Institut für Erdmessung g Determination of Phase Biases with p zero-baseline common clock setups Steffen Schön, Tobias Kersten Institut für Erdmessung Experimental set up Temperature p +/- 0.5 K Zero-Baseline Common Clock Forming differences F i single i l diff Here: results from RINEX2.11 signals S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 2 Analysis Concept Forming between station single differences Initial receiver clock difference common for all satellites constant if no assymetry in the experiment p Phase bias Phase ambiguity g y integer multiple constant per arc if no cycle slips Quantities are not separable 3 step approach: 1) determine „ambiguity“ by rounding => diff clock and bias 2) forming differences between frequencies => elimination of a „common clock“ 3) studying the remaining „biases“ S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 3 Results for RINEX2.11 observations common scale: 2cm S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 4 Results for RINEX2.11 observations S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 5 Short baseline common clock setup p for GDV: Uncorrected single differences corrected single differences S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 6 Experimentelle Bestimmung g von GDV A B ideal tatsächliches Pattern dSDAi , B SDAi , B tk 1 SDAi , B tk GDVAi tk 1 GDVAi tk d Ai , B Kersten T., Kersten, T Schön, Schön S., S Weinbach, Weinbach U U. (2012): On the Impact of Group Delay Variations on GNSS Time and Frequency Transfer, Transfer In: Proceedings of the 26th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 24.-26. 2012 S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 7 C/A Group Delay y Variationen S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 8 P1 Group Delay Variationen GDV smaller 1.5 ns S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 9 impact on GDV on kinematic positioning and ambiguity resolution 8 cm 1m Kersten, T., Schön, (2013): IAG Potsdam S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 10 Conclusions Common clock set-up are useful to assess phase and code biases independently from global networks o Temperature sensitivity to small changes (<1K) in room temperature p ((~ computing p g load of receiver?)) o Whole equipment delay has an impact (antenna, cable, splitters, receiver,…) o Sometimes S ti d deviations i ti and dd drifts ift ((some mm)) iin ti time series i (Still asymmetry in the set up?, common equipment (splitter, ..) not sufficient stable (ps level) ?) o Sometimes single satellites are not following the mean Current C analyses l ffocus on RINEX3 RINEX3-conform f signals i l S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 11 Literature Kersten T., Schön S. (2015): An alternative method for determining GPS receiver biases, Poster, EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-12042, 2015 Kersten T. (2014): Bestimmung von Codephasen Codephasen-Variationen Variationen bei GNSS GNSS-Empfangsantennen Empfangsantennen und deren Einfluss auf die Positionierung, Navigation und Zeitübertragung, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Reihe C, Nr. 740 (identical with Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten der Fachrichtung Geodäsie und Geoinformatik der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Nr. 315) ) Antenna Code Phase Variations ((GDVs)) and the Impact p on Ambiguity g y Kersten T.,, Schön S. ((2014): Resolution, In: IGS Analysis Workshop, June 23.-27., Pasadena, California, USA Kersten T., Schön S. (2013): Analysis of IfE-Robot based Group Delay Variations for the Positioning and Navigation of Mobile Platforms, In: Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference (ENC) 2013, Vienna, Austria Kersten T., Schön S. (2013): The Impact of Group Delay Variations on Wide- and Narrowlane Linear Combinations, Proceedings of IAG Scientific Assembly 2013, 150 years International Association of Geodesy (IAG), September 01.-06., GfZ - Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany ) Impact p of individual Receiver Antenna Code Phase Variations on the Kersten T.,, Schön S. ((2013): Ambiguity Resolution, Abstract #G53b-0920, AGU Fall Meeting, December 09.-13., San Francisco, California Kersten T., Schön S. (2012): Antenna specific IfE-Robot based Code Phase Delays and its Impact on Positioning and Navigation, 6th ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies & European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signal Processing, ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands Link DOI: 10.1109/NAVITEC.2012.6423088 Kersten, T., Schön, S., Weinbach, U. (2012): On the Impact of Group Delay Variations on GNSS Time and Frequency Transfer, In: Proceedings of the 26th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), Gothenburg, Sweden, April 24.-26. 2012, pp 514 - 521 Link DOI: 10.1109/EFTF.2012.6502435 S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 12 Literature Parts of the work were realized during research projects S. Schön – IGS Bias Workshop Bern 5.11-6.11.2015 13
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