0RUQLQJHPDLOV )HUWLJNHLW/HVHYHUVWHKHQ 1LYHDX$ Ich kann einfache Texte zu verschiedenen Themen im Wesentlichen verstehen, auch wenn ich nicht alle Wörter kenne. 'HVNULSWRU Ich kann persönliche Mitteilungen (SMS, Postkarten, E-Mails, Briefe) und kurze Erlebnisberichte verstehen. %HVFKUHLEXQJ Die Schülerinnen und Schüler lesen verschiedene E-Mails und kreuzen dann im PXOWLSOHFKRLFH Verfahren richtige Aussagen zu den Mails an. 2UJDQLVDWLRQVIRUP Einzel- oder Partnerarbeit =HLWDXIZDQG ca. 25 Minuten (UIOOXQJVJUDG Die Aufgabe gilt als erfüllt, wenn 3 von 4 Items richtig zugeordnet wurden. 6SLHJHOELOG$XIJDEH: Schreiben: Die Schülerinnen und Schüler schreiben kurze persönliche Mitteilungen in Form von E-Mails z.B. an Freunde oder Familienmitglieder. 0DWHULDO0HGLHQ Arbeitsanweisung Arbeitsblatt Lösungsblatt Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“ Aufgabe 0RUQLQJHPDLOV Blatt 1 von 3 0RUQLQJHPDLOV $UEHLWVDQZHLVXQJHQ )UGLHVH$XIJDEHEUDXFKVWGX Ö GDV$UEHLWVEODWW0RUQLQJHPDLOV Ö HLQHQ6WLIW]XP9HUELQGHQGHU(0DLOVXQGGHU$QWZRUWHQ (VLVW0RQWDJPRUJHQ7LPZDFKWXP8KUDXI6HLQH(OWHUQKDEHQGDV+DXV VFKRQYHUODVVHQ:lKUHQGHUIUKVWFNWPDFKWHUGHQ&RPSXWHUDQXQGOLHVW VHLQH(0DLOV'DHUQLFKWYLHO=HLWKDWVFKUHLEWHUQXUNXU]H$QWZRUWHQ]XUFN Ö /LHVGLHGUHL(0DLOVXQGGLHP|JOLFKHQ$QWZRUWHQJHQDXGXUFK Ö (QWVFKHLGHGDQQZHOFKHGHU(0DLOV]XZHOFKHU$QWZRUWSDVVW 'DEHLLVWHVP|JOLFKGDVVQLFKWQXUHLQH$QWZRUWP|JOLFKLVW ULFKWLJH$QWZRUWHQ -VHKUJXW ULFKWLJH$QWZRUWHQ .RND\ ULFKWLJH$QWZRUWHQ /GXEUDXFKVWQRFKPHKUhEXQJ <RXQHHG Ö ZRUNVKHHW0RUQLQJHPDLOV Ö DSHQWRFRQQHFWWKHHPDLOVZLWKWKHDQVZHUV ,W·V0RQGD\PRUQLQJ7LPZDNHVXSDWR·FORFN+LVSDUHQWVKDYHDOUHDG\OHIW WKHKRXVH:KLOHKH·VKDYLQJEUHDNIDVWKHVZLWFKHVRQWKHFRPSXWHUDQGUHDGV KLVHPDLOV%HFDXVHWKHUH·VQRWPXFKWLPHOHIWKHRQO\ZULWHVVKRUWDQVZHUV Ö 5HDGWKHWKUHHHPDLOVDQGWKHSRVVLEOHDQVZHUVFDUHIXOO\ Ö 'HFLGHZKLFKHPDLOILWVZKLFKDQVZHU7KHUHPD\EHPRUHWKDQ RQHSRVVLEOHDQVZHU ULJKWDQVZHUV ULJKWDQVZHUV ULJKWDQVZHUV -YHU\JRRG .RND\ /\RXQHHGPRUHSUDFWLFH Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“ Aufgabe 0RUQLQJHPDLOV Blatt 2 von 3 0RUQLQJHPDLOV )URP: [email protected] 7R: [email protected] 6XEMHFW: ,QYLWDWLRQ Hi Tim, How are you? I would like to invite you and your girlfriend to my birthday party next Saturday. It’ll start at 8pm. Because my parents are on holiday, I have to arrange the whole buffet myself. Would you two be so kind as to bring a chocolate cake? I know that your girlfriend made one for Marc’s party three weeks ago. It was great! Please tell me if you can come as quickly as possible. Thanks a lot, Peter )URP: [email protected] 7R: [email protected] 6XEMHFW: :KDW¶VZURQJ" Dear Tim, Why didn’t you call me last night? I waited 1am. Now I’m terribly tired. Don’t until you love me anymore? In the last few weeks you have only met me four times! What is wrong? Do you have another girlfriend? I saw you with Maureen the other day. Are you out with her? I still love you! Call going me! Tina )URP: [email protected] 7R: [email protected] 6XEMHFW: 8UJHQW Hi Tim, I can't go to school today. I’ve hurt my left ankle, playing soccer. I went to the doctor’s on Friday. He tells me to stay home for a few days. Could you please tell Mrs Brown? I'll bring my apology along when I come back to school. Besides – could you collect all the work sheets for me which we get on the days I'm not at school? It would be nice if you visited me this afternoon or tomorrow. Thanks, Marc. $UEHLWVEODWW :RUNVKHHW I still love you