Curriculum Vitae (October 2015) Professor. Dr. SUSAN ARNDT Department of English and American Studies University of Bayreuth Universitätsstr. 30 95440 Bayreuth Germany +49 (921) 55-3559 Email: [email protected] ____________________________________ ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS 20102009-2010 2008-2009 2006-2008 2003-2006 1997-2003 2001 1996-1997 1994-1996 EDUCATION 1997 1991-1992 1986-1991 Professor of English and Anglophone Literatures, University of Bayreuth. Visiting Professor, Department of English and American Studies, Goethe University, Frankfurt/M. Associate Professor, Institute of African Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin. Research Fellow, Goethe University, Frankfurt/M. & Humboldt University, Berlin (assoc.). Research Fellow, Centre for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin. Research Fellow, Institute of African Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin. Guest Scholar and Lecturer, University of Vienna, Austria. Senior Research Fellow, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, Oxford. Associate Lecturer, Institute of African Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin. Ph.D. magna cum laude, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. M. A., African Studies Program, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK. Diploma. With distinction. English and German Studies Program, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. RESEARCH INTERESTS AND AREAS OF SPECIALISATION Disciplinary Transcultural English Studies Postcolonial and Diaspora Studies Gender and Queer Studies Theories & Methodologies Critical Race & Critical Whiteness Theories Postcolonial Posthumanism New Historicism Regions Great Britain African & African Diasporic Fiction (Caribbean; North America) World Literatures in English Era/Concepts Renaissance and Transcultural Shakespeare Victorian Literature, Colonialism and Memory Gender/Feminism, Race/Decolonialism and Intersectionality Intertextuality, Interpretation, Imagination Futurity, Technologie, Ethik Migration, Mobilität Subjektformation, agency und Widerstand/resistance 1 FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS AND HONORS 2012 2009-2010 2003-2008 2002 2002 2000 1996-1997 1992-1996 1991-1992 Accelerated Premium of University of Bayreuth Eigene Stelle (German Research Foundation/DFG) Berlin Program for the Equality of Women in Research and Teaching (Berlin Senate) Ford Foundation Institute of International Education Sokrates-Program VW Foundation Hans Böckler Foundation German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) PUBLICATIONS MONOGRAPHS 2012 Arndt, Susan. Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen. Rassismus (München: C.H.Beck) (2nd edition, 2015). Selected review(s): Mackert, Nina. H-Soz-Kult, 04.04.2013 Newmark, Catherine. Deutschlandradio Kultur. 14. 02. 2013 2002 Arndt, Susan. The Dynamics of African Feminism. Defining and Classifying African Feminist Literatures (Trenton, NJ; Asmara: Africa World Press). Selected review(s): Thielmann, Pia. Research in African Literatures 36.2 (205): 156-157 2000 Arndt, Susan. Feminismus im Widerstreit. Afrikanischer Feminismus in Gesellschaft und Literatur (Münster: Unrast). 1998 Arndt, Susan. African Women’s Literature, Orature and Intertextuality. Igbo Oral Narratives as Nigerian Women Writers’ Models and Objects of Writing Back (Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies). Selected review(s): Azodo, Ada Uzoamaka. Research in African Literatures 33.1 (2002) 187-189. ml Geoffrey Davis. Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 50 (1994): 102-105. Forthcoming Arndt, Susan. Die Schwarze Bürgerrechtsbewegung (München: C.H.Beck). Arndt, Susan. Provincialising Literature. Myths of Whiteness in British Fiction and World Literatures in English. Arndt, Susan, Peggy Piesche and Deborah Nyangulu. Future as a Critical Category. Transcultural Rereadings of Planetary Fiction. In Preparation Arndt, Susan. Maafa Labour and the entangled Literary Imagination. Representations of Enslaved Labour and Enslaving Labour in British, US-American and Ghanaian Fiction. 2 EDITED BOOKS 2014 Arndt, Susan and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Afro-Fictional In(ter)ventions. Revisiting the BIGSAS-Literature Festival. Bayreuth 2011 – 2013 (Münster: edition assemblage). 2011 Arndt, Susan and Nadja Ofuatey- Alazard, eds. Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. Ein Kritisches Nachschlagewerk (Münster: Unrast) (2nd edition 2015). Selected review(s): Adeoso, Marie-Sophie. Frankfurter Rundschau (28.07.2011): 31. Messerschmidt, Astrid. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Review 11.4 (2012). 2007 Arndt, Susan, Eckhard Breitinger and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, eds. Theatre, Performance and New Media in Africa (Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies). Selected review(s): Kerr, David. Research in African Literatures 40.1 (2009): 166-170. 2007 Arndt, Susan and Katrin Berndt, eds. Worlds and Words. African Writers on Literature, Theatre und Society (Trenton, NJ, Asmara: Africa World Press). Selected review(s): Spencer, Lynda Giachnda. African Studies Review 52.1 (2009): 222-224. 2007 Arndt, Susan, Robert Stockhammer and Dirk Naguschewski, eds. Exophonie. AndersSprachigkeit (in) der Literatur (Berlin: Kadmos). 2006 Arndt, Susan and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, eds. Africa, Europe and (Post)Colonialism: Racism, Migration and Diaspora in African Literatures (Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies). Selected review(s): Kathleen Gyssels. Research in African Literatures 39.3 (2008): 216-217. 2005 Arndt, Susan and Katrin Berndt, eds. Kreatives Afrika. SchriftstellerInnen über Literatur, Theater und Gesellschaft (Wuppertal: Peter Hammer). Selected review(s): Schäfer, Rita. iz3w (08.07. 2002) 2005 Maisha Eggers, Grada Kilomba, Peggy Piesche and Susan Arndt, eds. Mythen, Masken und Subjekte: Kritische Weißseinsforschung in Deutschland (Münster: Unrast) (2nd edition 2009, 3rd edition 2015). Selected review(s): Breger, Claudia. H-Soz-Kult, 29.09.2006, 2004 Arndt, Susan and Antje Hornscheidt, eds. Afrika und die deutsche Sprache. Ein Kritisches Nachschlagewerk (Münster: Unrast) (2nd edition 2009). Selected review(s): Schnurer, Jos. socialnet. 2001 Arndt, Susan, Heiko Thierl and Ralf Walther, eds. AfrikaBilder. Studien zu Rassismus in Deutschland (Münster: Unrast) (2nd edition 2006). Selected review(s): Gyssels, Kathleen. Süddeutsche Zeitung (08.07. 2002) 1992 Arndt, Susan et al., eds. Berlin Mainzer Straße: Wohnen ist wichtiger als das Gesetz (Berlin: BasisDruck). 3 Forthcoming Arndt, Susan and Mariam Popal, eds. Bayreuth Summer Talks. de Gruyter Spring 2016. Arndt, Susan and Mariam Popal with the filming team Shirin Assa, Oladapo Ayayi, Weeraya Donsomsakulkij, Natalie Patterer, Talks n Travel. DVD-Bricolage, Talks n Travel, Spring 2016. Arndt, Susan and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition. Special Issue of Journal of the African Literature Association (peer-reviewed). Spring 2016. Arndt, Susan, Mariam Popal and Rinaldo Walcott, eds. Specters of Ethics – in the Trails of Globalization and Futurity. Duke Press, Summer 2016. In Preparation Arndt, Susan and Weeraya Donsomsakulkij, eds. un*animated, non*human, nature*culture. Beyond Binarisms - Posthumanism meets Postcolonialism. Arndt, Susan and Peggy Piesche, eds. Technology, Internet and its Effects on Diaspora, Notions of Race and Conceptions of the Future. Arndt, Susan and Peggy Piesche, eds. Transcultural Enlightenment and African Diasporic Legacy. The Case of Anton Wilhelm Amo. Arndt, Susan, ed. Transcultural Shakespeare. Postcolonial Rereadings of Sources and Legacies Arndt, Susan, ed. Knowledge, Technology and GenEt(h)ics. Un/Making Bodies and Global Future(s) REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES 2016 2016 2006 2005 2002 2000 2000 2000 1992-1993 Arndt, Susan. “Fractal Time, Futurity and the Power of Interpretation. Comparative Rereadings of Memory and Waiting in the Works of Kayper-Mensah, Samih Al Qasim and Samuel Beckett.” Journal of the African Literature Association (9.2). Arndt, Susan. “‘Be free?’ Zukunftsvisionen der Black Civil Rights Movement von Martin Luther King Jr. bis J. Cole.” Powision Magazine 18. Arndt, Susan. “Mythen von Afrika. 'Rasse' und Rassismus in der deutschen Afrikaterminologie.” Aptum. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik und Sprachkultur 2 (3): 257274. Arndt, Susan. “Die Archive der Vergangenheit ordnen. Wert und Sinn von Sonderarchiven in der Offenen Gesellschaft.” Deutschland Archiv 38 (3): 515-522. Arndt, Susan. “Perspectives on African Feminism. Defining and Classifying African-Feminist Literatures.” Agenda. Empowering Women for Gender Equity. African Feminisms Two 54: 3144. Arndt, Susan. “Igbo-in-English: Relexification and Igbo-Lexification in Igbo Women’s Literature.” Voices. The Wisconsin Review of African Literatures 3: 37-68. Arndt, Susan. “‘Who is Afraid of Feminism?’ Critical Perspectives on Feminism in Africa and African Feminism.” Palabres. Femmes et Creations Literaires en Afrique at aux Antilles 3.1/2: 35-61. Arndt, Susan. “Optimismus und militante Resignation. Strömungen der afrikanischfeministischen Literatur.” iz3w. blätter des informationszentrums dritte welt 242: 36-41. Arndt, Susan. “Kontinuität und ‚writing back’. Buchi Emecheta und die afrikanische Tradition der oral literature.” Hard Times 48: 39-42. 