Vortrag Dr. Alan Jameel Ibrahim Homa am 09.07.2015, 18

Hochschulöffentliche Vorträge über die internationale
ethnomethodologische Forschungsstelle:
Hochschulpartnerschaft mit der UoD Irak / Kurdistan
Prof. Dr. Monika Ortmann, Dekan Prof. Dr. Manfred Wittrock
Dipl. Psych. Dorin Strenge, LfbA Sönke Thies
Dr. Alan Jameel Ibrahim Homa
Head of School of Education and Psychology, University of Dohuk
Vortrag 1
Institutions for Children and
Adolescents with Special
Educational Needs in the Area of
Dohuk Kurdistan/ Iraq
Donnerstag, d. 09.07.2015
18 -19 Uhr, Raum A04 2-221
Dr. Chachan Jumaa Mohammed
Head of Department of Special Needs Education,
University of Dohuk
Vortrag 2
The Situation of Families with
Children with Impairments - a
Cultural View on Disability in
Northern Iraq
Donnerstag, d. 09.07.2015
19 - 20 Uhr, Raum A04 2-221