Dinner/Hintergrund Beautiful (Christina Aguilera) Standardtanz ABBA-Medly Annies Song (Walzer) (John Denver) Break away (Walzer) (Kelly Clarkson) Black velvet (Alanah Myles) That'samore(Walzer)(DeanMar:n) Ain'tnosunshine Ain'tthatakickinthehead Cheek to cheek (Frank Sinatra) Don't know why (Nora Jones) Dream a little dream (The Mamas & the Papas) Don’t go breaking (Disco Fox) (Elton John & Kiki Dee) Drückdie1 Everything(MichaelBublé) Eternalflame(AComicKiCen) Followme Fallin(AliciaKeys) I just called to say I love you (Stevie Wonder) Fatherandson(DueC)(CatStevens) Fever (Elvis) From a distance (Bette Midler) Feelinggood(MichaelBuble) It takes 2 Islands in the stream (Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers) Waterloo (Jive) (ABBA) She’s always a woman to me (Walzer) (Billy Joel) True love (Dean Martin) 70er I’m so excited (Pointer Sisters) We are family (Sister Sledge) I’m walking on sunshine (Kathrina & The Waves) It’s raining men (Geri Halliwell) (Disco Fox) I will survive (Disco Fox) (Gloria Gaynor) Hot stuff (Donna Summer) Venus (Bananarama) Imagine (The Beatles) If I ain't got you (Alicia Keys) Layla Lucky(JasonMraz&ColbieCaillat) Leanonme(BillWithers) More than words (Extreme) Männer muss man loben (Barbara Schöneberger) nurnochkurzdieWeltreCen Quandoquando(Michael Bublé&NellyFurtado) Sittin on the dock of the bay (Otis Redding) Smooth operator (Sade) Something stupid (Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman) s:lltheone(ShaniaTwain) Sunrise(NorahJones) Summerwine (Nancy Sinatry & Ville Valo) Ironic (Alanis Morissette) Hand in my pocket (Alanis Morissette) I know there’s something going on (Frida) breakfastatTiffany's wonderwall Celebration (Kool & The Gang) Dancing Queen (ABBA) Mamma-Mia (ABBA) Thank you for the music (ABBA) Aktuelles CalmaMerthestorm(Thecommon Linnets) Callmemaybe(CarlyRaeJepsen) Gimme-Gimme (ABBA) Einmal um die Welt Ain’t nobody (Samba) (Chaka Khan) Think (Aretha Franklin) Easy(Cro) GoodRiddance Ibelieve(JoannaZimmer) 90er Get the party started (Pink) I will love again (Lara Fabian) LiCletalks(OfMonstersandMen) You light up my live (langsamer Walzer) To know him is to love him (Walzer) (Til Spector) Notfair(LilyAllen)(Quickstep) Stumblinin(Discofox) Whattheworldneedsnowis love(JackiedeShannon)(Walzer) Küssmich,haltmich,liebmich (WienerWalzer) Thewayitis(BruceHonsby) Hot n cold (Katy Perry) 80er I Kissed a girl (Katy Perry) englishmaninNewYork Needyounow(LadyAntebellum) Likeaprayer(Madonna) singleladies(Beyoncé) somethinginthewater(Brooke Fraser) I wanna dance with somebody (Whitney Huston) KarmaChameleon Satelite(Lena) Like a virgin (Madonna) Happy (Pharrell Williams) NDW Wings(Birdy) Royals(Lorde) 99 Luftballons (Nena) Aufuns(AndreasBourani) LeuchCurm(Nena) Allaboutthatbass(MeghanTrainor) zruckzudir(Nickerbocker&Bine) DeinistmeinganzesHerz(Heinz RudolfKunze) Rockmi(Voxxclub) WickedGame(Isaak) Latin Love is in the air (Disco Fox) (John Paul Young) anightlikethis(Caro Emerald)(ChaCha) Sway(PussycatDolls) Smooth Soul Son of a preacherman (Aretha Franklin) Superwoman(AliciaKeys) Country Stand by your man (Foxtrott) (Lynn Anderson) Things (Robbie Williams) Yourman(JoshTurner) If I were a boy (Beyonce) Throughglass Youdon'tknowme No no never (Texas Lightning) This is the life (Amy Mc Donald) Halo(Bejoncé) GirlonFire(AliciaKeys) You've got a friend (Carol King) perfect(FairgroundACac:on) Youmightneedsomebody(Randy