CURRICULUM VITAE Christian Rauh Personal Information Date of birth: 1980 Children: 1 daughter (*2011), 1 son (*2016) Contact: WZB Berlin Social Science Center Reichpietschufer 50, D-10785 Berlin (Germany) T +49 (0) 30 25491 148 F +49 (0) 30 25491 342 christian.rauh(at)wzb(dot)eu Education 01/2012 Dr. rer. pol., Freie Universität Berlin. Thesis ‘Politicisation, issue salience, and consumer policies of the European Commission’; Supervisors: Dr. Miriam Hartlapp / Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn; summa cum laude 09/2009 ECPR Carlo Alberto Summer School on Analytical Politics, Moncalieri, Italy 04/2008 M.A. Politics and Management, University of Konstanz. Thesis: ‘From Chicago to Brussels: EU regulation of international air transport and the stock market performance of internationally operating airlines.’ Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider; very good 09/2002 – 07/2004 Studies in Politics and Management, University of Konstanz 03/2005 – 09/2007 Profile: ‘European Integration and International Organisations’ 06/2001 A-levels, Hochrhein Gymnasium Waldshut (1,9) Professional Experience 04/2012 – WZB Berlin Social Science Center: Research fellow in the Research Unit ‘Global Governance’ 09/2008 – 03/2012 WZB Berlin Social Science Center: Junior research fellow of the Research Group ‘Position Formation in the European Commission’ 07/2006 – 05/2010 EuroSoc European Consultants: Organisation and supervision of simulations on political decision-making in public schools 10/2005 – 09/2007 Chair in International Politics, University of Konstanz: Teaching assistant 03/2005 – 10/2007 European Union Politics: Managing Editor 08/2004 – 02/2005 Berlin Business Representation, Brussels: Political Consultancy EU affairs 1/6 Publications (*peer reviewed) (preprints, replication data and citations available via Monographs *Rauh, Christian (2016) A responsive technocracy? EU politicisation and the consumer policies of the European Commission. Colchester, UK: ECPR Press. Under contract, manuscript finalized. *Hartlapp, Miriam, Julia Metz, and Christian Rauh (2014) Which policy for Europe? Power and conflict inside the European Commission. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Academic journal articles *Meijers, Maurits and Christian Rauh (2016) ‘Has Eurosceptic Mobilization Become More Contagious? Comparing the 2009 and 2014 EP election campaigns in The Netherlands and France’, Politics and Governance 4 (1): 83-103. *Hartlapp, Miriam, Julia Metz, and Christian Rauh (2016) ‘Wer mäßigt den Agenda-Setter im EUSystem und wie? Drei Modi der Positionsbildung in der EU-Kommission‘, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft: Online First. *Rauh, Christian (2015) ‘Communicating supranational governance? The salience of EU affairs in the German Bundestag, 1991-2013’, European Union Politics 16(1): 116-138. *Rauh, Christian and Gerald Schneider (2013) ‘There is no such Thing as a Free Open Sky. Financial Markets and the Struggle over European Competences in International Air Transport’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 51(6): 1124-1140. *Hartlapp Miriam and Christian Rauh (2013) ‘The Commission's Internal Conditions for Social ReRegulation: Market Efficiency and Wider Social Goals in Setting the Rules for Financial Services in Europe’, European Journal of Government and Economics 2(1): 25-40. *Hartlapp, Miriam, Julia Metz, and Christian Rauh (2013) ‘Linking Agenda Setting to Coordination Structures. Bureaucratic Politics inside the European Commission’, Journal of European Integration 53(4): 425-441. *Rauh, Christian, Antje Kirchner, und Roland Kappe (2011) ‘Political Parties and Higher Education Spending. Who Favours Redistribution?’, West European Politics 34(6): 1185-1206. Book chapters *Rauh, Christian, and Sebastian Bödeker (2016) 'Internationale Organisationen in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit - ein Text Mining Ansatz'. In: M. Lemke and G. Wiedemann (eds.) Text-Mining in den Sozialwissenschaften: Grundlagen und Anwendungen zwischen qualitativer und quantitativer Diskursanalyse. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Rauh, Christian and Michael Zürn (2014) ‘Die Politisierung der Europäischen Union als Chance nutzen‘, In: Claudio Franzius, Franz C. Mayer, Jürgen Neyer (eds.) Modelle des Parlamentarismus im 21. Jahrhundert: pp. 469-486. Baden-Baden: Nomos. Rauh, Christian and Michael Zürn (2014) ‘Zur Politisierung der EU in der Krise’, In: Martin Heidenreich (ed.) Krise der europäischen Vergesellschaftung?: pp. 121-45. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2/6 Miscellaneous literature and public media Rauh, Christian (2015) ‘Brüssel im Bundestag: Wann spricht wer über die Europäische Union?‘, WZB-Mitteilungen 148: 20-22. *Rauh, Christian (2015) ‘Legitimität und Politisierung globaler Steuerung‘, Informationen zur Politischen Bildung 2015/1 (325): 25-28. Rauh, Christian and Michael Zürn (2014) ‘Legitimationsprobleme im Früheuropäismus‘, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 19.05.2014: 6. Rauh, Christian and Pieter De Wilde (2013) ‘Über den Tellerrand: Zunehmend werden auch die Entscheidungen internationaler Institutionen öffentlich politisiert‘, WZB-Mitteilungen 141: 21-23. Rauh, Christian (2013) ‘Politisieren lassen oder politisieren? Die europäische Öffentlichkeit fordert ihr Recht’, Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte 60(1-2): 53-56. Rauh, Christian (2013) ‘Und sie hört doch hin – manchmal. Öffentliche Debatten können die Politik der EU-Kommission beeinflussen’, WZB-Mitteilungen 139: 29-31. Hartlapp, Miriam and Christian Rauh (2011) ‘The Commission's Internal Conditions for Social Reregulation. Market Efficiency and Wider Social Goals in Setting the Rules of Financial Services in Europe. CEAS Report 4/2011. Hartlapp, Miriam, Julia Metz, and Christian Rauh (2010) ‘Made in Brussels. Wie externe Interessen ihren Weg in die Politikformulierung der EU Kommission finden‘, WZB-Mitteilungen 130: 7-10. *Hartlapp, Miriam, Julia Metz, and Christian Rauh (2010) ‘The Agenda Set by the EU Commission. The Result of Balanced or Biased Aggregation of Positions?’, LSE 'Europe in Question' Discussion Paper Series 21/2010. *Hartlapp, Miriam, Julia Metz, and Christian Rauh (2010) ‘How External Interests Enter the European Commission. Mechanisms at Play in Legislative Position Formation’, WZB Discussion Paper SP IV 2010-501. Rauh, Christian (2009) ‘The Repeatedly Low Turnout in EP Elections. Political Elites Fail in Politicising Citizens’, A Different View - IAPSS Monthly News Magazine 31: 3-5. Awards and grants 2013 Jean Blondel Prize for the best thesis in politics awarded by the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) 2012 WZB flexible funds for early career development (~ 7.000 €) 2008 Prize for the best diploma thesis in Politics and Management awarded by the Verein der Ehemaligen der Universität Konstanz (VEUK e.V.) 3/6 Teaching (course outlines and evaluations available at: Winter 2014 ‘Quantitative Textanalyse in den Politikwissenschaften: Grundlagen, Methoden und aktuelle Anwendungen’, 2 SWS M.A. level seminar, University of Potsdam. Summer 2014 ‘Qualitative and Quantitative Content Analysis in the Social Sciences’, Three-day PhD level bloc seminar together with Pieter de Wilde, Dahlem Research School, Graduate School in East Asia Studies. Summer 2013 ‘The politicization of supranational governance in the EU and beyond’, 2 SWS M.A. level seminar together with Pieter de Wilde, Freie Universität Berlin. Summer 2010 ‘Qualitative Methoden der Politikwissenschaft am Beispiel der Europaforschung’, Individual sessions of a B.A. level seminar by Prof. Miriam Hartlapp, Freie Universität Berlin. Summer 2006 ‘European Co-operation and Integration’, 2 SWS M.A. level tutorial accompanying the lecture of Prof. Gerald Schneider. Winter 2005 & 2006 ‘Einführung in die Internationalen Beziehungen’, 2 SWS B.A. level tutorial accompanying the lecture of Prof. Gerald Schneider. 