTES CONTI NUED ON FOLLOW I NG PAGE) SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 29 3 095 4000 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA NOTE: Rwy27,mi ni mum cl i mb of310’perNM t o 8000 r equi r ed 4000 4 31 R- 5 3 3 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) N3252 . 16’ W 11720 . 41’ SLIorSXC TRANSI TI ON. SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) CLSTR NOTE: Ai r cr af tf i l ed atorbel ow 13000 expectcl ear ancevi a (LNSAY5.LNSAY)16091 Chan 51 N3322 . 50’-W 11825 . 19’ TOP ALTI TUDE: 115. 7 SLI LNSAY FIVE DEPARTURE S L I SEALBEACH 8 4 1 R LNSAY FIVE DEPARTURE (LNSAY5.LNSAY)20AUG15 S X C SANTA CATALI NA 111. 4 SXC (LNSAY5.LNSAY)16091 LNSAY FIVE DEPARTURE SAN DIEGO INTL (SAN) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SL-373 (FAA) DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION T TAKEOFF RUNWAY 9: Climb heading 095 to 4000, then left turn on heading 278 to intercept MZB R-314 to MAFAN INT. Thence. . . . TAKEOFF RUNWAY 27: Climbing right turn on heading 293 to intercept OCN R-155 to CLSTR INT. Cross CLSTR INT at or below 4000, then on OCN R-155 and MZB R-314 to MAFAN INT. Thence. . . . . . . .cross MAFAN INT at or above 8000, then on MZB R-314 to LNSAY INT. Then (transition) or (assigned route). Maintain assigned altitude. FALCC TRANSITION (LNSAY5.FALCC): From over LNSAY INT on MZB R-314 to FALCC INT. SANTA CATALINA TRANSITION (LNSAY5.SXC): From over LNSAY INT on SXC R-091 to SXC VORTAC. SEAL BEACH TRANSITION (LNSAY5.SLI): From over LNSAY INT on SXC R-091 and SLI R-148 to SLI VORTAC. Rwy 9: Obstruction light, sign and trees beginning 11’ from DER, 258’ left of centerline, up to 38’ AGL/77’ MSL. Antenna on building, pole and lighted barrier beginning 18’ from DER, 5’ right of centerline, up to 35’ AGL/50’ MSL. Obstruction light on localizer 272’ from DER, on centerline, 19’ AGL/38’ MSL. Vent on building, multiple buildings, and trees beginning 741’ from DER, 104’ right of centerline, up to 173’ AGL/317’ MSL. Electrical system, pole, multiple antennas on lighted buildings and trees beginning 792’ from DER, 135’ left of centerline, up to 66’ AGL/138’ MSL. Buildings and trees beginning 5834’ from DER, 19’ right of centerline, up to 280’ AGL/394’ MSL. Lighted stack, poles and trees beginning 1 NM from DER, 492’ left of centerline, up to 132’ AGL/419’ MSL. Rwy 27:Fence 89’ from DER, 337’ left of centerline, up to 6’ AGL/16’ MSL. Light pole 192’ from DER, 347’ right of centerline, 17’ AGL/30’ MSL. Obstruction light on DME 284’ from DER, 317’ left of centerline, 18’ AGL/28’ MSL. Tree 754’ from DER, 156’ right of centerline, 44’ AGL/54’ MSL. Tree 1021’ from DER, 620’ right of centerline, 58’ AGL/71’ MSL. Obstruction light on flagpole 2515’ from DER, 707’ left of centerline, 98’ AGL/118’ MSL. Tree 2594’ from DER, 353’ right of centerline, 90’ AGL/107’ MSL. Tree 3197’ from DER, 410’ right of centerline, 91’ AGL/111’ MSL. Tree 3316’ from DER, 130’ right of centerline, 100’ AGL/120’ MSL. Tree 3494’ from DER, 947’ right of centerline, 129’ AGL/169’ MSL. Tower 3675’ from DER, 14’ right of centerline, 60’ AGL/115’ MSL. Tree 5046’ from DER, 1446’ left of centerline, 96’ AGL/235’ MSL. Tree 5416’ from DER, 95’ right of centerline, 44’ AGL/184’ MSL. Tree 5448’ from DER, 386’ left of centerline, 67’ AGL/213’ MSL. Tree 5703’ from DER, 272’ right of centerline, 65’ AGL/208’ MSL. Tree 5728’ from DER, 479’ right of centerline, 47’ AGL/188’ MSL. Tree 5914’ from DER, 294’ left of centerline, 54’ AGL/218’ MSL. Tree 5973’ from DER, 7’ left of centerline, 58’ AGL/218’ MSL. Building 1 NM from DER, 2084’ right of centerline, 23’ AGL/178’ MSL. Building light 1.1 NM from DER, 257’ right of centerline, 40’ AGL/238’ MSL. LNSAY FIVE DEPARTURE (LNSAY5.LNSAY) 20AUG15 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES (PEBLE6.PEBLE)16091 SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) PEBLE SIX DEPARTURE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SL-373 (FAA) P D Z TOP ALTITUDE: 112.2 PDZ 148 R- 123.9 LINDBERGH TOWER 118.3 338.225 N3347.00’ - W11803.29’ SOCAL DEP CON R18 4 38) ( 328 0 400 00 *25 L-3-4, H-4 WEST 119.6 363.1 4 0 0 0 * 3 4 0 0 O C N 2 7 6 OCEANSIDE ( 3 2 ) 115.3 OCN 6 4 2 R SANTA CATALINA Chan 51 N3322.50’ - W11825.19’ Chan 100 PEBLE N3310.92’ 39 2 22 R- 29 3 ( 9) W11750.17’ L-3-4, H-4 W11741.63’ 30 29 3 M Z B MISSION BAY 14000 TAKEOFF MINIMUMS Rwy 9: NA-ATC operations. Rwy 27: 400-2 12 or standard with minimum climb 117.8 MZB 8 31 SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 MELDY N3305.36’ NOTE: RADAR required. R170 S X C 125.9 GND CON Chan 104 111.4 SXC CLNC DEL Chan 59 115.7 SLI R 0 9 6 134.8 Chan 125 R29 3 of 353’ per NM to 500. NOTE: Aircraft climbing above 13000 expect RADAR vectors northwest bound prior to PEBLE INT. 29 3 TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES Rwy 27:Light pole 192’ from DER, 347’ right of centerline, 17’ AGL/30’ MSL. Obstruction light on DME 284’ from DER, 317’ left of centerline, 18’ AGL/28’ MSL. Tree 754’ from DER, 156’ right of centerline, 24’ AGL/34’ MSL. Tree 1021’ from DER, 620’ right of centerline, 58’ AGL/71’ MSL. Obstruction light on flagpole 2515’ from DER, 707’ left of centerline, 98’ AGL/118’ MSL. Tree 2594’ from DER, 353’ right of centerline, 90’ AGL/107’ MSL. Tree 3197’ from DER, 410’ right of centerline, 91’ AGL/111’ MSL. Tree 3316’ from DER, 130’ right of centerline, 100’ AGL/120’ MSL. Tree 3494’ from DER, 947’ right of centerline, 129’ AGL/169’ MSL. Tower 3675’ from DER, 14’ right of centerline, 60’ AGL/115’ MSL. Tree 5046’ from DER, 1446’ left of centerline, 96’ AGL/235’ MSL. Tree 5416’ from DER, 95’ right of centerline, 44’ AGL/184’ MSL. Tree 5448’ from DER, 386’ left of centerline, 67’ AGL/213’ MSL. Tree 5703’ from DER, 272’ right of centerline, 65’ AGL/208’ MSL. Tree 5728’ from DER, 479’ right of centerline, 47’ AGL/188’ MSL. Tree 5914’ from DER, 294’ left of centerline, 54’ AGL/218’ MSL. Tree 5973’ from DER, 7’ left of centerline, 58’ AGL/218’ MSL. Building 1 NM from DER, 2084’ right of centerline, 23’ AGL/178’ MSL. Building light 1.1 NM from DER, 257’ right of centerline, 40’ AGL/238’ MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RUNWAY 27: Climbing right turn heading 293 until crossing OCN VORTAC R-170, then turn right heading 318 to intercept MZB VORTAC R-293 to cross MELDY INT/ MZB 30 DME at or above 14000 (or lower ATC assigned altitude) then on MZB R-293 to PEBLE INT/MZB 39 DME, thence. . . . . . . . via (transition) or (assigned route). Maintain