4 Forthcoming Arndt, Susan. “Was Caliban drunken? Colonial Power and Resistance in Shakespeare’s The Tempest.” Arndt, Susan. “Transcultural Intertextualities. Othello’s Arabian and African Sources.” Arndt, Susan. “Narrating Maafa. Rereading Defoe and Austen.” Arndt, Susan. “Trauma and Narration in Fred d’Aguiar’s The Longest Memory.” Arndt, Susan. “Transcultural English Studies. Visions in Transition.” Arndt, Susan. “Maafa Labour, Violence and Resistance in the Works of Bernardine Evaristo and Fred d’Aguiar.” Arndt, Susan. “What’s Enlightenment got to do with it? Abolitionism and Resistance as Work in Writings by Olaudah Equiano, Anton Wilhelm Amo, and Frederick Douglas.” BOOK CHAPTERS 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2012 2012 2011 2011 Arndt, Susan. “Envisioning New Futures. Literary Performances of Intertextuality, Gender and Race in the Works of Zadie Smith, Pauline Melville and Toni Morrison.” Dominanzkultur reloaded. Neue Texte zu gesellschaftlichen Machtverhältnissen und ihren Wechselwirkungen. Iman Attia, Swantje Köbsell und Nivedita Prasad, eds. Bielefeld: transcript 2015: 311-322. Arndt, Susan and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard. “Preface.” Afro-Fictional In(ter)ventions. Revisiting the BIGSAS-Literature Festival, Bayreuth 2011 – 2013. Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: assemblage: 9-12. Arndt, Susan. “Introduction: African Conceptualisations of Europe.” Afro-Fictional In(ter)ventions. Revisisting the BIGSAS-Literature Festival Bayreuth 2011 – 2013. Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: assemblage: 53-58. Arndt, Susan. “Introduction: Remembering Flash Forward. African Literatures as Poetics in Motion.” Afro-Fictional In(ter)ventions. Revisisting the BIGSAS-Literature Festival. Bayreuth 2011 – 2013. Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: assemblage: 186-190. Arndt, Susan. “Introduction. Intertextuality. Dialogues in Motion.” Afro-Fictional In(ter)ventions. Revisisting the BIGSAS-Literature Festival. Bayreuth 2011 – 2013. Susan Arndt & Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: assemblage: 356-366. Arndt, Susan. “Rassismus und Wissen.” Sprache - Macht – Rassismus. Gudrun Hentges et al., eds. Berlin: Metropol: 17-34. Arndt, Susan. “The Longevity of Whiteness and Ama Ata Aidoo’s Our Sister Killjoy.” Essays in Honour of Ama Ata Aidoo at 70. A Reader in African Cultural Studies. Anne Adams, ed. Banbury: Ayebia Clarke: 110-121. Arndt, Susan. “Rassismus. Zur Geschichte einer europäischen Herrschaftsideologie.” Afrikabilder. Dokumentation einer Tagungsreihe zum Afrikadiskurs in den Medien und zum AlltagsRassismus in Deutschland E. Dulko, M.E. Kaufmann, L. Jansen and M. Weule, eds. Universität Bremen: 50-54. Arndt, Susan and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard. “Zum Geleit.” Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: Unrast: 11-17. Arndt, Susan. “Rassismus.” Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache. Susan Arndt and Nadja OfuateyAlazard, eds. Münster: Unrast: 37-43. 5 2011 2011 2011 2011 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 Arndt, Susan. “Sprache, Kolonialismus und rassistische Wissensformation.” Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache. Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: Unrast: 121-125. Arndt, Susan. “Racial Turn.” Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache. Susan Arndt and Nadja OfuateyAlazard, eds. Münster: Unrast: 185-189. Piesche, Peggy and Susan Arndt. “Weißsein.” Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache. Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: Unrast: 192-193. Arndt, Susan. “Europe, Race and Diaspora.” Afroeurope@n Configurations: Readings and Projects. Sabrina Brancato, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 30-57. Arndt, Susan. “Myths and Masks of 'Travelling': Colonial Migration and Slavery in Shakespeare's Othello, The Sonnets and The Tempest.” Anglistentag 2008 Tübingen: Proceedings. Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt, eds. Trier: WVT: 213-226. Arndt, Susan. “Whiteness as Category of Literary Analysis. Racializing Markers and Race-Evasiveness in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace.” Word & Image in Colonial and Postcolonial Literatures. Amsterdam: Rodopi: 167-189. Arndt, Susan. “Euro-African Trans-Spaces. Migration, Transcultral Narration and Literary Studies.” Transcultural Modernities. Elizabeth Bekers, Sissy Helff and Daniela Merolla, eds. Amsterdam: Rodopi: 103-120. Arndt, Susan. “Weißsein – zur Genese eines Konzepts. Von der griechischen Antike zum postkolonialen 'racial turn'.” Theorie und Praxis der Kulturwissenschaften. Series: Culture Discourse History. Vol. 1. Jan Standke and Thomas Düllo, eds. Berlin: Logos: 95-129. Arndt, Susan. “You are not Born White, You Become White. Conceptions of Whiteness and Africa in German Society and Literature.” African Diasporas: Ancestors, Migrations and Boundaries. Robert Cancel and Winnifried Woodhull, eds. Trenton, NJ; Asmara: Africa World Press: 231-251.2008 Arndt, Susan. “Paradigms of Intertextuality. Orature and Writing Back in the Literature of Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo.” The Fiction of Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo. Issues and Perspectives. Patrick Oloko, ed. Lagos: African Cultural Institute: 17-65. Arndt, Susan. “Afrika und die deutsche Sprache.” Afrika. Europas verkannter Nachbar. Vol. 2. Hertha Däubler-Gmelin, Ann Kathrin Helfruch, Ekkehard Münzing and Christian Walther, eds. Frankfurt/M: Peter Lang: 107-126. Arndt, Susan. “The Racial Turn.’ Kolonialismus, Weiße Mythen und Critical Whiteness Studies.” Koloniale und postkoloniale Konstruktionen von Afrika und Menschen afrikanischer Herkunft in der deutschen Alltagskultur. Series: Africa and Europe. Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters. Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst, Sunna Gieseke and Reinhard Klein-Arendt, eds. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang: 11-26. Arndt, Susan and Katrin Berndt. “Prologue.” WordMarkets. African Writers on Literature, Theatre und Society. Susan Arndt and Katrin Berndt, eds. Trenton, NJ; Asmara: Africa World Press: ix-xii (revised translation of “Prolog”) Arndt, Susan and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski. “Popular Culture and Media in a Globalized World. Some Introductory Thoughts”. Theatre, Performance and New Media in Africa. Susan Arndt, Eckhard Breitinger and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, eds. Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies: 7-10. Stockhammer, Robert, Susan Arndt and Dirk Naguschewski. “Unselbstverständlichkeit der Sprache.” Anderssprachigkeit (in) der Literatur. Susan Arndt, Dirk Naguschewski and Robert Stockhammer, eds. Berlin: Kadmos: 7-27. 6 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2003 2001 Arndt, Susan. “Postkoloniales Palimpsest. Igbo-Relexifizierung und Lexemisierung in der englischsprachigen nigerianischen Literatur.” Anderssprachigkeit (in) der Literatur. Susan Arndt, Dirk Naguschewski and Robert Stockhammer, eds. Berlin: Kadmos: 149-164. Arndt, Susan and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski. “Prologue.” Africa, Europe and (Post)Colonialism. Racism, Migration and New Diasporas in African Literatures. Susan Arndt and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, eds. Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies: 9-11. Arndt, Susan. “Rereading (Post)Colonialism. Whiteness, Wandering and Writing.” Africa, Europe and (Post)Colonialism. Racism, Migration and New Diasporas in African Literatures. Susan Arndt and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, eds. Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies: 13-79. Arndt, Susan. “Beyond the Boundaries of Identities and Differences. The Dynamic Relationship of ‚Race’ and Gender in African Literatures.” Africa, Europe and (Post)Colonialism. Racism, Migration and New Diasporas in African Literatures. Susan Arndt and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, eds. Bayreuth: Bayreuth African Studies: 139-158. Arndt, Susan. “Paradigms of an Intertextual Dialogue: 'Race' and Gender in Nigerian Literature.” Of Minstrelsy and Masks. The Legacy of Ezenwa-Ohaeto in Nigerian Writing. Christine Matzke, Aderemi Raji-Oyelade and Geoffrey V. Davis, eds. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi: 199-221. Arndt, Susan and Katrin Berndt. “Prolog.” Kreatives Afrika. SchriftstellerInnen über Literatur, Theater und Gesellschaft.Susan Arndt and Katrin Berndt, eds.Wuppertal: Peter Hammer:7-11. Arndt, Susan. “Erfindungen Afrikas. Ein hoffnungsvoll-folgenloser Essay.” Kreatives Afrika. SchriftstellerInnen über Literatur, Theater und Gesellschaft. Susan Arndt and Katrin Berndt, eds. Wuppertal: Peter Hammer:12-33. Arndt, Susan. “Weißsein: Die verkannte Strukturkategorie Europas und Deutschlands.” Mythen, Masken und Subjekte. Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien zur Kritischen Weißseinsforschung. Maisha Eggers, Grada Kilomba, Peggy Piesche and Susan Arndt, eds. Münster: Unrast: 24-29. Arndt, Susan. “Mythen des weißen Subjekts. Verleugnung und Hierarchisierung von Rassismus.” Mythen, Masken und Subjekte. Kulturwissenschaftliche Studien zur Kritischen Weißseinsforschung. Maisha Eggers, Grada Kilomba, Peggy Piesche and Susan Arndt, eds. Münster: Unrast: 340-362. Arndt, Susan. “Boundless Whiteness. Whiteness Without Boundaries? Feminism and White Women in the Mirror of African Feminism and African-Feminist Literature.” Body, Sexuality and Gender. Versions and Subversions in African Literatures. Dirk Naguschewski and Flora Veit-Wild, eds. Amsterdam: Rodopi: 157-172. Arndt, Susan and Antje Hornscheidt. “Worte können sein wie winzige Arsendosen. Rassismus in Gesellschaft und Sprache.” Afrika und die deutsche Sprache. Ein Kritisches Nachschlagewerk. Susan Arndt and Antje Hornscheidt, eds. Münster: Unrast: 11-95. Arndt, Susan. “Kolonialistische Mythen und Weiß-Sein. Rassismus in der deutschen Afrikaterminologie.” TheBlackBook. Deutschlands Häutungen. edited by: AntiDiskriminierungsBüro (ADB) Köln von Öffentlichkeit gegen Gewalt (ÖgG) e.V. /cyberNomads (cbN) Berlin. Frankfurt a.M.: IKO – Verlag für interkulturelle Kommunikation: 91-115. Arndt, Susan. “Grenzenloses Weiß-Sein. Weiß-Sein ohne Grenzen? Konzeptionen von WeißSein und Feminismus in der afrikanisch-feministischen Literatur.” Fremdes Begehren. Repräsentationsformen transkultureller Beziehungen. Monika Ehlers, Eva Lezzi and Sandra Schramm, eds. