1 Musiker zum Mitnehmen Das Medien-Angebot der Bibliotheken zum Festival 2015 2 Enjoy Jazz – auch zuhause! Vom 2. Oktober bis zum 14. November findet in Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen das 17. Internationale Festival für Jazz und Anderes statt. In weit über 60 Konzerten wird wieder jede Menge Musik aus den Bereichen Jazz, Weltmusik, Ethnopop, Crossover und auch Klassik präsentiert. Viele international bekannte Namen sind dabei, wie Hugh Masekela, der Jazzpionier aus Südafrika, der amerikanische Meisterpianist Brad Mehldau, der Schweizer Musikproduzent Nik Bärtsch mit einen neuen Klangprojekt, das französische Musikensemble Bratsch mit Gypsy-Songs oder der amerikanische Altstar am Saxofon, Archie Shepp. Auch die deutsche Jazz-Szene ist reich vertreten mit Künstlern wie dem Pianisten Michael Wollny, dem Gitarristen Joe Sachse im Duett mit dem Posaunisten Nils Wogram, dem Electronica-Star Apparat, der Mannheimer Saxofonistin Alexandra Lehmler oder Siggi Loch, dem Gründer des Jazzlabels ACT. Das vielfältige Angebot wird ergänzt durch Konzerte mit den Preisträgern des SWR Jazzpreises 2015, Georg Graewe und des Neuen Deutschen Jazzpreises, dem Filippa Gojo Quartet. Eine Brücke zur Literatur wird geschlagen, wenn Matthias Brandt und Jens Thomas gemeinsam auftreten oder Christian Muthspiel eine Soloperformance dem Lyriker Ernst Jandl widmet. Zeitgenössische klassische Musik präsentieren die SCHOLA Heidelberg und das ensemble aisthesis unter der Leitung von Wolfgang Nußbaum. Und wieder kann man die Musik nicht nur live auf der Bühne erleben, sondern auch bequem daheim auf dem Sofa oder entspannt in Straßenbahn oder Auto. Die drei Stadtbibliotheken Mannheim, Heidelberg und Ludwigshafen beteiligen sich ebenfalls an dem Event, indem sie ihren Kundinnen und Kunden eine große Auswahl an CDs und DVDs der auftretenden Künstlerinnen und Künstler anbieten. In einer alphabetischen Liste, sortiert nach den einzelnen Musikern, Bands oder Komponisten, sind die Medien aufgeführt, die in den Festival-Städten entliehen werden können. Die Schlusszeile zeigt an, welche Bibliothek die CD oder DVD im Bestand hat. Und wer über eine Metropolcard verfügt, kann mit einem Bibliotheksausweis alle drei Bibliotheken nutzen. Weitere Informationen zu Angebot oder Ausleihbedingungen können Sie telefonisch oder per Internet direkt bei den Bibliotheken erhalten. Adressen und weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den letzten drei Seiten dieses Heftes. Das Enjoy Jazz-Special der Stadtbibliothek Mannheim: Während des Festivals bekommen Inhaber eines aktuellen Festival-Passes bei der Zahlung der Jahresgebühr einen Nachlass von 5 Euro bei Erwachsenen und 3 Euro bei Begünstigten! Auswahl der aufgenommenen Medien: Regina Barthelmes, Stadtbibliothek Ludwigshafen Renate Reinhardt, Stadtbücherei Heidelberg Susanne Schönfeldt, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim Gestaltung: Günter Buhl, Stadtbibliothek Mannheim Druck: Rathausdruckerei Mannheim, September 2015 Die Abbildungen können in Einzelfällen von den tatsächlich vorhandenen Medien abweichen. 3 Aarset, Eivind: Dream logic. - 1 CD Bibliothek: Heidelberg Aarset, Eivind: Électronique noire. - 1 CD Bibliothek: Heidelberg The ACT jubilee concert. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Pasodoble (Leszek Mozdzer & Lars Danielsson). 2. Sleep safe and warm (Krzysztof Komeda; Leszek Mozdzer). 3. Svantetic (Krzysztof Komeda; Leszek Mozdzer, Michael Wollny). 4. The tears of Billie Blue – Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy; Cæcilie Norby; Nguyên Lê; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 5. Stars in your eyes (HerbieHancock; Nils Landgren; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 6. Hymn / (Lars Danielsson; The ACT Family Band featuring Caecilie Norby). 7. The one goes in four (The ACT Family Band featuring Verneri Pohjola). CD 2: 1. Little wing (Jimi Hendrix; Nguyên Lê; Lars Danielsson). 2. Lonely dancer (Céline Bonacina; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson). 3. ZigZag Blues (The ACT Family band featuring Céline Bonacina). 4. Silent Way (Nils Landgren; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson; Wolfgang Haffner). 5. Dodge the Dodo (Esbjörn Svensson; Dan Berglund; Magnus Öström; The ACT Family Band featuring Verneri Pohjola & Nguyên Lê). 6. Love is real (Esbjörn Svensson; Dan Berglund; Magnus Öström; The ACT Family Band featuring Cæcilie Norby & Nils Landgren). 7. Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix; The ACT Family Band feat. Cæcilie Norby, Nguyên Lê, Céline Bonacina & Wolfgang Haffner). Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen African Flashback / Romano; Sclavis; Texier; Le Querrec. - 1 CD. 1. Berbére. 2. Derriére le sable. 3. Harvest. 4. Entre chien et loup. 5. Threee children. 6. African panther 69. 7. Surreal politik. 8. Viso di donna. 9. Fó lion. 10. Le long du temps. 11. 55 wheels. 12. Look the lobis. 13. Dieu n‘existe pas. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Alexandra Lehmler Quintett: Sundance. - 1 CD. 1. Sundance. 2. Baggerseensucht. 3. Who knows...? 4. Diamond dust. 5. Intro. 6. Madres de Plaza De Mayo. 7. Another popsong? 8. Herrensauna. 9. Anda Jaleo. 10. Letzte Runde im Hans Huckebein. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 4 Alexandra Lehmler Quintett: Die Welt von unten gesehen. - 1 CD. 1. La Revolte. 2. A cowboy‘s song. 3. Paris triste (Intro). 4 . Paris triste. 5. Minia-tur I. 6. Die Welt von unten gesehen. 7. Frieda. 8. Debout!. 9. Miniatur II. 10. Let‘s leave it all behind. 11. Guy Moquet. 12. La Revolte (Reprise). Bibliothek: Mannheim Allen, Tony: Secret agent. – 1 CD. 1. Secret agent. 2. Ijo. 3. Switch. 4 . Celebrate. 5. Ayenlo. 6. Busybody. 7. Pariwo. 8. Nina lowo. 9. Atuwaba. 10. Alutere. 11. Elewon po. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Anke Helfrich Trio: You‘ll see / Anke Helfrich Trio feat. Mark Turner. - 1 CD. 1. Upper West Side. 2. Pannonica. 3. You‘ll see. 4. Alone together. 5. Song for Larry. 6. Start up! 7. Take care. 8. September in the rain. 9. When I fall in love. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Apparat: The devil‘s walk. - 1 CD. 1. Sweet unrest. 2. Song of Los. 3. Black water. 4. Goodbye. 5. Candil de la calle. 6. The soft voices die. 7. Escape. 8. Ash/Black Veil. 9. A bang in the void. 10. Your house is my world. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Apparat: Krieg und Frieden. Music for theatre. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Archie Shepp Quartet: Archie Shepp Quartet. Recorded live at the Teatro Alfieri, Torino; 14. October 1977. Part 1. - 1 DVD. 1. A message from trane. 2. Lush life. 3. The scene is clean. Bibliothek: Mannheim Archie Shepp Quartet: Archie Shepp Quartet. Recorded live at the Teatro Alfieri, Torino; 14. October 1977. Part 2. - 1 DVD. 1. Things have got to change. 2. Sophisticated. 3. Steam. 4. Invitation. 5. Sonny‘s back. Bibliothek: Mannheim 5 Avishai Cohen Trio: From darkness. - 1 CD. 1. Beyond. 2. Abie. 3. Halelyah. 4. C#. 5. Ballad for an unborn. 6. From darkness. 7. Lost tribe. 8. Almah sleeping. 9. Signature. 10. Amethyst. 11. Smile. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bad Plus: The Bad Plus Joshua Redman. – 1 CD. 1. As this moment slips away. 2. Beauty has it hard. 3. County seat. 4. The mending. 5. Dirty blonde. 6. Faith through error. 7. Lack the faith but not the wine. 8. Friend or foe. 9. Silence is the question. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bad Plus: Give. - 1 CD. 1. 1979 semi-finalist. 2. Cheney pinata. 3. Street woman. 4. And here we test our powers of observation. 5. Frog and toad. 6. Velouria. 7. Layin‘ a strip for the higher-self state line. 8. Do your sums-die like a dog-Play for home. 9. Dirty blonde. 10. Neptune. 11. Iron man. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bad Plus: Inevitable western. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bad Plus: Motel / The Bad Plus featuring Ethan Iverson; Reid Anderson; David King. - 1 CD. 1. Knowing me knowing you (Abba). 2. Blue moon (Rodger & Hart). 3. 1972 Bronze medalist (King). 4. The breakout (Anderson). 5. Smells like teen spirit (Cobain). 6. Labyrinth (Iverson). 7. Scurry (Iverson). 8. Love is the answer (Anderson). Bibliothek: Mannheim Bad Plus: The Rite of Spring. The Bad Plus performs Stravinsky‘s masterpiece. 1 CD. First part: Adoration of earth. 1. Introduction. 2. The augurs of spring. 3. Ritual of abduction. 4. Spring rounds. 5. Games of the two rival tribes. 6. The sage / Dance on earth. Second part: The sacrifice. 7. Introduction. 8. Mystic circle of the young girls. 9. Glorification of the chosen one. 10. Evocation of the ancestors. 11. Sacrificial dance. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim 6 Bad Plus: Suspicious Activity? - 1 CD. 1. Prehensile Dream (R. Anderson). 2. Anthem for the Earnest (D. King). 3. Let Our Garden Grow (E. Iverson). 4. The Empire Strikes Backwards (D. King). 5. Knows the Difference (R. Anderson). 6. Lost of Love (R. Anderson). 7. Rhinoceros Is My Profession (R. Anderson). 8. O. G. (Original Gentleman) (E. Iverson). 9. (Theme From) Chariots of Fire (Vangelis). 10. Forces (R. Anderson). Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bad Plus: These are the vistas. - 1 CD. 1. Big eater. 2. Keep the bugs off your glass and the bears off your ass. 3. Smells like teen spirit. 4 . Everywhere you turn. 5. 1972 Bronze medalist. 6. Guilty. 7. Boo-wah. 8. Flim. 9. Heart of glass. 10. Silence is the question. 11. What love is this. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Bartmes, Jo: Flowmotion. - 1 CD. 1. Light at the End (feat. Fola Dada, Frank Spaniol, Sebastian Merk & John Bollinger). 2. Different (feat. Fola Dada, Frank Spaniol, John Bollinger & Sebastian Merk). 3. The Road Ahead. 4. Wake Me Up (feat. Fola Dada, Frank Spaniol, Oli Rubow & Sebastian Merk). 5. Human (feat. Frank Spaniol & Sebastian Merk). 6. No Enemy (feat. Fola Dada, Frank Spaniol, Sebastian Merk & John Bollinger). 7. Angel (feat. Fola Dada, Frank Spaniol, Sebastian Merk & Oli Rubow). 8. Let Forever Be (feat. Fola Dada, Bartmes, Frank Spaniol, John Bollinger & Sebastian Merk). 9. Loving You (feat. Fola Dada, Bartmes, Frank Spaniol & Sebastian Merk). 10. Move (feat. Bartmes, Frank Spaniol, Sebastian Merk & John Bollinger). Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bartmes, Jo: Me we. - 1 CD. 1. Speak up. 2. Two words. 3. Movin‘ on. 4. Flatlands. 5. Nu groove. 6. Pushpull. 7. In your car. 8. Gone. 9. Rrrrt, rrrt. 10. Dare.11. Surfin‘ to hell. 12. Me we. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bartmes, Jo: Modular soul. - 1 CD. 1. High taste. 2. Fair love. 3. Princess. 4. Authenticity. 5. Your guts. 6. Strange. 7. The source. 8. Berlin. 9. Let it be. 10. Mood. 11. Bungalloo. 12. Maneuver. 13. Pfeiffer. 14. Ladida. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 7 Bebelaar, Patrick: Book of family affairs / Bebelaar; Joos; Lenz. - 1 CD. 1. Mother and son. 2. Natuschkas song. 3. Song for Thelonius. 4. Sharp structure. 5. Love song. 6. Tango. 7. Requiem for W. W. 8. My reflection in your eyes. Bibliothek: Mannheim Berendt, Joachim-Ernst: Das Jazzbuch. Von New Orleans bis ins 21. Jahrhundert / Joachim-Ernst Berendt; Günther Huesmann. Fischer Taschenbuchverlag. - 927 Seiten. Es werden – stellvertretend für viele – die Musiker ausführlich gewürdigt, die prägend für die Entwicklung der letzten Jahre waren. So werden z. B. David Murray und Wynton Marsalis als Vertreter des Klassizismus der 80er Jahre vorgestellt. In den verschiedenen Instrumentalkapiteln werden selbstverständlich ebenfalls stilbildende Musiker ergänzt; darüber hinaus wird auch über neue Entwicklungen im Instrumentalbereich selbst berichtet. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Billy Hart Quartet: Billy Hart Quartet. - 1 CD. 1. Mellow B. 2. Moment‘s notice. 3. Charvez. 4. Confirmation. 5. Lorca. 6. Irah. 7. Lullaby for Imke. 8. Iverson‘s Odyssey. 9. Neon. Bibliothek: Mannheim Bist Eulen? / Ernst Jandl, Stimme; Lauren Newton, Stimme; Wolfgang Puschnig, Altsaxophon, Baßklarinette, Flöte und Stimme; Woody Schabata, Marimbaphon, Vibraphon, Tablas, Tarabuka und Synthesizer; Mathias Rüegg, künstlerische Leitung und Stimme. - 1 CD. Tohuwabohu. Glückwunsch. Calypso. Sehnsucht. Justice. Der wahre Vogel. Auf dem Land. Viel (Vieh). Bitte keine Musik I. Die Mutter und das Kind. Chanson. Da. Bericht über Malmö. Die Morgenfeier. My heart laps up (Oberflächenübersetzung). Amt mit Schwalben. Eulen. Bitte keine Musik II. Falken und Tauben Bibliothek: Mannheim Bjørnstad, Ketil: Before the light / Ketil Bjørnstad; Eivind Aarset; Nora Taksdal; Kjetil Bjerkestrand. – 1 CD. 1. Before the light no. 1. 2. Gentle. 3. Intimacy. 4. Taipei nights no. 1. 5. Before the light no. 2. 6. Cookie‘s face no. 1. 7. Cake‘s taxi dreams. 8. Seeing things. 9. Behind the mask. 10. Taipei nights no. 2. 11. Before the light no. 3. 12. Cookie‘s face. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 8 Bjørnstad, Ketil: La notte / Ketil Björnstad; Andy Sheppard; Anja Lechner; Eivind Aarset; Arild Andersen; Marilyn Mazur. - 1 CD. La notte I-VIII. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bjørnstad, Ketil: Remembrance / Ketil Bjørnstad. Tore Brunborg; Jon Christensen. – 1 CD. Remembrance I - XI. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bjørnstad, Ketil: Water stories / Ketil Bjørnstad. Terje Rypdal; Jon Christensen. – 1 CD. 1. Glacial reconstruction. 2. Levels and degrees. 3. Surface movements. 4. The view, 1 u. 2. 5. Between memory and presentiment. 6. Ten thousand years later. 7. Waterfall. 8. Flotation and surroundings. 9. Riverscape. 10. Approaching the sea. 11. History. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bley, Carla: The lost chords find Paolo Fresu. - 1 CD. 1.-6. The Banana Quintet. 7. Liver of life. 8. Death of Superman / Dream Sequence # 1 - Flying. 9. Ad Infinitum. Bibliothek: Mannheim Bley, Paul: In the evenings out there / Paul Bley; Gary Peacock; Tony Oxley; John Surman. – 1 CD. 1. Afterthoughts. 2. Portrait of a silence. 3. Soft touch. 4 . Speak easy. 5. Interface. 6. Alignment. 7. Fair share. 8. Article four. 9. Married alive. 10. Spe-cu-lay-ting. 11. Tomorrow today. 12. Note police. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bollani, Stefano: Joy in spite of everything / Stefano Bollani; Jesper Bodilsen; Morten Lund; Mark Turner; Bill Frisell. - 1 CD. 1. Easy healing. 2. No pope no party. 3. Alobar e kudra. 4. Las hortensias. 5. Vale Teddy. 6. Ismene. 7. Tales from the time loop. 8. Joy in spite of everything. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bourelly, Jean-Paul: Boom Bop / Jean-Paul Bourelly; Archie Shepp; Henry Threadgill. - New York, NY : Jazz Magnet Records, 2000. - 1 CD Trackliste: 1. Gumbe. 2. New Afro blu. 3. Three chambers of diop. 4. Silent rain. 5. Root one. 6. Invisible indivisible. 7. Kinetic threadness. 8. Brother boom bap. 9. Tara. 10. Griot sunset. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim 9 Brad Mehldau Trio: The Art of the trio, Part 1. - 1 CD. 1. Blame it on my youth. 2. I didn‘t know what time it was. 3. Ron‘s place. 4. Lament for Linus. 5. Mignon‘s song. 6. I fall in love too easily. 7. Lucid. 8. Nobody else but me. 9. Blackbird. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Brad Mehldau Trio: Brad Mehldau Trio live. At the Village Vanguard 2006. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Introduction. 2. Wanderwall. 3. Ruby‘s rub. 4. O que será. 5. B-flat waltz. 6. Black hole sun. 7. The very thought of you. CD2: 1. Buddha realm. 2. Fit cat. 3. Secret beach. 4. C.T.A. 5. More than you know. 6. Countdown. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Brad Mehldau Trio: Day is done. - 1 CD. 1. Knives out. 2. Alfie. 3. Martha my dear. 4. Day is done. 5. Artis. 6. Turtle town. 7. She‘s leaving home. 8. Granada. 9. 50 ways to leave your lover. 10. No moon at all. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Brad Mehldau Trio: Highway rider. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. John Boy. 2. Don‘t be sad. 3. At the toolbooth. 4. Highway rider. 5. The falcon will fly again. 6. Now you must climb alone. 7. Walking the peak. CD 2: 1. We‘ll cross the river together. 2. Capriccio. 3. Sky turning grey (for Elliott Smith). 4. Into the city. 5. Old West. 6. Come with me. 7. Always departing. 8. Always returning. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Brad Mehldau Trio: House on hill. - 1 CD. 1. August ending. 2. House on hill. 3. Bealtine. 4. Boomer. 5. Backyard. 6. Fear and trembling. 7. Embers. 8. Happy tune. 9. Waiting for Eden. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Brad Mehldau Trio: Ode. - 1 CD. 1. M.B. 2. Ode. 3. 26. 4 . Dream sketch. 