THOMAS ADAM University of Texas at Arlington Department of History, Box 19529 Arlington, Texas 76019-0529 Cell: (817) 718-2293 Email: [email protected] Website: Education Doctor of Philosophy, History and German Literature University of Leipzig, Germany, 1998 Master of Arts (Staatsexamen), History and German Literature University of Leipzig, Germany, 1994 Academic Appointments 2010-Present Full Professor, Department of History, University of Texas at Arlington 2007-2010 Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Texas at Arlington 2001-2007Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Texas at Arlington 1999-2001 Visiting Scholar, Department of History, University of Texas at Arlington 1998-1999 Research Assistant, Center for Advanced Studies, University of Leipzig Administrative Appointment 2006-2011 Ph.D. Advisor, Department of History, University of Texas at Arlington Fellowships and Awards 2012-Present Honorary Fellow, Maecenata Institute in Berlin, Germany 2006 Faculty Development Leave, University of Texas at Arlington 2000 Emerging Scholar Award, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, Indianapolis, USA (US$ 500) 1999-2001 Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn, Germany, 19992001 (CAD$ 74,640) 1995-1998 Doctoral Fellowship, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Bonn, Germany, (Euro 21,600) Grants 2015 Teaching Buy-Out for one academic year, Gerda Henkel Foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany (Euro 18,500) –declined upon the request of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Paul Wong 2015 Grant (printing subsidy), Gerda Henkel Foundation, Düsseldorf, Germany (Euro 7350) 2015 Grants for Winterschule Krupp Kolleg Greifswald (Euro 19,000), given by Alfried Krupp 1 Wissenschaftskolleg (Euro 10,000), Kölner Gymnasial- und Stiftungsfond (4000 Euro), Friedrich Naumann Stiftung February 2015 (Euro 5000) 2013 Research Grant, Princeton University Library Research ($1800) 2013 Research Grant Rockefeller Archive Center Sleepy Hollow ($1500) 2012 Visiting Fellowship, Bibliotheca Hertziana ($2000) 2012 Visiting Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, (Euro 1200) 2012 Travel Fellowship, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Cologne, Germany (Euro 1800) 2012 Travel Grant, Indiana University ($400) 2012-2013 Travel Grant, Washington University Libraries Department of Special Collections ($995) 2012-2013 Research Grant, State Historical Society of Iowa ($1000) 2011 Travel Grant, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science ($1300) 2008 Summer Fellowship, NEH, June/July ($ 6000) 2007-2009 Research Grant from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation for the project of a historical statistic of German foundations (with Gabriele Lingelbach) (Euro 4000) 2007 Kölner Gymnasial- und Studienfonds (Euro 6500) 2007 Book Production Grant, Dean’s Fund, College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Arlington ($1000) 2007-2008 Grant for transcribing the Anna Ticknor diaries from the German Historical Institute in Washington D.C. ($ 9500) 2006 Travel Fellowship, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Cologne, Germany (Euro 3900) 2005-2006 Research and Conference Grant, Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanische Wissenschaftsbeziehungen im Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft (with Gabriele Lingelbach) (Euro 9000) 2003 Travel Fellowship, Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Cologne, Germany, (Euro 2200) 2000-2001 George C. Metcalf Postdoctoral Research Grant, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (CAD$ 3000) 2000 Herbert Wehner Memorial Fellowship 1998, Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation, Bonn, Germany (Euro 2000) 2 Grant Evaluation Expertise Reviewer for major grant and research: The New Eurasia Foundation (collaboration of Russian government and European Union); Council of the Humanities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; Swiss National Science Foundation; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada; National Endowment for the Humanities (U.S.) Recent Invited Appearances Invited Lecture: “Exams, Libraries, and Christmas Trees: the German Contributions to American Education and Culture” Oxford University January 28, 2016 (part of the Seminar in Constitutional Thought and History). Keynote Address: “Interreligious and Intercultural Traditions of Charity” for the conference “Charity in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions” St. Louis University, March 26-27, 2015. Keynote Address: “Stiften im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in der deutschen und amerikanischen Gesellschaft” for the conference Hamburger Tage des Stiftungs- und Non-Profit-Rechts, November 14-15, 2014. Invited Talk: “Transnational History, the Denationalization of History, and Intercultural Transfer Studies”, Mid-America Conference at the University of Oklahoma “Transnationalism and Minority Cultures”, September 26-28, 2013. Publications A. Books Intercultural Transfers and the Making of the Modern World, 1800-2000, Palgrave Macmillan 2011, pp. 158. Buying Respectability: Philanthropy and Urban Society in Transnational Perspective, 1840s to the 1930s, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2009, pp. 239. Stipendienstiftungen an deutschen Universitäten, 1800 bis 1950, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2008, pp. 263. Wohnungsgenossenschaften und ihre Verbände in Sachsen, co-authored with Christoph Ulrich, Chemnitz: Chemnitzer Verlag 2000, pp. 103. Arbeitermilieu und Arbeiterbewegung in Leipzig 1871-1933, Cologne/Weimar/Vienna: Böhlau Verlag 1999, pp. 383. 125 Jahre Wohnreform in Sachsen: Zur Geschichte der sächsischen Baugenossenschaften 18731998, Leipzig: Antonym 1999, pp. 201. Die Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Leipzig 1887-1997, Leipzig: Pro Leipzig 1998, pp. 92. Die Anfänge industriellen Bauens in Sachsen, Leipzig: Quadrat Verlag 1998, pp. 72. 3 Die sächsischen Wohnungsbaugenossenschaften in der DDR, Leipzig: Antonym 1997, pp. 48. Genossenschaftliches Wohnen in Sachsen. Von den Anfängen bis 1933, Leipzig: Antonym 1996, pp. 36. Leipzig - Wiege der deutschen Sozialdemokratie, co-authored with Michael Rudloff and Jürgen Schlimper, Berlin: Metropol 1996, pp. 294. B. Books in Press “Philanthropy, Civil Society, and the State in Modern Germany" (2016, Camden House) “Transnational Philanthropy: The Mond Family’s Support for Public Institutions in Western Europe” (2016, Palgrave). C. Edited Books Diplomacy on Campus: The Political Dimension of Academic Exchange in the North Atlantic, co-edited with Charlotte Lerg (special issue of the Journal of Transatlantic Studies 13 no. 4 (2015)), pp. 73. Crossing the Atlantic: Travel and Travel Writing in Modern Times, co-edited with Nils Roemer, College Station: Texas A & M Press 2011, pp. 258. Stifter, Spender und Mäzene: USA und Deutschland im historischen Vergleich, co-edited with Gabriele Lingelbach and Simone Lässig, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2009, pp. 341. Two Boston Brahmins in Goethe’s Germany: The Travel Journals of Anna and George Ticknor, co-edited with Gisela Mettele, Lanham/Boulder/New York/Toronto/Oxford: Lexington Books 2009, pp. 271. Stiftungen seit 1800: Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten, co-edited with Manuel Frey and Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius 2009, pp. 204. Beyond the Nation: United States History in Transnational Perspective (Bulletin of the German Historical Institute Supplement Number 5), co-edited with Uwe Luebken, Washington D.C.: German Historical Institute 2008, pp. 144. Traveling between Worlds: German-American Encounters, co-edited with Ruth Gross, College Station: Texas A&M 2006, pp. 190. Germany and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History 3 vols., Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC Clio 2005, pp. 1306. Philanthropy, Patronage, and Civil Society: Experiences from Germany, Great Britain, the United States and Canada, edited by Thomas Adam, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2004, pp. 228. Zwischen Markt und Staat: Stifter und Stiftungen im transatlantischen Vergleich, (Comparativ. Leipziger Beiträge zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden 4 Gesellschaftsforschung no. 5/6 2001), co-edited with James Retallack, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2001, pp. 269. Milieukonzept und empirische Forschung, (Comparativ. Leipziger Beiträge zur Universalgeschichte und vergleichenden Gesellschaftsforschung No. 2 1999), co-edited with Werner Bramke, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1999, pp. 142. Politische Kultur in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, co-edited with Werner Bramke, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1999, pp. 252. D. