GCCCD® 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Program 27th GCCCD® Annual Conference Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. 第二十七届中国旅德学者化学化工学会年会暨学术讨论会日程 OOctober 16-18 2015, Karlsruhe Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: l Hörsaal 93, Geb.10.81, KIT Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. GCCCD® (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Conference Program Overview UTC + 01:00 Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Friday, October 16 18:00 China Restaurant 5 Sterne Registration & Welcome Event Saturday, October 17 08:30 Registration 08:45 Opening remark 09:00 Section 1 2015 GCCCD® Excellent PhD Supervisor Award & Conference photo Coffee break 10:20 10:35 10:50 Hörsaal 93, Geb.10.81 12:15 KIT Section 2 Lunch break 13:10 Section 3 14:20 Coffee break 14:35 Section 4 15:55 Closing Remarks 16:00 General Meeting of GCCCD® Members 18:00 Oxford cafe Dinner Sunday, October 18 09:00 Mountain Michaelsberg 12:00 Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Excursion Home return Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. GCCCD® (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Program - Friday, October 16 2015 Conference Program 18:00 China Restaurant 5 Sterne Registration Welcome event 21:00 Do not miss this great chance to create your own network with people from the chemistry and chemical engineering society all over Germany. It is the perfect timing to talk face-to-face with the invited speakers, senior members and other guests from different disciplines. How to find it China Restaurant 5 Sterne(五星饭店): Rüppurrer Strasse 1, 76137 Karlsruhe Telefon: 0049-721-3504788 If you are coming by tram, please take 2, 5, S1/S11, S4/S41 or S51 to the bus stop "Rüppurrer Tor". You can find it in the Scheck-In Center on the 1st floor Parking 3 hours free of charge in the parking garage of the Scheck-In Center. The top parking deck is 24-h open. The entrance and exit is located in the Ludwig-Erhard-Allee (B 10) in driving eastwards. Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. GCCCD® (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Program - Saturday, October 17, 2015 08:30 Registration 08:45 Opening remark Dr. Qian Liu, Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee, KIT Mr. Qiang Fang, Department of Education of the Embassy of the PRC in Germany Section 1: 09:00 Chairman: Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dittmeyer Inv. 1: Prof. Dr. Patrick Théato, University of Hamburg Academic research in a global context: personal experiences and impressions 09:25 Inv. 2: Dr. Johannes Benkhoff, Clariant AG Clariant - Innovation for Growth in Specialty Chemicals, Materials, and Biotechnology 09:50 Talk 1: Mr. Hongli Guo, Sinopec Sinopec's past, present and prospect 10:05 Talk 2: Mr. Toshinori Maema, Kurita Europe Introduction Kurita 10:20 2015 GCCCD® Excellent PhD Supervisor Award & Conference photo 10:35 Coffee break Section 2: 10:50 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Théato Inv. 3: Prof. Dr. –Ing. Roland Dittmeyer, KIT Power to fuels: why and what can micro process engineering do for it? 11:15 Talk 3: Mr. Wenjin Ding, KIT Computer-Based Design of Polycrystalline Zeolitic Catalysts 11:30 Talk 4: Dr. Huajie Yin, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing Finding the Routes to Halogen-free Flame Retardant Wood-Plastic Composites 11:45 Talk 5: Dr. Likai Hao, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Seeing is believing: Making heavy metal ions, microbes and glycoconjugates visible in microbe‐EPS‐Fe(III)‐mineral aggregates under a confocal laser scanning microscope 12:00 Talk 6: Dr. Weiwei Tian, Biochain (Shanghai) Biotech Co., ltd Innovation Strategy and Sino-German Business Opportunities for Consumer Health Care Products 12:15 Lunchbreak Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. GCCCD® (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Section 3: Chairman, Prof. Dr. Hong Liu, TU Darmstadt 13:10 Inv. 4: Prof. Dr. Kai Zhang, University of Göttingen Functional materials from cellulose 13:35 Talk 7: Ms. Lirong