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau: 107-120. Arndt, Susan. “Impressionen. Rassismus und der deutsche Afrikadiskurs.” AfrikaBilder. Studien zu Rassismus in Deutschland. Susan Arndt, ed. Münster: Unrast:11-68. 7 2000 1998 1998 1996 1995 1994 Forthcoming Arndt, Susan. “‚Wer hat Angst vorm Feminismus?’ Feminismus in Afrika und afrikanischer Feminismus.” Afrikanische Frauen und Kulturelle Globalisierung. Katharina Städtler and Ursula Trüper, eds. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe: 87-108. Arndt, Susan. “Applauding a Dangerous‚ Luxury’. Flora Nwapa’s Womanist ReInterpretation of the Ifo About the ‘Handsome Stranger.’” Emerging Perspectives on Flora Nwapa. Marie Umeh, ed. Trenton, NJ; Asmara: Africa World Press: 205-222. Arndt, Susan. “Continuation and Writing Back. Igbo Women Writers and Ifo.” Across the Lines. Intertextuality and Transcultural Communication in the New Literatures in English. Wolfgang Klooss, ed. Amsterdam – Atlanta, GA: Rodopi: 103-127. Arndt, Susan. “Buchi Emecheta and the Tradition of Ifo. Continuation and Writing Back.” Emerging Perspectives on Buchi Emecheta. Marie Umeh, ed. Trenton, NJ; Asmara: Africa World Press: 27-56. Arndt, Susan. “Frauen und Frauenfeindlichkeit in den Märchen der Igbo.” Dichotomie, Dominanz, Differenz – Geschlechtsspezifische Platzanweisungen in Wissenschaft und Beruf. Annette Bertams, ed. Weinheim: Deutscher Studienverlag, 249-268. (2nd edition 1996) Arndt, Susan. “,Und sie traf das Schicksal, das ihr gebührte...’ Frauen in den Erzählungen von Igbo Frauen.” Rasse-Klasse-Geschlecht. 2. Studien zur feministischen Theorieentwicklung. Berlin: Trafo, 38-53. Arndt, Susan. “Dem Rassismus widersprechen. Afrika, Kolonialismus und die deutsche Sprache.” Postkolonialismus und Sprache. Margarete Jäger, ed. Münster: Unrast. Arndt, Susan. “Migration, Rhizomic Identities and the Black Atlantic in Postcolonial Literary Studies. The Trans-Space as Home in Pauline Melville’s Short Story ‘Eat Labba and Drink Creek Water.’” Contested Communities: Communication, Narration, Imagination. Susanne Mühleisen, ed. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. Arndt, Susan. “Die Zukunft von 1497. Rassismus in genealogischer Perspektive.” (Trans)Nationale Rassismuskritik: Interdependenz rassistischer Phänomene und Widerstandsformen. Mera El und Karim Fereidooni, eds. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Arndt, Susan. “Afrikanische Diasporas zwischen Humanismus, Aufklärung und Transatlantische Modernen.” Literatur und Transnationalität. Reihe "Handbücher zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Philologie" (hg. von Claudia Benthien, Ethel Matala de Mazza und Uwe Wirth). Doerte Bischof und Susanne Komfort-Hein, eds. Berlin: De Gruyter Verlag. REFERENCE ARTICLES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS ENTRIES 2011 2009 2004 2002 2002 Arndt, Susan. “Hautfarbe”, “Barbar_in”, “Ethnie”, “Rasse”, “Mohr” (Co-Author), “Neger_in”, ”blauäugig”, “blaues Blut”, “braun” “Häuptling”, “Hottentotten”, “illegal”, “indigen”, “Kannibalismus”, “mauscheln”, “Stamm”, Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache. Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard, eds. Münster: Unrast. Arndt, Susan. “Buchi Emecheta”, “Flora Nwapa”, “Ama Ata Aidoo”, “Bessie Head”, “Ama Ata Aidoo: Changes, “Yvonne Vera: Without a Name”, “Yvonne Vera: Butterfly Burning”, “Yvonne Vera: The Stone Virgins”, “J.M. Coetzee: Elizabeth Costello ”, “J.M. Coetzee: Slow Man ”. Ergänzungsband zu Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon. Stuttgart: Metzler. Arndt, Susan. “Bastard”, “Eingeborene”, “Ethnie” (Co-Author), “Häuptling”, “Mischling” (Co-Author), “Mohr”, “Mulatte” (Co-Author), “Neger”, “Rasse”, “Stamm”, Afrika und die deutsche Sprache. Ein Kritisches Nachschlagewerk. Susan Arndt and Antje Hornscheidt, eds. Münster. Unrast. Arndt, Susan and Birgit Haehnel “Rassismus.” Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies. Renate Kroll,ed. Stuttgart: Metzler: 331-332. Arndt, Susan. “Afrikanischer Feminismus/afrikanisch-feministische Literatur.” Metzler Lexikon Gender Studies. Renate Kroll, ed. Stuttgart: Metzler: 4-6. 8 1998 1998 1998 1998 1997 Arndt, Susan. “Buchi Emecheta.” Metzler Autorinnenlexikon. Ute Hechtfischer, Renate Hof, Inge Stephan and Flora Veit-Wild, eds. Stuttgart: Metzler:159-161. Arndt, Susan. “Flora Nwapa.” Metzler Autorinnenlexikon. Ute Hechtfischer, Renate Hof, Inge Stephan and Flora Veit-Wild, eds. Stuttgart: Metzler: 392-393. Arndt, Susan. “Buchi Emecheta: The Joys of Motherhood.” Ergänzungsband zu Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon (21) München: Kindler: 367-369 (revised edition) Arndt, Susan. “Flora Nwapa: Efuru.” Ergänzungsband zu Kindlers Neues Literatur Lexikon (22) München: Kindler: 215-(revised edition) Arndt, Susan. “Der Zeit immer ein Stück voraus: Leben und Werk Flora Nwapas.” (Epilogue) Flora Nwapa: Efuru. Göttingen: Lamuv: 331-343. BOOK REVIEWS 2007 2006 2006 2001 2001 2000 1998 Arndt, Susan. “Im Schatten der Apartheid. Frauen-Rechtsorganisationen und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Südafrika by Rita Schäfer!” H-Soz-u-Kult, URL: Im Schatten der Apartheid. Frauen-Rechtsorganisationen und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Südafrika. Rita Schäfer. Berlin: Lit Verlag 2008. Arndt, Susan. “Trauma und Literatur. Das Nicht-Erzählbare erzählen – Assia Djebar und Yvonne Vera by Martina Kopf.” Stichproben (10): 148-152. Trauma und Literatur. Das Nicht-Erzählbare erzählen – Assia Djebar und Yvonne Vera. Martina Kopf. Frankfurt/m.: Brandes & Apfel 2005. Arndt, Susan and Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk. “Mit Deutschland um die Welt. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Fremden in der Kolonialzeit. by Alexander Honold and Klaus R. Scherpe.” Weimarer Beiträge 52 (1) 2006: 144-149. Mit Deutschland um die Welt. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Fremden in der Kolonialzeit. Alexander Honold and Klaus R. Scherpe. Stuttgart and Weimar: J.B. Metzler 2006. Arndt, Susan. “Frantz Fanon. Ein Porträt by Alice Cherki.” IWK 2003 (1): 84-87. Frantz Fanon. Ein Porträt by Alice Cherki. Hamburg: Nautilus 2002: 84-87. Arndt, Susan and Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk. “Unauslöschliche Spuren. LiteraturNobelpreisträger Wole Soyinka erinnert an Afrikas Kolonialerbe und fordert Wiedergutmachung von Europa” Tagesspiegel 27.8. 2001: 9. Die Last des Erinnerns. Was Europa Afrika schuldet – und was Afrika sich selbst schuldet. Wole Soyinka. Düsseldorf: Patmos Verlag Arndt, Susan. “'Flackernde Kerzen'. Nigeria in der Literatur von Toyin Adewale.” iz3w 244 (April 2000): 42. Flackernde Kerzen. Zwanzig Geschichten aus Nigeria. Toyin Adewale. Stuttgart: Schmetterling Verlag 1999: Arndt, Susan. “Die Literatur Schwarzafrikas. Ein Lexikon der Autorinnen und Autoren by Holger Ehling and Peter Ripken.” Peripherie 69/70: 225 – 228. Die Literatur Schwarzafrikas. Ein Lexikon der Autorinnen und Autoren. Holger Ehling and Peter Ripken. München: C.H. Beck 1997. INTERVIEWS with/REPORTS about Susan Arndt 2015 2015 2015 “Politcal Correctness. Was darf man noch sagen?” Nürnberger Nachrichten. JeannePierre Ziegler. 21. September 2015: 8. “Dunkles Deutschland. Helles Pack.“ Hessischer Rundfunk 2. Der Tag. Florian Schwinn. (7. September 2015). “Anti-Rassismus ist Schwerstarbeit. Interview mit Susan Arndt.“ Lars Neuenfeld Chemnitzer Stadtmagazin (26. August 2015) rache_und_rassismus.html 9 2015 “Afrikanische Träume. Konferenz in Bayreuth.” Hubert Spiegel. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (13. Juni 2015. 134): 18. 2015 “Die Zukunft beginnt in Afrika. Wie die Uni Bayreuth einen Kontinent neu versteht.” Jonathan Fischer. Süddeutsche Zeitung (19. Januar 2015): 13. 2013 “Zukunft Afrika. Visionen im Umbruch – Academy of Advanced African Studies in Bayreuth gegründet.” Echt Oberfranken (16): 42-43. “Unbewusst ist Jeder Ein Rassist.” Nordbayrischer April. “Rasse im Gesetz.” deutschlandradio Kultur, May. “Wie Deutsche Afrika Sehen.”>May. “Nachruf Prof. Eckhard Breitinger. Gespräch mit Susan Arndt.” Nordbayrischer Kurier, August. “Gesicht des Tages.” Nordbayrischer Kurier, June. “Das BIGSAS Festival afrikanischer und afrikanisch-diasporischer Literaturen.” Bayrischer Rundfunk, June. “Kritische Weißseinsforschung in Deutschland.” Lorettas Leselampe. 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2006 INTERVIEWS conducted by Susan Arndt 2000 1999 1998 1997 Forthcoming Arndt, Susan. “African Gender Trouble and African Womanism. An Interview with Chikwenye Ogunyemi and Wanjira Muthoni.” Signs 25(3): 709-726. Arndt, Susan. “African Perspectives on Feminism and African Feminism.” ANA Review (6) (October-December): 35. Arndt, Susan. “Of Womanism and Bearded Women. An Interview with Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi und Wanjira Muthoni.” ANA Review (2) (October-December): 10. Arndt, Susan. “Womanism’ und bärtige Frauen.” LiteraturNachrichten (55) (October-December): 10-12. Arndt, Susan and Mariam Popal in cooperation with Weeraya Donsomsakulkij and Nathalie Patterer. Summer Talks with Rinaldo Walcott, Hakim Adi, Adbi Osman, Anne Adans, Kien Nghi Ha and Nabil Barham. Documentary and Working Papers. 2015-2016. OTHER WRITINGS 2015 2014 2013 Arndt, Susan. “Kants ganz anderer Kontinent.“ taz 9./10. Mai 2015: 27. Arndt, Susan. “Wenn Rassismus aus Worten spricht.” Wenn Rassismus aus Worten spricht. Frage, Kontroversen, Perspektiven. Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland e.V. Materialien (185): 15-22. Arndt, Susan. “Ersatzdiskurse. Von, Stamm’ und, Rasse’ zu, Ethnie’.” Von Trommlern und Helfern. Beiträge zu einer nicht-rassistischen entwicklungspolitischen Bildungs- und Projektarbeit. Berlin u.a.; Berliner entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag e.V: 8-11 (2nd edition Develop-mental Turn. Neue Beiträge zu einer rassismuskritischen Bildungs- und Projektarbeit, Berlin: BER (Berliner entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag):18 – 21. 