2006-2010 Organisation and supervision of simulations on European political decision-making in public schools for pupils of 14-18 years. Services to the profession Academic self-government 03/2013-today Elected department representative in the Academic Council of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center 11/2014-today Member of the CLARIN-D FAG 8 “Inhaltsanalytische Methoden in den Sozialwissenschaften” (Group promoting corpus linguistics approaches in the social sciences) 03/2014-today Official Representative of the WZB at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) 03/2014-03/2015 Elected PostDoc representative at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center Reviewer activity Journals Comparative European Politics, Electoral Studies, European Journal of Government and Economics, European Journal of Political Research, European Union Politics, Journal of European Integration, Journal of European Public Policy, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Review of International Studies Other WZB selection committees on Flexible Funds for Early Career Development and the Harvard Merit Fellowship 4/6 Event organization Since 02/10 ‘[CO:STA] - Colloquium for Statistical Analysis and Quantitative Methods’, Regular workshop series at the WZB organized with Martin Ehlert and Merlin Schaeffer ( 06/2014 ‘The politicization of inter- and supranational actors in the domestic arena’, Conference panel, 7th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, organized with Bernd Schlipphak 02/2013 ‘The Politicization of Supranational Governance in the EU and Beyond’, International academic workshop organized with Pieter De Wilde and Michael Zürn. 02/2013 ‘Vereint durch Streit: Macht die Krise Europa stärker?’, Public plenary debate organized with Pieter De Wilde and Michael Zürn 03/2012 ‘Position Formation in the EU‘, International academic workshop organized with Miriam Hartlapp and Julia Metz 06/2010 ‘How EU institutions form positions‘. Conference panel, 5th ECPR Conference on EU Politics, organized with Miriam Hartlapp and Julia Metz Invited talks 05/2015 ‘Responsive technocrats? Public politicisation of European integration and policy making in the European Commission’, University of Oslo, ARENA Centre for European Studies. 04/2015 ‘Responsive technocrats? Public politicisation of European integration and policy making in the European Commission’, ACCESS EUROPE, University of Amsterdam. 07/2014 ‘Die Salienz der Europäischen Integration in Plenardebatten des Deutschen Bundestages, 1991-2013‘, University of Konstanz, Department of Politics and Public Administration. 05/2013 ‘Challenges of politicization - Future EU institutions in the light of a growing public conflict potential’, Schwarzkopf Stiftung Junges Europa / European Youth Parliament. 05/2013 ‘Praktische Fragen des Publizierens in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften‘, Berlin, WZB Social Science Center. 12/2011 ‘Publication, Publication ...‘, Freie Universität Berlin. Accepted conference contributions 2016 23rd International Conference of Europeanists (CES) 2015 APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA. ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, University of Warszawa, Poland. 2014 7th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Den Haag, The Netherlands. 2013 7th ECPR General Conference, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France. 1st European Workshops on International Studies (EWIS), Tartu, Estonia. 5/6 Krise der europäischen Vergesellschaftung? Soziologische Perspektiven, Bamberg, Germany. 2012 6th Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, Finland. 2nd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Berlin, Germany. 19th International Conference of Europeanists, Boston, U.S.A. 2011 Wer regiert Europa? Governance und Politische Ökonomie in der Europäischen Union, Max-Planck-Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung Cologne, Germany. 2010 DVPW Sektionstagung "Ministerialverwaltung im politischen Prozess", Universität Potsdam, Germany. 2009 5th ECPR General Conference, Universität Potsdam, Germany. 67th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Politcal Science Association, Chicago U.S.A. Further qualifications Languages German (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (basic) Software R, Stata, EViews, Atlas.Ti Private interests Bikes & cycling / slam poetry & science slams / photography / basketball References Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn Director of the Research Unit Global Governance, WZB Berlin Professor of International Relations, Free University Berlin Prof. Dr. Miriam Hartlapp Chair of Mulitlevel Governance, Universität Leipzig Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider Chair of International Relations, University of Konstanz Berlin, March 21 2016 6/6
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