christian lovis - Swiss Medical Network

christian lovis
Prof. Christian Lovis
Division of medical Information Sciences, University Hospitals of Geneva, University
of Geneva
Christian Lovis is professor of clinical informatics at the University of Geneva and leads the
Division of Medical Information Sciences at the Geneva University Hospitals. He is a medical doctor trained in
Internal Medicine with special emphasis on emergency medicine and holds a FHM in Internal Medicine and
is graduated in public health from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, with a mention in community
based health. In parallel to medicine, he studied medical informatics at the University of Geneva under the
supervision of Prof Jean-Raoul Scherrer, focusing on clinical information systems and medical semantics.
Between 2000 and 2010, he was in charge of developing and deploying the computerized patient record
for the university hospitals of Geneva. Christian is the author of a large number of peer-reviewed papers in
the field of medical informatics focusing on three pillars: a) Medical semantics, knowledge representation
and natural language processing; b) Clinical information systems, architectures, strategy, secondary usage
of data for clinical research and c) advanced human-machine interfaces and their evaluation and impacts,
human factors. Christian is editorial board member of major peer-reviewed journals in medical informatics,
such as the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), PLOS One, the Journal of
Medical Internet Reseach (JMIR), Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI). He is chairing the Traceability working
group of the European Federation of Medical Informatics, the “standard und Architektur” and the “Semantik”
working groups of the Swiss eHealth federal coordination committee. Christian is member of several working
groups at the European Union for ICT activities, such as impacts of health records, policies around secondary
usage of clinical data, or regulation for the usage of RFID in healthcare and active in major BigData European
research programs such as clinical leader of the DebugIT Eu project of the 7th framework, that intend to
develop a distributed pan-European network around infectious disease surveillance using clinical information
systems or data providers for the Innovative Medicine Initiative project EHR4CR. Christian Lovis is the European representative and vice-chair elect of the board of managers of HIMSS Global, the largest worldwide
organization supporting the improvement of care systems using health care information and management
systems. Christian Lovis is co-founder of three startups.
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