5. Bee blues. 6. Twiggy. 7. Kurt vibe. 8. Stan the man. 9. Eulogy for George Hanson. 10. Aquaman. 11. Days of Dilbert Delaney. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Brad Mehldau Trio: Where do you start. - 1 CD. 1. Got me wrong. 2. Holland. 3. Brownie speaks. 4. Baby plays around. 5. Airegin. 6. Hey Joe. 7. Samba e amor. 8. Jam. 9. Time has told me. 10. Aquelas coisas todas. 11. Where do you start? Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 10 Brahem, Anouar: Souvenance: music for oud, quartet and string orchestra / Anouar Brahem; Pietro Mianiti; François Couturier. - 1 CD. 1. Improbable day. 2. Ashen sky. 3. Deliverance. 4 . Souvenance. 5. Tunis at dawn. 6. Youssef‘s song. 7. January. 8. Like a dream. 9. On the road. 10. Kasserine. 11. Nouvelle vague (Variation). Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Bratsch: Plein du monde. - 1 CD. 1. Bilovengo. 2. L‘almée phénomène. 3. Tavès bartalo. 4. Mangeur de lune. 5. Nié boudité. 6. Oyfin veg. 7. Au bar est barré Papa (Opa Cupa). 8. Fratelli. 9. S‘envoler loin. 10. Paroles en l‘air et pas perdus. 11. Erjaii ga alf Leila (Mille et une nuits sans toi). 12. La goutte d‘eau. 13. Enfants d‘la bise. 14. Bien roulée. 15. Nous chantons. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Bratsch: Urban Bratsch. - 1 CD. 1. Sirba Din Joc De Constanca / Hora. 2. Scétate. 3. Fuego. 4. Dans Le Ciel De Ma Rue. 5. Ska Fonce. 6. On Peut Toujours Rêver. 7. RER C. 8. Intro Garo. 9. La Bonne Aventure. 10. Carambole. 11. La Fiancee Du Pirate. 12. Cliches. 13. Malakoff. 14. Pharizm. 15. Siyale. 16. Katunsko Horo. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Brecker, Michael: Pilgrimage / Michael Brecker; Pat Metheney, guitars; Herbie Hancock, piano; Brad Mehldau, piano; John Patitucci, bass; Jack DeJohnette, drums. - 1 CD. 1. The mean time. 2. Five months from midnight. 3. Anagram. 4. Tumbleweed. 5. When can I kiss you again? 6. Cardinal rule. 7. Half moon lane. 8. Loose threads. 9. Pilgrimage. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Brian Blade & The Fellowship Band: Season of changes. - 1 CD. 1. Rubylous lullaby. 2. Return of the prodigal son. 3. Stoner Hill. 4. Season of changes. 5. Most precious one. 6. Most precious one (Prodigy). 7. Improvisation (Jon & Myron). 8. Alpha and omega. 9. Omni. Bibliothek: Mannheim Bro, Jakob: Gefion. - 1 CD. 1. Copenhagen. 2. And they all came marching out of the woods. 3. White. 4. Lyskaster. 5. Airport poem. 6. Oktober. 7. Ending. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim 11 Brubeck, Dave: Young lions & old tigers / Dave Brubeck with special guests: Jon Hendricks, vocal; George Shearing, piano; Gerry Mulligan, baritone saxophone .... - 1 CD. 1. Roy Hargrove. 2. How high the moon. 3. Michael Brecker waltz. 4. Here comes McBride. 5. Joe Lovano tango. 6. In your own sweet way. 7. Joshua Redman. 8. Together. 9. Moody. 10. Gerry-go-round. 11. Ronnie Buttacavoli. 12. Deep in a dream. Bibliothek: Mannheim Brunborg, Tore: Slow snow / Tore Brunborg; Eivind Aarset; Steinar Raknes; Per Oddvar Johansen. – 1 CD. 1. Shelter. 2. Tune in. 3. History. 4. Tree strong, tall swaying, swinging, sighing. 5. Now‘s the time. 6. Wherever you go. 7. Lost and found. 8. Liquefied. 9. Slow snow. 10. Light a fire fight a liar. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Built To Spill: There is no enemy. - 1 CD. 1. Aisle 13. 2. Hindsight. 3. Nowhere lullaby. 4. Good ‚ol boredom. 5. Life‘s a dream. 6. Oh yeah.7. Pat. 8. Done. 9. Planting seeds. 10. Things fall apart. 11. Tomorrow. 12. Water sleepers. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Built To Spill: Untethered Moon. - 1 CD. 1. All our songs. 2. Living zoo. 3. On the way. 4. Some other song. 5. Never be the same. 6. C.R.E.B. 7. Another day. 8. Horizon to cliff. 9. So. 10. When I‘m blind. Bibliothek: Mannheim Cantuaria, Vinicius: Samba Carioca / Vinicius Cantuaria; Bill Frisell; Brad Mehldau; Marcos Valle. - 1 CD. 1. Praia grande. 2. Berlin. 3. Vagamente. 4. Inutil paisagem. 5. Julinha de Botas. 6. Fugiu. 7. Orla. 8. Conversa fiada. 9. So ficou saudade. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Carrington: bande originale du film. - 1 CD. Adagio aus dem Streichquintett in C-Dur op. post. 163 (Quintette, Vl 1 2 Va Vc 1 2, D 956 <2. Satz>) / Franz Schubert Bibliothek: Mannheim 12 Charles Lloyd Quartet: Mirror. – 1 CD. 1. I fall in love too easily. 2. Go down Moses. 3. Desolation sound. 4. La llorona. 5. Caroline, no. 6. Monk‘s mood. 7. Mirror. 8. Ruby, my dear. 9. The water is wide. 10. Lift every voice and sing. 11. Being and becoming. 12. Tagi. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Chillout moods. Rain dances / Enigma; Christopher Franke; Sacred Spirit; Ennio Morricone; Michael Nyman. -2 CDs. Bibliothek: Mannheim Chisholm, Hayden Danyl : Breve / Hayden Chisholm; John Taylor; Matt Penman. – 1 CD. 1. Patche. 2. Barely a moon. 3. Tinkerbell swing. 4. The elf of plants. 5. Augmented waltz. 6. Pass a cage, Lea. 7. So it goes. 8. Inebriate waltz. 9. Fly. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Cohen, Avishai: Seven seas. - 1 CD. 1. Dreaming. 2. About the tree. 3. Seven seas. 4. Halah. 5. Staav. 6. Ani aff. 7. worksong. 8. Hayo hayta. 9. Two roses. 10. Tres Hermanicans eran. Bibliothek: Mannheim Coltrane, John; Shepp, Archie: New thing at Newport. – 1 CD. 1. One down, one up. 2. My favorite things. 3. Rufus. 4. Le matin des noire. 5. Skag. 6. Call me by my rightful name. 7. Gingerbread, gingerbread boy. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Coltrane, Ravi: Spirit fiction / Ravi Coltrane; Ralph Alessi; James Genus; Eric Harland; Geri Allen; Joe Lovano. - 1 CD. 1. Roads cross (Ravi Coltrane). 2. Klepto (Ralph Alessi). 3. Sprit fiction (Ravi Coltrane). 4. The change, my girl (Ravi Coltrane). 5. Who wants ice cream (Ralph Alessi). 6. Spring & Hudson (Ravi Coltrane). 7. Cross roads (Ravi Coltrane). 8. Yellow cat (Ralph Alessi). 9. Check out time (Ornette Coleman). 10. Fantasm (Paul Motian). 11. Marilyn & Tammy (Ravi Coltrane). Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Copland, Marc: Modinha. New York Trio recordings, vol. 1. - 1 CD. 1. Half a finger snap. 2. Modinha. 3. Flat out. 4. Rain. 5. Slap happy. 6. Sweet peach tree. 7. Aglasia. 8. Yesterdays. 9. Taking a chance on love. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 13 Copland, Marc: Voices. New York Trio recordings, vol. 2 / Marc Copland. Gary Peacock. Paul Motian. - 1 CD. 1. Vignette. 2. Albert. 3. River‘s run. 4. Voices. 5. Runner. 6. That‘s it? 7. All blues. 8. At night. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Copland, Marc; Peacock, Gary: What it says. – 1 CD. 1. Ladder. 2. Vignette. 3. Watching the silence. 4. Around in the air. 5. Colors o hue. 6. Talkin‘ Blues. 7. Calls & answers. 8. In a dance. 9. From the well. 10. Skim. 11. Requiem. 12. Vignette. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Craig Taborn Trio: Chants. – 1 CD. 1. Saints. 2. Beat the ground. 3. In chant. 4. Hot blood. 5. All true night. 6. Future perfect. 7. Cracking hearts. 8. Silver ghosts. 9. Silver days or love. 10. Speak the name. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Creating magic. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Black is the color of my true love‘s hair / Jasper van‘t Hof & Bob Malach. 2. Visa fran utanmyra / Jan Johansson & Georg Riedel. 3. Fried bananas / Philip Catherine & Martin Wind. 4. Red rain / Viktoria Tolstoy & Jacob Karlzon. 4. Polygon / Michael Wollny & Marius Neset. 5. Pastoral / Gwilym Simcock & Yuri Goloubev. 6. Song from the valley / Nils Landgren & Esbjörn Svensson. 7. Tears for Esbjörn / Iro Rantala & Michael Wollny. 8. Improvisation over la folia / Bugge Wesseltoft & Henning Kraggerud. 9. Avec le temps / Youn Sun Nah & Ulf Wakenius. 10. Letter to E. / Adam Baldych & Yraon Herman. 11. Un amor / Gerado Nunez & Renaud Garcia-Fons. CD 2: 1. Nightsong / Sidsel Endresen & Bugge Wesseltoft. 2. Green dance / Christof Lauer & Jens Thomas. 3. Lacrima Christi / Nguyên Lê & Paolo Fresu. 4. Pasodoble / Lars Danielsson & Leszek Mozdzer. 5. Up on a fir tree / George Mraz & Emil Viklický. 6. Tango loco / Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic. 7. Lover man / Heinz Sauer & Joachim Kühn. 8. T.N.T. / Jens Thomas & Verneri Pohjola. 9. Fate / Wayne Krantz & Bob Malach. Jämtpelle / Jonas Knutsson & Johan Norberg. 10. O mio babbino caro / Danilo Rea & Flavio Boltro. 11. You stole my heart / Eddie Harris & Gil Goldstein. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Crispell, Marilyn: Free Flight. Live at Enjoy Jazz Festival 2010 / Marilyn Crispell; Erwin Ditzner; Sebastian Gramss. - 1 CD. 1. Free Flight. 2. Just Right. 3. By my Side. 4 . Low Light. 5. Valentine. Bibliothek: Heidelberg 14 Crispell, Marilyn; Motian, Paul; Peacock, Gary: Amaryllis. - 1 CD. 1. Voices from the past. 2. Amaryllis. 3. Requiem. 4. Medley: Conception vessel, Circle dance. 5. Voices. 6. December greenwings. 7. Silence. 8. For Manfred Eicher. 9. Rounds. 10. Avatar. 11. Morpion. 12. Prayer. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Danielsson, Lars: Liberetto II / Lars Danielsson; Tigran; John Parricelli; Magnus Öström; Mathias Eick; Caecilie Norby. - 1 CD. 1. Grace. 2. Passacaglia. 3. Miniature. 4. Africa. 5. Tima. 6. Blå. 7. Violet. 8. Swedish song. 9. Eilat. 10. View from the apple tree. 11. The truth. 12. Beautiful darkness. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Danielsson, Lars: Tarantella / Lars Danielsson; Leszek Mozdzer; Mathias Eick; John Parricelli; Eric Harland. - 1 CD. 1. Pegasus. 2. Melody on wood. 3. Traveller‘s wife. 4. Traveller‘s defense. 5. 1000 ways. 6. Ballet. 7. Across the sun. 8. Introitus. 9. Fiojo. 10. Tarantella. 11. Ballerina. 12. The madonna. 13. Postludium. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen David Murray Power Quartet: Like a kiss that never ends. - 1 CD. 1. Blues for Felix. 2. Like a kiss that never ends. 3. Dedication. 4. Suki suki now. 5. Ruben‘s theme song. 6. Mo‘ bass. 7. Let‘s cool one. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen David Murray Quartet: Body and soul. - 1 CD. 1. Slave song. 2. Celebration dance. 3. Body and soul. 4 . Doni‘s song. 5. Remembering the chief of St. Marys. 6. Odin. 7. Cuttin‘s corners. Bibliothek: Mannheim David Murray Quartet: I want to talk about you. - 1 CD. 1. Heart to heart. 2. Quads. 3. Red car. 4. I want to talk about you. 5. Morning song. Bibliothek: Mannheim David Murray Quartet: Morning Song. - 1 CD 1. Morning song. 2. Body and soul. 3. Light blue frolic. 4. Jitterbug waltz. 5. Off season. 6. Duet. Bibliothek: Mannheim 15 David Murray Quartet: A sanctuary within / David Murray Quartet featuring Sunny Murray; Kahil El‘Zabar; Tony Overwater. - 1 CD. 1. Short and sweet. 2. Mountain song. 3. Return of the lost tribe. 4. Waltz to heaven. 5. A sanctuary within - Part I. 6. A sanctuary within - Part II. 7. Most of all. 8. Song for new South Africa. 9. Ballad for the blackman. Bibliothek: Mannheim David Murray Trio: The Hill. - 1 CD. 1. Santa Barbara and Crenshaw Follies. 2. The Hill. 3. Fling. 4. Take the Coltrane. 5. Herbie Miller. 6. Chelsea Bridge. Bibliothek: Mannheim David Murray Trio: Sweet lovely. - 1 CD. Seite A: 1. Coney Island. 2. Corazon. Seite B: 1. The Hill. 2. Hope / Scope. Bibliothek: Mannheim Di Battista, Stefano: Trouble shootin‘ / Stefano di Battista. Feat. Russell Malone, guitar; Eric Harland, drums; Fabrizio Bosso, trumpet; Baptiste Trotignon, orgue Hammond. - 1 CD. 1. I will love you. 2. Midnight blue. 3. The serpent‘s charm. 4 . Under her spell. 5. The Jody Grind. 6. Echoes of Brazil. 7. Alexanderplatz blues. 8. Essaouira. 9. Weather or not. 10. This here. 11. Trouble shootin‘. Bibliothek: Mannheim Di Battista, Stefano: Woman‘s land. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Dinné, Ignaz: Back home / Ignaz Dinné; Pete Rende; Matt Penman; Jochen Rueckert. – 1 CD. 1. Tiny tune. 2. Sunrise. 3. 4th Avenue. 4. Back home. 5. Südstern. 6. Body and soul. 7. Free Pete. 8. Toy tune. 9. Epilogue. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen The Draughtsman‘s Contract / music by Michael Nyman. - 1 CD . 1. Chasing sheep is best left to shepherds. 2. The disposition of the linen. 3. A watery death. 4. The garden is becomming a robe room. 5. Queen of the night. 6. An eye for optical theory. 7. Bravura in the face of grief. Bibliothek: Mannheim 16 Dreyfus Night in Paris. The concert was recorded on July 7th, 1994 at the Palais des Sports in Paris / Miller; Petrucciani; Lagrène White; Garrett. - 1 CD. 1. Tutu. 2. The king is gone. 3. Looking up. Bibliothek: Mannheim Drowning by numbers / music by Michael Nyman. A film by Peter Greenaway. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Easy Playalong Recorder Solo Début. Film themes; from Finding Neverland, The Lion King, E.T., The Godfather, The Piano, The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King, Jurassic Park, Breakfast at Tiffany‘s, Titanic & Toy Story / A.P. Kaczmarek; Elton John; John Williams; Nino Rota; Michael Nyman ... 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Echo Jazz 2010. Deutscher Musikpreis . - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Hajskraj / Tingvall Trio. 2. 6000000 / Frederik Köster Quartett. 3. Who will comfort me / Melody Gardot. 4. Cante del banco / Renaud Garcia-Fons. 5. Ubaramarabu / Henning Sieverts. 6. Tschpiso / Roy Hargrove. 7. Knegg (Dark horse) / Helge Sunde Ensemble Denada. 8. Count Duke / Uri Caine Bedrock. 9. Bill / Angelika Niescier. 10. Wordless / Wolfgang Haffner. 11. Quiet nights / Diana Krall. CD 2: 1. Disfarmer theme / Bill Frisell. 2. Helix / Vijay Iyer Trio. 3. Dirty water / Curtis Stigers. 4. Please stop me now / Billy Hart. 5. Jabberwocky / Branford Marsalis. 6. The cat from Katmandu (live) / Klaus Doldinger. 7. À la recherche d‘une métaphore / Céline Rudolph. 8. To what shall I compare this life / Theo Bleckmann. 9. Kabinett V / Michael Wollny. 10. The quiet American / Charlie Mariano. 11. A child is born / Paul Kuhn. - DVD: The boy from Ipanema / Diana Krall. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Echo Jazz 2011. Deutscher Musikpreis. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Sunday / Rusconi. 2. Storm in a teacup / Lyambiko. 3. Into the city / Brad Mehldau. - 4. L.P. (For Les Paul) / Lee Ritenour. 5. Lost mind / Thomas Quasthoff. 6. Etude No.1 / Eric Schaefer. 7. Estelle / Heiko Fischer. 8. Everybody‘s got to learn sometime / Till Brönner. 9. Peace / Joachim & Rolf Kühn. 10. Behind the heartbeat / Nils Wogram Root 70. CD 2: 1. Song for Mrs. Jonathan Brisby / Tim Allhoff. 2. Breakfast in Bagdad / Youn Sun Nah. 3. Cha con Marimba / Omar Sosa. NDR Big Band. 4. Hallelujah, I love her so / David Sanborn. 5. The git go / Ray Anderson. 6. O Là / Dieter Ilg. 7. Brief eternity / Bobby Mcferrin. 8. All Blues / Heinz Sauer. 9. In water / [em] Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. 10. Feedback Pt.2 / Jason Moran. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 17 Echo Jazz 2013: Deutscher Musikpreis. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Mira / Melody Gardot. 2. Alkebu lan / Christian Scott. 3. The room of imagination / Adam Baldych. 4. Bolero / Giovanni Weiss. 5. Mona Lisa liut / Caro Josée. 6. Ghana / Sebastian Sternal. 7. J. Mac / Kenny Garrett. 8. Der Schizophrene / Michael Schiefel. 9. The peacocks / Lutz Häfner. 10. La Sicilia / Bollani, Stefano & NDR BigBand. CD 2: 1.The star of a story / Vijay Iyer. 2. Filaments / Florian Weber. 3. Der Poet / Wolfgang Schlüter & NDR Bigband. 4. Baltimore / Malia. 5. Svenja / Bastian Jütte. 6. Goodbye sorrow / Nils Wülker. 7. Things have changed / Curtis Stigers. 8. Metal / Michael Wollny‘s [EM]. 9. Le peuhl virtuel / Hans Lüdemann. 10. Bar Ballade / Sebastian Gramss. 11. Rudy-go-round / Brian Blade. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Eick, Mathias: The door / Mathias Eick, music, guitar, trumpet, vibraphone; Jon Balko, piano; Audun Erlien, bass, guitar; Audun Kleive, drums, percussion. - 1 CD. 1. The door. 2. Stavanger. 3. Cologne blues. 4. October. 5. December. 6. Williamsburg. 7. Fly. 8. Porvoo. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Eick, Mathias: Midwest. - 1 CD. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Eick, Mathias: Skala. - 1 CD. 1. Skala. 2. Edinburgh. 3. June. 4. Oslo. 5. Joni. 6. Biermann. 7. Day after. 8. Epilogue. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Eldorado Trio: Eldorado Trio. 1 CD. 1. Let it drop. 2. To Steve Lacy. 3. Up down up. 4. La visite. 5. Summer worlds. 6. Possibilities. 7. Eldorado. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen [em]: Call it. - 1 CD. 1. Wakey, wakey. 2. The mean spider of tandorine. 3. Thursday is the last day. 4. What wright left. 5. Bells. 6. Ictus. 