assigned altitude. SANTA CATALINA TRANSITION (PEBLE6.SXC): From over PEBLE INT on SXC R-096 to SXC VORTAC. SEAL BEACH TRANSITION (PEBLE6.SLI): From over PEBLE INT on SLI R-148 to SLI VORTAC. PEBLE SIX DEPARTURE (PEBLE6.PEBLE)20AUG15 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 S L I SEAL BEACH ATIS PARADISE ASSIGNED BY ATC (POGGI5.PGY) 16091 POGGI FIVE DEPARTURE(RNAV) SAN DIEGO INTL(SAN) SL-373 (FAA) ATIS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA TOP ALTITUDE: 134.8 CLNC DEL TAKEOFF MINIMUMS 15000 JULIAN JLI 125.9 GND CON Rwy 9: NA-ATC. 123.9 Rwy 27: Standard with minimum ATC climb of LINDBERGH TOWER 400’ per NM to 520 and minimum 118.3 338.225 obstacle climb of 353’ per NM to 1600. SOCAL DEP CON 125.15 317.55 ( 32) 006 8000 230K 880 0 MISSION BAY MZB JETTI 2 7 5 520 15000 230K 0 0 0 7 2 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 8 9 ) 4 6 ( 2 7 0 ( 1 5 ) ) 1 1 ( IMPERIAL IPL BROWS SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 POGGI PGY NOTE: DME/DME/IRU or GPS required. NOTE: IMPERIAL TRANSITION: For non-GPS equipped aircraft PGY, MZB, JLI VORTACs must be operational. NOTE: JULIAN TRANSITION: For non-GPS equipped aircraft PGY VORTAC must be operational. NOTE: RNAV 1. NOTE: RADAR required. NOTE: Do not exceed 230K until LOWMA. TAKEOFF OBSTACLE NOTES Rwy 27:Light pole 192’ from DER, 347’ right of centerline, 17’ AGL/30’ MSL. Obstruction light on DME 284’ from DER, 317’ left of centerline, 18’ AGL/28’ MSL. Tree 754’ from DER, 156’ right of centerline, 24’ AGL/34’ MSL. Tree 1021’ from DER, 620’ right of centerline, 58’ AGL/71’ MSL. Obstruction light on flagpole 2515’ from DER, 707’ left of centerline, 98’ AGL/118’ MSL. Tree 2594’ from DER, 353’ right of centerline, 90’ AGL/107’ MSL. Tree 3197’ from DER, 410’ right of centerline, 91’ AGL/111’ MSL. Tree 3316’ from DER, 130’ right of centerline, 100’ AGL/120’ MSL. Tree 3494’ from DER, 947’ right of centerline, 129’ AGL/169’ MSL. Tower 3675’ from DER, 14’ right of centerline, 60’ AGL/ 115’ MSL. Tree 5046’ from DER, 1446’ left of centerline, 96’ AGL/235’ MSL. Tree 5416’ from DER, 95’ right of centerline, 44’ AGL/184’ MSL. Tree 5448’ from DER, 386’ left of centerline, 67’ AGL/213’ MSL. Tree 5703’ from DER, 272’ right of centerline, 65’ AGL/208’ MSL. Tree 5728’ from DER, 479’ right of centerline, 47’ AGL/188’ MSL. Tree 5914’ from DER, 294’ left of centerline, 54’ AGL/218’ MSL. Tree 5973’ from DER, 7’ left of centerline, 58’ AGL/218’ MSL. Building 1 NM from DER, 2084’ right of centerline, 23’ AGL/178’ MSL. Building light 1.1 NM from DER, 257’ right of centerline, 40’ AGL/238’ MSL. NOTE: Chart not to scale. T DEPARTURE ROUTE DESCRIPTION TAKEOFF RUNWAY 27: Climb heading 275 to 520, then direct to cross JETTI at or below 8000, then climbing left turn direct to cross LOWMA at or below 15000, then on track 089 to POGGI VORTAC, thence. . . . . . . .via (transition), maintain 15000 or as assigned by ATC, expect filed altitude 10 minutes after departure. IMPERIAL TRANSITION (POGGI5.IPL) JULIAN TRANSITION (POGGI5.JLI) POGGI FIVE DEPARTURE(RNAV) (POGGI5.PGY) 20AUG15 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO INTL (SAN) SW-3, 31 MAR 2016 to 28 APR 2016 LOWMA
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