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles “Introductory Remarks: Diplomacy on Campus: The Political Dimension of Academic Exchange in the North Atlantic,” in: Journal of Transatlantic Studies 13 no. 4 (2015), pp. 299-310. “Stiften und Stiftungen im deutsch-amerikanischen Vergleich von 1815 bis 1945”, in: Sitta von Reden (ed.), Stiftungen zwischen Politik und Wirtschaft: Geschichte und Gegenwart im Dialog. Historische Zeitschrift//Beihefte (Neue Folge: Beiheft 66 (Oldenbourg: De Gruyter 2015), pp. 23-50. “Stiften im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in der deutschen und amerikanischen Gesellschaft”, in: Non Profit Law Yearbook 2014/2015, pp. 1-30. “Die schleichende Entwertung”, in: Die Stiftung: Magazin für das Stiftungswesen und Philanthropie no. 6, 2014 (December 2014), pp. 94-95. “The Place of Foundations and Endowments in German History: A Historical-Statistical Approach” (with Gabriele Lingelbach) in: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly vol. 44 No. 2 (April 2015), pp. 223-247. “Profit and Philanthropy: Stock Companies as Philanthropic Institution in Nineteenth century Germany”, in: VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations April 2014 vol. 25 no. 2, pp. 337-351. “New Ways to Write the History of Western Europe and the United States: The Concept of Intercultural Transfer”, in: History Compass vol. 11 no. 10 (2013), pp. 880-892. “Das Archiv der Stiftung”, in: Zeitschrift für Stiftungs- und Vereinswesen vol. 11, no. 4 (2013), pp. 157-160. “Der unverzichtbare Beitrag von Stiftungen zur Finanzierung des höheren Schulwesens in Preußen im 19. Jahrhundert”, in: Paedagogica Historica: International Journal of the History of Education vol. 48 no. 3 (2012), pp. 451-468. “Stiften für das Diesseits – Deutsche Stiftungen in der Neuzeit”, in: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht vol. 63, no. 1-2 (2012), pp. 5-20. “Stifteten Frauen anders als Männer? Stifterinnen und Ihre Stiftungen von 1800 bis 1945”, in: Zeitschrift für Stiftungs- und Vereinswesen vol. 9, no. 6 (2011), pp. 217- 223. 5 “Quid Pro Quo oder Stiften als Gabentausch: Adolf Pochwadt als Stiftungsvermittler für die Weimarer Hochschule für bildende Kunst (1917-1925)”, in: Zeitschrift für Stiftungs- und Vereinswesen vol. 9, no. 4 (2011), no. 4, pp. 121-130. “Feminae ante Portas: Frauen als Stifterinnen und Stipendiatinnen von universitären Stipendienstiftungen im Deutschen Kaiserreich”, in: Ariadne No. 53-54 (Juni 2008), pp. 42-50. “Stipendien und Stipendienstiftungen an deutschen Universitäten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert”, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft vol. 55, no. 10 (2007), pp. 797-821. “Stiften in deutschen Bürgerstädten vor dem ersten Weltkrieg: Das Beispiel Leipzig”, in Geschichte und Gesellschaft vol. 33, no. 1 (Januar-März 2007), pp. 46-72. “Nineteenth-century Housing Reform and Family Structure in a transatlantic Perspective”, in Wolkenkuckucksheim – Cloud-Cuckoo-Land – Возбушный замок vol. 10, no. 2 (September 2006). “Buying Respectability. Philanthropy and Cultural Dominance in 19th-Century Boston”, in Traverse 2006/1, pp. 29-46. “Notes from Two Big Countries,” in Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft vol. 52 (2004) online version, pp. 22-27. E-version available at < “Mythen sächsischer Geschichtsschreibung. Eine Erwiderung auf Ewald Frie” (with Michael Rudloff), in Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung 3/2002, pp. 302-319. “Der Plagwitzer Konsumverein 1884-1933”, in Leipziger Kalender 2002, pp. 209-256. “Ein Schritt in die bürgerliche Öffentlichkeit? Frauen und philanthropische Wohnprojekte im transatlantischen Raum des 19. Jahrhunderts”, in Ariadne No. 42 (November 2002), pp. 24-31. “A Rich Man’s Guide to Social Climbing: Philanthropy as a Bourgeois Behavioral Pattern in Nineteenth-Century New York”, in The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society 32 (2002), pp. 15-24. “Transatlantic Trading: The Transfer of Philanthropic Models between European and North American Cities during the nineteenth and early twentieth Centuries”, in Journal of Urban History 28 (2002), pp. 328-351. “Philanthropic Landmarks: the Toronto Trail from a comparative perspective, 1870s to the 1930s”, in Urban History Review 30 (2001), pp. 3-21. “Philanthropy and the Shaping of Social Distinctions in nineteenth-century American, Canadian and German cities”, in Maecenata Aktuell no. 28 (June 2001), pp. 6-24. 6 “Wohnarchitektur und Wohnalltag in Leipzig vom Kaiserreich zur Republik”, in Leipziger Kalender 2001, pp. 89-98. “Die Leipziger Bau- und Konsumgenossenschaften: ein sozialdemokratisches Traditionsmilieu unter der NS-Zeit und in der frühen DDR”, (with Stephan Jaunich), in Internationale Wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung 2/2000, pp. 200-209. “Das sächsische Schulgesetz von 1874 und die Etablierung der Fortbildungsschule: Sachsens schulpolitischer Beitrag für die Moderne?”, in Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte vol. 134 (1998), pp. 345-360. “Die Kommunalisierung von Kunst und Kultur als Grundkonsens der deutschen Gesellschaft ab dem ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert. Das Beispiel Leipzig”, in Die Alte Stadt vol. 26, no. 2 (1999), pp. 79-99. “Was las der Arbeiter im Kaiserreich? Die Leipziger Arbeiterbibliotheken zwischen 1861 und 1914”, in Mitteldeutsches Jahrbuch vol. 5 (1998), pp. 119-132. “Max Pommer (1847-1915),” in Sächsische Heimatblätter vol. 44 (1998), pp. 84-94. “Der Arbeitersport in Leipzig zwischen 1861 und 1933. Vom Bierglas zum Fußball”, in Mitteldeutsches Jahrbuch vol. 4 (1997), pp. 105-121. “Meyersche Stiftung - ‘Es hat keinerlei Unternehmergewinn zu erfolgen’”, in Leipziger Kalender 1997, pp. 135-154. “Genossenschaftliches Wohnen in Sachsen. Von den Anfängen bis 1933”, in Beiträge zur Diskussion. Schriftenreihe des Genossenschaftsverbandes Sachsen no. 1 (1997), pp. 46-51. “Zur Geschichte der Leipziger Baugenossenschaften”, in Leipziger Kalender 1996, pp. 249-258. E. Refereed Book Chapters “Max Pommer und seine sozialreformerischen, architektonischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Entwürfe für die Meyerschen Häuser“, in: Max Pommer: Architekt und Betonpionier, edited by Stefan Krieg and Dieter Pommer, Beucha; Sax Verlag 2015, pp. 102-133. “Wissenschaftsförderung im Deutschen Kaiserreich: Die Gründung und Finanzierung der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Kontext neuerer Forschungen über das Stiften und Spenden”, in: “Dem Anwenden muss das Erkennen vorausgehen”: Auf der Weg zu einer Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge Proceedings 6), edited by Dieter Hoffmann, Birgit Kolboske, and Jürgen Renn, Berlin: Edition Opern Access 2015, pp. 195-217. “Cultural Excursions: The Transatlantic Transfer of Museums in the Transatlantic World”, in: The Museum is Open. Towards a Transnational History of Museums 1750-1940, edited by Andrea Meyer and Bendicte Savoy, Berlin: De Gruyter 2013, pp. 103-115. 7 “Studienförderung und Stipendienwesen an deutschen Universitäten im 20. Jahrhundert“, in: Studienförderung und Stipendienwesen an deutschen Universitäten von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Matthias Asche and Stefan Gerber, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2013, pp. 135-147. “Studienförderung an deutschen und amerikanischen Universitäten von 1800 bis 1945”, in: Studienförderung und Stipendienwesen an deutschen Universitäten von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Matthias Asche and Stefan Gerber, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2013, pp. 149-172. “Travel, Gender, and Identity: George and Anna Ticknor’s Travel Journals from Their 1835/36 Journey to Dresden”, in: Crossing the Atlantic: Travel and Travel Writing in Modern Times, edited by Thomas Adam and Nils Roemer (College Station: Texas A & M Press, 2011), pp. 189209. “Philanthropie und Wohnungsreform in der transatlantischen Welt, 1840-1914, in: Stifter, Spender und Mäzene: USA und Deutschland im historischen Vergleich, edited by Thomas Adam, Gabriele Lingelbach and Simone Lässig, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2009, pp. 41-66. “Introduction”, in: Two Boston Brahmins in Goethe’s Germany: The Travel Journals of Anna and George Ticknor, co-edited by Thomas Adam and Gisela Mettele, Lanham/Boulder/New York/Toronto/Oxford: Lexington Books 2009, pp. 1-20. “Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung von Stiftungen und ‚totem Kapital’”, in: Stiftungen seit 1800: Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten, co-edited by Thomas Adam, Manuel Frey and Rupert Graf Strachwitz, Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius 2009, pp. 179-202. “Introduction”, co-authored with Uwe Luebken, in: Beyond the Nation: United States History in Transnational Perspective, co-edited by Thomas Adam and Uwe Luebken Washington D.C.: German Historical Institute 2008, pp. 1-7. “Social Housing Reform and Intercultural Transfer in the transatlantic world before World War I”, in: ISTR Conference Working Papers volume VI (Barcelona Conference 2008), available at “Housing Charities and the Provision of Social Housing in Germany and the United States of America, Great Britain, and Canada in the Nineteenth Century”, in Charity and Mutual Aid in Europe and North America Since 1800, edited by Bernard Harris and Paul Bridgen, New York/London: Routledge 2007, pp. 158-188. “Taxation and Political representation: New York and Leipzig in comparison”, in Taxation, State and Civil Society in Germany and the United States from the 18th to the 20th Century, edited by Alexander Nützenadel and Christoph Strupp, Baden-Baden: Nomos Publishers 2007, pp. 155166. “Arbeiterbildung und Volkshochschule”, in: Gestalt und Ziel: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Leipziger Erwachsenenbildung, edited by Jörg Knoll, Marion Annett Lehnert, and Volker Otto, Leipzig: Pro Leipzig 2007, pp. 32-43. 