David Lindlbauer Paulsborner Strasse 94 | 10709 Berlin [email protected] online:: website | twitter | linkedin Personal Details Birthday Nationality 1986-03-06 Austria Experience Teaching and Research Assistant / PhD candidate Computer Graphics Group, Technische Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany, since 11/2014 Supervised by Prof. Marc Alexa. Working on novel display technologies, appearance & affordance through controlled transparency and fabrication. Co-supervision of master’s students (term projects). online:: http://www.cg.tu-berlin.de/ Teaching and Research Assistant / PhD candidate Mobile and Physical Interaction Group, Quality and Usability Lab Technische Universität Berlin, Telekom Innovation Laboratories Berlin, Germany, 01/2014 – 11/2014 Supervised by Prof. Joerg Mueller. Working on novel display technologies, VR environments and public displays. Working in the StreetSmart project (EIT ICT Labs). Co-supervision of master’s students (term projects). online:: http://www.qu.tu-berlin.de/menue/forschung/gruppen/mobile_physical_interaction/ Teaching and Research Assistant / PhD candidate Media Interaction Lab, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria Hagenberg, Austria, 11/2012 – 12/2013 Supervised by Prof. Michael Haller. Working in the Active Office project (FFG funding). Exploring new interaction techniques, gestural interfaces and display technologies. Teaching course Computer Graphics 2 (lab). Co-supervision of master’s students (term projects). online:: http://www.mi-lab.org Software Developer, Powerflasher GmbH [part time] Aachen, Germany, 09/2010 – 02/2012 Development of several iOS apps for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Consulting and estimations for several iOS projects. Powerflasher is now Interactive Pioneers (http://www.interactive-pioneers.de). online:: http://www.powerflasher.de || http://blog.powerflasher.de || Software Developer Powerflasher GmbH [full time] Aachen, Germany, 10/2009 – 09/2010 Development of several iOS apps for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Consulting and estimations for several iOS projects. Worked on a Java back end for the powerflasher website. Internship Powerflasher GmbH Aachen, Germany, 03/2009 – 09/2009 Worked on a large Windows Presentation Foundation Project for a German energy supplier. Development of a Microsoft Silverlight NewsWidget for Powerflasher. Made first experiences with agile software development. Involved in concept and technical planning for diverse projects. Internship Lomographic Society Vienna Vienna, Austria, 08/2008 – 09/2009 Designed several web banners for the www.lomography.com. Made 8 newsletters for the weekly newsletter of Lomography. Created the microsite for the “Supersampler”- camera. online:: http://www.lomography.com/ Internship Monte Video & Point advertising agency Linz, Austria, 08/2001 – 09/2009 First experiences with programs like Photoshop, Quark XPress [Point advertising agency] First experiences with film production, 3d-animation and composition [Monte Video] online:: http://www.monte.at Education University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg, Interactive Media, 2010 - 2012, Master of Science Graduated with high distinction. Master’s thesis supervised by Prof. Michael Haller (“Perceptual Grouping of Digital Sketches”) online:: Interactive Media University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Term abroard, 05/2012 – 10/2012 Finished my Master’s thesis under the supervision of Prof. Mark Hancock and Prof. Stacey Scott. online:: University of Waterloo || Collaborative Systems Lab || Touchlab University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg, Media Technology and Design, 2006 – 2009, Bachelor of Science Graduated with distinction. online:: Media, Technology and Design High School for Product Management and Design, Urfahr, Austria, 2005 online:: http://www.hblalentia.at/ Teaching Course: Computer Graphics 2 (OpenGL, WPF), 2013 Media Technology and Design, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg Tutor University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg, Media Technology and Design, 2010 – 2012 Applied Software Development, Computer Graphics, Hypermedia Programming, Digital Imaging Publications V. Miruchna, R. Walter, D. Lindlbauer, M. Lehmann, R. von