7. Es sind Berge nicht länger Berge. 8. Mehr als einmal. 9. Tale. 10. Fatigue. Bibliothek: Mannheim 18 [em]: 3. - 1 CD. 1. Sempre Igor. 2. Arsène Somnabule. 3. Wo leichte Kähne fliehen. 4. Monsters: Symmetriads. 5. Ephemere Phone. 6. Love of her life. 7. Nocturne. 8. Kiyoshi. 9. Lautloser Adel. 10. What Kurtag left. 11. Grieg‘s last bow. 12. Gravité. 13. Redux. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim [em]: [em] Live. - 1 CD. 1. Blüten. 2. Shelley. 3. Phlegma phighter. 4 . Sov lilla Alma. 5. Kiyoshi. 6. In water. 7. Etude no 1. 8. Arsène somnambule. 9. Gorilla biscuits. 10. Break it. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen [em]: Wasted & wanted. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Wasted & wanted. 2. Symphony No V, Mov 1: Trauermarsch. 3. Metall. 4. Blank. 5. Kulintang. 6. Cembalo Manifeszt. 7. Wasserklavier. 8. Ihr Bild. 9. Nr. 10. 10. Das Modell. 11. Dario. 12. Whiteout. Bonus CD: „Live at JazzFest Berlin 2011“: 1. Wasted & wanted. 2. Blank. 3. Metall. 4. The fearless vampire killers. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen [em]: II. - 1 CD. 1. Bruder. 2. Phlegma phighter. 3. Funèbre. 4. Irradians. 5. Another Mr. Lizard. 6. Moving. 7. Takashi. 8. Schwester. 9. So will die Sonn‘ nun untergehen. 10. Walpurgisnacht. 11. Brizzle. 12. Rica. 13. Dance & Grow. 14. Schneefall. 15. Gorilla Biscuits. Bibliothek: Mannheim Emile Parisien Quartet: Au revoir Porc-Epic. - 1 CD. 1. Poupée russe. 2. Le clown tueur de la fête foraine. 3. Hysm. 4. Pitét‘ le fil rouge. 5. Eskal. 6. Pterois volitan. 7. Au revoir porc-épic. 8. L‘amante religieuse. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Emile Parisien Quartet: Spezial Snack. - 1 CD. 1. Potofen. 2. Haricot guide. 3. Mazout Damnation. 4. Les flics de la police. 5. Francois. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim 19 Enjoy Jazz: compilation. Vol.1. A selection of the Enjoy Jazz Festival Program 2006 / [The National Trust; Lou Rhodes; Hanne Hukkelberg; Ulrike Haage; Johnny La Marama; Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin; Susanne Abbuehl; Malene Mortensen ... - 1 CD. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Enjoy Jazz: compilation. Vol.2. A selection of the Enjoy Jazz Festival Program 2007 / Kammerflimmer Kollektief; Barbara Lahr; The Neil Cowley Trio; Battles; Maya Homburger & Barry Guy; Dino Saluzzi & Anja Lechner ... - 1 CD. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Enjoy Jazz: compilation. Vol. 3. 15 years Enjoy Jazz / Bugge Wesseltoft; Michel Godard; Nik Bärtsch; Ryuichi Sakamoto; Michael Wollny‘s [em]; Bartmes; Claus Boesser-Ferrari; Thomas Siffling Trio ... 1 CD. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Die Ernst-Jandl-Show. Wien-Museum Karlsplatz, 4. November 2010 bis 13. Februar 2011; Literaturhaus Berlin, 11. März bis 15. Mai 2011; eine Ausstellung des Wien-Museums und des Ludwig-BoltzmannInstituts für Geschichte und Theorie der Biographie in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek / Bernhard Fetz; Hannes Schweiger (Herausgeber). Residenz-Verlag. - 159 Seiten. Bibliothek: Mannheim F. à Léo. Hommage à Leó Ferré / Roberto Cipello; Paolo Fresu; Philippe Garcia; Gianmaria Testa; Attilio Zanchi. - 1 CD. 1. Avec le temps. 2. Les forains. 3. A Saint Germain des près. 4. Lettura art poétique. 5. Vingt ans. 6. Lettura art poétique. 7. Les poétes. 8. F. 9. Lettura art poétique. 10. Free poétique. 11. Monsieur William. 12. Lettura art poétique. 13. L‘Adieu. 14. Lontano lontano. 15. Lettura art poétique. 16. Colloque sentimental. 17. Col tempo / Avec le temps. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Fly: Sky & Country / Fly with Mark Turner, saxophones; Larry Grenadier, double-Bass; Jeff Ballard, drums. - 1 CD. 1. Lady B. 2. Sky & country. 3. Elena Berenjena. 4. CJ. 5. Dharma Days. 6. Anandananda. 7. Perla Morena. 8. Transfigured. 9. Super sister. Bibliothek: Mannheim Fresu, Paolo: 30! / Paolo Fresu Quintet. - 1 CD . Bibliothek: Heidelberg 20 Fresu, Paolo: The Blue Note years. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Kosmopolites. 2. Spazi Provvisori. 3. The silent trade. 4. T.R.E.A.P. 5. Yara. 6. O.F.T. 7. 20th. Incantamento. 8. Respiro. 9. Like cab. 10. DB thinking. 11. Cronache mancate. 12. Gallantry. 13. Rosso, verde, giallo e blu. 14. Ulixes. 15. Sull‘estremo confine del mare. 16. Rock. CD 2: 1. Si dolce è il tormento. 2. Cheney‘s dick. 3. Frammento de coraggioso. 4. Sonia said. 5. Fellini. 6. Solar. 7. Il tempo del sogno. 8. Devil‘s game, Labbra biancha (Medley). 9. Il diavolo e l‘acquasanta. 10. Another road to Timbuctu. 11. Lascia ch‘lo oiango. 12. Think. 13. Ossi. 14. Tema celeste. 15. Blood money. 16. In memoriam. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Fresu, Paolo: Evening song / Paolo Fresu; Furio Di Castri. - 1 CD. 1. Intro per Stella. 2. Stella by Starlight. 3. El Barrio. 4. Don‘t open here. 5. Una notte sul divano. 6. Ossi di seppia. 7. My funny Valentine. 8. Evening song. 9. Il sogno del Pescecane. 10. Intro per un Basso nel Buio. 11. Un Basso nel Buio. 12. Maree. 13. Rolling car. 14. Stratotrumpet Blues. Bibliothek: Mannheim Fresu, Paolo: Kosmopolites. Plays the music of Roberto Cipelli / Paolo Fresu 5et. - 1 CD. 1. In viaggio. 2. Kosmopolites. 3. Spazi Provvisori 1. 4. In stretta vicinanza. 5. Calasetta. 6. Hush please!. 7. Negli occhi. 8. Visions. 9. Echoes 1. 10. Spazi Provvisori 2. 11. The ride. 12. Echoes 2. 13. Variazione 12. 14. The silent trade. 15. Lascia ch’io pianga. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Fresu, Paolo : Mare Nostrum / Fresu; Galliano; Lundgren. - 1 CD. 1. Mare Nostrum. 2. Principessa. 3. Eu Nao Existo Sem Voce. 4. The Seagull. 5. Que Reste-T-Il De Nos Amours?. 6. Years Ahead. 7. Sonia‘s Nightmare. 8. Chat Pitre. 9. Valzer Del Ritorno. 10. Open Your Mind. 11. Liberty Waltz. 12. Mio Mehmet, Forse Il Destino M‘impedirà Di rivederti. 13. Ma Mère L‘oye. 14. Para Jobim. 15. Varvindar Friska. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Fresu, Paolo: Mistico Mediterraneo / Paolo Fresu; Daniele di Bonaventura; A Filetta Corsican Voices. - 1 CD. 1. Rex Tremendae / A Filetta Corsican Voices. 2. Liberata / Paolo Fresu. 3. Da Tè À Mè / Daniele Bonaventura. 4. Le Lac / Daniele Bonaventura. 5. Dies Irae / Daniele Bonaventura. 6. Gloria / Paolo Fresu. 7. Corale / Paolo Fresu. 8. La Folie Du Cardinal / Daniele Bonaventura. 9. U Sipolcru / A Filetta Corsican Voices. 10. Scherzi Veranili / Daniele Bonaventura. 11. Figliolu D‘ella / Daniele Bonaventura. 12. Gradualis / Paolo Fresu. 13. Sanctus / Daniele Bonaventura. Bibliothek: Heidelberg 21 Fresu, Paolo: Thinking. Paolo Fresu plays the music of Ettore Fioravanti / Paolo Fresu 5tet. - 1 CD. 1. Montevideo. 2. DB thinking. 3. Laborioso. 4. Gallantry. 5. Alonso santafe. 6. Marlene. 7. Pepe. 8. Ibla. 9. Blues sacrosanto. 10. Danza della Fata dei confetti. 11. Cronache mancate. 12. Salamandra. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Fresu, Paolo; Di Bonaventura, Daniele: In maggiore. - 1 CD. 1. Da capo cadenza. 2. Ton kozh. 3. O que será / el pueblo unido jamàs será. 4. Vencido. 5. Non ti scordar di me. 6. Sketches. 7. Apnea. 8. Te recuerdo amanda. 9. La mia terra. 10. Kyrie Eleison. 11. Quando me‘n vò. 1. 12. Se va la murga. 13. Calmo. 14. In maggiore. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Fresu, Paolo; Sosa, Omar: Alma / Paolo Fresu & Omar Sosa featuring Jacques Morellenbaum. 1 CD. 1. S‘inguldu. 2. Inverno Grigio. 3. No Trance. 4. Alma. 5. Angustia. 6. Crepuscolo. 7. Moon On The Sky. 8. Old D Blues. 9. Niños (Medley). 10. Nenia (Medley). 11. Under African Skies. 12. Rimanere Grande!. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Garrett, Kenny: Pursuance / Kenny Garrett; Pat Metheny; Brian Blade. - 1 CD. 1. Countdown. 2. Equinox. 3. Liberia. 4. Dear Lord. 5. Lonnie’s lament. 6. After the rain. 7. Like Sonny. 8. Pursuance. 9. Alabama.10. Giant steps. 11. Latifa. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Garrett, Kenny: Triology / Kenny Garrett; Kiyoshi Kitagawa; Brian Blade. - 1 CD. 1. Delfeayo‘s dilemma. 2. Night and day. 3. Giant steps. 4. A time for love. 5. Wayne‘s thang. 6. Pressing the issue. 7. Koranne said. 8. Oriental towaway zone. 9. In your own sweet way. 10. What is this thing called love? Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gary Peacock Trio: Now this. - 1 CD. 1. Gaia. 2. Shadows. 3. This. 4. And now. 5. Esprit de muse. 6. Moor. 7. Noh blues. 8. Christa. 9. Vignette. 10. Gloria‘s step. 11. Requiem. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gattaca / Regie: Andrew Niccol. Musik: Michael Nyman ... - 1 DVD. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 22 Gojo, Filippa: Vertraum. - 1 CD. 1. Lazy afternoon. 2. Wer ku ka ka ku. 3. Do mo trinkt bloach osom bach. 4. Low slow. 5. My water. 6. Trusting the uncertainty. 7. Woass net, wo i ane wett. 8. As hot it solle si. 9. Das minimale Spieluhren-Spiel. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Goldberg, Aaron: Home. - 1 CD. 1. Canción por la unidad Latinoamericana. 2. Shed. 3. Homeland. 4 . I mean you. 5. The rules. 6. Luiza. 7. Isn‘t she lovely. 8. The sound of snow. 9. Aze‘s bluzes. 10. A time for love. Bibliothek: Mannheim Gräwe, Georg: Concert San Francisco 1995. Gedächtnisspuren – 7 Klavierstücke. - 1 CD. 1 - 7. Stück 1 - 7. Bibliothek: Mannheim Gramss, Sebastian: Atopie. - 1 CD. 1. Fluidum. 2. Voyager. 3. Fispern. 4. Was ist da. 5. Research I. 6. Research II. 7. calmo. 8. Beamen. 9. Prospect park. 10. Im Saft. 11. Wispeln. 12. Research III. 13. Research IV. 14. Autark. 15. Calmando. 16. Sympathetic. 17. Das ist... was. 18. Experiment. 19. Stehgreif. 20. Tranquillo. Bibliothek: Mannheim Gurtu, Trilok: 21 Spices. NDR Bigband / Trilok Gurtu with Simon Phillips; Jörg Achim Keller. - 1 CD. 1. Peace Of Five. 2. 1-2 Beaucoup. 3. Kuruk setra. 4. Balahto. 5. Broken Rhythms. 6. Jhulelal. 7. 21 Spices. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Gurtu, Trilok: The glimpse / Trilok Gurtu; Lars Danielsson; Paolo Fresu. – 1 CD. 1. Cherry town. 2. Beaucoup.3. Law years. 4 . A ilha do caju. 5. Future heat. 6. Glimpse. 7. Don. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Gurtu, Trilok: Massical. - 1 CD. 1. Seven Notes To Heaven. 2. Bridges. 3. Mumbai Shuffle. 4. Havatight. 5. Dive In. 6. Monk-e-desh. 7. Kuruksetra. 8. Pathri. 9. Etnosur. 10. Massical. Bibliothek: Heidelberg 23 Gurtu, Trilok: Spellbound / Trilok Gurtu. With Paolo Fresu; Hasan Gözetlik; Matthias Höfs; Ibrahim Maalouf; Nils Petter Molvaer. - 1 CD. 1. Improvisation live: Don Cherry & Trilok Gurtu. 2. Manteca. 3. Jack Johnson / Black satin. 4. Cuckoo. 5. Berchidda. 6. Like popcorn. 7. Haunting. 8. Universal mother. 9. Spellbound. 10. All blues. 11. Cosmic roundabout / Brown rice. 12. Thank you by Don Cherry. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Häfner, Lutz : Deep / Lutz Häfner & Rainer Böhm. - 1 CD. 1. The Nearness of You. 2. The Peacocks. 3. The Thrill Is Gone. 4. Retrato Em Branco E Preto. 5. Love Theme from Spartacus. 6. I Loves You Porgy. 7. Everytime We Say Goodbye I Die a Little. 8. Esta Tarde Vi Llover. 9. I Should Care. 10. With Every Breath I Take. 11. You Know I Care. 12. You Must Believe in Spring. 13. Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most. 14. Crescent. 15. Comes Love. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Halo, Laurel: Chance of rain. - 1 CD. 1. Dr. Echt. 2. Oneiroi. 3. Serendip. 4. Chance of rain. 5. Melt. 6. Still/ Dromos. 7. Thrax. 8. Ainnome. 9. Out. Bibliothek: Mannheim Harding, Curtis: Soul Power. - 1 CD. 1. Next time. 2. Castaway. 3. Keep on shining. 4. Freedom. 5. Surf. 6. I don‘t wanna go home. 7. Beautiful people. 8. The drive. 9. Heavens on the other side. 10. Drive my car. 11. I need a friend. 12. Cruel world. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Hart, Billy: All our reasons / Billy Hart; Ethan Iverson; Mark Turner; Ben Street. - 1 CD. 1. Song for Balkis. 2. Ohnedaruth. 3. Tolli‘s dance. 4. Nostalgia for the impossible. 5. Duchess. 6. Nigeria. 7. Wasteland. 8. Old wood. 9. Imke‘s march. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Henry Grimes Trio: Live at the Kerava Jazz Festival. - 1 CD. 1. Spin. 2. Eighty degrees. 3. Flowers for Albert. 4 . Blues for Savanah. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 24 Herman, Yaron: Alter ego / Yaron Herman; Emile Parisien; Logan Richardson; Stéphane Kerecki; Ziv Ravitz. - 1 CD. 1. Atlas and Axis. 2. Mojo. 3. Heart break through. 4. Your eyes. 5. La confusion sexuelle des papillons. 6. Ukolébavka (Wiegenlied). 7. From Afar. 8. Sunbath. 9. Hatikva. 10. Mechanical brothers. 11. Madeleine. 12. Kaos. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Hörvergnügen / Presented by the Association for Jazz and world music made in Germany. - 10. Stefanie Neigel; Jürgen Hagenlocher; Martin Tingvall; Yakou Tribe; Dánjal; Underkarl; Unterbiberger Hofmusik; Caroll Vanwelden. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Holland, Dave: Prism / Dave Holland. Craig Taborn; Kevin Eubanks; Eric Harland. - 1 CD. 1. The watcher. 2. The empty chair. 3. Spirals. 4. Choir. 5. The color of iris. 6. A new day. 7. The true meaning of determination. 8. Evolution. 9. Breathe. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Ilg, Dieter: Parsifal / Dieter Ilg; Rainer Böhm; Patrice Heral. -1 CD. 1. Zum Raum wird hier die Zeit. 2. Glocken. 3. Parsifal. 4. Morgengebet. 5. Ich bin ein reiner Tor. 6. Zaubergarten. 7. Amfortas. 8. Unerhörtes. 9. Herzeleid. 10. Kundry. 11. Von Welt zu Welt. 12. Klageruf. 13. Sehnsucht. Biblothek: Heidelberg Indigo 4: Kaleido. - 1 CD. 1. Intro: Jazz funeral. 2. Pussy hair. 3. Water everywhere. 4. The Indaco feline. 5. Atmosphere 1: paolino‘s scream. . 6. Land movement in 5/4. 7. Atmosphere 2: the II connection. 8. Slow bars. 9. Jazz has just left the building and now is fighting against me. 10. Almost cried. 11. Evidence. 12. Atmosphere 3: spacebones. 13. Low tide. 14. Filter freak. 15. Sheep freak Bibliothek: Mannheim James Farm: City folk. - 1 CD. 1. Two steps. 2. Unknown. 3. North star. 4. Mr. E. Farms. 5. Otherwise. 6. Jury‘s out. 7. Aspirin. 8. City folk. 9. What remains. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 25 James Farm: James Farm / Joshua Redman; Aaron Parks; Matt Penman; Eric Harland. 1 CD. 1. Coax. 2. Polliwog. 3. Bijou. 4. Chronos. 5. Star crossed. 6. 1981. 7. I-10. 8. Unravel. 9. If by air. 10. Low fives. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim James, José: Yesterday I had the blues / José James; Jason Moran; John Patitucci; Eric Harland. - 1 CD. 1. Good morning heartache. 2. Body and soul. 3. Fine and mellow. 5. I thought about you. 6. What a little moonlight can do. 7. Tenderly. 8. Lover man. 9. God bless the child. 2. Strange fruit. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Jandl, Ernst: Eile mit Feile. - Autorenlesung. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Jandl, Ernst: Letzte Gedichte. Luchterhand-Literaturverlag. - 123 Seiten. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Jandl, Ernst: Peter und die Kuh. Gedichte. Luchterhand-Literaturverlag. 161 Seiten. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Jandl, Ernst: Vom vom zum zum / Ernst Jandl. Lauren Newton,Gesang; Wolfgang Puschnig,Holzblasinstrumente & Stimme; Uli Scherer, Klaviere & Stimme; Mathias Rüegg, Projektleitung. - 1 CD. Deutsches Gedicht. Wanderung. Augenspiel. Painful love. What you can do without vowels. Ein Ichmich. Bettler. Gut Kleid. Wachsender Pianist. Pi. 20 Klavierstücke. Bald kann er eine Oktave spannen. Sonatine. Etüde in f. Zimmerbild. Sentimental journey. Wiener Trilogie. Alphabet Bibliothek: Mannheim Jarrett, Keith: Live in Japan 93 / 96. Rrecorded live in Tokyo, July 25, 1993 at Open Theatre East and March 30, 1996 at Hitomi Memorial Hall / Keith Jarrett; Gary Peacock; Jack DeJohnette. - 2 DVDs. DVD 1 (1993): 1. Introduction. 2. In your own sweet way. 3. Butch and butch. 4. Basin street blues. 5. Solar. 6. Extension. 7. If I were a bell. 8. I fall in love too easily. 9. Oleo. 10. Bye bye blackbird. 11. The cure. 12. I thought about you. DVD 2 (1996): 1. Introduction. 2. It could happen to you. 3. Never let me go. 4. Billie‘s bounce. 5. Summer night. 6. I‘ll remember April. 7. Mona Lisa. 8. Autumn leaves. 9. Last night when we were young. 10. Caribbean sky. 11. John‘s abbey. 12. My funny valentine. 13. Song. 14. All the things you are. 15. Tonk. Bibliothek: Mannheim 26 Jarrett, Keith: My Foolish Heart. Live at Montreux / Keith Jarrett; Gary Peacock; Jack DeJohnette. -2 CDs. Disc 1: 1. Four. 2. My Foolish Heart. 3. Oleo. 4. What‘s New. 5. The Song Is You. 6. Ain‘t Misbehavin‘. Disc 2: 1. Honeysuckle Rose. 2. You Took Advantage Of Me. 3. Straight, No Chaser. 4. Five Brothers. 5. Guess I‘ll Hang My Tears Out To Dry. 6. On Green Dolphin Street. 