8 “Stiftungswohnungsbau oder kommunaler Wohnungsbau. Leitvorstellungen über die Wohnungsfürsorge in Leipzig 1880-1930”, in Moderne als Konstruktion II: Debatten, Diskurse, Positionen um 1900, edited by Werner Suppanz and Heidemarie Uhl, Vienna: Passagen Verlag 2006, pp. 107-126. “Cultural Baggage: The Building of the Urban Community in a Transatlantic World”, in: Traveling between Worlds: German-American Encounters, edited by Thomas Adam and Ruth Gross, College Station: Texas A&M 2006, pp. 79-99. “Germany Seen through American Eyes: George and Anna Eliot Ticknor’s German Travel Logs”, in Transatlantic Cultural Contexts: Essays in Honor of Eberhard Brüning, edited by Hartmut Keil, Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag 2005, pp. 151-163. “Bürgerliches Engagement und Zivilgesellschaft in deutschen und amerikanischen Städten des 19. Jahrhunderts im Vergleich”, in Zivilgesellschaft als Geschichte. Studien zum 19. und Jahrhundert, edited by Ralph Jessen, Sven Reichardt and Ansgar Klein, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2004, pp. 155-174. “Introduction,” in Philanthropy, Patronage, and Civil Society: Experiences from Germany, Great Britain, the United States and Canada, edited by Thomas Adam, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2004, pp. 1-12. “Philanthropy and the Shaping of Social Distinctions in Nineteenth-Century U.S., Canadian, and German Cities,” in Philanthropy, Patronage, and Civil Society: Experiences from Germany, Great Britain, the United States and Canada, edited by Thomas Adam, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press 2004, pp. 15-33. “Sport und Politik in einer deutschen Grossstadt. Sozialdemokratischer und konservativer Fußball in Leipzig vom Kaiserreich bis zur nationalsozialistischen Machtergreifung”, in Kulturpolitik und Stadtkultur in Leipzig und Lyon (18. -20. Jahrhundert), edited by Thomas Höpel and Steffen Sammler, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2004, pp. 275-292. “Soziale Sicherheit vor der Bismarckschen Sozialgesetzgebung” in Leipziger und Dresdner Unternehmen, in Wirtschaft und Staat in Sachsens Industrialisierung 1750-1930, edited by Ulrich Heß, Petra Listewnik, and Michael Schäfer, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2003, pp. 335-353. “Wohnarchitektur und Wohnen von sozialen Unterschichten im 19. Jahrhundert”, in Wohnformen und Lebenswelten im interkulturellen Vergleich, edited by Magdalena Droste and Adolf Hoffmann, Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Bern/Bruxelles/New York/Oxford/Vienna: Peter Lang 2003, pp. 243-253. “Stadtbürgerliche Stiftungskultur und die Ausformung sozialer Distinktionen in amerikanischen, deutschen und kanadischen Städten des 19. Jahrhunderts”, in Zwischen Markt und Staat: Stifter und Stiftungen im transatlantischen Vergleich, edited by Thomas Adam and James Retallack, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2001, pp. 52-80. 9 “Philanthropy und politische Macht in deutschen Kommunen”, co-authored with James Retallack, in Zwischen Markt und Staat: Stifter und Stiftungen im transatlantischen Vergleich, edited by Thomas Adam and James Retallack, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2001, pp. 106-138. (an English version under the title “Citadels against Democracy” appeared in James Retallack, The German Right, 1860-1920: Political Limits of the Authoritarian Imagination, Toronto/Buffalo/London: University of Toronto Press 2006, pp. 192-222. “Bürgergesellschaft und moderner Staat. Ein deutsch-amerikanisch Vergleich”, in Eigeninteresse und Gemeinwohlbindung: Kulturspezifische Ausformungen in den USA und Deutschland, edited by Roland Becker, Andreas Franzmann, Axel Jansen and Sascha Liebermann, Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft 2001, pp. 191-211. “How ‘proletarian’ was Leipzig’s social democratic milieu?” in Saxony in German History: Culture, Society, and Politics, 1830-1933. Edited by James Retallack, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 2000, pp. 255-270. “Wie ‘proletarisch’ war das sozialdemokratische Milieu Leipzigs?”, in Sachsen in Deutschland. Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft vor 1918, edited by James Retallack, Bielefeld: Verlag für Regionalgeschichte 2000, pp. 97-113. “Die Beziehungen zwischen Volkshochschule und Universität in den 20er Jahren”, in Leipzig und Sachsen. Beiträge zur Stadt- und Landesgeschichte vom 15.-20. Jahrhundert, edited by Karl Czok and Volker Tittel, Beucha: Sax Verlag 2000, pp. 100-109. “Heinrich Pudor - Lebensreformer und Verleger”, in Das bewegte Buch. Buchwesen und soziale, nationale und kulturelle Bewegungen um 1900, edited by Mark Lehmstedt and Andreas Herzog, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 1999, pp. 183-196. “Eugen Diederichs und die Leipziger Volkshochschulbewegung nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg”, in Romantik, Revolution & Reform. Der Eugen Diederichs Verlag im Epochenkontext 1900-1949, edited by Meike Werner and Justus H. Ulbricht (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 1999), pp. 119134. “Wie bürgerlich war das sozialdemokratische Milieu?”, in Milieukonzept und empirische Forschung, edited by Thomas Adam and Werner Bramke, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1999, pp. 30-42. “Das soziale Engagement Leipziger Unternehmer - die Tradition der Wohnstiftungen”, in Unternehmer in Sachsen. Aufstieg-Krise-Untergang-Neubeginn, edited by Ulrich Hess and Michael Schäfer, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1998, pp. 107-118. “Leipzig - Die Hochburg der Arbeiterkulturbewegung”, in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Sachsen im 20. Jahrhundert, edited by Werner Bramke and Ulrich Heß, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1998, pp. 229-267. “Erich Schilling (1882-1962). ‘Es kommt nicht auf ... den Wortschwall von Einheit und Brüderlichkeit an ...’”, in “Solche Schädlinge gibt es auch in Leipzig.” Sozialdemokraten und die 10 SED, edited by Michael Rudloff and Mike Schmeitzner, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 1997, pp. 186-201. “Vom Industriedorf zum Stadtteil - die Geschichte zweier Leipziger Stadtteile in der Jahrhundertwende”, in Region und Regionalität in der Sozialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Werner Bramke and Ulrich Heß, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 1995, pp. 90101. “Die politische Neuorientierung des Leipziger Gewerkschaftskartells in den Jahren 1915-1919”, in Sachsen und Mitteldeutschland, edited by Werner Bramke and Ulrich Heß, Weimar/Cologne/Vienna: Böhlau Verlag 1995, pp. 379-395. F. Book Chapters in Press “Stiften für die Bürgerstadt”, in: Susanne Schötz (ed.). Geschichte der Stadt Leipzig vol. 3: Leipzig 1815 bis 1914. “Leipzig als Wiege der deutschen Sozialdemokratie”, in: Susanne Schötz (ed.). Geschichte der Stadt Leipzig vol. 3: Leipzig 1815 bis 1914. “From Restructuring to Dissolution: Foundations in East Germany”, in: Gregory R. Witkowski and Arnd Bauerkämper (eds.), German Philanthropy in International and Transnational Perspective (accepted as a part of an edited volume to be published with Springer). “Sozialdarwinismus als politisches Handlungsinstrument im 20. Jahrhundert”, in: Angela Schwarz (ed.), Evolution in der Öffentlichkeit. Works in Progress A. Books “Funding for Undergraduate Education at American Universities, 1800-1945” (Rutgers) “Stiftungen in Ostdeutschland, 1945-1989” (to be published as a short e-book in the Opuscula Reihe des Maecenata Instituts, 2016) “From Eugenics to Assisted Suicide to Cloning” B. Articles and books chapters „Der Anteil der Staatsanleihen an der Finanzierung Staatlicher Haushalte: Eine Vergleichende Studie der Staatlichen Defizitfinanzierung in den USA und Deutschland vom 18. bis in das 20. Jahrhundert“, invited chapter for the volume on „Sozialgeschichte