K A R I M A K L A S E N _ P A I N T I N G _ I N S T A L L A T I O N _ M I X E D M E D I A phone 0049 162 479 7009 _ email [email protected] _ website karimaklasen.com Karima Klasen lives and works in Stuttgart and Luwigsburg, Germany EDUCATION 2008 2006 Boston University, Boston, MA, USA Master of Fine Arts in Painting Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Hall, Germany Bachelor of Arts in Cross Disciplinary Arts and Design SOLO EXHIBITIONS & TWO PERSON EXHIBITIONS 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006 2004 October, MISE EN SCENE in collaboration with Michael Koch, Bucharest, Romania September, CENTERED CIRCLES, Art in Public Space, Justizgebäude, Heidelberg, Germany June, WALLWORKS OST, Freie Szene im Depot, Stuttgart, Germany YES_NO_MAYBE, Kü n stlerhaus Eckernförde, Germany COMING SOON, Episoden in der Calwer Passage, JUST Project Stuttgart, Germany NO STRAIGHT LINE, Ebene 0, Stuttgart, Germany GEOMETRICS, with Esther Hagenmaier, Kunstwerk, Cologne, Germany PAPER ROOM, in collaboration with Michael Koch, Galerie 12-14, Vienna, Austria GEOMETRIC CONSTELLATIONS, Artary Galerie, Stuttgart, Germany MOMENTUM, Artary Galerie, Stuttgart, Germany EAT MY HEART, happening, Artary Galerie, Stuttgart, Germany ENCHANTMENT, site-specific installation, College of Santa Fe, NM MATERIAL WORLD, Commonwealth Gallery, CFA Building, BU , Boston, MA IDENTITY NOW, Bachelor Thesis Presentation, Kuenstlerhaus Stuttgart, Germany PLASTIKPLAU, installation, University of Applied Sciences, Schwaebisch Hall, Germany GROUP EXHIBITIONS (selection) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 FLOWERS FOR TONY, Antenna Gallery, New Orleans, LA, USA POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE, International Mail Art Project, Luhring Augustine, New York, USA CONVERGENCE, School of Visual Arts Alumni Exhibition. 808 Gallery, Boston, USA AOIO10S, Basis Frankfurt 7th International PRINTMAKING BIENAL OF DOURO, PORTUGAL BODY_SHELTER_NET, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart DEN WURZELN MEHR AUFMERKSAMKEIT WIDMEN, Kunstverein Familie Montez Frankfurt INDIGO / ZINNOBER, Maschenmuseum Albstadt, Germany ONE NIGHT STAND, Intervention of the Freien Unabhängigen Künstler Stuttgart, FUKS, Stuttgart, Germany POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE, International Mail Art Project, Luhring Augustine, New York, USA DEN WURZELN MEHR AUFMERKSAMKEIT WIDMEN, Kunstverein Familie Montez Frankfurt, Kunstraum Bad, Germany Cannstatt, Poly Galerie Karlsruhe, Preview Berlin Art Fair, Museum Lytke Leipzig, Kunstwerk Köln; Germany MADE IN PAINT, Exhibition at the SAGG, Golden Artist Colors, New York, USA ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS, Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin; Germany POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE, Visual Aids exhibition, Sikkema & Jenkins, New York, USA Finalists BOESNER ART AWARD, Maerkisches Museum Witten, Germany OPEN, open Studios at the Eberhard Ludwig Kaserne, Ludwigsburg, Germany ZEIGEN – EINE AUDIOTOUR, on invitation by Karin Sander, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Germany BETWEEN TWO WATERS, Open studios at NAC, Nida, Lituania POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE, Visual Aids exhibition, Cheim and Read Gallery, New York SOLIDARITY AUCTION, auction and exhibition of invited Artists, Kuenstlerhaus Stuttgart, Germany PREVIEW BERLIN, Artists of the Artary Galerie in collaboration, Flughafen Tempelhof Berlin, Germany WIE GEHTS STUTTGART?, open studios and exhibition, Kuenstlerhaus Stuttgart; Germany UTOPIA PARKWAY, residency, exhibition and collaborative project, Stuttgart, Germany WARTEN, exhibition and collaborative Project, Bahnhof Fuerth, Germany PINK TANK, site specific installation, Matthaes Verlag Stuttgart, Germany THE WINDOW UNTITLED, site specific installation, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM, USA OFF THE WALL, Competition, Danforth Museum of Art, Framingham, MA, USA INTERNATIONAL ARRIVALS, Robert Morris University, Media Arts Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA, USA GRADUATE THESIS EXHIBITION, 808 Gallery, Boston, MA, USA BOSTON YOUNG CONTEMPORARIES, New England MFA Competition, 808 Gallery, Boston, MA, USA K A R I M A K L A S E N _ P A I N T I N G _ I N S T A L L A T I O N _ M I X E D M E D A phone 0049 162 479 7009 _ email [email protected] _ website karimaklasen.com STIPENDS, AWARDS, RESIDENCIES 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011-2012 2008-2009 2006-2009 2008 2007-2008 2006-2008 2007 2002 October Artist Exchange Grant, Institute für