Die LINKE – Left-wing populism made in Germany? Presentation at the Round Table „Trends in the transformation of the German political party system: Reasons and Consequences” Sophie Haring University of Passau Passau, 08/12/2015 Contents Left wing populism made in Germany? ①Populism – an elusive concept in political science ②Die LINKE ①Genesis and development ②Electoral outcomes ③Populist chatacteristics ④Leftist populsits in Europe: promise or threat? 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 1 Theoretical framework Populism To each his own definition of populism, according to the academic axe he grinds. (Wiles 1967) An appeal to “the people” against both the established structure of power and the dominant ideas and values of the society. (Canovan 1999) Discursive strategy: the people against ruling elites No possible consensus 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 2 Die LINKE – development Historical overview 2004 fraction 1989 2007 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 3 Die LINKE – development Party membership 1990 - 2014 300000 280.882 Anzahl der Linke-Parteimitglieder 250000 200000 172.579 150000 100000 146.742 131.406 123.751 114.940 105.029 98.624 78.046 94.627 88.594 83.475 73.658 77.845 75.968 60.338 71.711 70.805 69.458 65.753 61.38561.270 63.756 63.761 60.547 50000 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Statista/ FU Berlin (Otto-Stammer-Zentrum) 2014 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 4 Die LINKE – electoral outcomes Electoral outcomes, national level 14,0% 11,9% 12,0% 10,0% Anteil der Stimmen 8,7% 8,6% 8,0% 6,0% 5,1% 4,4% 4% 4,0% 2,4% 2,0% 0,0% 1990 1994 1998 2002 2005 2009 2013 Der Bundeswahlleiter 2013 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 5 Die LINKE – development Die LINKE - seats in the current German Bundestag 300 255 250 193 Anzahl der Sitze 200 150 100 64 63 56 50 0 CDU SPD Linke Grüne CSU Der Bundeswahlleiter 2013 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 6 Die LINKE – electoral outcomes Gains and losses in the national elections 2013 200000 Anzahl der ab- oder zugewanderten Wähler 100000 90.000 0 -40.000 -100000 -120.000 -200000 -300000 -320.000 -340.000 -370.000 -400000 FDP Grüne CDU/CSU Nichtwähler AfD SPD Ziel- bzw. Herkunftsparteien Der Bundeswahlleiter 2013/ spiegel.de 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 7 Die LINKE – political successes in federal states Results in regional elections (Landtagswahlen) until May 2015 30,0% 28,2% 25,0% 23,7% Stimmenanteile 20,0% 18,6% 18,9% 18,4% 16,1% 15,0% 11,7% 10,0% 9,5% 8,5% 5,2% 5,0% 3,1% 2,1% 2,5% 2,8% 2,3% 3% 0,0% Source: wahlrecht.de/ Landeswahlleiter (diverse) 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 8 Die LINKE – political successes in federal states Government role 0 1 Anzahl der Koalitionen 3 2 4 SPD, Grüne 5 6 5 CDU, SPD 3 SPD, CDU 2 CDU, Grüne 1 SPD, Linke 1 SPD, Grüne, SSW 1 Grüne, SPD 1 Linke, SPD, Grüne 1 Alleinregierung CSU 1 Source: Bundesrat (www.bundesrat.de) 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 9 Left-wing populism Partial populism established party identification of a powerful elite, apart and cut off from a popular majority but: rarely “the people”, rather: heterogeneity Die Mehrheit des Volkes lehnt die von den Eliten in Parteien und Medien vertretene neoliberale Politik ab. (Lafontaine 2005) 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 10 Outlook Populism – here to stay? However, because of the structural changes, and the consequent move away from legal authority and toward charismatic authority, as well as the demystification of politics in Western liberal democracies, populism will be a more regular feature of future democratic politics, erupting whenever significant sections of ‘the silent majority’ feels that ‘the elite’ no longer represents them. (Mudde 2004) 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 11 Literature Sources Canovan, Margaret (1999): Trust the people! Populism and the two faces of democracy, in: Political Studies XLVII, 2-16; Lafontaine, Oskar (2005): Politik für alle. Streitschrift für eine gerechte Gesellschaft. Econ, Berlin; Mudde, Cas (2004): The Populist Zeitgeist, in: Government and Opposition Vol. 39 No. 4, 541-563 Wiles, Peter (1969): A Syndrome, not a Doctrine. Some Elemental Theses on Populism, in: Ionescu, Ghita/ Gellner, Ernest (Eds.), Populism; its meaning and national characteristics. Macmillan, New York, 166-179. 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 12 Literature Statistics and graphs can be found at Slide 4 http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/192246/umfrage/mitgliederentwi cklung-der-linken Slide 5 http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/368864/umfrage/stimmenanteile -der-linken-bei-den-bundestagswahlen Slide 6 http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/273040/umfrage/endergebnisder-bundestagswahl Slide 7 http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/37834/umfrage/waehlerwanderu ng-bei-die-linke-bei-der-bundestagswahl Slide 8 http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/73680/umfrage/koalitionen-inden-bundeslaendern Slide 9 http://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/249923/umfrage/ergebnisseder-linken-bei-den-landtagswahlen 08/12/2015 Sophie Haring | Die LINKE: Left-wing populism made in Germany? | University of Passau 13
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