des Kapitalismus im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert“ (volume 56 of the Archiv für Sozialgeschichte). “From Denationalizing History to Decanonizing Teaching History: A Program for the Teaching of History in the post-nationalist era”, in: Michael Kimmage and Charlotte Lerg (eds.), Transatlantic History in a Transnational Era. 11 “The Intercultural Transfer of Soccer in the Late Nineteenth Century” invited for publication in: Sport and History. “Interreligious and Intercultural Transfers of the Tradition of Philanthropy” invited book chapter. “Die Genesis und die Gefahren der mündelsicheren Anlage von Stiftungskapitalien“ invited article for publication in the journal Zeitschrift für Stiftungs- und Vereinswesen issue 6/2015. “Museumsvereine und die Finanzierung königlicher und bürgerlicher Kunstmuseen im 19. Jahrhundert” invited article for publication in the journal Zeitschrift für Stiftungs- und Vereinswesen issue 2/2016. Other Publications A. Reviews, Review Articles and Review Essays “A Versatile American Institution: the Changing Ideals and Realities of Philanthropic Foundations edited by David C. Hammack and Helmut K. Anheier” reviewed for The Journal of Interdisciplinary Study 46, no. 3 (Winter 2016), pp. 456-458. “Bürgersinn und Unternehmergeist: Stifter und Stiftungen in Hamburg nach 1945 by Christine Bach” reviewed for Sehepunkte July 23, 2015. “Finanzierung des Bildungswesens in der Helvetischen Republik by Ingrid Brühwiler” reviewed for H-Soz-Kult March 2, 2015. id=22776&view=pdf&pn=rezensionen&type=rezbuecher “The Transatlantic World of Higher Education: Americans at German Universities, 1776-1914 by Anja Becker” reviewed for Central European History vol. 47, no. 4 (December 2014), pp. 858-860. “German Expansionism, Imperial Liberalism, and the United States, 1776-1945 by Jens-Uwe Guettel” reviewed or Central European History vol. 46, no. 4 (December 2013), pp. 895-899. “Philanthropy in America: A History by Olivier Zunz”, reviewed for The Journal of Interdisciplinary History vol. XLIII, no. 3 (winter 2013), pp. 499-500. “The Atlantic in World History by Karen Ordahl Kupperman” reviewed for geschichte.transnational September 13, 2013. “Becoming Multicultural: Immigration and the Politics of Membership in Canada and Germany by Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos” reviewed for Yearbook of German American Studies 47 (2012), pp. 123-125. “Jürgen Kocka/Günter Stick (Hrsg.), Stiften, Schenken, Prägen. Zivilgesellschaftliche Wissenschaftsförderung im Wandel” reviewed for Comparativ vol. 22 no. 5 (2012), pp. 135-137. 12 “Charity in Islamic Societies, by Amy Singer” (Review), in: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly vol. 41 (2012), pp. 905-909. “Between Civil Right and Government Intrusion: The Prohibition of Alcohol. Amerikas groβe Ernüchterung: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Prohibition, by Thomas Welskopp” (Review), in: Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era vol. 11 (2012), pp. 463-465. “Schulstiftungen und Studienfinanzierung: Bildungsmäzenatentum in den böhmischen, österreichischen und ungarischen Ländern 1500-1800 by Jochaim Bahlcke and Thomas Winkelbauer (eds.)” (Review), in: EWR vol. 11, no. 3 (May/June 2012). “Der Nassauische Zentralstudienfonds. Entstehung und Entwicklung einer Bildungsstiftung, by Dorothee A. E. Sattler” (Review), in: Nassauische Annalen vol. 123 (2012), pp. 762-763. “The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses, by Stephen H. Norwood” (Review), in: Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies vol. 29, No. 4 (summer 2011), pp. 200-202. “Heinrich Himmler: Biographie, by Peter Longerich“ (Review), in: Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies vol. 29, No. 4 (summer 2011), pp. 198-200. “Katherine Bradley, Poverty, Philanthropy and the State: Charities and the working classes in London (Review)”, in: Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft vol. 51 (2011) “Hans-Christof Kraus, Kultur, Bildung und Wissenschaft im 19. Jahrhundert (Review)” in: [email protected] (published October 2010) “Mordecai Lee, Bureaus of Efficiency: Reforming Local Government in the Progressive Era, (Review)”, in: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly vol. 38, no. 6 (December 2009), pp. 1095-1096. “Tom Goyens, Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 18801914 (Review)”, in: [email protected] (published March 2009) “Malcolm Richardson, Jürgen Reulecke, Frank Trommler, Weimars Transatlantischer Mäzen: Die Lincoln-Stiftung 1927 bis 1934. Ein Versuch demokratischer Elitenförderung in der Weimarer Republik (Review)“, in: [email protected] (published February 2009) “Michael Borgolte (Hrsg.), Stiftungen in Christentum, Judentum und Islam vor der Moderne, (Review)“, in: Comparativ vol. 18, no. 2 (2008) pp. 123-125. “Jonathan Sperber, Property and Civil Society in South-Western Germany 1820-1914, (Review)”, in [email protected] (published February 2008). 13 “Gangolf Hübinger, Gelehrte, Politik und Öffentichkeit: Eine Intellektuellengeschichte, (Review)“, in [email protected] (published January 2008). “Flöter, Jonas; Ritzi, Christian (Hrsg.): Bildungsmäzenatentum. Privates Handeln, Bürgersinn und kulturelle Kompetenz seit der Frühen Neuzeit, Review“ in [email protected] (published December 13, 2007) “Viola Effmert, Sal. Oppenheim & Cie. Kulturförderung im 19. Jahrhundert (Review)“, in: Bankhistorisches Archiv vol. 33, no. 1 (2007), pp. 80-81. “Tagung: Diskontinuitäten im deutschen Stiftungswesen. Praxis, Forschung, gesellschaftliche Relevanz, 26. bis 27. Januar 2007, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin” (Conference Report) coauthored with Manuel Frey and Susanne Rindt, in: Zeitschrift zum Stiftungswesen vol. 5, no. 2 (2007), pp. 93-95. “Begrenzte Spielräume: Eine Beziehungsgschichte von Arbeiterschaft und Bürgertum am Beispiel Erfurts 1870-1914. By Jürgen Schmidt (Review)”, in: German History 25, no. 3 (2007), pp. 443-445. “Diskontinuitäten im deutschen Stiftungswesen. Praxis, Forschung, gesellschaftliche Relevanz” (Conference Report) co-authored with Manuel Frey and Susanne Rindt, in: [email protected] (published March 27, 2007). “Robert Beachy, The Soul of Commerce: Credit, Property, and Politics in Leipzig, 1750-1840, (Review)”, in [email protected] (published March, 2007). UWxYNVvP6c7xomUUi3OyA&user=&pw= “Philanthropy in History: German and American perspectives” co-authored with Gabriele Lingelbach, in: GHI Bulletin No. 39 (Fall 2006), pp. 143-147. (also published with H-Soz-Kult: id=1149&count=1905&recno=6&sort=beitraeger&order=up) “Philipp Prein, Bürgerliches Reisen im 19. Jahrhundert: Freizeit, Kommunikation und soziale Grenzen (Review)”, in German Historical Institute London Bulletin vol. XXVIII, no. 2 (November 2006), pp. 71-73. “Preußen und die USA, 1850 bis 1867: Transatlantische Wechselwirkungen, Benno Eimers (Review)”, in The Journal of American History vol. 93 (2006), p. 522. “Henriette Hertz: Mäzenin und Gründerin der Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rom. Beiträge zur Universitäts-und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Julia Laura Rischbieter (Review)“ in [email protected] (published September 12, 2006). 14 “Hedin, Astrid: The Politics of Social Networks. Interpersonal trust and institutional change in post-communist East-Germany (Review)”, in [email protected] (published June 8, 2006). “Young Scholars Forum 2005: Crossing the Atlantic: European Dimensions of American History” co-authored with Christof Mauch, in GHI Bulletin No. 37 (Fall 2005), pp. 97-100. “Die Partei der Diktaturdurchsetzung: KPD/SED in Sachsen 1945-1952, Mike Schmeitzner and Stefan Donth (Review)” in German History vol. 23 (2005), pp. 425-426. “Geselligkeit und Demokratie: Vereine und Zivile Gesellschaft im Transatlantischen Vergleich 1750-1914, Stefan Ludwig Hoffmann (Review)“ in [email protected] (published July 22, 2005). “Economics and Politics in the Weimar Republic, Theo Balderston (Review)” in Canadian Journal of History, August 2004, pp. 372-373. “Authority and Upheaval in Leipzig, 1910-1920, Sean Dobson (Review)” in Comparativ vol. 14 no. 2 (2004), pp. 126-128. “Eduard Arnhold (1849-1925): Eine Biographische Studie zu Unternehmer- und Maezenatentum im Deutschen Kaiserreich, Michael Dorrmann (Review)” in [email protected] (published May 26, 2004). ( “The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896, Sven Beckert (Review)” in Comparativ vol. 13, no. 2 (2003), pp. 155-156. “Revolutionen in Sachsen. Beiträge zur Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte, Hartmut Zwahr (Review)” in Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte vol. 22 (2002), p.166. “Wahlrechtskampf und Wahlreform in Sachsen (1895-1909), Simone Lässig (Review)” in Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte vol. 22 (2002), pp. 166-168. “Philanthropy, Patronage, and Urban Politics: Transatlantic Transfers between Europe and North America in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries”, in: Bulletin of the German Historical Institute 29 (Fall 2001), pp. 71-74. “Urban Liberalism in Imperial Germany: Frankfurt am Main, 1866-1914, Jan Palmowski (Review)” in Canadian Journal of History vol. 36 (2001), pp. 559-560. “Konsumpolitik. Die Regulierung des privaten Verbrauchs im 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Hartmut Berghoff (Review)” in The English Historical Review vol. 115 (2000), pp. 1031-1032. “Revolution from the Right: Politics, Class, and the Rise of Nazism in Saxony, 1919-1933, Benjamin Lapp (Review)” in Comparativ vol. 9, no. 4 (1999), pp. 136-138. 