Curriculum Vitae 2015-09-01 (application/pdf

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1 September 2015
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Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Division of Insurance Medicine
Curriculum Vitae – Thomas Dorner
Family name
First names
Work address
Thomas Ernst
1975 in Eisenstadt, Austria
Medical University of Vienna Centre for Public Health
Institute of Social Medicine
[email protected]
[email protected]
“Habilitation” lecture qualification for Social Medicine /Public
Health; Postdoctoral thesis “Social Determinats for Health
Ressources, Health Behaviour, and Morbidity and Consequences for
Social Medicine and Public Health”
Graduation (MPH)
University Course Master of Public Health
Graduation (M.D.)
Studies of Human Medicine, Vienna University, Medical School
“Matura” (School leaving exam)
Primary and Secondary School
Ongoing and previous position
Since 04/2011 Assistant Professor, Institute of Social Medicine, Centre for Public
Health, Medical University Vienna
Postdoc Position, Institute of Social Medicine, Centre forPublic
Health, Medical University Vienna
University Assistant, Institute of Social Medicine andEpidemiology,
Medical University Graz
Training Officer for doctors-in-training; Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital
Clinical Training in General Medicine, Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital
Clinical Training in Internal Medicine, Military Hospital Vienna
Clinical Training in Geriatrics, Geriatric Hospital “Haus der
Barmherzigkeit”, Vienna
Clinical Training in Internal Medicine, Teaching Clinic, Vienna
Karolinska Institutet
Division of Insurance Medicine
SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address
Berzelius väg 3, 6th floor
+46 8 524 83224 (secretary)
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Project-orientated research assistant at the Institute of Social
Medicine, Medical University Vienna
Advisory Boards
Since 2013
Member of the Steering Committee of EUROPREV
(European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion)
Since 2012
Delegate to the EUPHA (European Public Health
Association) Governing Board
Member of Scientific Program Committee, WONCA-Europe
Since 2011
Member of Abstract Scoring Committee, WONCA-Europe
Since 2010
Since 2012
Since 2013
Advisory Board for Health Statistics at Statistics Austria
President Austrian Society of Public Health
Head of the Task Force “Physical Activity”
Member of the Executive Board
Member of the Steering Committee of Austrian Society of
General Medicine
Austrian Society for the Study of Pain
Austrian Society for Hypertension
Lectures and Seminars
Lectures and seminars at the Medical University of Vienna, Medical University Graz,
University of Vienna, Danube University Krems, Universitiy of Applied Sciences
Burgenland, and in the inter-universitary courses Master of Public Health Vienna,
Health Care Management Vienna, Interdisciplinary Pain Medicine, and Master of
Insurance Medicine Basel.
PhD Supervision
Title: “Effect of physical activity and fitness on various dimensions of quality of life
(biological health, psycho-social health, functional status, fear of falling, social support)
in frail malnourished aged subjects and robust elderly volunteers who regularly
perform a structured strength training together. A randomised controlled intervention
trial.“PhD Student: Ali Kapan
Title: “Impact of nutritional intervention on nutritional status, dietary pattern and
biochemical marker in malnourished frail community dwelling older persons carried
out by trained lay buddies – a randomised controlled trial“PhD Student: Eva Luger
Title: “Muscle strength in frail malnourished subjects – a partial analysis of the Gesund
durch Gesundheitsbuddy study“ PhD Student: Sandra Haider
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Title: “Do physical activity-based food lables influence food choice and/or level of
physical activity?“
PhD Student: Yvonne Schröder
Title: “Implementation of health promotion in the hospital setting“
PhD Student: Christina Cathérine Wieczorek
Title: “Implementation Research in School Health Promotion in Austria“
PhD Student: Michaela Adamowitsch
Title: “Health Promotion by Ambient Assistive Technologies
– How the Health of Elderly can be positively influenced by using Information and
Communication Technology in Long Term Care“
PhD Student: Christian Siegel
Scientific publications (January 2014)
1. Stamm, T; Pieber, K; Blasche, G; Dorner, TE. Health care utilisation in subjects
with osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, and osteoporosis aged 65 years and more:
mediating effects of limitations in activities of daily living, pain intensity and
mental diseases. Wien Med Wochnschr, accepted Jan. 07, 2014.