He, University of Hamburg Developing new bioconjugate or biocompatible materials for biomedical applications 13:40 Talk 8: Dr. Jiayue He, TU München Catalytic pathways in the reductive conversion of 2-phenylethyl phenyl ether on carbon supported Pd, Pt, Ru, and Rh 14:05 Talk 9: Mr. Wei Lin, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg En route to knowledge-based design of particle surfaces via resolving ligand adsorption in colloids on a molecular level 14:20 Coffeebreak Section 4: Chairman, Prof. Dr. Kai Zhang, University of Göttingen 14:35 Inv. 5: Prof. Dr. Hong Liu, TU Darmstadt GPU-accelerated large scale simulation of reactive polymer systems 15:00 Inv. 6: Mr. Michael Schumann, BWA Building Bridges and Zigzag Lines: Challenges and Chances in Sino-German Dialogue 15:15 Inv. 7: Dr. Rainer Schnee, GDCh, Fachgruppe VCW A view on Chemistry in Germany: an Association, a Company, an Application 15:30 Ms. Maggie Lu, Evonik Industries AG Exploring opportunities and growing together with Evonik 15:55 Closing remark 16:00 Chair: Dr. Rongbiao Wang: General Meeting of GCCCD® Members 18:00 Dinner How to find Hörsaal 93, Geb.10.81 Address: Otto-Ammann-Platz 1, 76131 Karlsruhe If you are coming by tram, please take 1, 2, 4, 5, S2, S4/S41 or S5 to the tram stop "Durlacher Tor/KIT Campus Süd". Parking Parking in KIT is free of charge on weekends. Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX GCCCD® 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Program - Sunday, October 18 2015 Sunday morning from 09:00 to 12:00 is reserved for an excursion to Mountain Michaelsberg. The number of participants may be restricted. The tour will be booked following the rule “first registered, first served”. About Mountain Michaelsberg: http://www.tourismus-bw.de/Media/Touren/Rund-um-den-Michaelsberg http://www.wandersüden.de/Wanderweg/Michaelsberg_Untergrombach_Rundwanderweg_ You can come by car or by tram. If you are coming by tram, you can take S32 from Karlsruhe Hbf directly to Untergrombach train station. Anybody who need public transport tickets, please contact Qian Liu ([email protected]) before 18:00, 17.10.2015. We meet on Sunday morning at 09:30 at Untergrombach train station. Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX GCCCD® 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Organizing Committee: Mr. Wenjin Ding, Karlsruhe Branch, KIT Dr. Hailong Dong, Academic Coordinator of Board GCCCD®, KIT Dr. Jiayue He, München Branch, TU München Ms. Lirong He, Hamburg Branch, Uni Hamburg Ms. Sinian Huang, Vice Chairwoman of Board GCCCD®, DECHEMA Mr. Di Liu, Media and Communication of Board GCCCD®, Unisun Energy Dr. Qian Liu, Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee, KIT Ms. Fang Lu, Treasurer of Board GCCCD®, Evonik Industries AG Mr. Zhuohui Luo, Karlsruhe Branch, KIT Mr. Shengyuan Liu, Rhein-Main Branch, TU Darmstadt Mr. Chenghao Sun, Karlsruhe Branch, KIT Dr. Rongbiao Wang, Chairman of Board GCCCD®, Kurita Europe Ms. Xiaotong Yan, Karlsruhe Branch, KIT Dr. Xiaofeng Yu, Rhein-Neckar Branch, Bayer Ms. Tiantian Zhan, Karlsruhe Branch, KIT Dr. Ning Zhu, Rhein-Neckar Branch, BASF SE Academic Advisor: Prof. Dr. Patrick Théato Karlsruhe Local Executive Committee (VCSW-Ka): Ms. Jingting Cai, Mr. Wenhua Liu Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX GCCCD® 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Sponsors: Evonik Industries AG Department of Education Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Germany Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH Kurita Europe FengTecEx GmbH BASF SE Sinopec Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX GCCCD® 中国旅德学者化学化工学会 Gesellschaft Chinesischer Chemiker und Chemieingenieure in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. (Amtsgericht Mannheim, VR 101812, Sitz: Karlsruhe, Seit 1988) Email: [email protected] Bankverbindung: Homepage: http://www.gcccd.de Bankname: Sparkasse Vorderpfalz | Kontoinhaber: GCCCD e. V. | Kontonummer: 193033362 BLZ: 545 500 10 | IBAN: DE83 5455 0010 0193 0333 62 | BIC: LUHSDE6AXXX
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