15 “Unternehmer in Sachsen. Grundlinien ihrer Geschichte vom Anfang des 19. bis zum Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein Kolloquium in Leipzig vom 10. Bis 12. April 1997”, co-authored with Michael Rudloff, in Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft vol. 45, no. 10 (1997), pp. 923-925. “Kulturgeschichte ‘light’. Produktwerbung als Ausdruck von Zeitgeist, Mentalität und Alltagskultur (Tagungsbericht)”, in Deutschland Archiv vol. 29, no. 1 (1996), pp. 116-118. “Außeruniversitäre Forschungen zur DDR-Geschichte im Freistaat Sachsen”, in Deutschland Archiv 28, no. 4 (1995), pp. 434-436. “Außeruniversitäre Forschungen zur DDR-Geschichte im Freistaat Thüringen”, in Deutschland Archiv 28, no. 8 (1995), pp. 883-884. B. Entries in Handbooks, Encyclopedias, and Blogs “Staatsanleihen sind kein Garant” published with SOS-Kinderdorf-Stiftung (December 2015). Experteninterview zum Thema Kapitalmärkte. “What If Tocqueville had Travelled To Prussia, Instead of the U.S.?” published with HistPhil (July 17, 2015). “A Call for More Transnational Histories of Philanthropy“, published with HistPhil (July 6, 2015). “German American relations”, in: USA-Lexikon, edited by Christof Mauch and Rüdiger B. Wersich, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2013, pp. 467-471. “German Americans”, in: USA-Lexikon, edited by Christof Mauch and Rüdiger B. Wersich, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2013, pp. 471-477. “German Studies”, in: USA-Lexikon, edited by Christof Mauch and Rüdiger B. Wersich, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2013, pp. 477-479. “Foundations”, in: USA-Lexikon, edited by Christof Mauch and Rüdiger B. Wersich, Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2013, pp. 440-442. “Funding Undergraduate Education at American universities and colleges” (report for publication on the webpage of the Rockefeller Archive Center) “Travel Grant Recipient’s Research on Scholarships” published at: bears_repeating/2012/12/travel-grant-adam.html “Philanthropy”, in: The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Social History in 2 vols., edited by Lynn Dumenil, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012, vol. 2: pp. 132-135. 16 “Intercultural Transfer and the History of Social Housing”, for the blog of the Voluntary Action History Society (England) “Housing Reform”, in: World History Encyclopedia, Era 7: The Age of Revolutions, 1750-1914, edited by James H. Overfield, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC CLIO 2011, pp. 105-107. “Kindergarten movement”, in: World History Encyclopedia, Era 7: The Age of Revolutions, 17501914, edited by James H. Overfield, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC CLIO 2011, pp. 245-247. “Cooperatives”, in: World History Encyclopedia, Era 7: The Age of Revolutions, 1750-1914, edited by James H. Overfield, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC CLIO 2011, pp. 712-714. “Rise of Mass Education, Literacy and the University”, in: World History Encyclopedia, Era 9: Promises and Paradoxes, 1945-Present, edited by Fred Nadis and Jack Waskey (Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC CLIO, 2011), pp. 109-111. “Literature in the Soviet Bloc post 1945”, in: World History Encyclopedia, Era 9: Promises and Paradoxes, 1945-Present, edited by Fred Nadis and Jack Waskey, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC CLIO 2011, pp. 229-230. “International Exchange of Students”, in: World History Encyclopedia, Era 9: Promises and Paradoxes, 1945-Present, edited by Fred Nadis and Jack Waskey, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC CLIO 2011, pp. 284-285. “Public Memory of Post-dictatorial states”, in: World History Encyclopedia, Era 9: Promises and Paradoxes, 1945-Present, edited by Fred Nadis and Jack Waskey, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC CLIO 2011, pp. 658-660. “The Rise of Nationalism, 1815-1914/Unification of Germany/Preservation vs. Expansion: Otto von Bismarck and Wilhelm II”, World History: The Modern Era. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2010 ( “Astor, John Jacob”, in: The Early Republic and Antebellum America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History in 4 volumes, edited by Christopher G. Bates, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 2010, vol. I: pp. 103-104. “Charity and Philanthropy”, in: The Early Republic and Antebellum America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History in 4 volumes, edited by Christopher G. Bates, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 2010, vol. I: pp. 200-204. “German Americans”, in: The Early Republic and Antebellum America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History in 4 volumes, edited by Christopher G. Bates, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 2010, vol. II: pp. 436-438. “Roebling, John A.”, in: The Early Republic and Antebellum America: An Encyclopedia of Social, 17 Political, Cultural, and Economic History in 4 volumes, edited by Christopher G. Bates, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 2010, vol. III: pp. 884-885. “Die zweite Karriere Herrmann Julius Meyers: Wohnungsreformer und Stifter”, in: Leipziger Blätter 54 (2009), pp. 4-7. “Aga Khan Development Network”, in The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History, edited by Akira Iriye and Pierre-Yves Saunier, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2009, pp. 23-24. “Philanthropy“, in The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History, edited by Akira Iriye and Pierre-Yves Saunier, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2009, pp. 832-834. “Kindheitsmuster und Lebensläufe” contribution to the H-German Spring Forum 2008 “Teaching GDR History through Film”, published by H-German, May 19, 2008 ( “Philanthropy“, in Encyclopedia of American Urban History, edited by David Goldfield, 2 vols., Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications 2007, vol. 2: pp. 570-572. “Philanthropy and Giving“, in Encyclopedia of the New American Nation: The Emergence of the United States, 1754-1829, edited by Paul Finkelman, 3 vols., Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons 2006, vol. 2: pp. 521-522. “Leutze, Emanuel Gottlieb,” in Germany and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History 3 vols., edited by Thomas Adam, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC Clio 2005, vol. 2: pp. 660-662. “Hessians,” in Germany and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History 3 vols., edited by Thomas Adam, Santa Barbara, California/Denver, Colorado/Oxford, England: ABC Clio 2005, vol. 2: pp. 502-504. “Saxony” in: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, edited by Joel Mokyr 5 vols., Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press 2003, vol. 4: pp. 453-454. “Wohnen und Lebensalltag”, in Geschichte Mitteldeutschlands. Das Begleitbuch zur Fernsehserie, edited by Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (Halle 2001), pp. 286-291. “Philantropen gesucht: Die amerikanische Stiftungskultur und ihre deutschen Vorbilder”, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, February 22, 2001. “Geschichte, Leitlinien, Impulse: 75 Jahre Volkshochschule Leipzig” (with Rolf Sprink), in: Leipziger Blätter 31 (1997) pp. 27-31. “Curt Theodor Geyer”, in Demokratische Wege. Deutsche Lebensläufe aus fünf Jahrhunderten. Ein Lexikon, edited by M. Asendorf and R. Bockel, Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler 1997, pp. 206-208. (second edition, 2006). 