Invitation Dear colleagues, The understanding of genetics, pathophysiology and treatment of primary aldosteronism has made significant progress since the symposion PIPA 3 held in October 2013. Several hallmark manuscripts have been published since, demonstrating that aldosterone producing adenoma is caused by mutations in channels and pumps in more than 50% of patients. In addition, several expert consensus statements and guidelines covering diagnosis, subtype differentiation and treatment have been published. Despite this progress, plenty of unresolved issues remain, including the pathophysiology of aldosterone excess in idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia or familial hyperaldosteronism type II. Therefore, we are grateful to announce the follow-up meeting PIPA 4 which will take place in the same location as before, the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung in München. The faculty will be international with experts from around the world. Plenty of time is reserved for discussion. Investigators will have the opportunity to present their most recent data as short orals or as posters. One session will be dedicated to new collaborative projects from all fields of PA research. We cordially invite you and would be glad if you participate in this prime scientific event. Local Organising Committee Martin Reincke, Felix Beuschlein, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich Program Organizing Committee Felix Beuschlein, Martin Bidlingmaier, John Funder, Martin Reincke, Maria Christina Zennaro Contact for free Communications Sandra Schwaiger, phone +49-89-4400-57544; [email protected] Registration Registration is mandatory (email): Sandra Schwaiger, fax. +49-89-44005-4428; [email protected] No registration fee. Beverages and meals will be provided during the symposium. Venue Progress in Primary Aldosteronism 4 Genetics and Pathophysiology June 29th – 30th, 2015 Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung Südliches Schlossrondell 23; 80638 München Munich ,Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung Südliches Schlossrondell Martin Reincke Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Medizinische Klinik, Campus Innenstadt in cooperation with Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors (ENS@T) Felix Beuschlein Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft How to get there Tram 17 direction Amalienburgstrasse Stop: Schloss Nymphenburg Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung Programme Sunday, June 28th 2015 19.00 Welcome and Get Together Restaurant Schwaige at Schloss Nymphenburg th 14.00 15:15 16.00 Programme Monday, June 29 2015 08.30 08.40 09.05 09.30 9.55 10:20 11.00 11.25 11.50 12.15 12.40 Session I Genetics of PA Welcome and Introduction Martin Reincke, München Whole exome sequencing reveals signaling pathways involved in APA formation M. Christina Zennaro, Paris Genetics and Physiology of Calcium Channel Mutations in Primary Aldosteronism Ute Scholl, Düsseldorf APAs characteristics and factors for clinical outcome Yara Rhayem, München Somatic mutations in multinodular adrenals with APA – from genetics to physiopathological hypotheses Fabio Fernandes-Rosa, Paris Coffee Break Pathophysiology of adenomaassociated ATP2B3 mutations Sascha Bandulik, Regensburg Session II Pathophysiology I Chairs: Richard Warth, Regensburg Lars C. Rump, Düsseldorf Prolactinoma and PA Tracy A. Williams, Torino/Munich The function of APA and adjacent cortex assessed by immunohistochemistry Celso Gomez-Sanchez, Jackson, US Lunch and Poster Viewing 16.00 16.25 16.50 17.10 17.35 17.55 18.20 20.00 Session III Free communications from all fields of CS Chairs: A. Dietz &A. Riester Coffee Break Session IV Pathophysiology II Chairs: Christina Zennaro, München Retinoic acid receptor signalling in primary aldosteronism Sheerazed Boulkroun, Paris Transgenic KCNJ5 mice F. Beuschlein, München Aldosterone-Producing Cell Clusters: Are they the origins of APA? William Rainey, Ann Arbor, USA Regulation of aldosterone biosynthesis by miRNA Scott MacKenzie, Glasgow Primary aldosteronism and glucocorticoid secretion Wiebke Arlt, Birmingham What is new: Endo Society Practice Guidelines 2015 John Funder End of day 1 Dinner 10.10 10.25 Around 10:45 12.10 12.10 12.35 13:00 14.15 14.15 14.40 15. 05 15:30 Programme Tuesday, June 30st 2015 08.30 08.30 08.55 09.20 09.45 Session V Subtype differentiation Chairs: John Funder LC-MS/MS-based adrenal venous steroid profiling in primary aldosteronism Graeme Eisenhofer, Dresden AVIS 2 Gian Paolo Rossi Adrenal Haemorrhage during AVS Paolo Mulatero The AVS Nijmegen experience Jaap Deinum, Nijmegen 16.00 16.25 16.50 17.15 17.40 18.00 New tracers for functional imaging Steffi Hahner, Würzburg Session V: Cooperative studies Chairs: TBA Integrated Coffee Break Session VI Primary Aldosteronism -– Therapy and Complications Chair: Jacques Lenders, Prevalence and cardiovascular burden of primary aldosteronism Andrzej Januszewicz, Warsaw Management of pregnancy in PA Laurence Amar Lunch and Poster Viewing Session VI (continue) Chairs: Felix Beuschlein, München Parathyroid gland function in PA Evelyn Fischer, München Glucose metabolism Marcus Quinkler, Berlin Recurrence of PA after adrenalectomy Anna Dietz, München ARMC5 and PA Francesco Fallo, Padoa Coffee Break Quality of life Heike Künzel, München Left ventricular remodelling C. Catena, Udine Molecular diagnostics and clinical decision making Peyman Björklund, Uppsala MRA therapy and clinical outcome: as good as surgery? Leonardo Sechi, Udine Closing Remarks Martin Reincke
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