10 2013 2013 2007 2010 2009 2005 2003 2002 2002 Arndt, Susan. “Im Spiegel der Geschichte”. (November-December). Arndt, Susan. “Im Spiegel der Geschichte. Wer Rassismus bekämpfen will, muss auch in die Vergangenheit blicken.” an.schläge. Das feministische Magazin. November : 15-18. Arndt, Susan. “Kritische Distanz. Konzepte des afrikanischen Feminismus in Theorie und Literatur.” Feminismen. Transnational, postkolonial, queer. Special issue: frauen solidarität 100 (2): 10-11. Arndt, Susan. “Weißsein und Kritische Weißseinsforschung.”, Interkultureller Rat gegen Rassismus, ed.: Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus: 75-77. Arndt, Susan. “Erinnerungsarbeit, Kolonialismus und Sprache. Was wir reden, ist wie wir denken.” afrikapost. Magazin für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur(1): 20-21. Arndt, Susan. “Spezialarchive als Norm.” Trajekte. 10 (5): 44-50. Arndt, Susan. Mitarbeit an Anke Poenicke, ed. Afrika realistisch darstellen: Diskussionen und Alternativen zur gängigen Praxis - Schwerpunkt Schulbücher. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Reihe: Zukunftsforum Politik, Bonn: Adenauer Stiftung (55). 120 Pages. Arndt, Susan. “Jemand muss eine andere Geschichte schreiben. Der Schriftsteller Chinua Achebe wird am Sonntag mit dem Friedenspreis des Deutschen Buchhandels ausgezeichnet.” Die Welt: 28 (October). Arndt, Susan. “Weiß-Sein als Konstruktion des Rassismus und als Kategorie.” in: Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre. Berliner Programm. Beiträge. Berlin: 169-178. INVITED SCHOLARY PRESENTATIONS (Public Lectures, Conferences, Workshops, Literature Festivals) ABROAD 2016 2015 2012 2012 2004 2001 1996 International Symposium: “Postcolonial Shakespeare. Origins and Legacies of a Global Narrative.” Goldsmith College/SOAS (February) “Shakespeare’s Legacy, or: How to study Entangled Literatures?” Ruskin University, Cambridge (October) “Silencing and Re-Interpretation, or: Why care about Reading Shakespeare’s “Dark Lady” as a Black Woman.” London School of Economics (February). “Postcolonial Rereadings of British Literature: William Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, and Zadie Smith.” London School of Economics. (February). “White Skin. What Mask? Paradigms of Presenting Whiteness in Literature.” Institute of African Studies, University of Leiden (November). “Paradigms of African Feminist Literatures.” University of Vienna (May). “Criticizing the Model: Igbo Women Writers and Ifo.” St. Antony’s College, Oxford, UK (October). DOMESTIC 2015 2015 Public Lecture, “Rassismus. Die Zukunft einer langen Geschichte” [Racism. The Future of a Long History], Universität Dresden, Vorlesungsreihe “Rassismus” im Rahmen von studium generale, University of Dresden, July. Lecture, “’Be free?’ Visions of the Future, the Black Civil Rights Movement and the Digital.” Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, University of Bayreuth, July. 11 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2007 2006 Lecture, “Knowledge as Commodity. Whiteness, Gender, Religion.” Rainbow Intersection Berlin org. by Deutsche Afrika-Stiftung, Berlin, October. Lecture, “Diskriminierung und Diversität in Schulbüchern.” [Discrimination and Diversity in text books], Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin, September. Keynote Lecture, “Postcolonial Narrations.” International Conference “Postcolonial Narrations”, Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., September. Keynote Lecture, “Die Zukuft unserer Sprache liegt in ihrer Vergangenheit.” [The Future of Language, and: What has the Past to do with it?] Teaching Day at School, Bayreuth/Erfurt, February. Lecture, “Zusammenwirken von Sprache und Diskriminierung.” [Language and Discrimination.] International Conference “Perspektivwechsel”, Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland (ZWST e.V.), Weimar, November. Lecture , “Rassismus. Geschichte und Gegenwart.” [Racism. History and Present.] University Erlangen, April. Opening Lecture, “Rassismus in der Migrationsgesellschaft.” [Racism and Migration.] International Conference, International Day against Racism, Mayor of Bielefeld, March. Lecture, “Shakespeares Sonette, Othello und The Tempest. Transkulturalität in literaturhistorischer Perspektive.” .” [Racism and Migration.]Katholischer Hochschulkreis, Bayreuth, November. Inaugural Lecture, “LiteraturWelten. Transkulturelle Anglistik und der Racial Turn.” [Worlds of Literature. Transcultural English Studies and the Racial Turn.] University of Bayreuth, October. Keynote Lecture, “Rassismus WiderSprechen.” [Speaking Up against Racism.] International Conference “Afrikabilder: Zum Afrika-Diskurs in deutschen Medien – Eine Tagungsreihe zum Alltagsrassismus in Deutschland” (BIGSAS), Bremen, June. Lecture, “Sprache ist Denken und Denken ist Sprache.” [Thinking Language.] Green Party, Munich, May. Lecture and Reading about Racism and Language, International Weeks against Racism, AMIGRA, Munich, March. Keynote Lecture, “The Longevity of Whiteness: Critical Whiteness Studies and British Fiction.” Workshop of the DFG-Network of Black Diasporas in Germany, Berlin, January. Panelist, “Wort und Wirklichkeit - Kann Sprache diskriminieren?” [Words and Realities. Do words discriminate against?] German Government: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Bonn, May. Keynote Lecture, “Rassismus in Gesellschaft und Sprache.” .[Racism in Society and Language.] Conference “Rassismus heute”, Munich, December. Keynote Lecture, “Rassismus in Gesellschaft und Sprache.” Conference “Rassismus in Gesellschaft und Sprache”, Munich, November. Lecture, “The Longevity of Whiteness. Colonial Myth, Social Position and Critical Category of Analysis.” Think Tank on Identity Politics, Free University of Berlin, April. Lecture, “Rassismus in der deutschen Sprache.” .[Racism and/in the German Language.] Lecture Series at Humboldt-University, Berlin, November. Keynote Lecture, “Über Rassismus zu sprechen, heißt, sich ihm zu stellen.” .[Talking about Racism as Resistance.] International Conference “Rassismus, Wissen(schaft) und Universität”, Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin, June. Lecture, “Diskursives Weißsein. Antike, Renaissance, Aufklärung – und moderne Selbstverständnisse in Europa.” [Whiteness in Antiquity, Renaissance and Enligtenment.] University of Hamburg, April. Lecture, “Mythen von Afrika. 'Rasse' und Rassismus in der deutschen Afrikaterminologie.” [Myths of Africa. Race and Racism in the German Language.] Otto-Suhr-Insitut, Free University of Berlin, November. 12 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 Lecture, “Critical Whiteness Studies and Critical Occidentalism. Rereading Africa.” Studientag Afrika, University of Greifswald, October. Lecture, “Rassistische Afrikaterminologie im Wandel?” [Transformations in German conceptualisations of Language.] Afrika Normal, University of Hamburg, April. Lecture, “Mythen von Afrika. ‚Rasse’ in der deutschen Afrikaterminologie.” AfricAvenir, Otto-Suhr-Institut, Free University of Berlin, February. Lecture, “Kritische Weißseinsforschung und Kritischer Okzidentalismus. Kritische Perspektiven auf Kant und Hegel.” [Critical Whiteness Studies and Critical Occidentalism. Critical Perspectives on Kant and Hegel.], Institute of German Studies, University of Magdeburg, December. Lecture, “Kolonialistische Mythen und Weißsein. Rassismus in der deutschen Afrikaterminologie.” [Whiteness and Colonialist Myths.], Catholic Academy of Hamburg, November. Lecture, “Von der biologistischen Kategorie ‚Rasse’ zu den kritischen Analysekategorien Rasse und Weißsein.” [From ‚race’ (as biologistic construct) to race and whiteness as critical categories of analysis.] International Colloqium. “'Rasse'. Historische und Diskursive Perspektiven’”, Centre for Literary Research, Berlin, November. Lecture, “Kritischer Okzidentalismus.” [Critical Occidentalism.], Centre for Literary Research, Berlin, July. Lecture, “Weißsein, Mythen und Literatur.” [Whiteness, Myths and Literature.], Center for Literary Research (FSP I), February. Lecture, “Gcina Mhlope: Gender und Performanz.” [Gcina Mhlope: Gender and Performance.] Closing Event of the V, International Literature Festival, Berlin, September. Invited Lecturer, “Antje Krog und die Truth and Reconciliation Commission.” [Antje Krog and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.] Opening Event of the IV, International Literaturfestival, Berlin, September. Lecture, “White Skin. What Mask? Gendered Whitenesses in African Narratives.” Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, January. Keynote Lecture, “Schrift, Kultur und Kolonialismus.” [Scripts, Culture and Colonialism.] International Workshop “Writing and (Post-)Colonialism”, Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, November. “Europa in der Perspektive der afrikanischen Literatur.” [African Fictional Representations of Europe.] Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, October. Keynote Lecture, “AfrikaBilder in Medien, Sprache und Literatur.” [Images of Africa in Media, Language and Literature.] International Conference “Global Partnerships, Language and Media”, NLI, Bad Bevensen, June. Keynote Lecture, “Weißsein als Konstruktion des Rassismus und Kategorie.” [Whiteness as Construct and Category.] Workshop “Representations of Whiteness and Blackness in Film”, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin, April. Lecture, “Paradigms of Intertextual Dialogue. 'Race' and Gender in Nigerian Literature.” Institut für Neue Englischsprachige Literaturen und Kulturen, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M., February. Lecture, “Frauenliteratur—ein gültiges Paradigma für Literatur aus Afrika?” [Women’s Literature – A valid Paradigm for/in African Studies?] Workshop “African Literature in Germany”, Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, February. Keynote Lecture together with Eske Wollrad, “Critical Whiteness-Studies und Gender aus transdisziplinärer Perspektive.” [Critical Whiteness Studies and Gender in transdisciplinary perspective.] Workshop “Whiteness and Gender”, Humboldt University, February. 