Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight Packing Pork side assortment EA with head EA eG E with head E eG U with head U eG R with head R eG 1005005 1005007 1005001 1005003 1005009 1005015 1005017 1005019 Euro hook Euro hook Euro hook Euro hook Euro hook Euro hook Euro hook Euro hook Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Consumer Unit EAN Code Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight Packing E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Ham With foot (in natural state) 1005501 Hamburg round cut (HS) 1005509 Hamburg round cut (HS) Boned 1005519 Hamburg round cut (HS) Without shank Lean without shank 1005513 1005521 Farmer’s ham 1005535 Farmer’s ham without rind HS without shank and Topside with cap Vacuum packed topside Filet head Vacuum packed filet head Silverside Vacuum packed silverside Unterschale gefliest Silverside with rind Rump pieces with Topside withouse cap Vacuum packet topside without cap Nuss mit Nase Nuss mit Nase vacc. Nuss ohne Nase Nuss ohne Nase vacc. Nuss gefliest Hüfte mit Fett Hüfte blau Approx. Euro hook 14.5 kg Approx. Euro hook 10.5 -14.5kg E2 case Approx. Euro hook 9.5 - 13.5kg E2 case Approx. Euro hook 9 - 13 kg E2 case Approx. E2 case 8.5 - 12,5kg Approx. E2 case 8.5 - 12.5 kg 1005533 Approx. E2 case 8 - 12 kg 1005515 Approx. E2 case 8.5 - 11.5 kg 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1005565 Approx. 2.5kg E2 case 10 1005569 1005594 1005596 1005543 1005545 Approx. 2.5kg E2 case Approx. 0.18kg E2 case Approx. 0.18kg E2 case Approx. 3.5 kg E2 case Approx. 3.5 kg E2 case 10 1005547 1005549 1005551 1005571 1005575 Approx. 3.0 kg Approx. 2.0 kg Approx. 1.5 kg Approx. 2.0 kg Approx. 2.0 kg E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case 15 8 10 10 10 1005579 1005580 1005582 1005584 1005586 1005553 1005555 Approx. 1.5 kg Approx. 1.5 kg Approx. 1.1 kg Approx. 1.1 kg Approx. 1.0 kg Approx. 1.3 kg Approx. 1.0 kg E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: 8 8 Consumer Unit EAN Code Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight Packing E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Neck 1005949 Approx. 3.5 kg E2 case 6 Neck lean and boneless 1005951 Approx. 2.5 kg E2 case 8 Neck lean and boneless vacuum 1005953 Approx. 2.5 kg E2 case 8 Necks Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: Consumer Unit EAN Code Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight Packing E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Boned shoulder untrimmed and with rind 1005701 Approx. 7.0 kg Euro hook Round cut shoulder without foot 1005703 Approx. 6.5 kg Euro hook Round cut shoulder without shank 1005707 Approx. 5.5 kg E2 case 3 Lean shoulder with shank 1005731 Approx. 3.8 kg E2 case 5 Lean shoulder without 1005737 Approx. 3.5 kg E2 case 5 1005747 Approx. 1.5 kg E2 case 10 Shoulder shank Shoulder clods without rind Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: Consumer Unit EAN Code Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight Packing E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Chops Middle 1 1005901 Approx. Euro hook 11 - 14 kg Middle 2 1005903 Approx. Euro hook 11 - 14 kg Chop without neck 1005911 Chop without neck without bones 1005919 Chop without neck without bones vacuum Approx. 6 kg Approx. 4.5 kg Euro hook E2 case E2 case 3 1005921 Approx. 4.5 kg E2 case 5 Tenderloin 1005925 Approx. 3.5 kg E2 case 6 Tenderloin vacuum 1005927 E2 case 6 Fillet without head 1005933 Approx. 3.5 kg Approx. 0.3 kg Fillet without head vacuum 5 pack 1005935 Approx. 0.3 kg E2 case Loin ribs withhout chain 1005963 Approx. 0.65 kg E2 case Loin ribs with chain 1005965 Approx. 0.75 kg E2 case Fillet with head withouse chain 1005941 Approx. 0.5 kg E2 case Vacumm packet fillet with head with chain 1005943 E2 case Fillet with head with chain 1005945 Approx. 0.5 kg Approx. 0.5 kg Vacuum packet fillet wiht head with chain 1005947 Approx. 0.5 kg E2 case E2 case E2 case Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: 3 Consumer Unit EAN Code Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight Packing E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Boned belly with flank and rind, untrimmed 1 1006101 Approx. 7 kg Euro hook Boned belly with flank and rind, untrimmed 2 1006113 Approx. 7 kg Euro hook Belly 1 trimmed (suitable for retail sale) 1006103 Approx. 5 kg Euro hook E2 case Belly 2 trimmed (suitable for retail sale) 1006125 Salted belly 1006119 Approx. 5 kg Approx. 3.5 kg Euro hook E2 case E2 case Belly Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: Consumer Unit EAN Code Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight 1005721 1005757 1005760 1006207 1005598 1005602 1005711 1005753 1005719 1005628 1006218 1005971 1005973 1006235 1006233 1006256 1006263 1006280 1006249 1005961 1005975 1006253 1006257 1006215 1006223 1005957 1005762 1005614 1005610 1006205 1006216 1006227 1006231 Approx. 1.1kg Approx.0.65kg Approx. 0.4 kg Approx. 1.0kg Approx. 1.5kg Approx. 1.0kg Approx. 1.5kg Approx. 0.3kg Approx. 0.4kg Approx. 0.4kg Packing E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Processing Barbecued ribs Barbecued ribs Breast spare-ribs Belly spare-ribs Hindquarter shank Shank Forequarter shank with toes Knuckle of pork Fore feet with toes Tails Lean trimmings V- bacon with rind V- bacon without rind Jowl with rind Jowl without rind Leaf fat Heads Neck fat without Rind Cutting fat Pork tenderloin trimmings Back fat with rind Mixed fat Thin skirt Soft Bones Bones Vertebrae backbone Breast bone Hind feet with toes Meat separated from lock Belly strips Ears Knuckle of pork Fat trimmings Approx. 1.2kg Approx. 1.1kg Approx. 2.3kg Approx. 2.2kg Approx. 2.1kg Approx. 0.9kg Approx. 0.6kg Approx. 1.1kg Approx. 0.2kg Approx. 0.8kg E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case E2 case Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: Consumer Unit EAN Code Article Name Artikel No Unit Weight Packing E2 Contents Best before date at +2° C Liver 1006269 Approx. 1.5 kg E2 case Heart 1006267 Approx. 0.35 kg E2 case Kidneys 1006272 Approx 0.2 kg E2 case Tongue 1006274 Approx. 0.3 kg Offal Josef Wernke Versandschlachterei GmbH Garreler Weg . D-49661 Cloppenburg Phone (+49) 44 71/88 04-0 . Fax (+49) 44 71/88 04-44 e-mail: [email protected] . Internet: Consumer Unit EAN Code
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