EarthShape : Earth Surface Shaping by Biota Instructions for “Application Submission” 1. 2. 3. 4. Please fill out the form below. Please attach all information required by the host institution. (e.g. CV, cover letter with statement of motivation). Please send one copy of your application to each institution (project + supervisor) you are interested in. Deadline for all applications is the 15 October, 2015 unless indicated different by the host institution. Personal Details Familiy name /surname Given name(s) / first name Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd) Place of birth Nationality Gender female male Contact Details Street + number Zip / Postal code Town Country Phone Email address Education – Highest completed degree Degree Main subject Name, place and country of institution Start date (yyyy-mm) End date (yyyy-mm) SPP EARTHSHAPE – Earth Surface Shaping by Biota 1 EarthShape : Earth Surface Shaping by Biota Current education / employment Degree Main subject Name, place and country of institution Start date (yyyy-mm) Expected date of completion (yyyy-mm) Reference 1 Reference 1: Name (+title) Reference 1: Institute Reference 1: Email address Reference 1: Phone Reference 2 Reference 2: Name (+title) Reference 2: Institute Reference 2: Email address Reference 2: Phone Reference 3 Reference 3: Name (+title) Reference 3: Institute Reference 3: Email address Reference 3: Phone Please list the projects. Preferred projects Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5 SPP EARTHSHAPE – Earth Surface Shaping by Biota 2 EarthShape : Earth Surface Shaping by Biota PhD positions available: Project 1: a) Experimental investigation of interactive plant-trait and climate effects on soil carbon inputs (plant productivity and litter decomposition) along the Chilean coastal cordillera. PI: Prof. Maaike Bader (Marburg) Project 2: a) Landscape evolution modeling of coupled vegetation and paleoclimate controls on topography in Chile from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present. PI: Prof. Todd Ehlers (Tübingen) b) Dynamic modeling of vegetation changes in Chile from the Last Glacial Maximum to present using spatially downscaled climate model output and coupled with erosion dynamics. PI: Prof. Thomas Hickler (Frankfurt/Main) Project 4: a) Modelling and budgeting sediment transport, storage and connectivity – biotic effect. PI: Prof. Thomas Hoffmann and Prof. Lothar Schrott (Koblenz and Bonn) Project 5: a) Physiological, biochemical and molecular-taxonomical studies on biocrust organisms with a main focus on microorganisms and bioweathering mechanisms to address structure and function. PI: Prof. Ulf Karsten (Rostock) b) Geoecological, ecophysiological and taxonomical studies on biocrust lichens and mosses to address areal coverage and saisonal photosynthetic activity. PI: Prof. Burkhard Büdel (Kaiserslautern) c) Chemical analyses of proxies for the weathering intensity, characterisation of organic matter fractions/dynamics, and investigation of the role of biocrusts in the P cycling from single grain- up to soil profile/slope/catchment-scale. PI: Prof. Peter Leinweber (Rostock) d) Climatic control of biocrusts, and multi-/hyperspectral detection of crusts as well as related weathering and soil formation processes by remote sensing for selected catchments. PI: Prof. Jörg Bendix (Marburg) Project 6: a) Analysis of root carbon contribution to nutrient mobilization and recycling in the weathering zone of soil in Chile. PI: Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov (Göttingen) Project 7: a) Holocene palaeoclimate reconstruction of Northern Chile based on peatland/wetland sedimentary geoarchives. PI: Prof. Bertil Mächtle (Heidelberg) Project 8: a) The primary objective of this project is to apply and extend existing EMI and GPR data processing algorithms for the characterization of the weathering front on different hillslope sites along coastal Chile. PI: Prof. Jan van der Kruk (Jülich) Project 9: a) Testing biotic controls on erosion and sediment transport in the Chilean coastal cordillera with cosmogenic 10Be-derived erosion rates and a shear stress-based river incision model. PI: Prof. Dirk Scherler (Potsdam) Project 10: a) Soil ecological and soil chemical study of phosphorus solubilization by microorganisms and plants at different stages of soil development. PI: Dr. Marie Spohn (Bayreuth) Project 11: a) An experimental approach to separating climate, vegetation and geochemical effects on nutrient cycling along a climate gradient. PI: Prof. Katja Tielbörger (Tübingen) Project 12: a) Employ innovative isotope geochemical systems (metal stable, cosmogenic, radiogenic isotopes) to identify whether roots and associated fungi take up mineral nutrients and thus convert rock to soil by weathering. PI: Prof. Friedhelm von Blanckenburg (Potsdam) Project 13: a) Understanding of microbial communities and the impact of their metabolic processes on the development of a soil stabilizing structure in Chilean soil ecosystems under different climate conditions. PI: Prof. Dirk Wagner (Potsdam) b) Understanding of microbial-mediated soil structure formation processes and pedogenesis and how they are interrelated to soil erosion processes in Chilean soil ecosystems under different climate conditions. PI: Prof. Thomas Scholten (Tübingen) SPP EARTHSHAPE – Earth Surface Shaping by Biota 3
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