EUROPEAN SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL 4. & 5. Dec 2015 Vom 04. – 05. 12. wird in Wien das europäische Wissenschaftsfilmfestival über die Bühne gehen. Es wird vom Verein sf² gemeinsam mit der Universität für Bodenkultur, der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und dem Naturhistorischen Museum veranstaltet. Ein Wissenschaftsfilmwettbewerb, Workshops, Vorträge, Seminare machen das Festival zu einem nachhaltigen Ereignis. Stars des Wissenschaftsfilms, allen voran die EmmyPreisträger Sonya Pemberton und Tristian Chytroschek sowie der Youtube-Star Derek Muller (Veritasium), und Wissenschaftler wie Christian Köberl und Günter Kargl werden neben den RegisseurInnen der Filme die Veranstaltung begleiten und neben Vorträgen auch für Diskussionen zur Verfügung stehen. Für WissenschaftlerInnen besteht im Rahmen des Festivals die Möglichkeit, sich mit WissenschaftsfilmerInnen direkt auszutauschen und Ideen zu generieren, neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in Filmen zu realisieren. (Anmeldung zu diesem Programmpunkt unter Das Festival wird unmittelbar im Anschluss an den World Congress of Science and Factual Producers stattfinden, der dieses Jahr auf Einladung des ORF erstmals in Wien abgehalten werden wird. Neben dem Festival-Wettbewerb besteht die Möglichkeit, in Workshops, Lectures und Seminaren mehr über die internationale Medienlandschaft des Wissenschaftsfilms und über das Gestalten und Produzieren von Wissenschaftsfilmen zu erfahren. Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnerfestivals in Paris, am Cern, in Moskau und Olomouc wird im Rahmen des Festivals unter österreichischer Leitung eine „Europäische Akademie des Wissenschaftlichen Films“ ins Leben gerufen werden. Weitere Details und das gesamte Programm finden Sie unter DER EINTRITT IST FREI – ANMELDUNG NUR FÜR AUSGEWIESENE PROGRAMMPUNTKE ERFORDERLICH SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL 2015 - Sf2 05 04.12. – 05.12.2015 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Augasse 2–6, 1090 Wien sf² Europäisches Festival des Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsfilms sf² European Festival of Education and Science Films Probst-Peitl Straße 54, 2103 Langenzersdorf, AUSTRIA Mobil: +43(0)699/1967 10 67 E-Mail: [email protected] EUROPEAN SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL 4. & 5. Dec 2015 The European science film festival will be held in Vienna 04. – 06. 12. The festival is organized by the non-profit organization sf² in collaboration with the University of Natural Resources and Life sciences, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum, Vienna. A science film competition, workshops, presentations and discussions make the festival a lasting event. Stars of the science film, all above the Emmy-laureates Sonya Pemberton and Tristian Chytroschek as well as the Youtube-Star Derek Muller (Veritasium) and scientists like Christian Köberl and Günter Kargl along with the directors of the films of the science film competition will accompany the festival and will be available for discussions and presentations. Scientists have the possibility to meet the film makers in a specific workshop during the festival to exchange ideas and possibly set the basis for new film projects. (please register for this event under The festival will be held directly after the World Congress of Science and Factual Producers, which takes place in Vienna following the invitation of the ORF. Together with the partner-festivals in in Paris, at the Cern, in Moskau and Olomouc the “European Academy of the Science Film” will be announced during this festival. Please find more details at ADMISSION FREE! PLEASE REGISTER FOR SPECIAL EVENTS! SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL 2015 - Sf2 05 04.12. – 05.12.2015 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Augasse 2–6, 1090 Wien sf² Europäisches Festival des Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsfilms sf² European Festival of Education and Science Films Probst-Peitl Straße 54, 2103 Langenzersdorf, AUSTRIA Mobil: +43(0)699/1967 10 67 E-Mail: [email protected] STREAMING S C I E N C E PROGRAMME 2015 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL FRIDAY 4.12. 