and I’m so sorry. I fell asleep when I came home from football. May I see you tonight? Kisses Tim I’ve tried to call you all night, Lisa! But you didn’t answer the phone. So, it’s not my fault! Tim You shouldn’t play so much basketball. I hope that your knee will be all right again soon! I can visit you next weekend. Tim I won’t see Mrs Black today. But I’ll ask Peter to tell her. Get well soon. Tim Yes, I’m going out with Maureen, too. That’s why I haven' t had more time in the last few weeks. Sorry, Tim Soccer seems to be dangerous. I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll come to visit you after school today. See you later! Tim I would really like to come. I also love this chocolate cake. I’ll ask her to make one. See you on Saturday! Tim Thanks for your invitation. Sorry, I cannot come to your party on Friday. We’re going to the cinema. Bye, Tim. Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“ Aufgabe 0RUQLQJHPDLOV Blatt 3 von 3 /|VXQJHQ 6ROXWLRQV 0RUQLQJHPDLOV )URP: [email protected] 7R: [email protected] 6XEMHFW: ,QYLWDWLRQ Hi Tim, How are you? I would like to invite you and your girlfriend to my birthday party next Saturday. It’ll start at 8pm. Because my parents are on holiday, I have to arrange the whole buffet myself. Would you two be so kind as to bring a chocolate cake? I know that your girlfriend made one for Marc’s party three weeks ago. It was great! Please tell me if you can come as quickly as possible. a lot, Thanks Peter )URP: [email protected] 7R: [email protected] 6XEMHFW: :KDW¶VZURQJ" Dear Tim, Why didn’t you call me last night? I waited until 1am. Now I’m terribly tired. Don’t you love me anymore? In the last few weeks you have only met me four times! What is wrong? Do you have another girlfriend? I saw you with Maureen the other day. Are you going out with her? I still love you! Call me! Tina )URP: [email protected] 7R: [email protected] 6XEMHFW: 8UJHQW Hi Tim, I can't go to school today. I’ve hurt my left ankle, playing soccer. I went to the doctor’s on Friday. He tells me to stay home for a few days. Could you please tell Mrs Brown? I'll bring my apology along when I come back to school. Besides – could you collect all the worksheets for me which we get on the days I'm not at school? It would be nice if you visited me this afternoon or tomorrow. Thanks, Marc. I still love you and I’m so sorry. I fell asleep when I came home from football. May I see you tonight? Kisses Tim I’ve tried to call you all night, Lisa! But you didn’t answer the phone. So, it’s not my fault! Tim You shouldn’t play so much basketball. I hope that your knee will be all right again soon! I can visit you next weekend. Tim I won’t see Mrs Black today. But I’ll ask Peter to tell her. Get well soon. Tim Yes, I’m going out with Maureen, too. That’s why I haven' t had more time in the last few weeks. Sorry, Tim Soccer seems to be dangerous. I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll come to visit you after school today. See you later! Tim I would really like to come. I also love this chocolate cake. I’ll ask her to make one. See you on Saturday! Tim Thanks for your invitation. Sorry, I cannot come to your party on Friday. We’re going to the cinema. Bye, Tim. Sammlung von Musteraufgaben zum Sprachenportfolio des © BLK-Verbundprojekts „Sprachen lehren und lernen als Kontinuum“
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