Crawford) Ain'nobody(JasminThomson) Lieblingsmensch Electro-Pop sungoesdown(RobinSchulzfeat. JasmineThompson) Ratherbe(CleanBandit) whenlovetakesover(DavidGueCa& KellyRowland) Wefoundlove(Rihanna) Scream&Shout(WillIam&Britney) Oldies Da doo run run (Cha Cha) Rock Summergroove Baccardi feeling (Kate Yanai) Balladen Fields of gold (Eva Cassidy) Conga (Gloria Estefan) I can see clearly now (Neil Diamond) Everytime (The Flames) Feels like home (Chantal Kreviazuk) La isla bonita (Madonna) Home(MichaelBublé) JungleDrum(EmiliaTorrini) I believe I can fly I got you babe (Sunny & Cher) Queen-Medley Bringmebacktolife (Evenesence) I've had the time of my life (Mambo) Denkmal(WirsindHelden) I'mabeliever Locomotion Bitch (Meredith Brooks) When you're gone (Mel C & Bryan Adams) Perfekte Welle (Juli) RamaLamaDingDong Like the way I do (Melissa Etheridge) Big black horse and the cherry tree (KT Thunstall) Idon'twannamissathing (Aerosmith) Letitrain(AmandaMarshall) BasketCase 36Grad(Zweiraumwohnung) Love is all around (Wet Wet Wet) Underthebridge Musical Lastunicorn(America) Mylove(Sia) MyImmortal(Evanescense) Song2 Heartlight TheStory(BrandiCarlile) Fame (Cha Cha) Grease-Medley Lady Marmalade (Moulin Rouge) Summer nights (Grease) KarmaChameleon Stand by me Take good care of my baby You can't hurry love (Quickstep) Schlager Atemlos(HeleneFischer) Duhastmich1000xbetrogen IchwillimmerwiederdiesesFieber (HeleneFischer) Er gehört zu mir (Marianne Rosenberg) What’s up (4 Non Blondes) Weak(SkunkAnansis) GriechischerWein Ich will nen Cowboy als Mann (Gitte) Im Wagen vor mir Que sera (Walzer) (Doris Day) Schuld war nur der Bosanova What a feeling (Discofox) (Flashdance) You’re the one that I want (Quickstep) (Grease) Hero (Mariah Carey) Hello(LionelRichie) Nothing compares (Seaned o' Connor) Nothing else matters (Lucie Silvers) Ninemillionbycicles(KateMelua) Onlyhope(MandyMoore) One Moment in time (Whitney Huston) paintwiththecolorsofthewind Run(LeonnaLewis) Balladen A whole new world Angels(RobbieWilliams) Angel(SarahMcLachlan) ÜberdenWolken Because you loved me (Celine Dion) Brown girl in the ring (Boney M.) IchwünschdirLiebeohneLeiden (Udo&JennyJürgens) Bergwerk Canyoufeelthelovetonight Endless love (Diana Ross & Lyonel Richie) Everything I do, I do it for you (Bryan Adams) FallingSlowly Feel (Robbie Williams) Private emotion (Ricky Martin & Meja) Stand: Februar 2016 Kontakt: Sibylle Mantau [email protected] Tel: 09101 9040044 Whatawonderfulworld(Ka:e Melua) Overtherainbow(Ka:eMelua) Fastcar(BoysAvenue) Sailing (Rod Steward) She'slikethewind Smellsliketeenspirit(ToriAmos) Stuckonyou(LionelRichie) Time after time (Ciny Lauper) The rose (Bette Midler) Tearsinheaven Up where we belong (Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes) Your Song You are always on my mind (Elvis Presley) Whenyousaynothingatall(Ronan Kea:ng) One(U2&MaryJ.Blige) Deutsch-Balladen Das Beste (Silbermond) dirgehörtmeinHerz Ichfühlwiedu(Tabaluga) Haltmich(Grönemeyer) Sageslaut(XavierNaidoo) Wieschöndubist(SarahConnor) Die Liste erweitert sich ständig. Kreuzen Sie bitte Ihre Wunschtitel an. Wie kann ein Mensch das ertragen WennIhreLieblingssongshiernichtstehen,einfachdazuschreibenund ich spiele bzw. singe diese an Ihrem Event. irgendwasdasbleibt(Silbermond) Ja!(Silbermond) DannbinichzuHaus DueC Sibylle Philipp
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