7. Only The Lonely. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Jarrett, Keith: Sleeper. Tokyo, April 16, 1979 / Jarrett, compositions, piano; Garbarek, saxophones, flute; Danielsson, double-bass; Christensen, drums, percussion. - 2 CDs. 1. Personal mountains. 2. Innocence. 3. So tender. 4. Oasis. 5. Chant of the soli. 6. Prism. 7. New dance. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Jarrett, Keith: Somewhere / Keith Jarret; Gary Peacock; Jack DeJohnette. - 1 CD. 1. Deep space. 2. Solar. 3. Stars fell on Alabama. 4 . Between the devil and the deep blue sea. 5. Somewhere. 6. Everywhere. 7. Tonight. 8. I thought about you. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Jarrett, Keith: Whisper Not. Live in Paris 1999 / Keith Jarrett; Gary Peacock; Jack DeJohnette. - 2 CDs. Disc 1: 1. Bouncin‘ With Bud. 2. Whisper Not. 3. Groovin‘ High. 4. Chelsea Bridge. 5. Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams. 6. Round Midnight. 7. Sandu. Disc 2: 1. What Is This Thing Called Love. 2. Conception. 3. Prelude To A Kiss. 4. Hallucinations. 5. All My Tomorrows. 6. Poinciana. 7. When I Fall In Love. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Jarrett, Keith; De Johnette, Jack; Peacock, Gary: Yesterdays. - 1 CD. 1. Strollin‘. 2. You Took Advantage Of Me. 3. Yesterdays. 4. Shaw‘nuff. 5. You‘ve Changed. 6. Scrapple From The Apple. 7. Sleepin‘ Bee, A. 8. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. 9. Stella By Starlight. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Jarrett, Keith; Garbarek, Jan; Danielsson, Pelle: Belonging / all composed by Keith Jarrett, piano; Jan Garbarek, tenor, soprano saxes; Palle Danielsson, bass; Jon Christensen, drums. - 1 CD. 1. Spiral dance. 2. Blossom. 3. Long as you know you‘re living yours. 4. Belonging. 5. The windup. 6. Solstice. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 27 Jarrett, Keith; Peacock, Gary; Motian, Paul: At the deer head inn. - 1 CD. 1. Solar. 2. Basin street blues. 3. Chandra. 4. You don‘t know what love is. 5. You and the night and the music. 6. Bye bye blackbird. 7. It‘s easy to remember. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Jarrett, Keith; Peacock, Gary; De Johnette, Jack: Changes. - 1 CD. 1. Flying, part one and part two. 2. Prism. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Jarrett, Keith; Peacock, Gary; De Johnette, Jack: The cure. Live at Town Hall New York. 1 CD. 1. Bemsha swing. 2. Old folks. 3. Woody ‚n‘ you. 4. Blame it on my youth. 5. Golden earrings. 6. Body and soul. 7. The cure. 8. Things ain‘t what they used to be. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Jarrett, Keith ; Peacock, Gary ; De Johnette, Jack: Inside out. – 1 CD. 1. From the body. 2. Inside out. 3. 341 free fade. 4. Riot. 5. When I fall in love. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Jarrett, Keith; Peacock, Gary; De Johnette, Jack: The Out-of-Towners. 1 CD. 1. Intro. 2. I can‘t believe that you‘re in love with me. 3. You‘ve changed. 4. I love you. 5. The out-oftowners. 6. Five brothers. 7. It‘s all in the game. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Jarrett, Keith; Peacock, Gary; De Johnette, Jack: Setting standards – New York sessions. - 3 CDs. CD 1: 1. Meaning of the blues. 2. All the things you are. 3. It never entered my mind. 4 . The Masquerade is over. 5. God bless the child. CD 2: 1. So tender.2. Moon and sand. 3. In love in vain. 4. Never let me go. 5. If I should lose you. 6. I fall in love too easily. CD 3: „Changes“: Flying part 1. Flying part 2. Prism. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Jarrett, Keith ; Peacock, Gary ; De Johnette, Jack: Standards live. - 1 CD. 1. Stella by starlight. 2. The wrong blues. 3. Falling in love with love. 4. Too young to go steady. 5. The way you look tonight. 6. The old country. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 28 Jazz: Festival International de Jazz de Montreal; compilation Jazz Justin Time / Jeri Brown; Leon Thomas; World Saxophone Quartet; David Murray; The Valentino Orchestra; Oliver Jones; Joel Miller. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Jazz at Berlin Philharmonic IV. Accordion night / Vincent Peirani; Stian Carstensen; Régis Gizavo; Klaus Paier. - 1 CD. 1. Tango loco. 2. South Africa. 3. Love. 4. Horgalaten. 5. Oriental hoedown. 6. Egyptian fantasy. 7. Song of Medina - casbah. 8. 3 temps pour Michel‘P. 9. Libertango. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Joachim Kühn Trio: Voodoo sense / Joachim Kühn Trio inviting Archie Shepp. - 1 CD. 1. Kulu Se. 2. Gbalele. 3. L‘eternal Voyage. 4. Voodoo Sense. 5. Crossing the Mirror. 6. Firehorse. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen John Abercrombie Quartet: Wait till you see her. – 1 CD. 1. Sad song. 2. Line-up. 3. Wait till you see her. 4. Trio. 5. I‘ve overlooked before. 6. Anniversary waltz. 7. Out of towner. 8. Chic of araby. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Joos, Herbert: Adagio 1+2 / Herbert Joos; Michel Godard; Wolfgang Puschnig. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Adagio. 2. Lush life. 3. Someone to watch over me. 4. Things we did last summer. 5. Portrait of Jennie. 6. If you could see me now. 7. Midnight sun. CD 2: 1. Blue. 2. Red. 3. Orange. 4. Green. 5. Yellow. 6. Just a piece. 7. Blues for Eric. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Joshua Redman Elastic Band: Momentum. - 1 CD. 1. Soundcheck. 2. Sweet Nasty. 3. Just a moment. 4. Shut your mouth. 5. The crunge. 6. Riverwide. 7. Greasy G. 8. Loneny woman. 9. Swunk. 10. Blowing changes. 11. Double jeopardy. 12. Put it in your pocket. 13. Showtime. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Joshua Redman Quartet: Moodswing. - 1 CD. 1. Sweet sorrow. 2. Chill. 3. Rejoice. 4 . Faith. 5. Alone in the morning. 6. Mischief. 7. Dialogue. 8. The oneness of two (in three). 9. Past in the present. 10. Obsession. 11. Headin‘ home. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim 29 Joshua Redman Quartet: Passage of time / Joshua Redman Quartet. - 1 CD. 1.Before. 2. Free speech, phase I. 3. Free speech, phase II. 4. Our minuet. 5. Bronze. 6. Time. 7. Enemies within. 8. After. Bibliothek: Mannheim Jost, Ekkehard: Sozialgeschichte des Jazz. - Zweitausendeins. - 420 Seiten. Bibliothek: Heidelberg The jubilee album - 20 magic years / Michael Wollny‘s [em] .... - 1 CD. 1. Symphony No. V, Mov 1: Trauermarsch Michael Wollny‘s [em], Eva Kruse & Eric Schaefer. 2. Heart Shaped Box / Yaron Herman Trio. 3. Bitter Ballad / Youn Sun Nah. 4. Shapes (Feat. Nils Landgren + Lars Danielsson) Wolfgang Haffner. 5. Tarantella / Lars Danielsson. 6. Brutal Truth / Ida Sand. 7. Dancing / Ulf Wakenius. 8. The Seagull / Paolo Fresu, Richard Galliano & Jan Lundgren. 9. From Gagarin‘s Point Of View / Esbjörn Svensson Trio. 10. Love Is Real / Viktoria Tolstoy. 11. Close to You / Rigmor Gustafsson & Jacky Terrasson Trio. 12. Shadows in the Rain / Christof Lauer, Jens Thomas & Sidsel Endresen. 13. Calima / Gerardo Nunez & Chano Dominguez. 14. Lapp Nils Polska / Nils Landgren & Esbjörn Svensson. 15. I Walk the Line / Joel Harrison. 16. Idoma / Nguyên Lê. 17. What Child Is This (Greensleeves) Bugge Wesseltoft. 18. Norwegian Psalm / Michael Gibbs & Joachim Kühn. 19. Tangos / Vince Mendoza & Arif Mardin. 20. Thank You For The Music / Nils Landgren Funk Unit. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Karl Ivar Refseth Trio: Praying. - 1 CD. 1. Amen. 2. Postludium part 1. 3. Snowy weather. 4. Lullaby for Benjamin. 5. Fliege nach Hause. 6. Okerblä part 1. 7. Rest in peace part 1. 8. Postludium part 2. 9. Okerblä part 2. 10. Rest in peace part 2. Bibliothek: Mannheim Katché, Manu: Manu Katché. – 1 CD. 1. Running after years. 2. Bliss. 3. Loving you. 4. Walking by your side. 5. Imprint. 6. Short ride. 7. Beats & bounce slowing the tides. 8. Loose. 9. Dusk on carnon. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Katché, Manu: Neighbourhood / Manu Katché; Tomasz Stanko; Jan Garbarek; Marcin Wasilewski; Slawomir Kurkiewicz. – 1 CD. 1. November 99. 2. Number one. 3. Lullaby. 4. Good influence. 5. February sun. 6. No rushb. 7. Lovely walk. 8. Take off and land. 9. Miles away. 10. Rose. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 30 Katché, Manu: Playground / music/drums by Manu Katché; Mathias Eick, trumpet; Trygve Seim, saxophone; Marcin Wasilewski, piano; Slawomir Kurkiewicz, double-bass; David Torn, guitar. - 1 CD. 1. Lo. 2. Pieces of emotion. 3. Song for her. 4. So groovy. 5. Morning joy. 6. Motion. 7. Project 58. 8. Snapshot. 9. Possible thought. 10. Inside game. 11. Clubbing. 12. Song for her (var.). Bibliothek: Mannheim Katché, Manu: Touchstone for Manu / Manu Katché; Jan Garbarek; Tomasz Stanko; Nils Petter Molvaer; Trygve Seim; Mathias Eick. - 1 CD. 1. Song for her. 2. Number one. 3. Take off and land. 4. So groovy. 5. Morning joy. 6. Keep on trippin‘. 7. Senses. 8. Swing piece. 9. Running after years. 10. Slowing the tides. 11. Bliss. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Keith Jarrett Trio: Bye Bye Blackbird. - 1 CD. 1. Bye Bye Blackbird. 2. You won‘t forget me. 3. Butch and butch. 4. Summer night. 5. For miles. 6. Straight, no chaser. 7. I thought about you. 8. Blackbird, bye bye. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Keith Jarrett Trio: Standards. Recorded „live“ at Koseinekin Hall, Tokyo on February 15, 1985. - 1 DVD. I wish I knew. If I should lose you. Late lament. Rider. It‘s easy to remember. So tender. Prism. Stella by starlight. God bless the child. Bibliothek: Mannheim Keith Jarrett Trio: Standards II. Recorded „live“ at Hitomi Memorial Hall, Tokyo on October 26, 1986. - 1 DVD. You don‘t know what love is, With a song in my heart, When you wish upon a star, all of you, Blame it on my youth, Love letters, Georgia on my mind, You and the night and the music, When I fall in love, On Green Dolphin Street, Woody‘n you, Young and foolish. Bibliothek: Mannheim Konitz, Lee: After hours / Lee Konitz; Bill Peterson; Kenny Horst. - 1 CD. 1. It‘s you or no one. 2. Alone together. 3. Mr. Green. 4. Sweet and lovely. 5. Stella by starlight. 6. How deep is the ocean. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 31 Konitz, Lee: Four classic albums. An Image – You and Lee – In Harvard Square. 2 CDs. CD 1: „An Image“: 1. ‚Round midnight. 2. The daffodil‘s smile. 3. I got it bad. 4. Music for alto saxophone and strings part 1. 5. Music for alto saxophone and strings part. 2. 6. Music for alto saxophone and strings part 3. 7. What‘s new. 8. Blues for our children. 9. An image of man, parts 1 - 7. - „You and Lee“: 10. Ev‘rything I‘ve got (Belong to you). 11. You don‘t know what love is. 12. You‘re driving me crazy. 13. I didn‘t know about you. 14. You‘re clear out of this world. 15. The more I see you. 16. You are too beautiful. CD 2: „You and Lee“: 1. I‘m getting sentimental over you. - „In Harvard Square“: 2. No splice. 3. She‘s funny that way. 4. Time on my hands. 5. Foolin‘ myself. 6. Ronnie‘s tune. 7. Froggy day. 8. My old flame. 9. If I had you. 10. Foolin‘ myself. 11. Ablution. - „Konitz“: 12. Easy livin‘. 13. Nursery rhyme. 14. Limehouse Blues. 15. I‘ll remember April. 16. Skylark. 17. Mean to me. 18. East 22nd. 19. Bob goes the leesel. Bibliothek: Mannheim Konitz, Lee: Indian summer. - 1 CD. 1. Retrospection. 2. Subconscious-Lee. 3. Tautology. 4. Judy. 5. Progression. 6. Fishin‘ around. 7. Marshmallow. 8. Sound-Lee. 9. You go to my head. 10. Rebecca. 11. Palo alto. 12. Ice cream Konitz. 13. Yesterdays. 14. Odjenar. 15. Ezz-thetic. 16. Hibeck. 17. Duet for Saxophone and guitar. 18. Indian summer. Bibliothek: Mannheim Konitz, Lee: Lee Konitz in Rio / all titles composed and arranged by Allan Botschinsky. - 1 CD. 1. Ocean song. 2. Easy dancing. 3. Rainy afternoon. 4. O carinho. 5. Waltz for Lee. 6. Goodbye Ipanema. Bibliothek: Mannheim Konitz, Lee: Live at Birdland / Lee Konitz; Brad Mehldau; Charlie Haden; Paul Motian. - 1 CD. 1. Lover Man. 2. Lullaby Of Birdland. 3. Solar. 4. I Fall In Love Too Easily. 5. You Stepped Out Of A Dream. 6. Oleo. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Konitz, Lee: Portrait of an artist as saxophonist. - 1 DVD. 1. Stella by starlight. 2. Struttin‘ with some barbecue. 3. Hi Beck. 4. Kary‘s trance. 5. Subconscious-Lee. 6. She‘s as wild as springtime. Bibliothek: Mannheim 32 Konitz, Lee: Seven classic albums. - 4 CDs. CD 1: Konitz 1954: 1. Easy livin‘. 2. Nursery rhyme. 3. Limehouse blues. 4. I‘ll remember April. 5. Skylark. 6. Mean to me. 7. 317 East 32ND. 8. Bop goes the leesel. - Jazz at Storyville - 1954: 9. Introduction by John McLelland. 10. Hi Beck. 11. If I had you. 12. Sunconscious. 13. Sound lee. 14. Foolin‘ myself. 15. Introduction by John McLelland. 16. Ablution. 17. These foolish things. 18. End announcement introduction by John McLelland. CD 2: Lee Konitz with Warne Marsh - 1954: 1. Topsy. 2. There will never be another you. 3. I can‘t get started. 4. Donna Lee. 5. Two not one. 6. Don‘t squawk. 7. Ronnie‘s line. 8. Background music. - Inside Hi-Fi - 1956: 9. Kary‘s trance. 10. Everything happens to me. 11. Sweet and lovely. 12. Cork ‚n‘ bib. 13. All of me. 14. Star eyes. CD 3: Inside Hi-Fi - 1956 cont.: 1. Nesuhi‘s instant. 2. Indiana. - Tranquility - 1957: 3. Stephanie. 4. Memories of you. 5. People will say we‘re in love. 6. When you‘re smiling. 7. Sunday. 8. Lennie Bird. 9. The nearness of you. 10. Jonquil. - Very cool - 1958: 11. Sunflower. 12. Stairway to the stars. 13. Movin‘ around. CD 4: Very cool - 1958 cont.: 1. Kary‘s trance. 2. Crazy she calls me. 3. Billie‘s bounce. - Motion - 1961: 4. I remember you. 5. All of me. 6. Foolin‘ myself. 7. You‘d be so nice to come home to. 8. I‘ll remember April. Bibliothek: Mannheim Konitz, Lee: Solos: The Jazz Sessions. - 1 DVD. 1. Thinking. 2. Kary‘s Trance. 3. The rebirth of cool. 4. Subconscious - Lee. 5. Improvisation #1. 6. What‘s new. Bibliothek: Mannheim Kühn, Joachim; Wollny, Michael: Piano Works IX – Live at Schloss Elmau. - 1 CD. 1. The colours of the wind. 2. Hexentanz. 3. Elmau. 4. Chaconne. 5. Sea walk. 6. Encore. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Kühn, Rolf: Inside out / Rolf Kühn feat. Michael Brecker, Till Brönner, Joachim Kühn, Lee Konitz. - 1 CD. 1. Working inside. 2. Roulette. 3. I got it bad and that ain‘t good. 4. Second visit. 5. Go from here. 6. Seeing Salinas again. 7. Kary‘s trance. 8. Liaison. 9. 4 Ornette. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 33 Lachenmann, Helmut: Furcht und Verlangen. Konzert-Filme von Peider A. Defilla; Aufzeichnungen der musica-viva-Aufführung vom 24. Oktober 2003 in der Lukaskirche München / Musik von Helmut Lachenmann. Aufgeführt vom Klangforum Heidelberg; Filme von Peider A. Defilla; Ausführende: Schola Heidelberg; ensemble aisthesis; Leitung: Walter Nußbaum - 1 DVD. ... zwei Gefühle ... Musik mit Leonardo. Consolation I. Consolation II. Mouvement (- vor der Erstarrung). FSK ab 18 Jahren Bibliothek: Mannheim Landgren, Nils: Eternal Beauty / Nils Landgren; Michael Wollny,piano; Lars Danielson,upright bass & cello; Rasmus Kihlberg, drums; Johan Norberg,guitars. - 1 CD. 1. Love of my life. 2. Another kind of blue. 3. Broken wings. 4. Dont let me be lonely tonight. 5. Green fields. 6. One frozen moment. 7. Eternal beauty. 8. Isnt it a pity. 9. Get here. 10. One more angel. 11. We dont need a other hero. 12. For your love. 13. Dear diary. 14. Love is real. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Landgren, Nils: Redhorn collection / Nils Landgren; Esbjörn Svensson; Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson; Rigmor Gustafsson... - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Traci. 2. Simple life. 3. You dig. 4. Da fonk. 5. Six beauties on a rooftop. 6. Riders on the storm. 7. Knowing me, knowing you. 8. House party. 9. Stuff like that. 10. Kibera sunrise. 11. Mag runs the voodoo down. 12. Get serious get a job. 13. Ain‘t nobody. 14. Ack värmeland, su sköna. CD 2: 1. Song from the valley. 2. Love of my life. 3. This masquerade. 4. The moon‘s a harsh mistress. 5. Siltent way. 6. Fire and rain. 7. Fragile. 8. Imagine. 9. You stole my heart. 10. The brightest smile in town. 11. I will survive. 12. Get here. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Lechner, Anja: Moderato cantabile : Komitas - Gurdjieff - Mompou / Anja Lechner, arrangements & Violoncello; François Couturier, arrangements & piano. - 1 CD. 1. Sayyid chant and dance no. 3 / Hymn no. 7. 2. Voyage. 3. Chinar es. 4. Cancion y danza VI. 5. Musica Callada XXVIII / Impresiones intimas I. 6. Soleil rouge. 7. Papillons. 8. Hymn no.8 / Night procession. 9. No. 11. 10. Fêtes Iointaines no. 3. 11. Impresiones intimas VIII „Secreto“. Bibliothek: Mannheim 34 Lee Konitz Kenny Wheeler Quartet: Live at Birdland Neuburg - 1 CD. 1. Lennies. 