13 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2000 2000 1998 1997 1996 1994 “Chinua Achebe –Weltliteratur aus Nigeria.” [Chinua Achebe – World Literature made in Nigeria.] Event to mark Chinua Achebe’s acceptance of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, Heinrich Böll Foundation and Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, October. Lecture, “'Die Last des Erinnerns.' Kolonialismus und Afrikabilder in der deutschen Gesellschaft.” [The Burden of Memory. Colonialism and Conceptualisations of Africa.] Workshop on the occasion of Hanna Behrend’s 80th birthday, “'Politisch Lied–ein garstig Lied?' Zur Aktualität eines alten Streites”, Gesellschaftswissenschaftliches Forum e.V. and the Center for Interdisciplinary Women’s Research at the Humboldt University, Berlin, September. Lecture, “Von Nana Asma’u zu Calixthe Beyala: 200 Jahre Frauenliteratur in Afrika.” [Nana Asma’u and Calixthe Beyala 200 years of Women’s Literature in Africa.] University of Münster, January. Lecture, “Afrikanischer Feminismus in Gesellschaft und Literatur–Feminismus im Widerstreit.” [African Feminism in Literature and Society.] Frauenkultur Leipzig, November. Lecture, “Weiß-Sein und der Feminismus-Diskurs in Afrika. Weiße Frauen in der afrikanisch-feministischen Literatur.” [Whiteness and Feminism as Discourses in Africa.] International Conference “Fremdes Begehren–Repräsentationsformen transkultureller Beziehungen”, University of Potsdam, December. “'Stamm' und 'Sudann.'. Afrika in der Terminologie deutscher Schulbücher.” [Africa and Terminologies in German Textbooks.] Workshop “Das Afrikabild in deutschen Schulbüchern”, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Wendgräben, October. Lecture, “'Things Fall Apart'–Afrikanische Literatur und Befreiungsbewegung in Afrika.” [Things Fall Apart – African Literature and Independence Movements in Africa.] Tour of the Exhibition Short Century, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, July. Lecture, “Feminismus im Widerstreit. Afrikanischer Feminismus in Gesellschaft und Literatur.” [Resistance and Feminism.] Workshop “Equal Rights”, “Diakonisches Werk”, Magdeburg, April. Keynote Lecture, “Afrikanische Schriftstellerinnen und afrikanischer Feminismus.” [African writers and Feminism.] Africanissima Conference, Protestant Academy Bad Boll, October. Lecture, “Frauenliteratur in Afrika: Ein Überblick.” [Women’s Literature in Africa.] Lecture Series “Afrika gibt es nicht”, Marburg, June. Lecture, “'Ich bin keine Feministin, aber ich denke feministisch'. Antifeministische Ressentiments in Afrika versus afrikanischer Feminismus.” [I am not a feminist, but I do think feministically.] Center for Interdisciplinary Women’s Research at the Humboldt University, Berlin, February. “Frauenräume. Transformationsprozesse und Geschlechterverhältnisse. Tradition, Modernisierung und Moderne aus dem Blickwinkel des afrikanischen Feminismus.” [Women’s Rooms of their own.] Colloquium “African Modernities”, Institute of African Studies in Humboldt University, Center for the Modern Orient, Institute for Ethnology, Free University of Berlin, June. Invited Lecturer, “Kontinuität und 'Writing Back': Das ambivalente Verhältnis der Igbo-Autorinnen zu den Märchen ihrer literarischen Mütter.” [Continuity and Writing Back.] Africa Colloquium, Humboldt University, Berlin, January. “Flora Nwapa und die Igbo Literaturtradition.” [Flora Nwapa and Igbo Literature.] Workshop “Rasse, Klasse und Geschlecht”, Hans Böckler Foundation, Tutzing, November. 14 PROFESIONAL CONFERENCES (Panel paper presentations) ABROAD 2010 2005 2005 2002 2001 2000 2000 1997 1995 1994 1991 “The Longevity of Whiteness. Colonial Myth, Social Position and Critical Category of Analysis.” International Conference “Etre noir et allemande”, Strasbourg, November. “The White Spot of Western Feminisms. Conceptions of Whiteness in AfricanFeminist Literatures.” Annual Meeting of the European Association of Scholars of Africa (AEGIS), School of Oriental and African Studies, London, July. “White Myths, What Masks? The 'Racial Turn' and Conceptions of Whiteness in Literatures from Africa.” Founding Conference of African Studies Oxford, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, UK, June. “You Are Not Born White, You Become White: Conceptions of Whiteness and Africa in German Society and Literature.” Annual Conference of the African Literature Association, San Diego, USA, April. “Whiteness and the Discourse of Feminism. The Dynamic Relationship of 'Race' and Gender in African-Feminist Literatures.” Third Women Africa and the African Diaspora (WAAD), Antananarivo, Madagascar, October. “Race and Gender in the Works of Frantz Fanon, Ferdinand Oyono and Calixthe Beyala.” Annual Convention of the Society for New English Literatures, Aachen and Liege, Germany and Belgium, June. “Beyond the Boundaries of Identities and Differences. The Dynamic Relationship of 'Race' and Gender in African Literatures.” Annual Convention of the African Literature Association, Lawrence, USA, April. “Feminism and Africa. Feminisms in African Literature? On the Attempt to Define and Classify African Feminist Literatures.” Annual Convention of the African Literature Association, East Lansing, USA, April. “Love and Marriage in Igbo-Literature: The Motif of Self-Determined Choice of Marriage Partner in the Course of Igbo (Literary) History.” Annual Convention of the African Literature Association, Columbus/Ohio, USA, March. “Buchi Emecheta and the Tradition of Ifo. Continuation and 'Writing Back'.” Annual Convention of the African Literature Association, Accra, Ghana, March. “Concepts of 'Tradition' and 'Modernity' in the Novels of West African Women Writers.” HETE Conference, Stafford, UK, March. DOMESTIC 2015 2015 2015 2015 “Stuart Hall and Karen Barad. Postcolonial Rereadings of Posthumanist Approaches.” International Symposium: “Stuart Hall’s Legacy for Thinking Tomorrows Planetarily. Representation, Language and Postcoloniality in Posthumanism and Beyond. Workshop in Honour of Stuart Hall”, University of Bayreuth, July. “Fractal Time, Futurity and the Power of Interpretation. Comparative Rereadings of in the Works of Kayper-Mensah, Samih Al Qasim and Samuel Beckett.” International Annual Conference of the African Literature Association: “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition”, University of Bayreuth, June. “Futurity in the Work of Ama Ata Aidoo. Feminist/Womanist Visions in Transition.” International Annual Conference of the African Literature Association: “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition”, University of Bayreuth, June. Opening Lecture, “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition.” 5th BIGSAS Festival of African and African Diasporic Literature on, University of Bayreuth, June. 15 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2008 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 Opening Lecture, “Whose Future? Germany and the Black Atlantic.” International Annual Conference of the African Literature Association: “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition”, University of Bayreuth, June. “Transcultural Intertextualities. Rereading Othello’s Ancestors and Heirs.” International Symposium dedicated to Michael Steppat and with Paul Werstine on “Knowing Shakespeare. Manuscripts, Intertextuality, Fashion.” University of Bayreuth, January. Opening Lecture, “1884 – 1904 – 1914. Literatures and/of Memory.” 4th BIGSAS Festival of African and African-diasporic Literature, Bayreuth, June. Opening Lecture, “Intertextuality. Dialogues in Motion.” 3rd BIGSAS Festival of African and African Diasporic Literature, Bayreuth, June. Opening Lecture, “Remembering Flash-Forward.” 2nd BIGSAS-Festival of African and African-diasporic Literatures, Bayreuth, June. Opening Lecture, “African Conceptualisations of Europe.” 1st BIGSAS Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”, Bayreuth, May. “Migration, Rhizomic Identities and the Black Atlantic in Postcolonial Literary Studies. The Trans-Space as Home in Pauline Melville's Short Story ‘Eat Labba and Drink Creek Water’.” Annual Conferece of the Association of New Literatures in English, Bayreuth, May. “Postcolonial Perspectives on Travelling in Elizabethan and Jacobean England: Colonial Migration and Slavery in Shakespeare’s Othello, Sonnets, and The Tempest.” Anglistentag, Tübingen, October. “Das Weißsein des Europäers und der Europäerin. Historische Perspektiven auf (literarische) Stationen einer europäischen Erfindung.” [Whiteness and Europe.] International Conference “Der Europäer. Ein Konstrukt – Wissensbestände und Diskurse”, Humboldt University, September. “Resituating Europe, the Diaspora and Literary Categories.” 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Black European Studies in Transnational Perspective, Free University of Berlin, July. “Theorien zu Differenz und Herrschaftsverhältnissen in der griechischen Philosophie.” Workshop, Berliner Programm zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre, Arbeitskreis “Gender Studies in Soziologie, Philosophie und Kunst”, Berlin, June. “African Studies in Germany.” International Conference: “Transcultural Modernities. Narrating Africa in Europe,” Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M, June. “Transcultural Europe. African Diasporas and Narration.” International Conference “Transcultural Modernities. Narrating Africa in Europe,” Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/M, June. “Conceptions of Whiteness in Literatures from and about Africa (Habilitation): An Outline.” International Conference, “Transcultural Modernities. Narrating Africa in Europe”, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt/M, June. “White Myths and the 'Racial Turn'. Rereading J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace.” Annual Conference of the Association of New Literatures in English “Word and Image”, May. “Der 'Racial Turn'. 