Jenny List

Jenny List
DESY, 22603 Hamburg
Email: [email protected]
Diploma / University of Hamburg
PhD / RWTH Aachen
Thesis: Suche nach assoziierter Produktion von Higgs- und Z0-Bosonen
mit Zerfall in Quarks und Gluonen am OPAL-Experiment
Professional Experience
DESY Fellowship
Research Assistant at BU Wuppertal
Research Assistant at University of Hamburg
Emmy-Noether Young Investigator Group Leader at DESY
since 2010
permanent DESY staff scientist
Further activities (selected)
2006-2012 member of the Managing Committee of the Collaborative Research
Center (SFB) 676
2006-2012 member of the women’s representation committee (Frauenvertretung)
2009-2011 member of the organizing committee of the annual meeting of
Emmy-Noether YIG leaders
Research activities / convenerships
Research field: Physics case and detector optimization for the International Linear
Collider, specifically w.r.t. Higgs physics, SUSY, Dark Matter,
including interplay with the LHC.
Detector R&D and spin transport simulations for polarimetry at the ILC.
since 2006
since 2006
since 2014
since 2014
PI in the Collaborative Research Center 676
co-convener of the SUSY / BSM / Cosmology sessions at various
European and Worldwide Linear Collider Workshops
member of the Physics Working Group of the Linear Collider
Collaboration (16 selected members worldwide)
member of the Working Group on ILC Beam Parameters (7 selected
members worldwide)
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