2. Where do we go from here. 3. Kind folk. 4. Thingin‘. 5. Sternenblume. 6. On Mo. 7. Olden times. 8. Aldebaran. 9. Play fiddle play. 10. Kary‘s trance. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Lee Konitz Quintet: Peacemeal. In this album Lee Konitz and his colleagues recast for jazz quintet three of Béla Bartóks piano compositions. - 1 CD. 1. Thumb under. 2. Lester leaps in. 3. Village joke. 4. Something to sing. 5. Peacemeal. 6. Body and soul. 7. Peasant dance. 8. Fourth dimension. 9. Second thoughts. 10. Subconsciou-Lee. 11. Lester leaps in (take 4). 12. Body and soul (take 3). 13. Subconscious-Lee (take 6). Bibliothek: Mannheim Lehmler, Alexandra: Jazz, Baby! - 1 CD. 1. Autoroute du soleil. 2. Superheld. 3. Snow in summer. 4. Thermoskop. 5. What‘s next? 6. Unterirdisch. 7. Klassentreff. 8. Traenenmeer. 9. Weltuntergang. 10. Hangover. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Lehmler, Alexandra: No blah blah. - 1 CD. 1. Feeling round. 2. Opener. 3. Felina by night. 4. Liegt alles noch vor uns. 5. All alone. 6. Wind, sand, sea and me. 7. Mo. 8. Supergau. 9. Vicious circles. 10. Nach der Rodung. 11. Schleierwolken. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Lennie Tristano Quintet: Lennie Tristano Quintet live in Toronto 1952 / featuring Warne Marsh and Lee Konitz. - 1 CD. 1. Lennie‘s pennies. 2. 317 East 32nd. 3. You go to my head. 4. April. 5. Sound-Lee. 6. Back home. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Liturgy: The Ark Work. - 1 CD. 1. Fanfare. 2. Follow. 3. Kel Valhaal. 4. Follow II. 5. Quetzalcoatl. 6. Father Vorizen. 7. Haelegen. 8. Reign array. 9. Vitriol. 10. Total war. Bibliothek: Mannheim Lloyd, Charles: Sangam / Charles Lloyd; Zakir Hussain; Eric Harland. - 1 CD. 1. Dancing on one foot. 2. Tales of rumi. 3. Sangam 4. Nataraj. 5. Guman. 6. Tender warriors. 7. Hymn to the mother. 8. Lady in the habour. 9. Little peace. Bibliothek: Mannheim 35 Lloyd, Charles: The water is wide / Charles Lloyd; Brad Mehldau; John Abercrombie; Larry Grenadier; Billy Higgins. - 1 CD. 1. Georgia. 2. The water is wide. 3. Black butterfly. 4. Ballade and allegro. 5. Figure in blue. 6. Lotus blossom. 7. The monk and the mermaid. 8. Song of her. 9. Lady day. 10. Heaven. 11. There is a balm in gilead. 12. Prayer. Bibliothek: Mannheim Loch, Siggi: Love of my Life. Dieses Buch zeigt faszienierende Fotografien von Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles, Klaus Doldinger, Johnny Griffin, Dexter Gordon, Cannonball Adderly, Little Richard, Nils Landgren u. v. m. ; ergänzt von vier Musik-CDs, die die Fotografien zum leben erwecken. Edel Classics / Ear Books - 126 Seiten, 4 CDs. Bibliothek: Mannheim Louis Sclavis & Bernard Struber Jazztet: Le phare. - 1 CD. 1. Le retour d‘ottomar. 2. Le phare. 3. Derniers regards. 4. Procession. 5. Manoir. 6. Kampala. 7. Les Marches. Bibliothek: Mannheim Louis Sclavis Quartet: Silk and salt melodies. - 1 CD. 1. Le parfum de I‘exil. 2. L‘homme sud. 3. L‘autre rive. 4. Sel et sole. 5. Dace for horses. 6. Des feux lointains. 7. Cortege. 8. Dust and dogs. 9. Prato plage. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Lovano, Joe: Tenor legacy / Joe Lovano; Joshua Redman; Mulgrew Miller. - 1 CD. 1. Miss Etna. 2. Love is a many splendored thing. 3. Blackwell’s message. 4. Laura. 5. Introspection. 6. In the land of Ephesus. 7. To her ladyship. 8. Web of fire. 9. Rounder‘s mood. 10. Bread and wine. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Low Frequency in Stereo: Futuro. - 1 CD. 1. Turnpike. 2. Texas fox. 3. Geordie La Forge. 4. Mt. Pinatubo. 5. Starstruck. 6. Sparkle drive. 7. The end is the end. 8. Solar system. Bibliothek: Mannheim Lumen Drones: Lumen Drones. - 1 CD. 1. Dark sea. 2. Ira Furore. 3. Anemone 4. Echo Plexus. 5. Lux. 6. Husky. 7. Keelwater. 8. Svartaskjaer. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim 36 Maalouf, Ibrahim: Wind / Ibrahim Maalouf; Mark Turner; Larry Grenadier... - 1 CD. 1. Doubts. 2. Suspicions. 3. Waiting. 4. Questions & answers. 5. Waiting. 6. Excitement. 7. Certainty. 8. Sensuality. 9. Issues. 10. Suprises. 11. Doubts 2. 12. Mystery. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen MacBride, Christian: Gettin‘ to it / Christian McBride; Roy Hargrove; Joshua Redman. - 1 CD. 1. In a hurry. 2. The shade of the cedar tree. 3. Too close for comfort. 4. Sitting on a cloud. 5. Splanky. 6. Gettin‘ to it. 7. Stars fell on Alabama. 8. Black moon. 9. King Freddie of Hubbard. 10. Night train. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Magic Malik: Short Cuts. - 1 CD. 1. 19114145. 2. Pop. 3. Jungle. 4. Botswana. 5. Wipe out. 6. Amerigo. 7. Sapapaw. 8. Disruption bomb. 9. Le tueur. 10. Odessa. 11. Sanction. 12. Tapisserie. Bibliothek: Mannheim Magic Malik Orchestra: 00-237-Xp-1. - 2 CDs. 1. Passage A Vide. 2. Le Miles. 3. Vienne. 4. 00-237. 5. La Boite. 6. So Nice. 7. Alti-Plan. 8. Duo 237. 9. Nigeria. 10. Estelle. 11. Hidden. 12. Xp‘1. 13. Xp‘2. 14. Xp‘3. 15. Xp‘4 . 16. Xp‘5 . 17. Xp‘6 . 18. Xp‘7 . 19. Xp‘7 Bis. 20. Xp‘8. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Magic Moments @ Schloss Elmau.Best of Swedish-German friendship concerts. - 1 CD. 1. Althrough you‘re gone / Viktoria Tolstoy. 2. Marion & Sam / Michael Wollny & Lars Danielsson. 3. Fragile / Nils Landgren & Michael Wollny. 4 . Blues panic / Chris Gall Trio with Nils Landgren. 5. Majas Polska / Jonas Knutsson; Johan Norberg; Kraja. 6. Fatigue / Michael Wollny; Lars Danielsson. 7. Jörg Brinkmann. 8. Don‘t talk to me / Christopher Dell & Ulf Wakenius. 9. Gia nel seno / Nils Landgren „New eyes on Bach“ with Jeanette Köhn. 10. Alpine music / Lars Danielsson; Christopher Dell; Nils Landgren. 11. Where did you sleep last night; Good morning Susie Soho / Oddjob. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 37 Magic moments. - 4. Jazz is cool. - 1 CD. 1. Azul / Wolfgang Haffner; Sebastian Studnitzky. 2. Sir Revival / Roberto di Gioia‘s Marsmobil; Wigald Boning. 3. Brutal Truth / Ida Sand; Lars Danielsson. 4. Blues panic / Chris Gall Trio; Nils Landgren. 5. We were Indians / Solveig Slettahjell slow motion Quintet. 6. Spam-boo-limbo / e.s.t. Esbjörn Svensson Trio. 7. Fragile / Landgren; Sendecki; Danielsson; NDR Big Band. 8. Yo vivo enamorao / Jan Lundgren Trio. 9. Hang ‚em high / Oddjob. 10. Silver white man / Josefine Cronholm; Factum est? 11. The Madonna / Danielsson; Mozdzer; Eick; Harland. 12. Jockey full of bourbon / Youn Sun Nah; Ulf Wakenius. 13. Galang (Trio Riot Version) / Vijay Iyer Trio. 14. ZigZag Blues / Cèline Bonacina Trio. 15. Si ay perdut mon sabre / Knut Rössler; Johannes Vogt; „Between the Times“. 16. The wind and the leaves / Dan Berglund‘s Tonbruket. 17. There must be an angel / Jessica Pilnäs; Dan Berglund; Wolfgang Haffner. 18. Nach Hause / McJazz; Humpe; Kluge; Weniger; Burkhardt. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Magic moments.- 5. In the spirit of jazz. - 1 CD. 1. Visa fran utanmyra / Jan Johansson; Georg Riedel. 2. Svantetic / Leszek Mozdzer. 3. Eleanor rigby Star / Nguyen Le & Youn Sun Nah. 4. Lasciatemi morire / Danilo Rea; Flavio Boltro. 5. Midnight walk / J. & R. Wasserfuhr; L. Danielsson; W. Haffner. 6. Come on, come over / Viktoria Tolstoy; Jacob Karlzon. 7. Heartbeat / Wolfgang Haffner; Sebastian Studnitzky. 8. Fragile / Nils Landgren; Michael Wollny. 9. Prelude in D-Minor / Esbjörn Svensson. 10. Love is real / Ida Sand; Nils Landgren. 11. Piano break song / Magnus Öström. 12. Le var / Tonbruket / Dan Berglund. 13. Shelley / Wollny; Kruse; Schaefer. 14. Eleven feels like heaven / Mo‘Blow. 15. Under the bridge / Three Fall. 16. No air / Caecilie Norby; Lars Danielsson. 17. One more waltz for Michel Petrucciani / Iiro Rantala. 18. At the end of this album / Verneri Pohjola. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Magic moments. - 6. In the spirit of jazz. - 1 CD. 1. Margit Hjukse / Bugge Wesseltoft; Henning Kraggerund. 2. Fool‘s gold / Jacob Karlzon. 3. Lament / Nah, Youn Sun. 4. Melodia del viento / Wolfgang Haffner; Thomas Quasthoff. 5. Waltz for JB / Vincent Peirani; Michael Wollny; Michael Benita. 6. The room of imagination / Adam Baldych; Marius Neset. 7. Someone like you / Torsten Goods. 8. Glocken / Dieter Ilg Trio; Rainer Böhm. 9. Tears of love / Christian Muthspiel. 10. Bayrum / Céline Bonacina Trio; Pascal Schumacher. 11. Stepping stone / Caecilie Norby; Lars Danielssohn; Leszek Mozdzer. 12. Troubadour / Klaus Paier; Asja Valcic. 13. The great he goat / Arne Jansen Trio. 14. Birch Song / In the Country; Morten Qvenild. 15. Suffering / Iiro Rantala; Leszek Mozdzer. 16. Volcano for hire / Radio String Quartet Vienna. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 38 Magic moments. - 7. Sounds of surprise. - 2014. - 1 CD. Egyptian fantasy / Vincent Peirani, Emile Parisien. 2. Grace / Lars Danielsson, Mathias Eick, Dominic Miller. 3. Broken wings / Nils Landgren Quartet. 4. A reflection / Pierrick Pedron Trio. 5. Dead end street / Tobias Christl. 6. Polygon / Michael Wollny, Marius Neset. 7. Karma / Liro Rantala, Adam Baldych, Asja Valcic. 8. Ned I vester soli glader / Solveig Slettahjell, In the country, Bugge Wesseltoft, Knut Reiersrud. 9. Springtime dancig / Manu Katché. 10. Momento magico / Ulf wakenius. 11. Magic spells / Nguyen Le, Youn Sun Nah. 12. Riverendings / Adam Baldych, Yaron Herman. 13. Bubbles / Jacob Karlzon 3. 14. I get along / Rigmor Gustafsson. 15. The key / Jerry Leonidé. 16. Tuareg / Rita Marcotulli, Luciano Biondini. Bibliothek: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Der Mann der Friseuse / Regie: Patrice Leconte. - 1 DVD. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Marcin Wasilewski Trio: January. - 1 CD. 1. The first touch. 2. Vignette. 3. Cinema Paradiso. 4. Diamonds and pearls. 5. Balladyna. 6. King Korn. 7. The Cat. 8. January. 9. The Young Cinema. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Marcin Wasilewski Trio: Faithful. - 1 CD. 1. An den kleinen Radioapparat. 2. Night train to you. 3. Faithful. 4. Mosaic. 5. Ballad of the sad young man. 6. Oz guizos. 7. Song for Swirek. 8. Woke up in the desert. 9. Big foot. 10. Lugano lake. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Marcin Wasilewski Trio: Spark of life. - 1 CD. 1. Austin. 2. Sudovian dance. 3. Spark of life. 4. Do rycerzy, do szlachty, do mieszczan. 5. Message in a bottle. 6. Sleep safe and warm. 7. Three reflections. 8. Still. 9. Actual proof. 10. Largo. 11. Spark of life. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Maribou State: Portraits. - 1 CD. 1. Home. 2. The Clown. 3. Rituals. 4.Steal. 5. Wallflower. 6. Say more. 7. Raincoats. 8. Midas. 9. Natural fools. 10. Varkala. Bibliothek: Mannheim Mark Turner Quartet: Lathe of heaven. - 1 CD. 1. Lathe of heaven. 2. Year of the rabbit. 3. Ethan‘s line. 4. The edenist. 5. Sonnet for Stevie. 6. Brother sister, 2. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 39 Masekela, Hugh: Grazing in the grass. - 1 CD. 1. The Boy‘s Doin‘ It. 2. Ha Lese Le Di Khanna. 3. Sipho. 4. Grazing In The Grass. 5. Child Of The Earth. 6. Phatsha-Phatsha. 7. Maesha. 8. Stimela (Coal Train). 9. Kwa-Blaney. 10. Emavungweni. 11. U, Dwi. 12. A Felicidade. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Masekela, Hugh: Homecoming concert. South Africa‘s Jazz Legend at his Sekunjalo Tour 1991; shot at Johannesburg‘s Standard Bank Arena. - 1 DVD. FSK ab 18 Jahren. 1. Opening poem. 2. Ntyilo ntyilo. 3. Sekunjalo (inst.). 4 . District six. 5. Dobbshire. 6. Johannesburg. 7. Sekunjalo (vocal). 8. Inkhaya lami. 9. Uptownship. 10. Ha le se. 11. Stop the war. 12. Stimela sa se zola. 13. Zabalaza. 14 . Lahl umlenze. 15. Stimela. 16. Nkosi sikelel‘ iAfrica. Bibliothek: Mannheim Masekela, Hugh: Jabulani. - 1 CD. 1. Sossie. 2. Fiela. 3. Bambezela. 4. Rosie My Girl. 5. Iph‘ Indlela. 6. Tsoang Tsoang. 7. Scatter My Dada. 8. Makoti (Bride). 9. Mfana. 10. Uyeyeni. 11. No Harvest (Asilimanga). Bibliothek: Heidelberg Masekela, Hugh: Phola / Hugh Masekela; David Klassen; Denny Lalouette; Erik Paliani. - 1 CD. 1. Mwanayu Wakula. 2. Ghana. 3. Bring it back home. 4. Malungelo. 5. Moz. 6. Sonnyboy. 7. Weather. 8. The joke of life (brinca de vivre). 9. Hunger. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Masekela, Hugh: Revival. - 1 CD. 1. After tears. 2. Woman of the sun. 3. Spring. 4. District six. 5. Open the door. 6. Nontsokolo. 7. Freshair. 8. Smoke. 9. Ibala lam. 10. Sleep. 11. For the love of you. 12. Working underground. Bibliothek: Mannheim Masekela, Hugh: Still grazing. The musical journey of Hugh Masekela. - 1 CD. 1. Child of the earth. 2. Ha lese le di khanna. 3. Felicidade. 4. Up, up, and away. 5. Bajabula bonke (The healing song). 6. Grazing in the grass. 7. Gold. 8. Mace and Grenades. 9. Languta. 10. Been such a long time gone. 11. Stimela (Coal train). Bibliothek: Mannheim 40 Mehldau, Brad: Elegiac cycle. - 1 CD. 1. Bard. 2. Resignation. 3. Memory‘s tricks. 4. Elegie for William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. 5. Lament for Linus. 6. Trailer park ghost. 7. Goodbye storyteller. 8. Rückblick. 9. The bard returns. Bibliothek: Mannheim Mehldau, Brad: Live in Marciac. - 2 CDs + 1 DVD. CD 1: 1. Storm (Mehldau). 2. It’s All Right with Me (Cole Porter). 3. Secret Love (Fain/Webster). 4. Unrequited (Mehldau). 5. Resignation (Mehldau). 6. Trailer Park Ghost (Mehldau). 7. Goodbye Storyteller (for Fred Myrow) (Mehldau). 8. Exit Music (for a Film) (Radiohead). CD 2. 1. Things Behind the Sun (Nick Drake). 2. Lithium (Kurt Cobain). 3. Lilac Wine (James Alan Shelton). 4. Martha My Dear (Lennon/McCartney). 5. My Favorite Things (Rodgers/Hammerstein). 6. Dat Dere (Bobby Timmons). Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Mehldau, Brad: Ode / Brad Mehldau Trio. - 1 CD. 1. M.B. 2. Ode. 3. 26. 4. Dream Sketch. 5. Bee Blues. 6. Twiggy. 7. Kurt Vibe. 8. Stan The Man. 9. Wyatt‘s Eulogy For George Hanson. 10. Aquaman. 11. Days Of Dilbert Delaney. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Mehldau, Brad: Songs. - 1 CD. 1. Song-Song. 2. Unrequited. 3. Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered. 4. Exit Music (For A Film). 5. At A Loss. 6. Convalescent. 7. For All We Know. 8. River Man. 9. Young At Heart. 10. Sehnsucht. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Mehldau, Brad: Where do you start / Brad Mehldau Trio. - 1CD. 1. Got Me Wrong. 2. Holland. 3. Brownie Speaks. 4. Baby Plays Around. 5. Airegin. 6. Hey Joe. 7. Samba E Amor. 8. Jam. 9. Time Has Told Me. 10. Aquelas Coisas Todas. 11. Where Do You Start. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Mehldau, Brad; Guiliana, Mark: Mehliana - Taming the dragon. - 1 CD. 1. Taming the dragon. 2. Luxe. 3. You can‘t go back now. 4. The dreamer. 5. Elegy for Amelia E. 6. Sleeping giant. 7. Hungry ghost. 8. Gainsbourg. 9. Just call me nige. 10. Sassyassed sassafrass. 11. Swimming. 12. London gloaming. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 41 Mehldau, Brad; Hays, Kevin: Modern music. - 1 CD. 1. Crazy quilt. 2. Unrequited. 3. Generatrix. 4. Celtic folk melody. 5. Excerpt from music for 18 musicians. 6. Lonely woman. 7. Modern music. 8. Elegia. 9. Excerpt from string quartet #5. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Metheny Mehldau Quartet: Metheny Mehldau Quartet. - 1 CD. 1. A Night Away. 2. The Sound of Water. 3. Fear and Trembling. 4. Don‘t Wait. 5. Towards the Light. 6. Long Before. 7. En La Tierra Que No Olvida. 8. Santa Cruz Slacker. 9. Secret Beach. 10. Silent Movie. 11. Marta‘s Theme (from „Passagio per il Paradiso“). Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Metheny, Pat: Metheny / Mehldau / Pat Metheny & Brad Mehldau. - 1 CD. 1. Unrequited. 2. Ahmid-6. 3. Summer day. 4 . Ring of life. 5. Legend. 6. Find me in your dreams. 7. Say the brother’s name. 8. Bachelor’s III. 9. Annie’s bittersweet cake. 10. Make peace. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Michael Wollny Trio: Weltentraum. - 1 CD. 1. Nacht. 2. Be free, a way. 3. Little person. 4. Lasse! 5. Fragment an sich. 6. In heaven. 7. Rufe in der horchenden Nacht. 8. When the sleeper wakes. 9. Hochrot. 10. Mühlrad. 11. Engel. 12. Un grand sommeil noir. 13. Fragment an sich. 14. God is a DJ. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Michael Wollny Trio: Weltentraum live – Philharmonie Berlin. – 1 CD. 1. Nacht. 2. Phlegma phighter. 3. Rufe in der horchenden Nacht. 4. When the sleeper wakes. 5. Lasse! 6. Engel. 7. Gorilla biscuits. 8. Little person. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Moderat: II. - 1 CD. 1. The mark (interlude). 2. Bad kingdom. 3. Versions. 4. Let in the light. 5. Milk. 6. Therapy. 7. Gita. 8. Clouded (interlude).9. Ilona. 10. Damage done. 11. This time. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Molvaer, Nils Petter: 1-1. - 1 CD. 1. Noise 1. 2. Step By Step. 3. Transition. 