2. Borsoi, L; Rieder, A; Stein, KV; Hofhansl, A; Dorner, TE. Preventive
Medicine: selfassessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes of medical students
at the Medical University of Vienna. Wien Med Wochnschr, accepted Dec. 25,
3. Dorner, TE; Lackinger, C; Haider, S; Luger, E; Kapan, A; Luger, M; Schindler,
KE. Nutritional intervention and physical training in malnourished frail
community-dwelling elderly persons carried out by trained lay “buddies”: study
protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2013:13;1232.
4. Burkert, NT; Muckenhuber, J; Großschädl, F; Sprenger, M; Rohrauer-Näf, G;
Ropin, K; Martinel, E; Dorner, T. Good practice models for public workplace
health promotion projects in Austria: promoting mental health. Wien Med
Wochenschr. 2013 Dec 11.
5. Brunner-Ziegler, S; Rieder, A; Stein, V; Koppensteiner, R; Hoffmann, K;
Dorner, TE. Predictors of participation in preventive health examinations in
Austria. BMC Public Health. 2013:13;1138.
6. Ekmekcioglu, C; Blasche, G; Dorner, TE. Too much salt and how we can get rid
of it. Forsch Komplementmed. 2013:20;454-460.
7. Muckenhuber, J; Burkert, N; Dorner, TE; Großschädl, F; Freidl, W. The impact
of the HDI on the association between psychosocial work demands with
sickness absence and presenteeism. Eur J Public Health. 2013 Sep 12.
8. Dorner, TE; Luger, E; Tschinderle, J; Stein, KV; Haider, S; Kapan, A;
Lackinger, C; Schindler, KE. Association between nutritional status (MNA®SF) and frailty (SHARE-FI) in acute hospitalised elderly patients. JNHA - The
Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging; Accepted July 9th, 2013.
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9. Muckenhuber, J; Burkert, N; Großschädl, F; Dorner, TE; Freidl, W. Low social
capital as a predictor for the risk of obesity. Health Soc. Work. Accepted June,
6th, 2013.
10. Hoffmann, K; Stein, KV; Maier, M; Rieder, A; Dorner, TE. Access points to the
different levels of health care and demographic predictors in a country without a
gatekeeping system. Results of a cross-sectional study from Austria. Eur J
Public Health. 2013:23;933-939.
11. Schoberberger, R; Dorner, T; Rieder, A. Gesundheitsbewusstsein als
dominierender Einflussfaktor auf die Entstehung von Übergewicht – eine
Gesundheitsbefragung bei der bäuerlichen Bevölkerung Österreichs.
Gesundheitswesen. 2013 Jun 11.
12. Niederkrotenthaler, T; Sonneck, G; Dervic, K; Nader, IW; Voracek, M;
Kapusta, ND; Etzersdorfer, E; Mittendorfer-Rutz, E; Dorner, T. Predictors of
Suicide and Suicide Attempt in Subway Stations: A Population-based
Ecological Study. J Urban Health. 2012:89;339-353.
13. Dorner, TE; Rieder, A. Obesity paradox in elderly patients with cardiovascular
diseases. Int J Cardiol. 2012:155;56-65.
14. Dorner, TE; Stronegger, WJ; Hoffmann, K; Stein, KV; Niederkrotenthaler, T.
Socioeconomic determinants of health behaviours across age groups: results of a
cross-sectional survey. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2013:125;261-269.
15. Dorner, TE; Stein, KV. Prevalence and status quo of osteoarthritis in Austria.
Analysis of epidemiological and social determinants of health in a
representative cross-sectional survey. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2013:163;206211.
16. Dorner, TE; Lackinger, C; Schindler, K; Stein, KV; Rieder, A; Ludvik, B.
Health information regarding diabetes mellitus reduces misconceptions and
underestimation of consequences in the general population. Public Health Nutr.
17. Kautzky-Willer, A; Dorner, T; Jensby, A; Rieder, A. Women show a closer
association between educational level and hypertension or diabetes mellitus than
males: a secondary analysis from the Austrian HIS. BMC Public Health.
2012;:12; 392.
18. Pieber, K; Stein, KV; Herceg, M; Rieder, A; Fialka-Moser, V; Dorner, TE.
Determinants of satisfaction with individual health in male and female patients
with chronic low back pain. J Rehabil Med. 2012:44;658–663.
19. Stein, KV; Dorner TE, Rieder A. Erhebung der Patientenperspektive bei
chronischer Krankheit. Diskussion des Instruments „Österreichischer
Patientenbericht“. Gesundheitswesen. 2012:74; 250-256.
