Press Release The best of two worlds come together in Berlin

Press Release
Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft
und Technologie GmbH
Ludwig Erhard Haus
Fasanenstraße 85
10623 Berlin
Annabell Dörksen
Tel +49 30 46302-599
Cell +49 1577 3998-123
[email protected]
Berlin, 07/30/2015
Half-year results from Berlin Partner for Business and Technology:
The best of two worlds come together in
Berlin has overtaken London in inflow of venture capital, unemployment numbers are falling and
immigration to Berlin continues to steadily increase – Berlin's economy is on the upswing. Berlin
Partner for Business and Technology's results from the first half of 2015 concur with this positive
trend: Berlin Partner has supported companies in 141 projects that have created a total of 3,033
jobs in Berlin. This will lead to investments of approximately 223 million euros.
“The best of two worlds come together in Berlin: young as well as traditional industries and creative
founders with digital expertise. This mixture attracts companies from around the world to the
German capital,” said Dr. Stefan Franzke, Management Spokesperson of Berlin Partner for
Business and Technology. With set-up and expansion projects, one in every three jobs is in the
industrial sector. One example is BeanAir. The manufacturer of sensor technologies for the
aerospace industry and the structural health monitoring of buildings moved its headquarters,
including 30 employees, from France to Berlin: “Berlin is the ideal place for BeanAir to develop its
international business. There are well-trained professionals here, aviation partners in the cluster,
and very good connections to our worldwide customers,” said Damon Parsy, CEO of BeanAir. The
second driver of Berlin's economy is the capital city’s digital scene. Even the company behind
Doodle, the online appointment scheduling tool, decided to locate to Europe's digital capital: “The
foundation of a German Doodle subsidiary is a logical step in our growth initiative,” explained
Doodle CEO Michael Brecht. “Germany is a key market for Doodle – this is where our web service
was used the most in the world in 2014. In addition, the dynamics and internationality of Berlin are
perfectly compatible with the Doodle philosophy.” The first international subsidiary started in Berlin
with ten employees.
Berlin Partner utilizes Berlin's appeal as a location with established industry and a booming creative
scene in its capital city marketing measures. “These success stories of Berlin entrepreneurs are
exactly what we want to transmit throughout the world. Berlin is a city of opportunities whose mix of
industry, science and startup scene provides the best context for growth and innovation,” said
Andrea Joras, Managing Director of Berlin Partner for Business and Technology. With the be Berlin
campaign “Berlindustrie rocks,” 15 of Berlin's industrial companies were staged in creatively
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Andreas Eckert | Managing Directors: Andrea Joras, Dr. Stefan Franzke (Spokesperson)
Berliner Bank | BLZ 100 708 48 | Kto.-Nr. 526 848 702 | IBAN DE71 1007 0848 0526 8487 02 | SWIFT-BIC. DEUTDEDB110
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 13072 | Ust-IdNr. DE 136629780 | Steuernummer 27/037/03745
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animated films earlier this year, for example. A project completely in line with the link between
industry and the creative cultural scene: Each short film was set to a customized remix of "Berlin" by
the band Bollmer in cooperation with Universal Music as well as 15 musicians and labels. The next
move in the be Berlin industrial campaign is also dedicated to the best of both worlds. It is planned
that a startup features an industrial company. For example, the 360-degree camera from the startup
Panono is thrown into the air to photograph industrial sites. Or the 3D printing startup 3Yourmind
uses 3D printing to produce industrial products made in Berlin.
Berlin Partner also promotes this targeted networking of both worlds via matching events. In 2015,
there have already been more than 30 events to bring together startups and established business
and science. One such example is Demo Day by B!Gründet and Berlin Partner where about 100
industry representatives met with 30 Berlin university startups. A special kind of meeting is planned
for later this year: At “Rocket Ventures meets Adlershof,” digital startups from the Rocket family will
meet tech startups from Adlershof – an exciting combination of two worlds.
For more information on Berlin Partner's half-year results, please visit:
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology – We work for growth!
Business and technology support for companies, investors and scientific institutions in Berlin – that's
what Berlin Partner for Business and Technology GmbH offers. A unique public-private partnership, Berlin Partner
collaborates with the Berlin State Senate and over 200 companies and scientific institutions dedicated to promoting their
city. Berlin Partners include bpg Berlin Plakat GmbH, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH, GreenTec Awards,
Immobilien Scout GmbH, IBB Investitionsbank Berlin, Ströer Deutsche Städte Medien GmbH, Vattenfall Europe
Wärme GmbH and VIMN GmbH. Together with these strong partners, Berlin Partner markets the German capital to the
world, for example with the successful “be Berlin” campaign.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Andreas Eckert | Managing Directors: Andrea Joras, Dr. Stefan Franzke (Spokesperson)
Berliner Bank | BLZ 100 708 48 | Kto.-Nr. 526 848 702 | IBAN DE71 1007 0848 0526 8487 02 | SWIFT-BIC. DEUTDEDB110
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg HRB 13072 | Ust-IdNr. DE 136629780 | Steuernummer 27/037/03745
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