4. Development. 5. Further. 6. Future. 7. Development (Ricardo Mix Dig). 8. Noise 2. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 42 Molvaer, Nils Petter: Baboon Moon. - 1 CD. 1. Mercury Heart. 2. A Small Realm. 3. Recoil. 4. Bloodline. 5. Sleep With Echoes. 6. Blue Fandango. 7. Prince Of Calm. 8. Coded. 9. Baboon Moon. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Molvaer, Nils Petter: Er. - 1 CD. 1. Hover. 2. Softer. 3. Water. 4. Only these things count. 5. Sober. 6. Darker. 7. Feeder. 8. Dancer. Bibliothek: Mannheim Molvaer, Nils Petter: Hamada. - 1 CD. 1. Exhumation. 2. Sabkah. 3. Icy Altitude. 4. Friction. 5. Manacline. 6. Soft Moon Shine. 7. Monocline Revisited. 8. Cruel Altitude. 9. Lahar. 10. Anticline. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Molvaer, Nils Petter: Recoloured. The remix album / Nils Petter Molvær. Exklusives Remixes by Funkstörung, Herbert, Cinematic Orchestra u. a. - 1 CD. 1. Merciful Herbert‘s we mix). 2. Dead indeed (Jan Bang‘s 7:00 AM mix). 3. Solid ether (Underlying love mix). 4. Vilderness (Cinematic Orchestra mix). 5. Vilderness (Chilluminati mix). 6. Ligotage Phonoversion). 7. Kakonita (Deathproof mix). 8. Dead indeed Tunnel mix). 9. Ligotage (TeeBee mix). 10. Solid ether (Funkstörung mix). 11. Dead indeed (Pascal Gabriel mix). 12. Merciful / Ligotage (Incunabula mix). Bibliothek: Mannheim Molvaer, Nils Petter: Re-makes. - 1 CD. 1. Torn. 2. The Beginning. 3. Alone In The Bathtub. 4. Visitation. 5. Arctic Dub. 6. Perimeters. 7. Trp. Player In The Back Yard. 8. The End. 9. The Visitor. 10. Azad`s Theme. 11. Decisions. 12. Leaps And Bounds. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Molvaer, Nils Petter: Re-Vision. - 1 CD. 1. Torn. 2. The beginning. 3. Alone in the bathtub. 4. Visitation. 5. Artic dub. 6. Perimeters. 7. Trumpet player in the backyard. 8. The end. 9. The visitor. 10. Azads theme. 11. Decisions. 12. Leaps and bounds. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Molvaer, Nils Petter: Switch. - 1 CD. 1. Switch. 2. The Kit. 3. Intrusion I. 4 . Quiet comers. 5. Strange illows. 6. Intrusion VII. 7. Bathroom. 8. Intrusion VI. 9. Somewhere Shady. 10. Intrusion III. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 43 Mortensen, Malene: Date with a dream / Malene Mortensen; Avishai Cohen; Morten Lund. - 1 CD. 1. I‘ve got a date with a dream. 2. All I want. 3. Egyptian moonlight. 4. Blur. 5. At last. 6. Take five. 7. Mystery man. 8. Giving you the best that I‘ve got. 9. Off the beat. 10. Gone before we know. 11. Crashed. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Murray, David: Gwotet / David Murray & The Gwo-Ka Masters.- 1 CD. 1. Gwotet. 2. O‘leoso. 3. Ouagadougou. 4. La Jwa. 5. Djolla feeling. 6. Go to jazz. Ovwa. 7. Gwotet (Radio edit). Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Murray, David: Live in Berlin / David Murray; Black Saint Quartet. - 1 CD . 1. Dirty Laundry. 2. Bannished. 3. Sacred Ground. 4 . Murray‘s Steps. 5. Waltz Again. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Murray, David: Sacred ground / David Murray Black Saint Quartet featuring Cassandra Wilson. – 1 CD. 1. Sacred ground. 2. Transitions. 3. Pierce city. 4 . Banished. 5. Believe in love. 6. Family reunion. 7. The prophet of doom. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Murray, David: Windward passages / David Murray with Dave Burrell. - 1 CD. 1. Sorrow song. 2. It hurts so much to see. 3. Naima (Taken 2). 4. Cela me va. 5. The crave. 6. Zanzibar blue. 7. Conversation with our mothers. 8. Naima (Taken 1). Bibliothek: Mannheim Murray, David: Yonn-dé / Davie Murray & The Gwo-Ka Masters featuring Guy Konket & Klod Kiavué. - 1 CD. 1. Twa jou San Manjé, 2. Youyou. 3. On jou Maten. 4. Onomatopée (Boula Djèl). 5. Nwèl ‚o! 6. Yonn-dé. 7. La Pli. 8. Moman Colombo. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Muthspiel, Christian: Für und mit Ernst / Christian Muthspiel und Ernst Jandl. - 1 CD. 1. Fortschreitende Räude. 2. Hier und dort. 3. Jeeeee. 4 . De easchdn. 5. Liebling der Sonne. 6. Im Reich der Toten. 7. Liegen, bei dir. 8. Der wahre Vogel. 9. Von Zeiten. 10. Erstes Sonett. 11. Wien: Heldenplatz. 12. Zertretener Mann Blues. 13. Schtzngrmm. 14. Drottl & Demokratie. 15. 4 rnst jndl. 16. Spruch mit kurzem o. Bibliothek: Mannheim 44 Muthspiel, Christian: Huljo / Christian Muthspiel‘s Yodel Group. - 1 CD. 1. Auf Der Strah. 2. Der Roller. 3. Der Zirbitzkogler. 4. Der Schöffauer Luila. 5. Der Kollerschläger. 6. Ein Schöner Verkehrter. 7. Der Scheibm Dudler. 8. Der Lahnjodler. 9. Der Präbichler. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Muthspiel, Wolfgang; Blade, Brian: Friendly travelers. - 1 CD. 1. Gnadenwald. 2. Between the beats. 3. End on 4. 4. Vallekilde. 5. Youssou. 6. Friendly travellers. 7. Balladino. 8. Heavy song. 9. Andrej Rubljow. 10. Cold summer. 11. The tuning of the bells. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Mystic Moods / Adiemus; Sacred Spirit; Michael Nyman; Jocelyn Pook; Mike Oldfield .... - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nah, Youn Sun: Lento / Youn Sun Nah, arrangements & vocals; Ulf Wakenius, guitars; Lars Danielsson, bass & cello; Vincent Peirani, accordion & accordina; Xavier Desandre-Navarre, percussion. - 1 CD. 1. Lento. 2. Lament. 3. Hurt. 4. Empty dream. 5. Momento magico. 6. Soundless bye. 7. Full circle. 8. Ghost riders in the sky. 9. Waiting. 10. Arirang. 11. New dawn. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Nathalie – Wen liebst Du heute Nacht? / Regie: Anne Fontaine. Musik: Michael Nyman… - 1 DVD. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Necks: Hanging Gardens. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Necks: Mindset. - 1 CD. 1. Rum Jungle. 2. Daylights. Bibliothek: Mannheim Necks: Open. - 1 CD. Biblotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Neigel, Stephanie: Capture Time. - 1 CD. 1. Eyes of a child. 2. Go out. 3. Capture time. 4. Nothing left to say. 5. Little hours. 6. Dance with the devil. 7. In your hand. 8. Spring. 9. Wanting. 10. Could hearts. 11. All I know. 12. The book. Bibliothek: Mannheim 45 Nicole Jo: Go on. - 1 CD. 1. Atmo. 2. Go on. 3. Schneesturm. 4. Run. 5. Nr. One / No One. 6. Way. 7. Painting heaven. 8. Space up. 9. Smell of spring. 10. Love hunters. 11. Time. 12. Brachial. 13. Smile. 14. Jam 5. 15. Sign of a wonder. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin: Holon. - 1 CD. 1. Modul 42. 2. Modul 41_17. 3. Modul 39_8. 4. Modul 46. 5. Modul 44. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin: Llyria. - 1 CD. 1. Modul 48. 2. Modul 52. 3. Modul 55. 4. Modul 47. 5. Modul 53. 6. Modul 51. 7. Modul 49_44. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin: Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin – Live. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Modul 41 17. 2. Modul 35. 3. Modul 42. 4. Modul 17. 5. Modul 22. CD 2: 1. Modul 45. 2. Modul 48. 3. Modul 47. 4. Modul 55. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin: Rea. - 1 CD. 1. Modul 27. 2. Modul 22. 3. Modul 18. 4. Modul 26. 5. Modul 23. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nik Bärtsch‘s Ronin: Stoa. - 1 CD. 1. Modul 36. 2. Modul 35. 3. Modul 32. 4. Modul 33. 5. Modul 38_17. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Nuits – weiß wie Lilien: Scelsi, Schwehr, Webern, Ligeti, Xenakis, Leibowitz, Hosokawa, Schönberg / Schola Heidelberg; ensemble aisthesis; Leitung: Walter Nußbaum. - 1 CD. Ave Maria / Toshio Hosokawa. Tre canti sacri / Giacinto Scelsi. TKRDG / Giacinto Scelsi. De profundis (Psalm 130) / Arnold Schönberg. Two settings Op. 71 (Settings after William Blake) / René Leibowitz. Drei Lieder Op. 18 / Anton Webern. Zwei Lieder Op. 19 / Anton Webern. Deutsche Tänze / Cornelius Schwehr. Nuits / Iannis Xenakis. Lux aeterna Lux aeterna / György Ligeti. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nyman, Michael: Decay music. For piano solo and percussion solo; 1975/76. - 1 CD. 1. 1-100. 2. Bell set No. 1. 3. 1-100 (Faster decay). Bibliothek: Mannheim 46 Nyman, Michael: Double Concerto for Saxophone & Cello / Michael Nyman; John Harle; Julian Lloyd Webber. Philharmonia Orchestra, BBC cond. by Michael Nyman. - 1 CD. Harpsichord Concerto. Trombone Concerto. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nyman, Michael: Facing Goya. An opera in four acts / Michael Nyman Band cond. by Michael Nyman; Winnie Böwe, soprano; Hilary Summers, contralto; Harry Nicoll, tenor. - 2 CDs. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nyman, Michael: Film music for solo piano / Michael Nyman. - Klavierpartitur, 47 S. The draughtmans contract. Drowning by numbers. A zed & two noughts. Carrington. The piano. The diary of Anne Frank. Enemy zero. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Nyman, Michael: Michael Nyman Songbook / Texts by Paul Celan; William Shakespeare; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Arthur Rimbaud. Sung by Ute Lemper; Michael Nyman Band conducted by Michael Nyman. - 1 CD. Six Celan songs, 1990 (Paul Celan): Chanson einer Dame im Schatten, Es war die Erde in ihnen, Psalm, Corona, Nächtlich geschürzt, Blume. Ariel Songs, überarbeitete Fassungen der Filmmusik zu Peter Greenaways „Prospero‘s books“, 1990 (Shakespeare): Come and go, While you here do snoring lie, Full fathom five. I am an unusual thing, komponiert für Jeremy Newsons Film „Letters, riddles and writs“, 1990/91 (Mozart). L‘orgie parisienne (Rimbaud): Allez! on préviendra les reflux d‘incendie, Quand tes pieds ont dansé. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nyman, Michael: Six Celan songs. For contralto and orchestra; 1990 / Michael Nyman; Hilary Summers; Sarah Leonard; Michael Nyman Band. - 1 CD. The ballad of Kastriot Rexhepi Bibliothek: Mannheim Nyman, Michael: The Piano Concerto / Michael Nyman; Kathryn Stott, piano; Royal Liverpool Orchestra; Michael Nyman Band & Orchestra. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Nyman, Michael: Piano trios 1992–2010 / Michael Nyman; Fidelio Trio. - 1 CD. Poczatek. The Photography of Chance. Yellow Beach. Time will Pronounce. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 47 Nyman, Michael: Time will pronounce. The 1992 comimissions / Michael Nyman; James Bowman, Countertenor; Fretwork; Trio of London; Virginia Black, harpsichord; London Brass. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Mannheim Otter, Anne Sofie von : Love songs / Anne Sofie von Otter; Brad Mehldau. -2 CDs. CD 1: 1. It May Not Always Be So. 2. We Met At The End Of The Party. 3. Child, Child. 4. Twilight. 5. Because. 6. Dreams. 7. Did You Never Know?. CD 2: 1. Avec le temps. 2. Pierre. 3. Marcie. 4. Something Good. 5. Chanson de maxence. 6. Chanson de vieux amants. 7. Sakta VI ga genom stan. 8. Att angöra en brygga. 9. Dis, quand reviendras-tu?. 10. What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?. 11. I‘m Calling You. 12. Blackbird. 13. Some Other Time. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Outin, Jaques: Ettukal: live im Schillerhaus Mannheim / Jaques Outin. Alexandra Lehmler. - 1 CD. 1. Negombo-Suite. 2 Ettukala. 3. Tod einer Palmratte. 4 Kandalama. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Paolo Fresu – !50, quinquagénèse. 50 nuits consécutives; 50 concerts en Sardaigne; 250 artistes réunis pour fêter les 50 ans de paolo Fresu; l‘histoire d‘une tournée folle et humaine / un film documentaire de Marthe Le More; inclus extraits de concerts et interviews avec Arild Andersen; Paolo Fresu Quintet; Alborada String Quartet; Aldo Romano; Uri Caine .... - 1 DVD. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Paolo Fresu Devil Quartet: Desertico. - 1 CD. 1. (I cant get no) satisfaction. 2. La follia italiana. 3. Ambre. 4. All terms. 5. Blame it on my mouth. 6. Desertico. 7. Suite for devil. 8. Poettos sky. 9. Voci oltre. 10. Young forever. 11. Medley. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Paolo Fresu Devil Quartet: Stanley Music! - 1 CD. 1. Another road to Timbuctu. 2. Il tempo del sogno. 3. Calédonian flowers. 4. Moto perpetuo. 5. Giovedi. 6. Dou dou. 7. Devil‘s game/ labbra bianche. 8. L‘afflato prodromo del misantropo. 9. Il diavolo e l‘acquasanta. 10. Qualche anno dopo. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim 48 Paolo Fresu Quintet: 30! - 1 CD. 1. Chiaro. 2. Till the end. 3. Trenta giorni. 4. Perspektive from the train. 5. Transparente. 6. Aquile. 7. Giallefoglie. 8. Scuro. 9. Gufo. 10. When I am laid in heart. 11. Go go B. 12. Words of wisdom. 13. Colibrì. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Paolo Fresu Quintet: Night on the city / Paolo Fresu Quintet. - [S.l.] : Universal Music France, 1995. - 1 CD + Beiheft 1. Notti eluse e atteste deluse. 2. Satie. 3. Il lungo addio. 4. La danza delle ombre. 5. Pour une femme. 6. Ninna nanna per vale. 7. Giulietta degli spiriti. 8. La palazzina americana. 9. Slow down John. 10. Retro‘. 11. To Gil (To Gil Evans). 12. Pezzo X (To Miles Davis). 13. To M. 14. Ossi di seppia. Bibliothek: Mannheim Paolo Fresu Sextet: Inner voices / Paolo Fresu Sextet feat. David Liebman. - 1 CD. 1. Trunca e peltunta. 2. Early spring. 3a. Pocket day. 3b. Morgana. 4. Fate fatue. 5. In parte senz‘arte. 6. Reflections. 7. Blues for you. Bibliothek: Mannheim Peacock, Gary: Now this. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Peacock, Gary; Crispell, Marilyn: Azure. - 1 CD. 1. Patterns. 2. Goodbye. 3. Leapfrog. 4. Bass solo. 5. Waltz after David M. 6. Lullaby. 7. The Lea. 8. Blue. 9. Piano solo. 10. Puppets. 11. Azure. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Peacock, Gary; Towner, Ralph: Oracle. - 1 CD. 1. Gaya. 2. Flutter step. 3. Empty carrousel. 4. Hat and cane. 5. Inside inside. 6. St. Helens. 7. Oracle. 8. Burly Hello. 9. Tramonto. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Peirani, Vincent: Belle Époque / Vincent Peirani; Emile Parisien. - 1 CD. 1. Egyptian fantasy. 2. Temptation rag. 3. Song of Medina. 4 . Hysm. 5. Le cirque des mirages. 6. Place 75. 7. Schubertauster. 8. St. James Infirmary. 9. Dancers in love. Bibliothek: Mannheim Peirani, Vincent: Living being. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg 49 Peirani, Vincent: Thrill Box / Vincent Peirani, accordion & accordina, voice, compositions & arrangements; With Michael Wollny, piano & fender rhodes; Michel Benita, bass. - 1 CD. 1. Bailero. 2. Waltz for JB. 3. Hypnotic. 4. Goodnight Irene. 5. B & H. 6. Air song. 7. 3 temps pour Michel P. 8. Shenandoah. 9. I mean you. 10. Throw it away. 11. Balkanski Cocek. 12. Choral. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Perez, Danilo: Panama 500. - 1 CD. 1. Rediscovery of the south sea. 2. Panama 500. 3. Reflections on the south sea. 4. Abia yala. 5. Gratitude. 6. The canal suite – Land of hope. 7. The canal suite - Premonition in rhythm. 8. The canal suite – Melting pot. 9. The expedition. 10. Narration to reflections on the south sea. 11. Panama viejo. 12. Celebration of our land. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Pérez, Danilo: Providencia. 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Das Piano. Regie: Jane Campion. Musik: Michael Nyman… - 1 Blu-Ray. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen The piano. Original compositions for solo piano from the film by Jane Campion / by Michael Nyman. - 32 Seiten. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim The Piano: original music from the film by Jane Campion / composed by Michael Nyman. - 1 CD. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Potter, Chris: The sirens / Chris Potter; Craig Taborn; David Virelles; Larry Grenadier; Eric Harland. - 1 CD. 1. Wine dark sea. 2. Wayfinder. 3. Dawn (With her Rosy fingers). 4. The sirens. 5. Penelope. 6. Kalypso. 7. Nausikaa. 8. Stranger at the gate. 9. The shades. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Puschnig, Wolfgang: Aspects / Wolfgang Puschnig; Herbert Joos; Emil Kristof; Achim Tang. - 1 CD. 1.Travelogue. 2. Impermanence. 3. Blues for Eric. 4. Un seul. 5. Unknown species. 6. Ulphu. 7. The poetry of the judge. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 50 Rantala, Iiro; Wollny Michael; Mozdzer, Leszek: Jazz at Berlin Philharmonic I. - 1 CD. 1. Aria and Goldberg Variation. 2. Tears for Esbjörn. 3. Hexentanz. 4. No Message. 5. Incognitor. 6. Svantetic. 7. Suffering. 8. Armando‘s Rumba. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Rava, Enrico: New York days / Enrico Rava; Stefano Bollani; Mark Turner; Larry Grenadier; Paul Motian. - 1 CD. 1. Lulù. 2. Improvisation, 1 & 2. 3. Outsider. 4. Certi angoli segreti. 5. Interiors. 6. Thank you, come again. 7. Count Dracula. 8. Luna urana. 9. Lady Orlando. 10. Blancasnow. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Rava, Enrico: Play Miles Davis / Enrico Rava, trumpet; Paolo Fresu, trumpet; Stefano Bollani, piano u. a. - 1 CD. 1. Bye bye Blackbird. 