Klitzing, J. Müller, 2015 “GelTouch: Localized Tactile Feedback Through Thin, Programmable Gel”, UIST’15, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, to appear A. Fender, J. Müller, D. Lindlbauer, 2015 “Creature Teacher: A Performance-Based Animation System for Creating Cyclic Movements”, SUI’15, Los Angeles, California, USA, pp. 113 - 122 R.Walter, A. Bulling, D. Lindlbauer, M.Schuessler, J. Müller, 2015 “Analyzing Visual Attention During Whole Body Interaction with Public Displays”, UBICOMP'15, Osaka, Japan, pp. 1263 - 1267 D. Lindlbauer, T. Aoki, R. Walter, A. Höchtl, Y. UEMA, M. Haller, M. Inami, J. Müller, 2014. “Tracs – Transparency Control for See-through Displays”, UIST '14, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2014, pp. 657-661 Including Demo at UIST 2014 D. Lindlbauer, T. Aoki, A. Höchtl, Y. UEMA, M. Haller, M. Inami, J. Müller, 2014. “A Collaborative See-through Display Supporting On-demand Privacy”, Siggraph Emerging Technologies '14, Vancouver, Canada, 2014, Article 1 Including Demo at SIGGRAPH 2014 K. Probst, D. Lindlbauer, M. Haller, B. Schwartz, and A. Schrempf, 2014. “A Chair as Ubiquitous Input Device: Exploring Semaphoric Chair Gestures for Focused and Peripheral Interaction”, CHI '14, Toronto, Canada, 2014, pp. 4097 -4106 K. Probst, D. Lindlbauer, M. Haller, B. Schwartz, and A. Schrempf, 2014. “Exploring the Potential of Peripheral Interaction through Smart Furniture”, Workshop on Peripheral Interaction: Shaping the Research and Design Space at CHI '14, Toronto, Canada D. Lindlbauer, M. Haller, M. Hancock, S. D. Scott, and W. Stuerzlinger, 2013. “Perceptual Grouping: Selection Assistance for Digital Sketching”, ITS ’13, St. Andrews, Scotland, 2013, pp. 51-60 K. Probst, D. Lindlbauer, F. Perteneder, M. Haller, B. Schwartz, and A. Schrempf, 2013. “Exploring the Use of Distributed Multiple Monitors Within an Activity-Promoting Sit-and-Stand Office Workspace”, Interact ’13, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013. pp. 476–493 K. Probst, D. Lindlbauer, P. Greindl, M. Trapp, M. Haller, B. Schwartz, and A. Schrempf, 2013. “Rotating, Tilting, Bouncing: Using an Interactive Chair to Promote Activity in Office Environments”, CHI EA ’13, Paris, France, 2013, pp. 79-84 R. Aigner, D. Wigdor, H. Benko, M. Haller, D. Lindlbauer, A. Ion, S. Zhao, and J. T. K. V. Koh, 2012. “Understanding Mid-Air Hand Gestures: A Study of Human Preferences in Usage of Gesture Types for HCI”, Microsoft Tech Report, Redmond, WA, USA, MSR-TR-2012-11, D. Lindlbauer, 2012 “Perceptual Grouping of Digital Sketches”, Master’s thesis (supervised by Prof. Michael Haller), University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Talks ACM User Interface Software and Technology Symposium 2014 (UIST ‘14), HI, USA Presented paper: “Tracs – Transparency Control for See-through Displays”, Session “Augmented Reality” ACM Interactive Tabletop and Surfaces 2013 (ITS ‘13), St Andrews, UK Presented paper: “Perceptual Grouping: Selection Assistance for Digital Sketching”, Session “Pen and Touch” 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference (INTERACT ‘13), Cape Town, South Africa Presented paper: “Exploring the Use of Distributed Multiple Monitors Within an Activity-Promoting Sit-andStand Office Workspace”, Session “Physical Ergonomics” Professional Service Reviewer & Student Volunteering Reviews for: CHI 2015, UIST 2014, ICMI 2014, ICMI 2014, UBICOMP 2015, PerDis 2015, PERCOMP 2015 (Journal), NordiCHI 2014, SUI 2014 Student Volunteer at: ITS 2014, UIST 2014, CHI 2015 Committees Documentarian Chair for UIST 2015 Responsible for organizing, recording and publishing talks and keynotes at UIST 2015. Skills Human Computer Interaction Interaction Design Gestural Interaction New Display Technologies Large Scale Displays User Interface Design Pen & Touch Input Fabrication & Rapid Prototyping Programming WPF / Silverlight {good} C++ / openFrameworks {good} iOS [iPhone / iPad] {good} Java {good} Diverse: {mediocre} Actionscript | HTML | CSS | JavaScipt | PHP | MySQL Software Microsoft Visual Studio | Team Foundation Server Eclipse xCode Adode Creative Suite Google Sketchup Languages German (native) English (fluent) French (basic) Interests Technology / Technology Trends / Gadgets Photography (Analogue | Digital) Music
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