18 Invited Talks, Presentations, and Lectures Invited Lecture: “Exams, Libraries, and Christmas Trees: the German Contributions to American Education and Culture” Oxford University January 28, 2016 (part of the Seminar in Constitutional Thought and History). Invited Presentation “Der Anteil der Staatsanleihen an der Finanzierung Staatlicher Haushalte: Eine Vergleichende Studie der Staatlichen Defizitfinanzierung in den USA und Deutschland vom 18. bis in das 20. Jahrhundert“, Workshop des Archivs für Sozialgeschichte, Bonn, October 15-16 2015. Invited Lecture: “Stiftungen in Ostdeutschland” presentation at the Maecenata Institut Berlin, September 9, 2015. Invited Lecture: “Emil Max Pommer und seine sozialreformerischen, architektonischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Entwürfe für die Meyerschen Häuser“ at the Stadtbibliothek Leipzig, September 11, 2015. “The Intercultural Transfer of Soccer in the Late Nineteenth Century”, paper given at the International Conference “Sport and Society in Transnational Contexts” at the ETH Zürich, June 56, 2015. Keynote Address: “Interreligious and Intercultural Traditions of Charity” for the conference “Charity in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions” St. Louis University, March 26-27, 2015. Invited Lecture: “Stiften für Bildung: Die Studienförderung an deutschen und amerikanischen Universitäten von 1800 bis 1945 im Vergleich” presentation at the Winterschule “Stiftungen und Stiften im Wandel der Zeiten“ at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, Feburary 9-14, 2015. Invited Lecture: “Jüdisches Stiften” presentation at the Winterschule “Stiftungen und Stiften im Wandel der Zeiten“ at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald, Feburary 9-14, 2015. Keynote Address: “Stiften im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert in der deutschen und amerikanischen Gesellschaft” for the conference Hamburger Tage des Stiftungs- und Non-Profit-Rechts, November 14-15, 2014. “What Were the Influences of the State and the Market on the Fate of Endowments in Germany from the Sixteenth Century to the Twentieth Century?”, paper given at the 11th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Münster July, 22-25 2014. Invited Lecture: “Die Tradition des Stiftens in Deutschland und den USA”, Friedrich-NaumannStiftung für die Freiheit in Hanover, July 21, 2014. “Philanthropy and Civil Society”, paper given at the 72nd Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Association in Chicago, April 3-6, 2014. 19 Invited Talk: “Transnational History, the Denationalization of History, and Intercultural Transfer Studies”, Mid-America Conference at the University of Oklahoma “Transnationalism and Minority Cultures”, September 26-28, 2013. “The Changing Relationship Between Transnational Families and Modern Nation States: Ludwig Mond and Henriette Hertz’ German Philanthropies” invited guest lecture at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome, Italy on April 9, 2013. “The Image of Dresden in George and Anna Ticknor’s Travel Journals”, paper given at the meeting of the American Historical Association in New Orleans, January 3-6, 2013. “The Concept of Intercultural Transfer as an Alternative to the Concept of National History”, paper presented at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Milwaukee/ Wisconsin, October 4-7, 2012. “From Restructuring to Dissolution: Foundations in East Germany”, invited paper for the conference “German Philanthropy in Transatlantic Perspective” at The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University Indianapolis, September 30-October 2, 2012. “Profit and Philanthropy: Shareholder Companies as Philanthropic Institution in Nineteenth-Century Germany”, Paper presented at the Tenth International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research at the Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy, July 10-13, 2012. Invited Lecture: “Der interkultuerelle Austausch von Genossenschaftsmodellen zwischen England, Deutschland und den USA (1840-1914)“, Lecture series in the history of cooperatives at the University of Hamburg, May 24, 2012. Invited Lecture: “Stiftungen und Universitäten“, Department of American history at the LudwigsMaximilians University at Munich, May 22, 2012. “Cultural Excursions. The Transnational Transfer of Museums in the Transatlantic World“, Paper presented at the Conference „Transnationale Museumsgeschichte 1750-1940“ at the Technical University Berlin, February 17-18, 2012. Invited Lecture: “Die Tradition des Stiftens in den USA zwischen Wahrnhemung und Realität“, workshop „Deutschland und seine Mäzene“ organized by the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung für die Freiheit in the Theodor Heuss Akademie Gummersbach November 18-20, 2011. “Perception and Reality: A Comparative Study of Philanthropy in Germany and the United States before World War I“, Paper presented at the Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Louisville/Kentucky, September 22-25, 2011. “Historische Perspektiven auf die Anlage des Stiftungskapitals in Deutschland und den USA von 1800 bis in die 1950er Jahre“, Paper presented at the Conference „Stiftungskulturen: Ein Dialog zwischen Geschichte und Gegenwart“ at the University of Freiburg, March 31-April 2, 2011. “Zugänge zur Geschichte des Stiftungswesens“, invited paper for the workshop „Zugänge zur 20 Geschichte des Stiftungswesens“ at the Maecenata Institute (at the Humboldt University Berlin), March 24, 2011. Invited Lecture: “Paying the Piper: Approaches to and Practices of the private Funding for the Sciences in Germany from the 1870s to the 1950s”, The Max-Planck-Institute for History of Science on March 23, 2011. “Stiftungswesen und Mäzenatentum (von Frauen) in der Neuzeit”, Paper presented at the Conference “Schenken, Stiften, Spenden: Weibliche Philanthropie in Geschichte und Gegenwart” at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, October 8-10, 2010. Invited Lecture: “Studienförderung in Deutschland und in den USA von 1800 bis 1945 – Ein Vergleich”, The Amerika Haus in Munich on October 5, 2010. “Travel, Gender and Identity: George and Anna Ticknor’s Travel Journals”, Paper presented at the Forty-Fourth Annual Walter Prescott Webb Memorial Lectures “Crossing the Atlantic: Travel and Travel Writing in Modern Times” at the University of Texas at Arlington, March 12, 2009. “Teaching Transatlantic History: Intercultural Transfers in the Age of the Nation State”, Paper presented at the 123rd Meeting of the American Historical Association in New York City, January 25, 2009. Invited Lecture: “Stifter und ihre Stiftungen in New York, Boston und Toronto in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts“, University of Freiburg, Germany, July 17, 2008. Invited Lecture: “Wohnungsfürsorge zwischen Markt und Philanthropie: Soziale Wohnungsunternehmen in englischen, deutschen und amerikanischen Städten vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg im Vergleich” Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, July 15, 2008. “Social Housing Reform and Intercultural Transfer in the transatlantic world before World War I”, paper presented at the Eighth meeting of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) in Barcelona, Spain July 9-12, 2008. “Financing Higher Education in Nineteenth-Century Germany”, Paper presented at the 122nd Meeting of the American Historical Association in Washington, D.C., January 3-6, 2008. “Social Housing Reform in the Transatlantic World before World War I“, Paper presented at the workshop “Private Wealth, Public Welfare: Philanthropy and Social Knowledge in a Transatlantic World” organized by the Rockefeller Archive Center in Sleepy Hollow, NY March 22/23, 2007. “Stipendienstiftungen an deutschen Universitäten, 1800 bis 1914.“ Paper presented at the conference “Diskontinuitäten im deutschen Stiftungswesen” organized by the Maecenata Institute in Berlin, Germany at Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, January 26/27, 2007. “The Transatlantic Transfer of Models for Social Housing.“ Paper presented at the Conference “Philanthropy in History: German and American Perspectives” organized by the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C., March 30 – April 1, 2006. 