2. There is no you. 3. Milestones. 4. Blue in green. 5. When lights are low. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Redman, Joshua: Back East / Joshua Redman + Brian Blade, Chris Cheek, Larry Grenadier, Eric Harland, Ali Jackson, Joe Lovano, Christian McBride u. v. a. - 1 CD. 1. The Surrey With the Fringe on Top. 2. East of the Sun (and West of the Sun). 3. Zarafah. 4. Indian Song. 5. I‘m an Old Cowhand. 6. Wagon Wheels. 7. Back East. 8. Mantra No 5. 9. Indonesia. 10. India. 11. GJ. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Redman, Joshua: The Bad Plus Joshua Redman. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Redman, Joshua: Beyond. - 1 CD. 1. Courage (Asymmetric aria). 2. Belonging (lopsided lullaby). 3. Neverend. 4. Leap of faith. 5. Balance. 6. Twilight ... and beyond. 7. Stoic revolutions. 8. Suspended emanations. 9. Last rites of Rock‘n‘Roll. 10. A life? Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Redman, Joshua: Compass. - 1 CD. 1. Uncharted. 2. Faraway. 3. Identity Thief. 4. Just Like You. 5. Hutchhiker‘s Guide. 6. Ghost. 7. Insomnomaniac. 8. Moonlight. 9. Un Peu Fou. 10. March. 11. Round Reuben. 12. Little Ditty. 13. Through the Valley. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen 51 Redman, Joshua: Freedom in the groove. - 1 CD. 1.Hide and seek. 2. One shining soul. 3. Streams of consciousness. 4. When the sun comes down. 5. Home fried. 6. Invocation. 7. Dare I ask? 8. Cat battles. 9. Pantomime. 10. Can‘t dance. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Redman, Joshua: Timeless tales. (For changing times). - 1 CD. 1. Summertime. 2. Interlude 1. 3. Visions. 4. Yesterdays. 5. Interlude 2. 6. I had a king. 7. Times they are a-changin‘. 8. Interlude 3. 9. It might as well be spring. 10. Interlude 4. 11. How deep is the ocean. 12. Interlude 5. 13. Love for sale. 14. Interlude 6. 15. Eleanor Rigby. 16. Interlude 7. 17. How come u don‘t call me anymore? Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Redman, Joshua: Trios live / Joshua Redman; Gregory Hutchinson; Matt Penman; Reuben Rogers. - 1 CD. Moritat (Mack the knife). Never let me go. Soul dance. Act natural. Mantra #5. Trinkle, tinkle. The ocean. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Redman, Joshua: Walking shadows. - 1 CD. 1. The Folks Who Live on the Hill. 2. Lush Life. 3. Stop This Train. 4. Adagio. 5. Easy Living. 6. Doll is Mine. 7. Infant Eyes. 8. Let it Be. 9. Final Hour. 10. Last Glimpse of Gotham. 11. Stardust. 12. Let Me Down Easy. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Redman, Joshua: Wish / Joshua Redman; Pat Metheny; Charlie Haden; Billy Higgins. - 1 CD. 1. Turnaround. 2. Soul dance. 3. Make sure you‘re sure. 4. The deserving many. 5. We had a sister. 6. Moose the mooche. 7. Tears in heaven. 8. Whittlin‘. 9. Wish. 10. Blues for Pat. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Reijseger, Ernst: Crystal palace. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg 52 Reijseger, Ernst: Do you still / Ernst Reijseger with Larissa Groenveld and Frank van de Laar. - 1 CD. 1. Gretchen am Spinnrade (voice from another world). 2. Do you still (river in the rain). 3. Blurb one. 4. Marta (monsoon). 5. 8x3 4 T. 6. Strabismo di venere. 7. Blurb two. 8. Passaggio. 9. May th law of gravity show you the way. 10. Douze. 11. The veils. 12. Blurb three. 13. Schwarz gekleidet. 14. 29. 15. Armings. Bibliothek: Mannheim Revisiting the Piano. Four arrangements from the soundtrack plus the two favourite themes from the film by Jane Campion / Michael Nyman. - 23 Seiten. Bibliothek: Mannheim Saluzzi, Dino: Navidad de los Andes / Dino Saluzzi; Anja Lechner; Felix Saluzzi. - 1 CD. 1. Flor De Tuna. 2. Sucesos. 3. Fragments. 4. Son Qo‘ñati. 5. Requerdos De Bohemia. 6. Gabriel Kondor. 7. El Vals De Nostros. 8. Candor / Soledad. 9. Variaciones On A Popular Melody By José L. Padula. 10. Ronda De Niños En La Montaña. 11. Otoño. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Saluzzi, Dino: Ojos Negros / Dino Saluzzi, bandoneon & Anja Lechner, violoncello. - 1 CD. 1. Tango a mi padre. 2. Minguito. 3. Esquina. 4. Duetto. 5. Ojos negros. 6. El títere. 7. Carretas. 8. Serenata. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Salvant, Cécile McLorin: Woman Child. - 1 CD. 1. St. Louis gal. 2. I didn‘t know what time it was. 3. Nobody. 4. WomanChild. 5. Le front cache sur tes genoux. 6. Prelude / There‘s a lull in my life. 7. You bring out the savage in me. 8. Baby have pity on me. 9. John Henry. 10. Jitterbrug waltz. 11. What a little moonlight can do. 12. Deep dark blue. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Sanchez, Antonio : Three times three / Antonio Sanchez; Brad Mehldau; Matt Brewer; John Scofield; Christian McBride; Joe Lovano; John Patitucci. – 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Nar-This. 2. Constellations. 3. Big dream. CD 2: 1. Fall. 2. Nooks and crannies. 3. Rooney and Vinski. 4. Leviathan. 5. Firenze. 6. I mean you. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 53 Sauer, Heinz: Certain Beauty / Heinz Sauer; Michael Wollny. - 1 CD. 1. Stay on „C“. 2. Where is the line. 3. I loves you Porgy. 4. Evidence. 5. Kieser‘s exchange. 6. Nothing compares 2 u. 7. Ruby my dear. 8. Blues for Pablo. 9. Certain beauty. 10. Laughing at dinosaurs. 11. Lover man. 12. Believe, beleft, below. 13. Chelsea bridge. 14. Tangent A. 15. Lush life. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Sauer, Heinz: If (blue) then (blue) / Heinz Sauer; Michael Wollny; Joachim Kühn. - 1 CD. 1. All Blues. 2. Tantricity. 3. Sophisticated Lady. 4. Actors. 5. Lost Silhouettes. 6. Blue In Green. 7. Tutatis. 8. La Belle Rancune. 9. Blue And Other Notes. 10. Flamenco Sketches. 11. Egodeology. 12. Lover Man. 13. There Again. 14. In A Sentimental Mood. 15. Go From Here. 16. Still Around Redford. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Sauer, Heinz: Melancholia / Heinz Sauer; Michael Wollny. - 1 CD 1. ABC. 2. Space cake. 3. Dry Ikarus. 4. Crows on the roof. 5. Welcome to what you think you hear. 6. Blue print. 7. Deep river. 8. Sculptor. 9. Out of diversity. 10. Trouble with mutation. 11. Dreaming field. 12. Round midnight. 13. Melancholia. 14. Deep sea. 15. Seven sharp. 16. Ursa minor. 17. Welcome to what you hear. 18. Don‘t explain. Bibliothek: Mannheim Sauer, Heinz; Wollny, Michael: Don‘t explain – Live in concert / Heinz Sauer & Michael Wollny. - 1 CD. 1. All Blues. 2. Nothing Compares 2 U. 3. Don‘t Explain. 4. Wenn der Pastor im grünen Hemd ... 5. Open Fields. 6. There Again. 7. Make You Feel My Love. 8. Believe Beleft Below. 9. Space Cake. 10. Kind of Blues. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Schneeweiss und Rosenrot: Pool. - 1 CD. 1. Turntable Love. 2. Miss Palsy. 3. Le Monsieur. 4. Macho Pen. 5. Pretty Krank Frank. 6. Prosite Parasite. 7. We‘re All Loose. 8. Phony Bones. 9. Zürich. 10. World of Fitness. 11. Behind Moonshine. 12. Spinning Spirits. 13. Ecstatic. 14. Ttl. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Schneeweiss & Rosenrot: Pretty Frank. - 1 CD. 1. Pretty Frank. 2. Ping pong love song. 3. Daddy longleg. 4. Newmans housecat. 5. Coast starlight express. 6. This is the day. 7. The end. 8. Trippin airplane. 9. Splendid. 10. Fresh prince. 11. Days. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim 54 Schneeweiss & Rosenrot: Salt crusted dreams. - 1 CD. 1. Lillies in the fall. 2. Boogie no woogie. 3. Hibernation. 4. Rise up. 5. A fish decides to go on shore. 6. Märchenprinz. 7. Cykle. 8. Early winternight. 9. This cannot go on too long. 10. Fearless frogs. 11. Salt crusted dreams. 12. Olive. Bibliothek: Mannheim Sclavis, Louis: Dans la nuit: for the silent movie by Charles Vanel. - 1 CD. 1. Dia dia. 2. Le travail. 3. Dans la nuit. 4. Fête foraine. 5. Retour de noce. 6. Mauvais rêve. 7. Amour et beauté. 8. L‘accident part 1. 9. L‘accident part 2. 10. Le miroir. 10. Dans la nuit. 11. La fuite. 12. La peur du noir. 13. Les 2 visages. 14. Dia dia. 15. Dans la nuit. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Sclavis, Louis: Silk and salt melodies / Louis Sclavis Quartet. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Scofield, John: A moment‘s peace / John Scofield; Larry Goldings; Scott Colley; Brian Blade. - 1 CD. 1. Simply put. 2. I will. 3. Lawns. 4. Throw it away. 5. I want to talk about you. 6. Gee Baby ain‘t I good to you. 7. Johan. 8. Mood returns. 9. Already September. 10. You don‘t know what love is. 11. Plain song. 12. I loves you Porgy. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen SF Jazz Collective: SF Jazz Collective. – 1 CD. 1. Lingala. 2. Peace. 3. Of this day‘s journey. 4. When will the blues leave. 5. Rise and fall. 6. Una muy bonita. 6. March madness. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Sharp, Elliott: Suspension Of Disbelief. - 1 CD. 1. Coil of ticking towers. 2. Party of one. 3. Theme noir. 4 . Little india. 5. It was Avenue B. 6. Roof rattler. 7. J-words. 8. Hue. 9. Never was has been. 10. Blue film. 11. Mark‘s at Danny. 12. His holy prepuce. Bibliothek: Mannheim Shepp, Archie: Attica blues. - 1 CD. 1. Attica blues. 2. Steam Parts 1 and 2. 3. Invocation to Mr. Parker. 4. Blues for brother George Jackson. 5. Ballad for a child. 6. Good bye sweet pops. 7. Quiet dawn. Bibliothek: Mannheim 55 Shepp, Archie: Conversations. - 1 CD. 1. Conversations 1 / The introduction with Archie Shepp, Kahil El‘Zabar, Ritual Trio. 2. Big Fred / with Kahil El‘Zabar, Ritual Trio. 3. Kari / with Kahil El‘Zabar, Ritual Trio. 4. Whenever I think of you / with Kahil El‘Zabar, Ritual Trio. 5. Conversations 2 / The dialogue with Archie Shepp, Kahil El‘Zabar, Ritual Trio. 6. Brother Malcolm / with Kahil El‘Zabar, Ritual Trio. 7. Revelations / with Kahil El‘Zabar, Ritual Trio. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Shepp, Archie: Gemini / Archie Shepp begleitet von Wayne Dockery, b; TomMcClung, p; Steve McCraven, dr sowie den Gästen Chuck D, voc); Stéphane Guery, git; Cameron Brown, b; Ronnie Burrage, dr und Amina Claudine Myers, p, voc. - 2 CDs. Disk 1: 1. The reverse (Alternate Version 1). 2. Revolution (Mama Rose). 3. Burning bright. 4. Trippin‘. 5. Time stood still. 6. Intertwining spirits. 7. La manzana. 8. Eva. 9. Pannonica. 10. The reverse. 11. The reverse (Alternate Version 2). Disk 2: 1. Hope two. 2. Call him. 3. Do you want to be saved. 4. Ujaama. 5. Rest enough. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Heidelberg Shepp, Archie: The impulse story. - 1 CD. 1. Naima. 2. Los olvidados. 3. The girl from Ipanema. 4. Malcolm, Malcolm – semper Malcolm. 5. Le matin des noires. 6. Scag. 7. Mama too tight. 8. Damn if I know (the stroller). 9. Sophisticated lady. 10. Attica blues. Bibliothek: Mannheim Shepp, Archie: Phat Jam in Milano / Archie Shepp. With: Napoleon Maddox; Oliver Lake; Joe Fonda; Hamid Drake; Cochema Gastelum. - 1 CD . 1. Dig. 2. Ill Biz. 3. Kashmir. 4. The life we chose. 5. Revolution. 6. Casket. 7. Ill Biz radio edit. Bibliothek: Mannheim Shepp, Archie: St. Louis blues / Archie Shepp; Richard Davis; Sunny Murray; Leopold Fleming. – 1 CD. 1. St. Louis Blues. 2. Et moi. 3. Blue Bossa. 4. God bless the child. 5. Total package. 6. Steam. 7. Limbike. 8. Archie Shepp. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Shepp, Archie; Kessler, Siegfried: First take. – 1 CD. 1. Le matin des noirs. 2. Lush life. 3. Don‘t get around much anymore. 4. Steam. 5. Misterioso. 6. Ujama. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 56 Short stories / Kronos Quartet. - 1 CD. Digital / Elliott Sharp. - Spoonful / Willie Dixon. - Spectre / John Oswald. - Cat O‘Nine Tails / John Zorn. - Quartet euphometric / Henry Cowell. - Physical property / Steven Mackey. - Soliloquy from „How it happens“ (The voice of I. F. Stone) / Scott Johnson. - Quartet no. 2 / Sofia Gubaidulina. - Aba kee tayk hamaree (It is my turn, oh Lord) / Pandit Pran Nath Bibliothek: Mannheim Shorter, Wayne: Alegria / Wayne Shorter, compositions & saxophone. With Chris Potter, tenor sax, bass clarinet; Danilo Perez; Brad Mehldau, pianos; Brian Blade; Terri Lyne Carrington, drums ... 1 CD. 1. Sacajawea. 2. Serenata. 3. Vendiendo alegria. 4. Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5. 5. Angola. 6. Interlude. 7. She moves through the fair. 8. Orbits. 9. 12th Century Carol. 10. Capricorn II. Bibliothek: Mannheim Shorter, Wayne: Footprints – live / Wayne Shorter; Danilo Perez; John Patitucci; Blade, Brian. – 1 CD. 1. Sanctuary. 2. Masqualero. 3. Valse Triste. 4. Go. 5. Aung San Suu Kyi. 6. Footprints. 7. Atlantis. 8. Ju Ju. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Sidran, Ben: Black talk. Schwarze Kultur – die andere Kultur im weißen Amerika. - Wolke. - 191 Seiten. Bibliothek: Mannheim Simon, Paul: Graceland. Recorded live on location in Harare, Zimbabwe. - 1 DVD. 1. Township jive. 2. The boy in the bubble. 3. Gumboots. 4. Whispering bells. 5. Bring him back home. 6. Crazy love volume II. 7. I know what I know. 8. Jinkel e maweni. 9. Soweto blues. 10. Under African skies. 11. Unomathemba. 12. Hello my baby. 13. Homeless. 14. Graceland. 15. You can call me Al. 16. Stimela. 17. Diamonds on the soles of her shoes. 18. N‘kosi sikeli Africa. 19. King of kings. Bibliothek: Mannheim Simple Acoustic Trio: Trio. - 1 CD. 1. Trio Conversation (Introduction). 2. Hyperballad. 3. Roxanas song. 4. K.T.C. 5. Plaza real. 6. Shine. 7. Green sky. 8. Sisters soong. 9. Drum kick. 10. Free-bop. 11. Free combinations for three instruments. 12. Entropy. 13. Trio Conversation (the end). Bibliothek: Mannheim 57 Snarky Puppy: Groundup. - 1 CD. 1. Think of gold. 2. Bent nails. 3. Minjor. 4. Binky. 5. Mr. Montauk. 6. Like a light. 7. Young stuff. 8. Quarter master. Bibliothek: Mannheim Snarky Puppy: Sylva / Snarky Puppy & Metropole Orkest. - 1 CD + 1 DVD. CD: 1. Sintra. 2. Flight. 3. Atchafalaya. 4 . The curtain. 5. Gretel. 6. The clearing. - DVD: 1. Sintra. 2. Flight. 3. Atchafalaya. 4. The curtain. 5. Gretel. 6. The clearing. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Heidelberg Sons of Kemet: Burn. - 1 CD. 1. All will surely burn. 2. The godfather. 3. Inner Babylon. 4. The book of disquiet. 5. Going home. 6. Adonia‘a lullaby. 7. Song for Galeano. 8. Beware. 9. The itis. 10. Rivers of Babylon. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Stabenow, Thomas: Die Klavierstücke / Thomas Stabenow. Rainer Böhm, Klavier. - 1 CD. 1. Bass Erstaunt. 2. Amagansett. 3. Mon Ami. 4. Pirx. 5. Croisette. 6. Plusquamparfait. 7. Via Lucca. 8. Via Aurelia. 9. Plaun a Plaun. 10. Plaza Lisboa. 11. Via Emilia. 12. Steinwald. 13. Mezzanin. 14. Gruppquinte. 15. Via Petrarca. 16. Chutney. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Szakcsi Generation: 8 Trios for 4 pianist / Szacsi Generation with Jack DeJohnette and John Patitucci. – 1 CD. 1. ‚Round about midnight. 2. Lyric song. 3. Private number. 4. Last time together. 5. Eitherdown. 6. Little gipsy song for you. 7. If I were a bell. 8. Allemande. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Takase, Aki: Aki Takase plays „Fats“ Waller / Aki Takase; Eugene Chadbourne; Thomas Heberer; Paul Lovens; Rudi Mahall; Nils Wogram. - 1 CD. 1. Lookin‘ good, but feelin‘ bad. 2. Vipers drag. 3. Ain‘tmisbehavin. 4. Handful of keys. 5. Any tune, but Fats tune. 6. Your feet‘s too big. 7. Intermezzo. 8. Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans. 9. Intermezzo 2. 10. Hold tight. 11. Kuroneko yamato. 12. Intermezzo 3. 13. I have got a feeling I‘m falling. 14. Tintenfisch in Wien. 15. Kauf dir einen bunten Luftballon. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 58 Takase, Aki; Bennink, Han: Two for two. - 1 CD. 1. Two for two. 2. My Tokyo. 3. Locomotive. 4. Zankapfel. 5. Knut. 6. Baumkuchen. 7. Monochrome. 8. Raise four. 9. Do you know what it means to Miss New Orleans? 10. A chotto matte. 11. Hat and beard. 12. Ohana han. 13. Rolled up. 14. Hell und dunkel. 15. Hommage to Thelonious Monk. 16. Two for two. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Takase, Aki; Eberhard, Silke: Ornette Coleman anthology - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Turnaround. 2. Lonely woman. 3. Free. 4. The blessing. 5. Folk tale. 6. Open to the public - Check out time. 7. Cross breeding. 8. The Sphinx. 9. Dedicated to OC-Doughnut. 10. Revolving door. 11. Mr. and Mrs. People. 12. Angel voice. 13. Motive for its use. 14. The disgruise. 15. Change of the century. 16. Focus on sanity. CD 2: 1. Congeniality. 2. Airborne. 3. Broadway blues. 4. Beauty is a rare thing. 5. Face of the bass. 6. Peace. 7. Little Symphony. 8. Eventually. 9. Humpty Dumpty. 10. Eos. 11. W, R. U. 12. Check up – enfant. 13. I heard it over the radio. 14. Round trip. 15. Music always. 16. Love call. 17. Una muy bonita. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Takase, Aki; Mahall, Rudi: The dessert. – 1 CD. 1. Head in, head out. 2. Apple cake. 3. With egg. 4. Panna cotta. 5. Ear in, ear out. 6. Purity and sweetness. 7. Another sausage roll. 8. Creme au caramel. 9. Granatapfelsirup. 10. Voskresenie. 11. Raskaz. 12. Black pudding 2. 13. Pirodjok. 14. Anekdot 1. 15. Anekdot 2. 16. Anekdot 3. 17. Anekdot 4. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Takase, Aki; Mahall, Rudi: St. Louis blues / Aki Takase; Rudi Mahall; Fred Frith; Nils Wogram; Paul Lovens. - 1 CD. 1. St. Louis blues. 2. Way down south where the blues began. 3. Mobilat. 4. Morning star. 5. Eine Drehorgel aus dem 21. Jahrhundert. 6. Lulu. 7. Wer kommt mehr vom Blues. 8. St. Louis blues. 9. Nur da wo du bist da ist nichts. 10. Memphis blues. 11. Jazz ain‘t what it used to be. 12. Yellow dog blues. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Takase, Aki; Murray, David: Blue monk.- 1 CD. 1. Blue monk. 2. Ask me now. 3. Presto V.H. 4. Body & soul. 5. Ellingtonia. 6. Bright Mississippi. 7. Ba-lue bolivar ba-lues. 8. Mr. Jelly Roll. 9. Kaiso. 10 Ballad for the blackman. Bibliotheken: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim 59 Takase, Aki; Schlippenbach, Alexander von: So long, Eric! - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Takase, Aki; Schlippenbach, Alex von; DJ Illvibe: Lok 03. - 1 CD. 1. Berlin. 2. Köln. 3. Detroit. 4. Paris. 5. London. 6. Sankt Petersburg. 7. Alma Ata. 8. Ulanbator. 9. Utrecht. 10. Istanbul. 11. Cairo. 12. Caracas. 13. Oklahoma. 14. Berchtesgaden. 15. Buenos Aires. 16. Hammerfest. 17. Peking. 18. Bandung. 19. Osaka. 20. Eisenhüttenstadt. Bibliothek: Mannheim Takase, Aki; Sclavis, Louis: Yokohama. -1 CD. 1. Preface. 2. Shower. 3. Kawaraban. 4. Bella lux. 5. Vol. 6. Ligne de fuite. 7. Contre contre. 8. Yokohama. 9. Le temps d‘apres. 10. Kurofune. 11. Raw silk. 12. Windhoek suite. 13. Buen apetito. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Thinking of ... : Stefano Scodanibbio; Mark Dresser; John Eckhardt; Sebastian Gramss; Barry Guy; Christine Hoock ... - 1 CD. 1. A catena. 2. Macchina basso. 3. Fioritura. 4. Spirale. 5. Un vento silenzioso. 6. Moto perpetuo. 7. Pezzi difettosi. 8. Sul viaggio. 9. In altre parole. 10. Soffermiamoci. - Solos: 11. Sostevoli su (Mark Dresser). 12. La coda del Nebbio (John Eckhardt). 13. Voyager (Sebastian Gramss). 14. Outside-Inside (Barry Guy). 15. Rock! Nella Nebbia (Christine Hoock). 16. For Stefano (Joëlle Léandre). 17. Subito sera (Dieter Manderscheid). 18. Tocarme (Barre Phillips). 19. Breaking glasses (Daniele Roccato). 20. Casino (Tetsu Saitoh). 21. h-Moll / D-Dur (Håkon Thelin). 22. Virtù (Stefano Scodanibbio | Sebastian Gramss) Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Thomas, Jens: Speed of grace – a tribute to AC/DC / Jens Thomas; Verneri Pohjola. 1 CD. 1. Highway to hell. 2. Live wire. 3. TNT. It‘s a long way to the top. 4. The jack. 5. Night prowler. 6. Hells bells. 7. Connected. 8. If you want blood. 9. Rock ‚n‘ Roll singer. 10. Keep it down boy. 11. Touch too much. 12. You shook me all night long. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Thomas Siffling Trio: Cruisen / Thomas Siffling Trio; Thomas Siffling; Joshua Redman; Pat Metheny; Charlie Haden; Billy Higgins. - 1 CD. 1. Good vibes. 2. 11.03. 3. One hand clapping. 4. Cruisen. 5. Come together. 6. Highest spot. 7. In motion. 8. Peaceful sight. 9. Lazy morning. Stadtbibiliothek: Ludwigshafen 60 Tomasz Stanko New York Quartet: Wislawa. - 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Wislawa. 2. Assassins. 3. Metafizyka. 4. Dernier Cri. 5. Mikrokosmos. 6. Song for H. CD 2: 1. Oni. 2. April story. 3. Tutaj - Here. 4. Faces. 5. A shaggy vandal. 6. Wislawa, var. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Tomasz Stanko Quartet Lontano. - 1 CD. 1. Lontano I. 2. Cyrhla. 3. Song for Ania. 4. Lontano II. 5. Sweet thing. 6. Trista. 7. Lontano III. 8. Tale. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Tomasz Stanko Quintett: Dark eyes. - 1 CD. 1. So nice. 2. Terminal 7. 3. The dark eyes of Martha Hirsch. 4 . Grand Central. 5. Amsterdam Avenue. 6. Samba nova. 7. Dirge for Europe. 8. May sun. 9. Last song. 10. Etiuda baletowna, no. 3. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Towner, Ralph; Fresu, Paolo: Chiaroscuro. - 1 CD : 1. Wistful Thinking. 2. Punta Giara. 3. Chiaroscuro. 4. Sacred Place. 5. Blue in Green. 6. Doubled Up. 7. Zephyr. 8. Sacred Place (reprise). 9. Two Miniatures. 10. Postlude Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Trio Rouge: Trio Rouge. - 1 CD. 1. Bella ciao. 2. Voglio una casa. 3. Per vita bella. 4. Ah, vita bella. 5. La Luze de oro. 6. C‘era una volta. 7. Una serenata. 8. Stornelli a saltarello. 9. Per la Ninna Nanna. 10. La Muntagnella. 11. La Tarantelle Translucinda. 12. Per Gorizia. 13. Gorizia. 14. Roso. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Troyka: Ornithophobia. - 1 CD. 1. Argades. 2. Life was transient. 3. Ornithophobia. 4. Magpies. 5. Thopter. 6. Bamburgh. 7. The general. 8. Troyka smash. 9. Seahouses. Bibliothek: Mannheim Troyka: Troyka. - 1 CD. 1. Tax return. 2. Clint. 3. 140. 4. Golden. 5. Bear. 6. Cajoch. 7. Twelve. 8. Born in the 80‘s. 9. Noonian soong. 10. Call. 11. Zeitgeist. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 61 Tsabropoulos, Vassilis: Melos / Vassilis Tsabropoulos; Anja Lechner; U. T. Gandhi. - 1 CD. 1. Melos. 2. Song Of Prosperity I. 3. Tibetan Dance. 4. Gift Of Dreams. 5. Reflections. 6. Simplicity. 7. Song Of Gratitude. 8. Song Of Prosperity II. 9. Sayyid Dance. 10. Promenade. 11. Reflections And Shadows. 12. Reading From A Sacred Book (fragment). 13. Vocalise. 14. Evocation. 15. In Memory. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Turner, Mark: Lathe of heaven. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Verschwörung der Frauen / Regie: Peter Greenaway. Musik: Michael Nyman … - 1 DVD. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Verve and Blue Note today 2013. - 1 CD. 1. Take the party / Robert Randolph & The Family feat. Trombone Shorty. 2. Shortyville / Trombone Shorty. 3. Too darn hot / Verve Remixed: Ella Fitzgerald. 4. Torero / John Scofield. 5. Gibraltar / Till Brönner. 6. Oye como va / Natalie Cole. 7. Happy end / Ryuichi Sakamoto. 8. I made my vow to the Lord / Kristin Asbjørnsen. 9. Largo / Falk & Sons. Hey Laura / Gregory Porter. 10. Our Spain / Tomatito. 11. Es wird Herbst / Mary Roos. 12. Step by step / Nils Petter Molvær & Moritz von Oswald. 13. No fly zone / Rob van de Wouw. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Verve and Blue Note today 2014. - 1 CD. 1. California dreamin‘ / Krall, Diana. 2. While you were sleeping / James, José.3. I feel it like you / Malia & Boris Blank. 4. Wake me up / Dirty loops. 5. Rising Son / Kuroda, Takuya. 6. Teddy / Hutcherson, Bobby; Sanborn, David; Defrancesco, Joey; Hart, Billy. 7. Turnaround / Haden, Charlie; Hall, Jim. 8. Jesus, etc. / Puss N Boots. 9. Zweifünzig / Julia Kadel Trio. 10. The long way home / Cash, Rosanne. 11. Hang on, St. Christopher / Bakken, Rebekka. 12. He died fighting / Brian Blade & The fellowship Band. 13. Ceaseless inexxaustible child / Akinmusire, Ambrose (feat. Cold Specks).14. Seascape / Barron, Kenny; Holland, Dave. 15. Cinema Paradiso / Brönner, Till. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Virelles, David: Mbókò / David Virelles; Thomas Morgan; Robert Hurst; Marcus Gilmore; Román Díaz. - 1 CD. 1. Wind rose (antrogofoko mokoirén). 2. The scribe (tratado de Mpegó). 3. Biankoméko. 4. Antillais (a quintín Bandera). 5. Aberiñán y Aberisún. 6. Seven, through the divination horn. 7. Stories waiting to be told. 8. Transmission. 9. The highest one. 10. Èfé (a María Teresa Vera). Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen 62 Wakenius, Ulf: Vagabond / Ulf Wakenius; Lars Danielsson; Vincent Peirani; Youn Sun Nah. - 1 CD. Trackliste: 1. Vagabond. 2. Message in a bottle. 3. Bretagne. 4. Psalmen. 5. Breakfast in Baghdad. 6. Song for Japan. 7. Birds and bees. 8. Praying. 9. Chorinho. 10. Witchi-tai-to. 11. Encore. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Washington, Kamasi: The Epic. - 3 CDs. Volume 1 – The plain: 1. Change of the guard. 2. Askim. 3. Isabelle. 4. Final thougt. 5. The next step. 6. The rhythm changes. Volume 2 – The glorious tale: 1. Miss unterstanding. 2. Leroy and Lanisha. 3. Re run. 4. Seven prayer. 5. Henrietta our hero. 6. The magnificent. Volume 3 – The historic Repetition: 1. Re run home. 2. Cherokee. 3. Clair de lune. 4. Malcolm‘s theme. 5. The message. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim Wasilewski, Marcin: Faithful / Marcin Wasilewski Trio. - 1 CD. 1. An Den Kleinen Radioapparat. 2. Night Train To You. 3. Faithful. 4. Mosaik. 5. Ballad Of The Sad Young Men. 6. Oz Guizos. 7. Song For Swirek. 8. Woke Up In The Desert. 9. Big Foot. 10. Lugano Lake. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Wasilewski, Marcin: January / Marcin Wasilewski Trio. - 1 CD. 1. First Touch. 2. Vignette. 3. Cinema Paradiso. 4. Diamonds and Pearls. 5. Balladyna. 6. King Korn. 7. Cat. 8. January. 9. Young and Cinema. 10. New York 2007. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Wasilewski, Marcin: Spark of life / Marcin Wasilewski Trio - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Wayne Shorter Quartet: Without a net / Wayne Shorter featuring Danilo Perez, John Patitucci, Brian Blade. - 1 CD. 1. Orbits. 2. Starry night. 3. S.S. Golden mean. 4. Plaza Real. 5. Myrrh. 6. Pegasus. 7. Flying down to Rio. 8. Zero gravity to the 10th power. 9. Unidentified flying objects. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Weidner, Christian: Dream Boogie. - 1 CD. 1. Windchoral. 2. W. 3. Alas blues. 4. Dream boogie. 5. Submelody. 6. Monkey spin. 7. Cause. 8. Chihiro. 9. Walzer. 10. Dark ends. 11. Lucky lova. Bibliothek: Mannheim 63 Williams, Saul: Amethyst rock star. - 1 CD. 1. Lalala. 2. Penny for a thought. 3. Robeson. 4. Tao of now. 5. Fearless. 5. Untimely meditations. 6. Om nia merican. 7. 1987. 8. Coded language. 9. Our father. 10. Wine. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Williams, Saul: Saul Williams. - 1 CD. 1. Talk to strangers. 2. Grippo. 3. Telegram. 4. Act III Scene 2 (Shakespeare). 5. List of demands (Reparations). 6. African student movement. 7. Black stacey. 8. PG. 9. Surrender (a second to think). 10. Control freak. 11. Seaweed. 12. Notice of eviction. Bibliothek: Mannheim Wollny, Michael: Piano works. 7. Hexentanz; Gothic music. - 1 CD. 1. Initiation. 2. Schubertiade: Der Doppelgänger. 3. Schubertiade: Das Irrlicht. 4. Schubertiade: Der Schatten. 5. Schubertiade: Der Wanderer. 6. Anchor song. 7. Hexentanz: Teil 1. 8. Hexentanz: Teil 2. 9. Hexentanz: Teil 3. 10. Hexentanz: Teil 4. 11. Hexentanz: Teil 5. 12. Spell / Enchantment. 13. Augmented time. 14. Where is the line. 15. Spuk. 16. Die lebenden Puppen. 17. Joga. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen, Mannheim Wollny, Michael: Weltentraum live. Philharmonie Berlin / Michael Wollny Trio. - 1 CD. Bibliothek: Heidelberg Wollny, Michael: Wunderkammer XXL. hr-Bigband / Michael Wollny; Tamar Halperin. 2 CDs. CD 1: 1. Stundenglas. 2. Kabinett Ii. 3. Chur. 4 . Kabinett Iii. 5. Mesmer. 6. Kabinett Iv. 7. Palimpsest. 8. Kabinett Vi. 9. Sagée. 10. Kabinett V. 11. Amethyst. 12. Kabinett I. CD 2: 1. Kabinett Ii. 2. Kabinett Iv. 3. Kabinett V. 4. Monsters: Symmetriads. 5. Kabinett Vi. 6. Sagée. 7. Hexentanz I - Iii. 8. Hexentanz Iv - V. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen Wonderland. For solo piano; from the film by Michael Winterbottom / music by Michael Nyman. - Klavierauszug - 21 Seiten. 1. Franklyn. 2. Nadia. 3. Debbie. 4. Jack. 5. Bill. Bibliothek: Mannheim 64 World Network. - 15. France. Bratsch: Gypsy music from the heart of Europe - 1 CD. 1. Le Rindovani. 2. A romalei te djilas. 3. Joulik. 4. Joc - Hummus Blues. 5. Sari siroun yar. 6. Bayat - danse grecque - rabiz. 7. Avreimel, der marwicher - chiar daca dau de necaz. 8. Opa tsupa. 9. Les noces. 10. Maruzella. 11. Nane tsora. Bibliothek: Mannheim World Saxophone Quartet: Steppenwolf / World Saxophone Quartet. - 1 CD. 1. Intro. 2. The crossing. 3. Li‘l Poki. 4. Sunrise. 5. Giant steps. 6. Color for Duke. 7. Toré. 8. What if. 9. Hattie wall (theme song). Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Young, Jacob: Forever young / Jacob Young; Trygve Seim; Marcin Wasilewski; Slawomir Kurkiewicz; Michal Miskiewicz. - 1 CD. 1. I lost my heart to you. 2. Therese‘s gate. 3. Bounce. 4. We were dancing. 5. Sofia‘s dance. 6. Comback girl. 7. 1970. 8. Beauty. 9. Time changes. 10. My brother. Bibliothek: Ludwigshafen Young Fathers: Tape Two. - 1 CD. 1. I heard. 2. Come to life. 3. Only child. 4. Queen is dead. 5. Bones. 6. Freefalling. 7. Mr. Martyr. 8. Way down in the hole. 9. Ebony sky. Bibliothek: Mannheim Young Fathers: White men are black men too. - 1 CD. 1. Still running. 2. Shame. 3. Feasting. 4 . 27. 5. Rain or shine. 6. Sirens. 7. Old rock‘n‘roll. 8. Nest. 9. Liberated. 10. John Doe. 11. Dare me. 12. Get started. Bibliotheken: Heidelberg, Mannheim 65 Alles auf einer Karte. Mit der Metropol-Card können Sie alle in diesem Heft genannten Medien ausleihen, ohne in jeder Bibliothek neu Jahres- oder Einzelausleihgebühren zahlen zu müssen. Die Metropol-Card: 20 Euro zahlen. 12 Monate ausleihen. Außer in Heidelberg, Ludwigshafen und Mannheim auch in vielen weiteren Bibliotheken der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar ohne Aufpreis gültig! www. metropolcard.net 66 STADTBÜCHEREI HEIDELBERG HAUPTSTELLE Poststraße 15, 69115 Heidelberg Telefon: (06221) 58-36100, Fax: (06221) 58-36900 E-Mail: [email protected] Öffnungszeiten: Di–Fr 10.00–20.00 Uhr, Sa 10.00–16.00 Uhr. Information, Verlängerung, Kontenauskunft Telefon: (06221) 58-36100, Fax: (06221) 58-36240 E-Mail: [email protected] Veranstaltungsräume Der Hilde-Domin Saal und der Kleine Saal können gemietet werden. Informationen: (06221) 58-36020 Tiefgarage Die Einfahrt in der Poststraße ist rund um die Uhr geöffnet. Parkgebühren-Ermäßigung für Büchereikundinnen und -kunden während der Öffnungszeiten. BÜCHERBUS Telefon: (06221) 58-36170 E-Mail: [email protected] 22 Haltepunkte im gesamten Stadtgebiet Aktuelle Neuerwerbungen in Ergänzung zu diesem Verzeichnis finden Sie in unserem Online-Katalog unter www.heidelberg.de/stadtbuecherei unter Kataloge -> Neuerwerbungen -> Enjoy Jazz 2015. Stadtbücherei Heidelberg im Internet: www.heidelberg.de/stadtbuecherei 67 STADTBIBLIOTHEK LUDWIGSHAFEN Seit Juli 2015 läuft die Innensanierung der Zentralbibliothek. Bis zum Ende dieser Maßnahme befinden sich die Erwachsenenbibliothek, die Kinder- und Jugendbibliothek sowie die Abteilung Musik und Medien in einem Übergangsquartier im hinteren Teil des Gebäudekomplexes (Bürgermeister-Ludwig-Reichert-Haus), Bismarckstraße 44–48. ZENTRALBIBLIOTHEK Bismarckstraße 44–48, 67059 Ludwigshafen Zentralbibliothek: Telefon (0621) 504-2600 Kinder- und Jugendbibliothek Telefon (0621) 504-2603 Leihfristverlängerung: Telefon (06 21) 504-2611 E-Mail: [email protected] Öffnungszeiten: Di, Mi, Do, Fr 10.00–19.00 Uhr, Sa 10.00–15.00 Uhr. ZWEIGSTELLEN IN DEN STADTTEILEN Edigheim, Friesenheim, Gartenstadt, Mundenheim, Oggersheim, Oppau, Rheingönheim und Ruchheim. Stadtbibliothek Ludwigshafen im Internet: http://www.ludwigshafen.de/stadtbibliothek http://bibliothek-katalog.ludwigshafen.de/webopac 68 STADTBIBLIOTHEK MANNHEIM ZENTRALBIBLIOTHEK IM STADTHAUS N 1 Zentralbibliothek, N 1. Telefon: (0621) 293-8935 Zeitungs-und Zeitschriftenabteilung, Telefon: (0621) 293-8939 Fax: (0621) 293-9541, E-Mail: [email protected] Öffnungszeiten: Di–Fr 10.00–19.00, Sa 10.00–15.00 Uhr. MUSIKBIBLIOTHEK Dalberghaus N 3, 4. Telefon: (0621) 293-8900 E-Mail: [email protected] Öffnungszeiten: Di–Do 13.00–18.00, Fr 11.00–18.00, erster Sa im Monat 10.00–14.00 Uhr. KINDER- UND JUGENDBIBLIOTHEK Dalberghaus N 3, 4. Telefon: (0621) 293-8916 E-Mail: [email protected] Öffnungszeiten: Di–Do 13.00–18.00, Fr 11.00–18.00, Sa 10.00–14.00 Uhr. ZWEIGSTELLEN IN DEN STADTTEILEN Feudenheim, Friedrichsfeld, Herzogenried, Käfertal, Neckarau, Neckarstadt-West, Rheinau, Sandhofen, Schönau, Seckenheim und Vogelstang. MOBILE BIBLIOTHEK MIT HALTESTELLEN IN DEN STADTTEILEN Gartenstadt, Hochstätt, Jungbusch, Käfertal (Im Rott), Lindenhof, Neuhermsheim, Neuostheim, Rheinau-Süd, Schwetzingerstadt, Waldhof, Wallstadt und Wohlgelegen. LIEFERDIENST Angemeldete Kundinnen und Kunden der Stadtbibliothek Mannheim können sich nach Termin-Vereinbarung und gegen eine geringe Gebühr innerhalb Mannheims Medien nach Hause bringen lassen. Telefonische Auskunft: (0621) 293-8935 Stadtbibliothek Mannheim im Internet: www.stadtbibliothek.mannheim.de
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