20. Dorner, TE; Genser, D; Krejs, GJ; Slany, J; Watschinger, B; Ekmekcioglu, C;
Rieder, A. Hypertonie und Ernährung – Ein Positionspapier der
Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Ernährung (ÖGE). Herz. 2013:38;153-162.
21. Stein, KV; Rieder, A; Dorner, TE. East-West gradient in cardio-vascular
mortality in Austria: how much can we explain by following the pattern of risk
factors? Int J Health Geogr. 2011:10;59.
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22. Dorner, TE; Tröstl, A; Womastek, I; Groman, E. Predictors of short-term
success in smoking cessation in relation to attendance at a smoking cessation
program. Nicotine Tob Res. 2011:13;1068-1075.
23. Niederkrotenthaler, T; Dorner, T; Maier, M. Measuring impact of research on
society. Nature. 2011:469;34.
24. Dorner, TE; Muckenhuber, J; Stronegger, WJ; Ràsky, É; Gustorff, B; Freidl, W.
The impact of socio-economic status on pain and the perception of disability
due to pain. Eur J Pain. 2011:15;103-109.
25. Steiner, S; Dorner, TE; Fodor, JG; Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Blood Pressure
Awareness in Austria: Lessons From a 30 Years Horizon. Am J Hypertens.
26. Niederkrotenthaler, T; Dorner, TE; Maier, M (for the task force). Development
of a practical tool to measure the impact of publications on the society based on
27. Kunze, U; Dorner, TE. Influenza-related excess mortality necessitates an urgent
call for action. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2011:123;688.
28. Dorner TE, Ràsky E, Stein KV, Stronegger WJ, Kautzky-Willer A, Rieder A.
Coverage of recommended vaccinations in subjects with diabetes mellitus and
ischemic heart disease: results for women and men. Wien Med Wochenschr.
2011: 161;136-142.
29. Dorner, TE; Schwarz, F; Kranz, A; Freidl, W; Rieder, A; Gisinger, C. Body
mass index and the risk of infections in institutionalised geriatric patients. Br J
Nutr. 2010: 32;1-6.
30. Dorner, TE; Stronegger, WJ; Rebhandl, E; Rieder, A; Freidl, W. The
relationship between various psychosocial factors and physical symptoms
reported during primary-care health examinations. Wien Klin Wochenschr.
31. Stein, KV; Dorner, TE; Ilias, W; Rieder, A. Schmerzpatienten und ihre
Erwartungen an die ärztliche Versorgung. Ergebnisse aus dem Österreichischen
Patientenbericht. Schmerz. 2010:24;468-473.
32. Dorner, TE; Rieder, A. Das Adipositasparadoxon oder Reverse Epidemiologie.
Hohes Körpergewicht als protektiver Faktor bei bestimmten chronischen
Bedingungen? Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2010:135;413-418.
33. Dorner, T; Knopp, A; Stettner, H; Freidl, W. Geschlechtsspezifische
Unterschiede bezüglich Aufnahmeraten auf Intensivstationen, Aufenthaltsdauer
und durchgeführten intensivmedizinischen Maßnahmen bei Personen im Alter
ab 75 Jahren in einer Österreichischen Region. Gesundheitswesen.
34. Kamenski G, Dorner T, Lawrence K, Psota G, Rieder A, Schwarz F, Sepandj A,
Spiegel W, Strotzka S. Detection of dementia in primary care: comparison of
the original and a modified Mini-Cog Assessment with the Mini-Mental State
Examination. Ment Health Fam Med. 2009:6;209-217.
35. Rieder, A; Dorner, T; Resch, H; Bröll, J. Editorial: Osteoporose: Eine
Herausforderung für die Prävention. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2009:159;219220.
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36. Dorner, T; Weichselbaum, E; Lawrence, K; Viktoria Stein, K; Rieder, A.
Austrian osteoporosis report: epidemiology, lifestyle factors, public health
strategies. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2009:159;221-229.
37. Jahelka, B; Dorner, T; Terkula, R; Quittan, M; Bröll, H; Erlacher, L. Healthrelated quality of life in patients with osteopenia or osteoporosis with and
without fractures in a geriatric rehabilitation department. Wien Med
Wochenschr. 2009:159;235-240.