'Rasse' und Weißsein als kritische Wissens- und Analysekategorien.” [Thed Racial Turn.] International Colloqium, “'Rasse'. Historische und Diskursive Perspektiven’”, Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, November. “(De-)Colonisation and the Linguistic Palimpsest. Igbo-in-English in the Writings of Igbo Women Authors.” International Colloquium “Exo-Phonie. Anders-Sprachigkeit (in) der Literatur” Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, January. 16 2004 2004 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1998 1995 1994 “Weiße Mythen und literarische Konzeptionen von Weißsein.” [White Myths and Literary Conceptualisations of Whiteness.] International Conference “Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in Africa”, Königswinter, October. “Weiß-Sein und die Literatur. Paradigmen der Markierung.” [Whiteness, Literature and Marking.] Center for Literary and Cultural Research, Berlin, July. “Weiß-Sein, Roland Barthes la vaccine und die afrikanisch-feministische Literatur.” [Whiteness, Rolan Barthes and African-feminist Fiction.]Workshop “Berliner Programm zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre”, Berlin, June. “Weiß-Sein als Konstruktion des Rassismus und Kategorie.” [Whiteness and Racism.] Workshop on “Ethnicity, Migration, Interculturality und Tranfer of Cultures”, Berliner Programm zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre, Berlin, May. “Boundless Whiteness. Whiteness without Boundaries? Feminism and White Women in the Mirror of African Feminism and African Women’s Literature.” International Conference “Versions & Subversions”, Humboldt University, May. “Weiß-Sein und der Feminismus-Diskurs in Afrika. Weiße Frauen in der afrikanischfeministischen Literatur.” [Whiteness and Feminism.] International Conference “Fremdes Begehren–Repräsentationsformen transkultureller Beziehungen”, University of Potsdam, December. “Identitäten und Differenzen im Widerstreit. Das dynamische Verhältnis der sozialpolitischen Kategorien 'race' und gender in der afrikanischen Literatur.” [Identity meets Difference.] Annual Convention of the Association of Scholars of African Studies, Leipzig, April. “'Who is Afraid of Feminism?' Vom Versuch einer Definition und Klassifikation afrikanisch-feministischer Literaturen.” [Classifying African-feminist Writing.] Annual Convention of the Association of Scholars of African Studies, Bayreuth, October. “Another Dimension of Rushdie’s 'Writing Back': Buchi Emecheta’s Intertextual Dialogue with Ifo.” Annual Convention of the Society for New Literatures in English, Trier, September. “Dekolonisation und 'Writing Back' in der afrikanischen Literatur.” [Decolonisation and Writing Back.] Workshop “Rasse, Klasse und Geschlecht, Hans Böckler Foundation, Tutzing, November. OTHERS 2015 2007 2006 2005 2005 1998 Panel Discussion, “Africa @ Germany. Exchange Programs for an Entangled Future.” University of Bayreuth with Tulia Ackson, Susan Arndt, Georg Klute and Peter Simatei (Chair: Astrid Grunack), Bayreuth, June. Panel Discussion, “Postcolonial Futures and the Literary Imagiantion.” Haus der Kulturen der Welt with Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Binyawanga Wainaina, Berlin, May. Lecture, “Theoreme von 'Rasse' und Differenz in der Antike.” [Race and Antiquity.] Habilitantenkreis, Zentrum für Literaturforschung, Berlin, May. Lecture, “Weißsein und Gender in J.M. Coetzees Roman Disgrace.” [Whiteness and Gender in Coetzee’s Disgrace.] Center for Literary Research, Habilitantenkreis, Berlin, July. Lecture, “Mythen des Weißseins und von Geschlecht. Gesellschaft und Literatur.” [Myths of Whiteness.] Research Colloquium Critical Whiteness Studies, February. Lecture, “Strömungen der afrikanisch-feministischen Literatur.” [Versions of African-feminist Literature.] Research Colloquium African Literature at the Humboldt University, Berlin, December. 17 COURSES TAUGHT UNIVERSITY OF BAYREUTH 2015- 2016 2015- 2016 2015- 2016 2015- 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2013-2014 2012-2013 2012-2013 2012-2013 2012-2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011-2012 2011-2012 2011-2012 “Whose Planet? Whose Futures? Postcolonial Literary Studies meets Posthumanism” (together with Weeraya Donsomsakulkij), Seminar, BA, teacher program (LA) and MA levels, Winter Semester. “Beyond Sources and Intertextualities. Transcultural Shakespeare and Entangled Nations”, Seminar, BA, LA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “The Future of Literary Studies. Recent Trends and its Visions”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Introduction to English and American Literary Studies”, Seminar, (Shirin Assa/Tutorial), PS, BA, LA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “Survey of British Literature: In Seven League-Boots from Chaucer to Zadie Smith”, (Weeraya Donsomakulkij/Tutorial), Lecture, BA, LA and MA levels, Summer Semester. “Übung für Examenskandidat*innen im Lehramtsstudiengang Englisch”, Übung and LA levels, Summer Semester. “Transcultural English Studies - Narrations that matter”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester. “Transcultural English Studies - Theories, Readings and Challenges”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester. “Survey of British Literature: In Seven League-Boots from Chaucer to Zadie Smith”, Seminar, BA, LA and MA levels, Summer Semester. “Survey of British Literature: In Seven League-Boots from Chaucer to Zadie Smith”, Lecture BA, LA and MA levels, Summer Semester. “Cultural and Literary Theory: Introduction for Advanced Students”, Seminar, LA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “Research Seminar: Challenging the Challenges of Literary Studies”, Seminar, LA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “Renaissance English Literature: Texts and Adaptations’’, Seminar, BA, LA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “Research Seminar: Challenging the Challenges of Literary Studies”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Cultural and Literary Theory: Introduction for Advanced Students”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Renaissance English Literature: Texts and Adaptations”, Seminar, LA level, Winter Semester. “The Politics and Poetics of Literature and its Studies on the Move: Intersectionalities and Transcultural Encounters”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Intertextuality and Intersectionality in African Literature”, Seminar, BA, LA, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Transcultural Britain: Theories that Matter”, Seminar, LA and BA levels, Winter Semester. “Survey of English Literature: Readings in Transcultural English Studies”, Lecture, BA, LA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “The Politics and Poetics of Literature and its Studies on the Move: Intersectionalities and Transcultural Encounters”, Colloquium, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester. “Übung für Examenskandidat*innen im Lehramtsstudiengang Englisch” (Literaturwissenschaft Anglistik/Amerikanistik)”, Seminar, LA level, Summer Semester. “All around the Globe. Contemporary Novels in English”, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. “The Victorian Novel. Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë and Joseph Conrad”, Seminar, BA and LA levels, Summer Semester. “Postcolonial and Gender (Literary) Theory”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Shakespeare’s Legacy and Contemporary Fiction”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Übung für Examenskandidat*innen im Lehramtsstudiengang Englisch” (Literaturwissenschaft Anglistik/Amerikanistik), LA level, Winter Semester. 18 2011-2012 2011-2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010-2011 2010-2011 2010-2011 2010-2011 2010-2011 “Intercultural Communication, Literature and Diaspora” *, London School of Economics, Seminar, BA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “Survey of English Literature: Racism in British Writing”, Lecture, BA, LA and MA levels, Winter Semester. “Postcolonial and Gender (Literary) Theory: The Politics and Poetics of Cultural Encounters”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester. “Übung für Examenskandidat_innen im Lehramtsstudiengang Englisch”* (Literaturwissenschaft Anglistik/Amerikanistik), LA level, Summer Semester. “Diaspora Studies, Critical Whiteness Studies and Anglophone Literatures from a Transcultural Perspective” *, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. “Renaissance English Literature. William Shakespeare, John Webster and Ben Jonson Textual Origins and Adaptations for Theatre and Film”, Seminar, BA and LA levels, Summer Semester. “The Island as Topos in British Literature”, Seminar, BA and LA levels, summer term. “Postcolonial (Literary) Theory: The Politics and Poetics of Cultural Encounters” *, Colloquium, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Slavery in British Writing and Contemporary Film: What Whiteness Has to Do with the European Enslavement of Africans”, Seminar, MA level, Winter term. “Transcultural English Studies: Entangled Histories, Cultures and Literatures” *, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “The Victorian Novel. Charles Dickens, Rider Haggard and Joseph Conrad”, Seminar, BA level, Winter Semester. “Survey of Literature in English: Women’s Literature in Africa and African Diasporas” , Lecture, BA and LA levels, Winter Semester. GOETHE UNIVERSITY FRANKFURT/M. 