Auslandsbeziehungen IfA, Stuttgart, Germany Project Grant Alfred Ritter GmbH und CoKG, Waldenbuch, Germany Project Grant, City of Stuttgart and Abt-Straubinger Stiftung for JUST Project, Stuttgart, Germany Residency and Stipend at the Künstlerhaus Eckernförde, Germany Project Grant, LBBW Stiftung Stuttgart, Germany Residency at the Frans Masereel Center, Belgium Auto Center Summer Academy, ACSA, Berlin, Germany Visiting Artist at the Golden Foundation, New York Shortlist (25 of 1800) for the boesner art award Golden Foundation Residency, New York Residency at the Nida Art Colony (NAC)/Vilnius Academy of Arts, Nida, Lithuania Studio Fellowship (Atelierstipendium) at the Kuenstlerhaus Stuttgart, Germany Residency at the Santa Fe Art Institute (SFAI) in Santa Fe NM Fulbright Fellowship Grant of the Fulbright Commission Berlin, Germany Joan Mitchell Grant, Joan Mitchell Foundation, New York Prize Winner at the Boston Young Contemporary New England wide Competition, Boston, MA Visual Arts Scholarship, Boston University, Boston, MA Constantin Alajalov Scholarship, Boston University, Boston, MA Stipend from the Robert-Bosch-Foundation and Markelstiftung Stuttgart, Germany Award of Excellence, Max Kade Foundation, New York Scholarship of InWENT and the German Ministry of Education and Science for residency in London COLLABORATIONS, INTERVENTIONS, COMMISSIONS 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Community Workshop PAPERWORKS_HIGH WITHOUT LOW, Backnang, Germany Commission for the Design of a Coffee Shop for Students, Ostheim Stuttgart, Germany CAPTCHA, Symposium ‚Befreiung der Schriftʼ, Teacher of Workshop for Installation/ Interventions in space, Fakultät fü r Gestaltung Mannheim, Germany Collaborative Print Project (CPP), JUST Project, Stuttgart, FUKS, Germany Intervention in public space, CLASS NED VENA, Kreuzberg Berlin, Germany Baden-Würrtemberg: Ein Ort für junge Künstler?, Partizipation in a research study of Urban Media Project, Oliver Kremer shof and the Kunststiftung Baden Württemberg, Germany EBENE 0, Wand 2.0, Winner of Competition / Commission of mural in public space, Stuttgart, Germany 72H URBAN ACTION, International urban art and architecture competition, Stuttgart, Germany WANTED, Artistic interventions, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany ZINNOBER, Works from the Workshops of the Kuenstlerhauses Stuttgart, Germany Initiation of the FAFA_Salon , From Artists For Artist, discussions, presentations & professional platform, Kuenstlerhaus Stuttgart, Germany UTOPIA PARKWAY, residency, exhibition and collaborative project, Stuttgart, Germany WARTEN, site specific installation, commissioned by the city of Fuerth, Germany BIBLIOGRAPHY (selection) 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 UP TO NOW, Catalogue/Artist book of Karima Klasenʼs works from 2009-2014 Protest einer Kü n stlerin, Kieler Nachrichten, Tuesday 23.09.2014, page 25 Protest im Kü n stlerhaus, Eckernförder Zeitung, Tuesday 23.09.2014, page 7 Komposition und Installationen, Eckernförder Zeitung, Wednesday 18.06.2014, page 9 Mein Ziel ist nicht die Perfektion, Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung, Saturday May 31, 2014, page 8 Die Win-Win-Passage, Lift Magazin Stuttgart, May Issue, page 60 Eine freie Künstlergruppe in der alten Kaserne, A distinction for the artist community of the Eberhardt Ludwig Kaserne, Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung, Issue March 29, 2014 Catalogue MADE IN PAINT, 2012 Artists in Residence, Golden Foundation, New York, USA Kölner Stadtanzeiger ‚Linie und Flächen zwischen Säulenʼ, April 2013 Catalogue - Katalog zum BOESNER ART AWARD – Die Nominierten Die Nominierten, Kunst und Material, Issue January/February, pages 19-25 Wie der Architekturwettbewerb 72 Hours Urban Action die Stadt verändert hat, Lift Magazin Stuttgart, October Issue, page11-12 Die Kunst der richtigen Sprache, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Saturday June 4, 2011, No. 128, Kultur page 33 Watchlist: Karima Klasen, Karten lesen, Sonnendeck, Issue 92, May 2011, page 14-15 Schauplatz, Die besten Adressen für Kunst, KINKImag #35, page 105 Frontiers, Frankly Magazine, 21 Edition 2010, page 10-11 Disco als Inspiration, Lift Stuttgart, August Edition 08/10, page 119 My Face your Space, catalogue, Kunstforum Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall, Germany Past, present and future perfect, April 3rd issue of Pasatiempo, Santa Fe, New Mexican Arts and Culture Magazine, Santa Fe, NM An artistic anding for MFA students, April 18th issue of BU Today
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