09:00 - 09:10 Alfred Nobel Film Competition 09:20 - 09:55 65+ Being old in rural Japan Film Competition 10:00 - 11:30 Undune Film Competition School Programme 11:30 - 12:00 Discussion School Programme 14:00 - 15:00 Space Weather, an urgent new science Film Competition 15:00 - 16:00 Joy of Logic Film Competition Meet the Austrian Scientists Closed Event! Mapping the Future - The Power of Algorithms Film Competition Presented by Terra Mater Factual Studios: Grand Opening Sneak Preview 16:30 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:00 19:30 - 22:00 7 min. 35 min. 83 min. Guest: Director Dennis Rätzel Martin Stübler & Dennis Rätzel 52 min. 60 min. Cooperation between the „Young Academy“ of the Austrian Academy of Science, the Natural History Museum Vienna, the World Congress of Science and Factual Producers and sf². Registration required! 52 min. Soul of the Elephant 50 min. Written and directed by Dereck and Beverly Joubert Guests: Terra Mater Head of TV Sabine Holzer and Senior Producer Ivo Filatsch THE EUROPEAN SCIENCE FILM FESTIVAL sf² The aim of the festival is to enhance the ambitious European science film and the interdisciplinary interchange among industry, research, education and public. As the festival is supported by scientific and educational institutions, particular emphasis is placed on the scientific accuracy of the documentaries. Partners of the event are the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna and the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. THE COMPETITION Eleven films were selected from over fifty submissions from seven european countries. This preelected films enter the competition and will be screened in public. EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE FILM (EURASF) The Academy is initiated by the directors of the festivals sf², afo, Contemporary Science Film Festival and CineGlobe. The objectives of the Association are to strengthen the European Science Film in its importance and to promote a network of science communicators, filmmakers, film producers and festival organizers in Europe. SATURDAY 5.12. 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 Veritasium & SciViews YouTube Star Derek Muller and Spektrum der Wissenschaft editor Thilo Körkel give an insight into science oriented internet platforms. Lecture Limited Access STREAMING SCIENCE Rosetta comet chaser, a journey to the origins of life Film Competition 14:00 - 15:00 Killer Whales - Fins of Change Film Competition 15:00 - 16:00 The Meteor Menace Film Competition Introduction: Uranium - Twisting the Dragon‘s Tail Preview 17:00 - 18:00 The Secret of the Apes Film Competition 18:00 - 19:00 Science Communication Panel Discussion 19:00 - 20:10 The Discrete Charm of Geometry Film Competition Introducing: European Academy of Science Film Presentation 16:30 - 17:00 20:00- 20:30 54 min. Guest: Günter Kargl, Member of the Philae Lander Consortium during the ESA Rosetta Mission 53 min. Guests: Producer Ivo Filatsch 53 min. Guests: NHM-Director Christian Köberl and Director Ivo Filatsch Derek Muller, Sonya Pemberton 52 min. Guests: Directors Eva Demmler und Axel Friedrich Sonya Pemberton, Günter Kargl, Christine Reisen 65 min. Guest: Director Ekaterina Eremenko Irina Belikh, Astrid Ortner, Jakub Ráliš, Wolfgang Haberl 20:30 - 21:30 Award Ceremony 21:30 - 23:00 Science Party STREAMING SCIENCE STREAMING SCIENCE THE INTERNATIONAL JURY • CHRISTINE REISEN - After 21 years of commissioning, coproducing and programing documen taries with ARTE France now an independent consultant. • DEREK MULLER - Creator of Veritasium, a science-based YouTube channel with over 200 million views and three million subscribers. • NEAL HARTMAN The principal organizer of CineGlobe, an international festival of short films inspired by science that takes place at CERN. MEET THE AUSTRIAN SCIENTISTS As a part of the European Science Film Festival sf² the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences invites exclusively attendees of the World Congress of Science and Factual Producers to a social “Get Together” with Austrian scientists. We offer professionals the possibility to exchange ideas or network. The number of participants for this program is limited. Registration is required. The entry to the festival and the accompanying programme is free! VENUE „Old campus“ of the Vienna University of Economics and Business currenctly used by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien Guestservice: [email protected] Underground: U6/U4 Spittelau (7 min walk) or U6 Nussdorfer Straße (6 min walk) Trams: D Lichtenwerder Platz (3 min walk) or D Augasse (3 min walk) Bus: 35A/37A Spittelau (7 min walk) ACCOMODATION Derag Livinghotel Kaiser Franz Joseph Sieveringer Str. 4, 1190 Wien Telephone: 01 329000 PARTNER & SPONSORS Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Wolfgang Haberl, Europäisches Wissenschaftsfilmfestival - sf², Propst-Peitl-Str. 54, 2103 Langenzersdorf, Österreich. [email protected]
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