38. Dorner, T; Lawrence, K; Rebhandl, E; Weichselbaum, E; Rieder, A. Opinions
and attitudes concerning osteoporosis among Austrian general practitioners.
Wien Med Wochenschr. 2009:159;247-252.
39. Viktoria Stein, K; Dorner, T; Lawrence, K; Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Ökonomische
Konzepte zur Erfassung der Krankheitskosten von Osteoporose: Österreich im
internationalen Vergleich. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2009:159;253-261.
40. Dorner, T; Gustorff, B; Likar, R; Lawrence, K; Schwarz, F; Rieder, A.
Neuropathischer Schmerz im stationären Bereich. Analyse der Österreichischen
Krankenhausentlassungsdaten.Schmerz. 2009:23;59-64.
41. Gustorff, B; Dorner, T; Likar, R; Grisold, W; Lawrence, K; Schwarz, F; Rieder,
A. Prevalence of self-reported neuropathic pain and impact on quality of life: a
prospective representative survey. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2008:52;132-136.
42. Dorner, T; Lawrence, K; Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Reversal in epidemiologic trends
of allergic diseases? Wien Med Wochenschr. 2008:158;634-635.
43. Dorner, T; Fodor, JG; Lawrence, K; Ludvik, B; Rieder, A. HDL-knowledge in
the lay public: results of a representative population survey. Atherosclerosis.
2007:195; 195-198.
44. Dorner, T; Kranz, A; Zettl-Wiedner, K; Ludwig, C; Rieder, A; Gisinger, C. The
effect of structured strength and balance training on cognitive function in frail,
cognitive impaired elderly long-term care residents. Aging Clin Exp Res.
45. Dorner, T; Lawrence, K; Rieder, A; Kunze, M. Epidemiology of allergies in
Austria. Results of the first Austrian allergy report. Wien Med Wochenschr.
46. Dorner, T; Müller, KH; Schmidl, H; Freidl, W; Stronegger, WJ; Lawrence, K;
Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Subjective health and impaired quality of life due to
allergies in a representative population survey. Wien Med Wochenschr.
47. Stein, V; Dorner, T; Lawrence, K; Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Volkswirtschaftliche
Aspekte von Allergien. Ausgangslage und Ausblick für Österreich. Wien Med
Wochenschr. 2007:157;248-254.
48. Dorner, T; Rathmanner, T; Lechleitner, M; Schlögel, R; Roden, M; Lawrence,
K; Schwarz, F; Kiefer, I; Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Public health aspects of diabetes
mellitus--epidemiology, prevention strategies, policy implications: the first
Austrian diabetes report. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2006:118;513-519.
49. Dorner, T; Fodor, JG; Allichhammer, D; Kiefer, I; Lawrence, K; D'Angelo, MS;
Huebel, U; Strunz, B; Ohnoutka, A; Antes, G; Schmidl, H; Kunze, M; Rieder,
A. A heart for Vienna-- the prevention program for the big city. Blue-collar
workers as a special target group. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2006:156;552-557.
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50. Fodor, GJ; Kotrec, M; Bacskai, K; Dorner, T; Lietava, J; Sonkodi, S; Rieder, A;
Turton, P. Is interview a reliable method to verify the compliance with
antihypertensive therapy? An international central-European study. J
Hypertension 2005:23;1261-1264.
51. Dorner, T; Leitner, B; Stadlmann, H; Fischer, W; Neidhart, B; Lawrence, K;
Kiefer, I; Rathmanner, T; Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Prevalence of overweight and
obesity in Austrian male and female farmers. Soz Praventivmed. 2004:49;243246.
52. Dorner, T; Kiefer, I; Kunze, M; Rieder, A. Genderaspekte sozioökonomischer
und psychosozialer Faktoren bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen. Wien Med
Wochenschr. 2004:154;426-432.
53. Dorner, T; Rieder, A. Präventives Risikomanagement der koronaren
Herzerkrankung. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2004:154;257-265.
54. Fodor, JG; Tzerovska, R; Dorner, T; Rieder, A. Do we diagnose and treat
coronary heart disease differently in men and women? Wien Med Wochenschr.
2004:154; 423-425.
55. Huemer, C; Huemer, M; Dorner, T; Falger, J; Schacherl, H; Bernecker, M;
Artacker, G; Pilz, I. Incidence of pediatric rheumatic diseases in a regional
population in Austria. J Rheumatol. 2001:28;2116-2119.