21 “The Transatlantic Trade of Cultural and Social Goods.” Paper presented at the Twenty-Ninth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Milwaukee/Wisconsin, September 29October 2, 2005. “Social Welfare between Private and State Responsibility.” Paper presented at the 20th International Congress of Historical Sciences in Sydney, Australia, July 3-9, 2005. “Taxation and Political representation: New York and Leipzig in comparison.” Paper presented at the conference “Taxation, State and Civil Society in Germany and the United States, 1750-1950” organized by the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C., March 18-20, 2004. “In Deutschland scheint die Zivilgesellschaft zwar eine Zukunft aber keine Vergangenheit zu haben”. Paper presented at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in New Orleans/Louisiana, September 18-21, 2003. “Stadtbürgerliche Stiftungskultur im transatlantischen Vergleich”. Paper presented at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, July 17, 2003. “Buying Respectability: class and philanthropy in American, Canadian and German society between the 1840s and the 1930s”. Paper presented at the Maecenata Institute, Berlin, July 10, 2003. “Cultural Baggage: The Building of the Urban Community in a Transatlantic World”. Paper presented at the Thirty-eight Annual Walter Prescott Webb Memorial Lectures “Traveling between Worlds: German-American Encounters” at the University of Texas at Arlington, March 13, 2003. “Philanthropic Housing Projects in nineteenth-century Boston and Leipzig”. Paper presented at the First Biennial Urban History Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 26-28, 2002. “Social Housing and The Urban Elite: Attempts at solving the Social Housing Question in Leipzig and Boston”. Paper presented at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in San Diego/California, October 4-6, 2002. “Heavy luggage: The transfer of social and cultural models in a modern transatlantic community,” paper presented at the Second Annual Transatlantic History Graduate Research Symposium in Arlington/Texas, October 4, 2001. “Philanthropy and the Shaping of Social Distinctions in nineteenth-century American, Canadian and German cities” Paper presented at the conference “Philanthropy, Patronage & Urban Politics: Transatlantic Transfers between Europe and North America in the 19th and 20th Century” in Toronto, 3-5 May 2001. “Wohnformen für die Unterschichten im 19. Jahrhundert” Paper presented at the conference “Wohnformen und Lebenswelten im interkulturellen Vergleich” in Cottbus, 25-28 April 2001. “How to become a Gentleman? The Philanthropic behavior of the Nouveau Riche in German and North American Cities During the Nineteenth Century” Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of ARNOVA in New Orleans, 16-18 November 2000. 22 “The Museum Makers: Philanthropy and Bourgeois Practice in the Cities of Nineteenth-Century North America and Germany” Paper presented at the conference “Art, Culture and Policy: Prospects for the 21st Century” organized by the Americans for the Arts and the Center for Arts and Culture in Washington, 12-15 October 2000. “Jews, Antisemites, & Lifestyle Reform Movements in pre-1914 Germany” Paper presented at the International Symposium “From Emancipation to Restitution. Jews in German Society and Politics, 1800-2000” at the University of Toronto, 12 September 2000. “Bürgergesellschaft und moderner Staat – ein deutsch-amerikanischer Vergleich” Paper presented at the International Conference “Eigeninteresse und Gemeinwohlbildung. Kulturspezifische Ausformungen in den USA & Deutschland” at the University of Frankfurt, 23-25 June 2000. “Toronto has come to be known as a philanthropic city” Toronto Philanthropists and Their Philanthropies After the Turn of the Century. Paper presented at the conference “Celebrating One Thousand Years Of Ontario’s History” A Symposium organized by the Ontario Historical Society in Toronto, April 14-16, 2000. “Philanthropic Foundations in North American and German Cities in the 19th Century, and the Transfer of Ideas” Paper presented at the International Symposium “Culture and International Relations” at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, 17-19 December 1999. “Forging a New Elite: Bourgeois Practice and Philanthropy in the Cities of Nineteenth- Century North America and Germany.” Paper presented at the Third Annual Midwest German History Workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 20-21 November 1999. “Forging a New Elite: Bourgeois Practice and Philanthropy in the Cities of Nineteenth-Century North America and Germany.” Lecture at the University of Toronto, 20 October 1999. “Soziale Sicherheit vor der Bismarckschen Sozialgesetzgebung in Leipziger und Dresdner Unternehmen.” Paper for the “2. Unternehmensgeschichtlichen Kolloquium” organized by the University of Leipzig and the Sächsisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, Dresden, 30 September-2 October 1999. “Die Kommunalisierung von Kultureinrichtungen in Leipzig um die Jahrhundertwende.” Paper presented at the conference “Kultur im politischen Spannungsfeld” organized by the Institut für kulturelle Infrastruktur, Dresden, 29 April 1999. “Die Leipziger Bau- und Konsumgenossenschaften: ein sozialdemokratisches Traditionsmilieu unter der NS-Zeit und in der frühen DDR” (co-author Stephan Jaunich). Paper presented at the conference “Die lokalen Parteiapparate der NSDASP und der SED als Vermittlungsinstanzen der modernen Diktatur” organized by the Forschungsstelle Widerstandsgeschichte, the Freie Universität Berlin and the Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand, Berlin, 25/26 February 1999. “How proletarian was Leipzig’s Social Democratic Milieu?” Paper presented at the conference “Memory, Democracy, and the Mediated Nation. Political Cultures & Regional Identities in Germany 1848-1998.” International Conference of the University of Toronto in collaboration with the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C., Toronto, 18-20 September 1998. 23 “Heinrich Pudor - Lebensreformer und Verleger.” Paper presented at the conference “Das bewegte Buch. Buchwesen und soziale, politische und kulturelle Bewegungen um 1900.” Organized by the Leipziger Arbeitskreis zur Geschichte des Buchwesens in collaboration with the Friedrich-EbertStiftung, Leipzig, 10-12 September 1998. “Wie bürgerlich war das sozialdemokratische Milieu?” Paper presented at the workshop “Milieukonzept und empirische Forschung” organized by the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, 25-26 April 1998. “Das soziale Engagement Leipziger Unternehmer - die Tradition der Wohnstiftungen.” Paper presented at the “1. Unternehmensgeschichtlichen Kolloquium” organized by the University of Leipzig and the Sächsisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, Leipzig, 10-12 April 1997. “Erwachsenenbildung in Sachsen und Thüringen: Die Leipziger Richtung.” Paper presented at the International Conference “Romantik, Revolution und Reform. Der Eugen Diederichs Verlag im Epochenkontext 1900 bis 1945” organized by the University of Jena, Jena, 6-8 December 1996. “Die Ausbildung sozialer und politischer Milieus im Urbanisierungsprozeß - das Beispiel Leipzig.” Paper presented at the Sozialgeschichtlicher Arbeitskreis an der Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, 12 April 1996. “Vom Industriedorf zum Stadtteil - die Geschichte zweier Leipziger Stadtteile in der Jahrhundertwende.” Paper presented at the conference “Region und Regionalität in der Sozialgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts”, organized by the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, 25-26 March 1995. “Die politische Neuorientierung des Leipziger Gewerkschaftskartells in den Jahren 1915- 1919.” Paper presented at the International Conference “Sachsens Wirtschaft im Wechsel politischer Systeme des 20. Jahrhunderts” at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, 30 September-1 October 1993. Professional and Community Service A. University 2014- Present Hearing Officer 2010-2013 Library Committee 2010 Lecture on Germany in the 1920s for the Cabaret Mini-Lecture Series (Sept. 14, 2010) 2007 Lecture on Holocaust for the OneBook series on “Mouse” (Sept. 12, 2007) 2007-2008 Review Committee of Dean Phil Cohen B. College of Liberal Arts 2009-2010 Review Applications for the NEH Summer Fellowships 2008-2009 Tenure and Promotion College Committee 2004-2008 Humanities Institute/Digital Humanities Initiative Committee C. Department of History 2015-Present & 2002-2009 Webb Lectures 2015-Present & 2006-2011 Advisory Committee 2015-Present & 2006-2011 Scheduling Committee 24 2011-2015 Unit Effectiveness Committee 2011-2015 Adjunct/Graduate Teaching Committee 2011-2012 & 2004-2009 Faculty Research Enhancement and Faculty Development Leave Committee 2012-2013 Grievance Committee 2010-2011 & 2004-2006 THSO advisor 2010-2011 & 2001-2006 THSO 2009-2011 Graduate Studies Committee 2009-2010 & 2007-2008 PhD Program review committee 2009-2010 Search Committee, Migration History position 2008-2009 Search Committee, Progressive Era position 2007-2009 Tenure and Promotion Committee 2006-2007 and 2003-2004 Search Committee Medieval History position 2004-2005 Library committee 2001-2006 Phi Alpha Theta D. Service to the Profession Conferences and Workshops Organized Winterschule at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald “Stiftungen und Stiften im Wandel der Zeiten“, February 9-14, 2015. Forty-Fourth Annual Walter Prescott Webb Memorial Lectures “Crossing the Atlantic: Travel and Travel Writing in Modern Times” at the University of Texas at Arlington, March 12, 2009. Young Scholars Forum 2007: “American society beyond the level of national history” (co-organized with Uwe Luebken, German Historical Institute in Washington, DC) at the University of Texas at Arlington, March 29-April 1, 2007. “Diskontinuitäten im deutschen Stiftungswesen” at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, January 26/27, 2007 (co-organized with Rupert Graf Strachwitz from the Maecenata Institute and Manuel Frey from the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen). “Philanthropy in History: German and