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 2006-2007 2006 “Narrating Slavery, Colonialism and Empire: Strategies of Aestheticising Violence in British Writing”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “English Renaissance Literature”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Postcolonial Theories and British Writing”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “The Island as Topos in British Writing”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Colonialism, Migration and 'Race'. Postcolonial Rereadings and Rewritings of Othello and The Tempest”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Challenges and Changes. Rereading Anglophone Women Writing from Africa”, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA 2009 2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2005 “Ein halbes Jahrhundert afrikanische Frauenliteraturen. Widerstand, Utopien und Fantasien”, Seminar, BA level, Summer Semester. “Afrikanische Diasporas in Europa. Vergleichende Perspektiven auf die Schwarze britische und deutsche Literatur”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester. “Postkoloniale Theorie, Transkulturalität und Kritische Weißseinsforschung”, Seminar, BA level, Winter Semester. “Shakespeare zwischen Renaissance und afrikanischer/ diasporischer Literatur. Rasse und Geschlecht in (Adaptionen von) den 'Dark-Lady'-Sonetten, Othello und The Tempest”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Die Literarisierung von Weißsein und Gender. Critical Whiteness im Kontext von Literaturen aus Europa und Afrika. Schwerpunkt anglophone Literaturen”, Seminar, with Peggy Piesche, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester. 19 2003-2010 2002-2003 2002-2003 2002 2001-2002 2001-2002 2001-2002 2001 2001 2001 2001-2003 2000-2003 2000-2001 2000-2001 2000 1999-2000 1999-2000 1998-1999 1998-1999 1998 1998 1997-1998 1997-1998 1997 1997 1995-1996 1995 1994-1995 1994 “Postcolonial Studies und Critical Whiteness Studies”, Colloquium, Centre for Literary and Cultural Research, MA and PhD levels, since Summer Semester 2003 to Summer Semester 2010. “Einführung in das Studium der afrikanischen Literaturen”, Seminar, with Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, Seminar, BA level, Winter Semester. “The Interpreters: Kultur und Gesellschaft in Nigeria”, Seminar, with Marek Spitczok von Brisinski, MA and PhD levels, Winter Semester. “Widerstand und Theorie: Afrikanischer Feminismus als Herausforderung für den Weißen Feminismus. Ein transdisziplinäres Seminar zwischen Afrika- und Kulturwissenschaft”, Seminar, with Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester. “Kulturelle Prozesse und gesellschaftliche Konflikte: Das Beispiel Theatre for Development und Film”, Seminar, with Michael Pesek, MA and PhD levels, Winter and Summer Semesters. “Grundlagen in Literaturtheorie und Afrika-Literaturwissenschaft”, Seminar, BA level, Winter Semester. “Literaturen in Afrika”, Colloquium, MA and PhD levels, Summer and Winter Semester. “Strömungen der afrikanisch-feministischen Literatur”, Seminar, MA and PhD levels, Summer Semester (Sokrates exchange, taught in Vienna). “Strömungen und Tendenzen der Literatur aus Afrika”, Seminar, BA level, Summer Semester. “,Race’ und Gender in der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. “Introduction to Gender Studies”, Lecture, team-teaching. “Introduction to African Studies”, Lecture, team-teaching. “Einführung in das Studium der afrikanischen Literaturen”, Seminar, BA level, Winter Semester. “Koloniale Konzeptionen von Afrika in Film und Literatur”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Geschichte und Theorie der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, BA level, Summer Semester. “Du schwarz - ich weiß? Rassismus und Interkulturalität”, Seminar, with Michael Pesek and Albert Wirz, MA and PhD levels, Summer and Winter Semester. “Mord und Selbstmord in der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Ein kurzer Abriss der Geschichte der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, BA level, Winter Semester. “Strömungen der afrikanisch-feministischen Literatur”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Afrikanische Konzeptionen von Europa”, Seminar, BA level, Summer Semester. “Lektürekurs: Flora Nwapa und Buchi Emecheta”, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. “Populäre Kulturen in Afrika”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Vergleichende Analysen von europäischen Konzeptionen von Afrika und Geschlechterkonzeptionen in der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, BA level, Winter Semester. “Neue Tendenzen in der afrikanischen Frauenliteratur: Nigerianische, simbabwische und kenianische Prosa”, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. “Einführung in das Studium der afrikanischen Literaturen “, Seminar, BA level, with Flora Veit-Wild, Summer Semester. “Feminismus in der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, MA level, Winter and Summer Semesters. “Oratur in Afrika”, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. “Poetik der literarischen Emanzipation: Dekolonisation in der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, MA level, Winter Semester. “Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit: Afrikanische Autorinnen und Frauenbilder in der afrikanischen Literatur”, Seminar, MA level, Summer Semester. 20 GRADUATE STUDENTS BA-THESES AND MA-THESES CHAIRED 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 Messada, Anouar. “Beauty and Fashion. Reconceptualizing Beauty in Selected Works by Toni Morrison’”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Smida, Dilan, Zoe. “Whiteness and Dogs. Postcolonial Ecocriticism and J.M Coetzee’s Disgrace”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Ajayi, Oladapo. “Subversive Sexuality. Remixing Yoruba oriki in YouTube”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Assa, Shirin. “The Representation of Female Diasporic Identity in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah and Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Yuran, Mingqing. “A Stranger in a Stranger’s Place. The Body in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Wanzin, Xu. “Negotiation of Identity in Vladimir Nabokov’s Pnin”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Wang, Xu. “Sexual Relations in Selected Plays of Edward Albee”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Anchimbe, Joyce. “Conceptualisations of Nature and Environment in Cameroon Anglophone Poetry”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Tanimomo, Oluseun. “Identity in the Work of Chimamanda Adichie and Terry Woo”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Yuran, Shi. “Intertextualities in Zadie Smith’s White Teeth”, University of Bayreuth, MA. Franziska, Wagner. “Representing LGBTIQ Lives in South African Literature. Rereading Reclaiming the L-Word and Trans: Transgender Life Stories from South Africa”, University of Bayreuth, BA. Thierl, Heiko. “The Leeway of Piracy in Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island and Cory Doctorow’s Pirate Cinema”, University of Bayreuth, MA (September). Landgraf, Stefanie. “‘All Good Things Shall Pass Away-Christian Language and Imagery in Selected African Poems”, University of Bayreuth, LA (July). Ruff, Carina. “The Female Bildungsroman Jane Eyre. A Study on the Protagonist’s Development and Gender”, University of Bayreuth, LA (July). Konrad, Matthias. “A Comparative Approach to Teaching Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels”, University of Bayreuth, LA (July). Ehrke, Verena. “Teaching William Golding’s Lord of the Flies - A Children’s Book?” University of Bayreuth, LA (July). Twarkodus, Sebastian. “Gothic and the Graphic Novel. Visualizing the Uncanny”, University of Bayreuth, BA (December). Baas, Renzo. “Race and Gender in Zakes Mda’s Novel Ways of Dying”, University of Bayreuth, MA (October). Saleh, Fadi. “The Poetics of Sexuality and Silence”, University of Bayreuth, MA (September). Li, Jun. “Intercultural Communication and/in Shakespeare’s Othello”, University of Bayreuth, MA (August). Na, Su. “Salman Rushdie’s Intertextual Dialogue with Shakespeare’s The Tempest”, University of Bayreuth, MA (August). Schommer, David. “Bilder, Selbstbilder und Gegenbilder. Subjektkonstitution in touristischer ‚Afrikafotografie‘ und Gegenstrategie”, Institut für Soziologie der Goethe University, BA (April). Kaufhold, Charlotte. “Kolonialer Rassismus. Über Verknüpfungen von Rassismus und Ökonomie aus materialistisch-postkolonialer Perspektive”, Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt University, BA (December). Aydin, Sibel. “Bryan Stanley Johnson’s Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry and John Robert Fowles’ Mantissa in the Context of the Theory of Metafiction”, University of Bayreuth, MA 21 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2007 2003 (August); honoured with the DAAD-Award for the most successful foreign student of the University of Bayreuth (2010). Chuba, Alain. “Gender and Motherhood in Jamaica Kincaid's Novels”, Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt University, MA (January). Chetty, Janina. “Legitimierungsstrategien der Afrikawissenschaft”, Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt University, BA (August). Theodor, Jennifer. “Die Ohn-Macht der Übersetzung. Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf eine alte Kunst”, Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt University, BA (August). Köpsell, Phillipp. “Schwarze Poesie in Deutschland”, Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt University, BA (July). Anschütz, Elisabeth. “Queer and Whiteness”, Institut für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien, Humboldt University, BA (July). Wiegand, Frauke. “Der weiße Blick im deutschen Fern(e)sehfilm. Die Bildung imaginärer Rezeptionsgemeinschaften über ein Schema ‚Afrika’”, Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt University, MA (May). Ugwa, Adaora. “Rewriting Gender Conceptions: Women in the Novels of Flora Nwapa and Buchi Emecheta”, Institut für England- und Amerikastudien, Goethe University, MA (March) Arnegger, Natalie. “Filmproduktion im Maghreb”, Filmhochschule Potsdam-Babelsberg, BA (August). DISSERTATIONS CHAIRED 201520142014201320132013201220122012201120112011201020102010-2015 2010-2015 Assa, Shirin. “Poetics of Trans-Identity in New York: A Comparative Study of Afro-Latin American Identity”. Wachira, James. “Local Knowledge and Environment in Kenyan Oral Poetry”, University of Bayreuth, IPP PhD. Loukson, Ives, Sang. “Repräsentationen sozialer Dynamiken im Post-Apartheidroman Schwarzer Autor*innen”, University of Bayreuth, IPP PhD. Baas, Renzo. “Visions of Space in British, German, Namibian and South African Fiction.” University of Bayreuth, BIGSAS, DAAD Scholarship, PhD. Xin, Li. “Silence as Resistance in First Nation American Novels”, University of Bayreuth, China Scholarship Council, IPP PhD. Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa. “Translation as Interpretation”, University of Bayreuth, DAAD Scholarship, IPP PhD. Donsomsakulkij, Weeraya. “Nature and Environment in South African Novels”, University of Bayreuth, BIGSAS PhD. Fulela, Brian. “Suicide Visions in Contemporary South African Fiction”, University of Bayreuth, Double Degree with Dur, BIGSAS PhD. Kullrich, Nina. “Weißsein und Kosmetik in Indien”, University of Bayreuth, IPP PhD. Dittmann, Julia. “Weißsein und der okzidentale Film”, University of Bayreuth, BIGSAS PhD (maternal leave 2013-2015) Barham, Nabil. “Palestine@Israel. Poetry on Conflict and Trauma”, University of Bayreuth DAAD Scholarship, IPP PhD.. Vackermann, Kej. “Rites of Passage: Standpoint Reform in (Post)colonial Feminist Comingof-Age in the Americas”, University of Bayreuth, DAAD Scholarship, IPP PhD. Ofuatey-Alazard, Nadja. “Konzeptionen von Europa in der afrikanischen und afrikanischdiasporischen Literatur”, University of Bayreuth, BIGSAS PhD (on leave since 2014) Aydin, Sibel. “Transculturalism in the Works of Ahdaf Soueif”, University of Bayreuth, IPP/BIGSAS PhD (on maternal leave since 2014) Köppen, Grit. “Aktuelle Tendenzen im äthiopischen Theater”, University of Bayreuth, BIGSAS PhD (submitted in December 2015). Fu, Lin. “Trauma in Chinese North American Fiction”, University of Bayreuth, IPP PhD (submitted in January 2015). 22 HABILITATION/2ND THESES 201420152011-2015 Popal, Mariam. “Touching space in Text(-ures) - Affect and dialogism in the works of Paul Auster and Zadie Smith.” University of Bayreuth. Adenekan, Shola. “The Sexual, the Spiritual and the Political: Class Consciousness in Nigerian Literature and Performing Arts.” University of Bayreuth. Coester, Markus. “Highlife – Unbound. A Study of Highlife as a trilocal and transnational popular music culture. 1950-65.” University of Bayreuth. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Association of African Women Scholars (AAWS) Deutscher Anglistenverband Association for Anglophone Postcoonial Studies (ASNEL/GAP) African Literature Association (ALA) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 20122011 – 2014 201120112010201020102008- 2003-2006 2003-2004 2002-2003 1997-2003 Founding Member and Co- Director, Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies (October 2012 – April 2015; Project Leader 2012 - ) Board of Directors and Academic Committee, Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS, funded by excellence-initiative of the German Research Foundation) as Deputy Gender Representative (December 2011 – July 2012), Gender-Representative (July – October 2012), Diversity Representative (November 2012 – March 2014) Founder and Co-Director, BIGSAS-Festival of African and African-Diasporic Literature Member, Bayreuth Institute of American Studies (BIFAS) Member, “Institute of African Studies”, University of Bayreuth (IAS) Supervisor and Mentor, “Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies” (BIGSAS), University of Bayreuth Supervisor and Mentor, International Graduate School “Intercultural Encounters”, University of Bayreuth Consulting Expert in in the Delegation of the Bundespräsident, 4. “Afrika-Forum”, Abuja (Nigeria), directed by Bundespräsident Horst Köhler and Nigerian president S. E. Umaru M. Yar’Adua Affiliated Researcher and Lecturer, Center of Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin Co-coordinator, European Research Forum for Whiteness and Blackness in the Context of Racism, (Post-)Colonialism, Migration and Diasporas Team of specialists “Africa in German School Textbooks”, German government and KinradAdenauer-foundation (CDU) Co-coordinator, Researcher and Lecturer of the Joint Commission on Gender Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin ACADEMIC REFEREE 2015201520112010201020102008- Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst VW-Foundation Editorial Bord, edition assemblage Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Hans-Böckler-Stiftung German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 23 2003- 19961993-1996 External Expert in PhD and appointment committees at Potsdam/Germany (Media Studies), Universities of Leiden/Netherlands (African Literature and Gender), Fort Hare/South Africa (English Literature), Lagos/Nigeria (English Literature) Unrast Verlag Editorial Board, Argument Verlag mit Ariadne Verlag (feminist journal) (Co-)EXECUTIVE and Third-Party Funded 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2009 2005 2005 2003 2003 2003 International Symposium: “Postcolonial Shakespeare. Origins and Legacies of a Global Narrative”, University of Bayreuth (October). International Symposium: “Stuart Hall’s Legacy for Thinking Tomorrows Planetarily. Representation, Language and Postcoloniality in Posthumanism and Beyond. Workshop in Honour of Stuart Hall”, University of Bayreuth (July). International Annual Conference of the African Literature Association: “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition”, University of Bayreuth (June). BIGSAS-Literature Festival: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”; on “Future Africa and Beyond. Visions in Transition”, University of Bayreuth (June). International Workshop: “Knowing Shakespeare. Manuscripts, Intertextuality & Fashion”, University of Bayreuth (January). Literature Festival: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”; “18841904-1914 Literatures of/and Memory”, University of Bayreuth (June). International Workshop: “Technology, Race and Diaspora”, University of Bayreuth (January). International Workshop: “Anton Wilhelm Amo in transkultureller Perspektive” [Transcultural Readings of Anton Wilhelm Amo], University of Bayreuth (November). International Conference: “Conceptualising Future. Current Debates in Regional and Systematic Research University of Bayreuth (July). Literature Festival: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”; “Intertextualities: Dialogues in Motion”, University of Bayreuth (June). International Workshop: “Towards a Poetics of Yoruba Masculinities”, University of Bayreuth (March). International Workshop: “Future Africa – Visions in Time”, University of Bayreuth (October). Literature Festival: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”; “Remembering Flash Forward: African Literatures as Poetics in Motion”, University of Bayreuth (June). Literature Festival: “Festival of African and African Diasporic Literatures”; “African Conceptualisations of Europe”, University of Bayreuth (May). International Colloquium: “Rassismus, Wissen(schaft) und Universität” [Racism, Knowledge and University], Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin (June). International Colloquium: “'Rasse'. Historische und Diskursive Perspektiven’” ['Race'. Historical and Discursive Perspectives], Zentrum für Literaturforschung, Berlin (November). International Colloquium: “Exo-Phonie. Anders-Sprachigkeit (in) der Literatur” [Exophony in and of Literature], Zentrum für Literaturforschung, Berlin, (January). 3rd Workshop: Critical Whiteness Studies in Germany, “Whiteness and Gender“, Berlin (October). 2nd Workshop: Critical Whiteness Studies in Germany; Whiteness and Gender, Berlin (April). 1st workshop: Critical Whiteness Studies in Germany; Whiteness and Gender, Berlin (January). 24 2002 Public Workshop: “Auf der Suche nach der Freiheit. Leben und Werk von Mongo Beti, René Philombe und Francis Bebey. Ihr Beitrag für ein demokratisches und unabhängiges Kamerun” [In Search of Freedom. The Life and Work of Mongo Beti, René Philombe and Francis Bebey. Their Contribution Toward a Democratic and Independent Cameroon], Event organised in cooperation with the “Cameroonian Committee in Germany”, Berlin (October). 2002 Public Workshop: “Chinua Achebe: Weltliteratur aus Nigeria” [Chinua Achebe: World Literature from Nigeria]. Event to mark Chinua Achebe’s acceptance of the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. In cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Center for Literary Research, Berlin (September). 2002 1st German International Conference on African Literature; “Versions & Subversions”, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, with over 300 participants from over 40 countries (May). 2002 Panel: “'Race' in German Society and Literature”. Panel at the African Literature Association’s conference in San Diego, USA (April). 2000-2001 Public Lecture Series: “Afrikabilder. Studien zu Rassismus in Deutschland” [Images of Africa. Studies on Racism in Germany], Humboldt University, Berlin. 2000 Public Lecture series: “Afrika in Politik, Medien und Gesellschaft” [Africa in Politics, Media and Society], Humboldt University, Berlin. 2000 Public Conference: “Africanissima”, Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Germany (October). 1998-2001 Public Lecture Series: “African Modernities, Humboldt University, Berlin 1997-1998 Public Lecture Series “African Studies”, Free University of Berlin DIDACTIC COURSES and EVALUATION Lehramtsstudium (1986-1991) Grundlagen des e-Learning Systems moodle zur Unterstützung der Präsenzlehre Reflektierte Textarbeit in der Lehre Kompetenzorientiert prüfen Evaluations of my Courses with subsequent discussions (Each Semester) LANGUAGES German (native fluency); English (excellent); French (research language); Russian (research language); Hausa (MA courses) Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt 6 October 2015 25
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