Biodiversity conservation for human wellbeing 17 – 22 July, 2016

in cooperation with
Seminars on nature conservation in German development cooperation
Biodiversity conservation for human wellbeing
17 – 22 July, 2016
Marine biodiversity conservation and fisheries management:
Exploring options for enhanced integration
24 – 29 July, 2016
at the International Academy for Nature Conservation
Isle of Vilm
The two annual seminars on nature conservation in development cooperation have been held since
1999 at the International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm. Jointly organised by
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).The first seminar “Biodiversity conservation for human wellbeing” presents an overview of the most relevant concepts, developments and tools in biodiversity conservation with regard to development cooperation, and offers
a broad forum for the exchange of experiences. The second seminar is devoted to the in-depth consideration of a specific topic of particular interest. “Marine biodiversity conservation and fisheries
management: exploring options for enhanced integration” has been selected for 2016 based on feedback from last year’s participants and ongoing discussions in the development policy arena.
The language of both seminars will be English.
Both seminars will take place at the International Academy for Nature Conservation Isle of Vilm
(see, an island in the Baltic Sea next to Ruegen Island. The Isle of Vilm has
been a protected area for many centuries.
Target group
The target group of the seminars are practitioners at the interface of development cooperation and
biodiversity conservation (GIZ, KfW, BMZ, BMUB, foundations, NGOs, consulting companies, universities, partner organisations of development projects).
The number of participants for the 1st seminar is limited to 20, for the 2nd seminar to 25.
On behalf of
in cooperation with
Seminars on nature conservation in German development cooperation
Biodiversity conservation for human well-being
(17 – 22 July, 2016)
convey new concepts and instruments of nature conservation and development cooperation
raise awareness for the significance of the CBD and its Strategic Plan as the policy framework
for German development cooperation in the area of biodiversity conservation
offer a forum for the exchange of experiences.
The following topics will be addressed by lectures, case studies, group work and discussions:
Current trends in German development cooperation with regard to biodiversity conservation
and natural resource management
directions arising from the CBD and its Strategic Plan
Balancing conservation and development interests: a critical review of approaches and
Financing biodiversity conservation
Protected areas: concepts, current issues and developments
Mainstreaming biodiversity into policies and other sectors in partner countries
A related field trip will take place in the middle of the seminar.
Marine biodiversity conservation and fisheries management:
exploring options for enhanced integration
(24 – 29 July 2016)
Marine ecosystem services are vital for addressing two of the biggest global development challenges: food security and climate change. Conservation of marine biodiversity and sustainable fisheries
management have become an imperative which is increasingly recognized in development cooperation (see also SDG 14, the Strategic Plan of the Biodiversity Convention (CBD) and the Code of
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries by the FAO).
A serious challenge to sustain healthy and productive ocean ecosystems is the fragmented governance over marine resources at all scales from global to local. Fisheries management and biodiversity conservation have developed in parallel over decades, marked by both conflicts and increasing
awareness of interdependencies and common goals. Due to the need for an improved fisheries
management and common challenges like climate change, opportunities have increased for more
integration of policy and practice in achieving conservation as well as livelihood and economic development goals. With a view to climate change, joint management approaches will become all the
more important to increase the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems.
become familiar with the context, trends, perspectives and management approaches in biodiversity conservation and fisheries management and their interactions
explore options, mechanisms, tools and challenges for enhancing the integration of biodiversity
conservation and fisheries governance and management at different scales
be inspired to further develop project approaches towards increased integration
reflect entry points for German development cooperation for integrative approaches
get inspired by the exchange of experiences
The seminar will focus on case studies that illustrate options for enhanced integration at different
scales, in different spatial zones (coastal, EEZ, high sea) and through different instruments and
mechanisms for (resource) assessments, for spatial or resource management (such as MPA networks, ecosystem-based approach or the FAO Voluntary Guidelines on sustainable small-scale fisheries) and for performance evaluation. The role of development cooperation will be explored.
A related field trip will take place in the middle of the seminar.
in cooperation with
Seminars on nature conservation in German development cooperation
1st seminar (17 – 22 July):
approx. 450 € per participant (including full board and lodging)
2nd seminar (24 - 29 July):
approx. 800 € per participant (including full board and lodging)
The final price can only be set by mid May 2016. A late cancellation of your registration within 30
days prior to the start of the seminar will imply a fee of about 360 € in case no substitute can be
Please register online at:
Seminar Biodiversity Conservation
Seminar Marine Conservation and Fisheries
also have to return the attached filled-in form to [email protected] for your registrato be considered. Participants will be selected based on a number of criteria, such as:
Regional and institutional balance in the group
Participation in previous seminars
Motivation and relevance to work context
Registration deadline: 30 March 2016
Any enquiries to [email protected]
Confirmations will be sent out by 30 April 2016