American Perspectives” at the German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C., March 30-April 1, 2006 (co-organized with Gabriele Lingelbach from the University of Trier and Simone Lässig from the German Historical Institute). Young Scholars Forum 2005: “Crossing the Atlantic: European Dimensions of American History” (co-organized with Christof Mauch, German Historical Institute in Washington, D.C.) at the University of Texas at Arlington, March 31-April 2, 2005 ( YoungScholarsForum2005_papers.html). Thirty-Eight Annual Walter Prescott Webb Memorial Lectures “Traveling between Worlds: German-American Encounters” at the University of Texas at Arlington, March 13, 2003. “Philanthropy, Patronage & Urban Politics: Transatlantic Transfers between Europe and North America in the 19th and 20th Century” at the University of Toronto, 3-5 May 2001 ( 25 “Milieukonzept und empirische Forschung” at the University of Leipzig, Leipzig, 25-26 April 1998. Panels Organized “Longing for ‘the Other:’ Tourism, Migration, and transnational Marriage, 1840s-1990s” for the Fourth European Congress on World and Global History in Paris September 4-7, 2014. “The Place of Dresden in American Memory”, panel at the annual meeting of the AHA in New Orleans, January 3-6, 2013. “Intercultural Transfer (I)”, “Intercultural Transfer (II)” series of panels at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Milwaukee/Wisconsin, October 4-7, 2012. “The German Diaspora in South America and Africa”, panel at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Milwaukee/Wisconsin, October 4-7, 2012. “Hitler in German and American Film”, panel at the Thirty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Milwaukee/Wisconsin, October 4-7, 2012. “Visions and Forms of Philanthropy: A Historical Perspective”, panel at the Tenth International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research at the Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy, July 10-13, 2012. “The Appeal of the German University Ideal in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century America: Critical Transatlantic Perspectives”, Panel of the Conference Group for Central European History Session 7 at the 122nd Meeting of the American Historical Association in Washington, D.C., January 3-6, 2008. “Soziale Wohlfahrt zwischen privater und staatlicher Verantwortung in Deutschland: Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten.“ Panel at the 27th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in New Orleans, Louisiana, September 18-21, 2003. Panel Commentator Panelist for Opening Roundtable “Constructing Transatlantic Spaces” at the Annual Graduate Conference in Transatlantic History at UTA, September 17, 2015. “Perceptions of Problems and Possibilities: German Views of America, 1900-1914” at the ThirtyEight Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in Kansas City, Missouri September 18-21, 2014. “Foreign Aid, Electoral Assistance, and Democratizing Elections” at the 72nd Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Association in Chicago, April 3-6, 2014. “Leisure Class and Travel” at the 14th Annual International Graduate Student Conference on Transatlantic History in Arlington, October 25-26, 2013. 26 Editor and Coordinator Positions Book review editor for H-NET Listserv H-GGSC (2008-2010) Network coordinator for transnational studies within the German Studies Association (2010-) Reviewer for Journals Continuity and Change (UK) German Studies Review (U.S.) Housing Studies (U.S.) International Journal of Public Policy (UK) International Review of Administrative Sciences (UK) Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society (U.S.) Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (U.S.) Journal of Historical Studies (ÖZG) (Austria) Journal of Urban History (U.S.) Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (U.S.) TRAVERSEA (U.S.) Urban History (Canada) Reviewer for Presses Routledge (U.S.) Cengage Learning (U.S.) German Historical Institute/Cambridge University Press (U.S./UK) Houghton Mifflin (U.S.) Oxford University Press (UK/U.S.) Palgrave Macmillan (UK/U.S.) Pickering and Chatto (UK) Reviewer for Conferences and Media Reviewer of paper proposals for the panels “European Philanthropy” and “Bequests and Intergenerational Transfers” for the European Research Network On Philanthropy (ERNOP), France 2015. Reviewing abstracts for the 11th International Conference of the International Society for ThirdSector Research (ISTR) in Münster, Germany 2014. Reviewing paper proposals for the 8th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) in Barcelona, Spain 2008. Advisor for production of documentary on working-class culture and trade unions in Leipzig before 1914 (Docfilm Karnick & Richter OHG, Germany) 27 Memberships AHA – American Historical Association, since 1999 ARNOVA – Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, since 2000 ISTR – International Society for Third-Sector Research since 2008 GSA – German Studies Association, since 1999 Urban History Association, since 2002 SGAS – Society for German-American Studies, since 2003 Karl Lamprecht Gesellschaft, since 2006 Phi Beta Delta – Honor Society for International Scholars, since 2002 F. Service to the Community Lecture “The Fall of European Communism” at the Johanniter Humanitarian Group/Dallas Goethe Center, May 8, 2015. Participation as an Expert in the Erich Hochman Manuscript Workshop at SMU – Evaluation of manuscript “Anschluss before Hitler: The Politics of Transborder Nationalism in Interwar Germany and Austria” (December 6, 2014) Participation in Panel on Life Experience in East Germany (October 14, 2014) organized by the Modern Language Department at the University of North Texas in Denton Introduction to the talk of Margaret Menninger (Texas State University at San Marcos) to the Dallas Goethe Center on January 21, 2005 (The serious matter of Excellence: Constructing a Musikstadt in Nineteenth-Century Leipzig). Lecture “The Fall of the Berlin Wall” at the Northeast Branch of the Arlington Public Library, November 9, 2009. Teaching Experience A. Undergraduate Classes Taught HIST 2302: History of the Modern World HIST 3300: Introduction to Transnational History HIST 3344: Killing Hitler on American Screens HIST 4356: Imperial Germany 1740-1914 HIST 4357: Modern Germany 1918-2000 HIST 4358: The Third Reich HIST 4384: Europe between Democracy and Dictatorship HIST 4383/GERM 4322: Hitler: History and Image HIST 4388: Divided Germany (1945-1989) B. Graduate Classes Taught HIST 5312: Wilhelmine Germany, 1871-1918 HIST 5312: Divided Germany, 1945-2000 HIST 5332: The Weimar Republic, 1918-1933 HIST 5339: Historical Theory and Methods HIST 5332: European Society in the Cold War, 1945-1989 28 HIST 6302: German-American Encounters HIST 6304: Intercultural Transfers HIST 6322: Intercultural Transfer (Research Seminar) HIST 6338: Introduction to Transnational History C. Chaired Student Projects Ph.D. Dissertations (concluded) “Cold War Rivalry and the Perception of the American West: Why Both Westerners and Easterners Became Cowboys and Indians” (Pawel Goral, March 2012). Published as: Pawel Goral, Cold War Rivalry and the Perception of the American West, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2014, 185pp. Outside Reader for Dissertations “Consumption Junction, What’s its Function? Consumer Co-Operatives, State-Citizen-Relations, and Consumer Culture in the German Democratic Republic“ by Mark McCulloch (University of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) Masters Theses (concluded) “Representations of the Holocaust in Texas World History Textbooks from 1947 to 1990” (Ryan Abt, April 2015) “Lustration Legislation in Eastern Europe and Its Meaning for the Western World” (Yan Vuks, November 2014). “How To Make a Foreign Idea Your Own: Argentine Identity and the Role Soccer Played in Its Formation” (Brandon Blakeslee, October 2014). “The Chinese Labor Corps in the First World War” (Shirley Frey, November 2009). “American Travel to Saxony and Travel Writing in the first half of the nineteenth century: The example of George and Anna Ticknor’s travel writing” (Ashley Sides, March, 2008). Published as: Ashley Sides, “’That Humane and Advanced Civilization’: Interpreting Americans’ Values from Their Praise of Saxony, 1800-1850”, in: Adam/Roemer (eds.), Crossing the Atlantic, pp. 11-49. “Everything but the Oink: The Significance of the Swine in the Pennsylvania Dutch Culture” (Sime Bertolet, September 2004). McNair Student Scholar Projects (concluded) “Funding Opportunities or Furthering the Elites” (Anastasia Hayes-Stoker, August 2009). “Literature as a Vehicle of Memory: The Nazi Past in East German Literature” (Anastasia HayesStoker, August 2008). Honors Theses (concluded) “British and German Memoirs of the First World War” (Brenna L. Witt, November 2010). 29
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