“Russian Émigré Culture: Transcending the Borders of Countries

International Conference
“Russian Émigré Culture:
Transcending the Borders of
Countries, Languages and
Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken November 12-­‐15, 2015 Universität des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken), Department of Slavonic Studies Alexander von Humboldt-­‐Stiftung/Foundation Scientific Committee: Prof Dr Roland Marti (Universität des Saarlandes), Prof Dr Christoph Flamm (Musikhochschule Lübeck), Prof Dr Ada Raev (Otto-­‐Friedrich-­‐Universität Bamberg) Conference Organisation: Dr Marina Lupishko (Universität des Saarlandes), Dr Olga Tabachnikova (University of Central Lancashire, UK) Invited Speakers: Prof Dr Michael Meylac (Université de Strasbourg, France), Prof Emeritus Stephen Walsh (Cardiff University, UK), Prof Dr Ada Raev (Otto-­‐Friedrich-­‐Universität Bamberg) Guest Speakers: Evgeniy Tsymbal (film director, Russia), David Markish (writer, Israel) Further information, the list of speakers, abstracts and biographical notes: http://www.uni-­‐saarland.de/fak4/fr44/CONFERENCE/ 2 PROGRAMME FOR 12 NOVEMBER, THURSDAY 18:00 – 19:00 Registration C 7 4, hall 19:00 – 20:30 Screening of Evgeniy Tsymbal’s documentaries “Сны Сталкера“ (Stalker’s Dreams), in Russian, with English subtitles, 52 min., and “Юргис Балтрушайтис – последний рыцарь серебряного века“ (Jurgis Baltrušaitis: The Last Knight of the Silver Age), in Russian, with English subtitles, 52 min. C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) PROGRAMME FOR 13 NOVEMBER, FRIDAY 8:00 – 9:00 Registration C 7 4, hall Parallel Session 1: National Identity between Literature, Art, and Ideology C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 9:00 Svetlana Garziano (Université Lyon 3, France): Взгляд эмиграции первой волны на единственность/двойственность русской литературы XX века 9:30 Ben Dhooge (Ghent University, Belgium): Embracing Reality: Revolution, Civil War and European Life in Émigré Poetry 10:00 Wim Coudenys (KU Leuven, Antwerpen, Belgium): Pushkin in the House of Mirrors: The 1937 Centennial Celebrations in Belgium and the Squared One-­‐or-­‐Two-­‐Cultures-­‐Paradigm 10:30 Anna Fortunova (HMTM Hannover, Germany): Переходя границы: образ утерянной Родины в поэтическом, музыкальном и журналистском творчестве русских эмигрантов в Берлине 1920-­‐х годов Parallel Session 2: Transcending Borders: Cultural, Temporal and Linguistic B 3 1, room 0.11 (Sitzungssaal) 9:00 Anna Norris (Michigan State University, USA): From Russia to France: Irène Némirovsky's Emigration Novels 9:30 Olga Chervinskaya and Yulia Vilchinskaya (Chernivtsi National University, Khmelnytskyi Pedagogical Academy, Ukraine): Борис Поплавский и Евгений Маланюк, типология изгнанничества 3 10:00 Ivo Pospíšil (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic): Russian Emigration as a Methodological Problem: A Case Study of Sergii Vilinsky, Roman Jakobson and Evgeniy Lyatskiy and Their Relations to the Czech Environment 11:00 – 11:30 TEA/COFFEE 11:30 – 12:30 Michael Meylac (Université de Strasbourg, France) – Plenary Lecture “Russia and the West: A Transparent Membrane?” Parallel Session 3: Case-­‐studies of Exile: Brodsky and Others C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 12:30 – 14.00 – PAUSE FOR LUNCH C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 14:00 Nataliya Gavrilova (Graduate Center, CUNY, USA): Joseph Brodsky’s Anti-­‐Romanticism and T.S. Eliot’s Critical Tradition 14:30 Elena Neznamova (University of Essex, UK): Omne solum vati patria est, ille incola mundi: Joseph Brodsky’s Internal and External Emigration and His Endless Psycho-­‐Political Journey 15:00 Robyn Jensen (Columbia University, USA): Photographs That Speak: Word and Image in Nabokov, Brodsky, and Shteyngart 15:30 Maksym Klymentiev (Kyiv Institute of Philosophy, Ukraine): Re-­‐emigration: The Case of Natalia Il’ina (1914-­‐94) Parallel Session 4: Case-­‐studies of Exile: Nabokov and Others B 3 1, room 0.11 (Sitzungssaal) 14:00 Julia Titus (Yale University and CUNY, USA): The Theme of Memory in Proust’s In Search of Lost Time and Nabokov’s Speak, Memory! 14:30 Soelve Curdts (HHU Duesseldorf, Germany): Nabokov’s The Gift: History and A Critique of Realism 15:00 Kristina Naumann (CAU Kiel, Germany): Die Stadt Berlin als „Russkij Berlin“ in Vladimir Nabokovs „Putevoditel‘ po Berlinu“ und Mašen'ka. 15:30 Irina Rebrova (University of Salzburg, Austria): Between Tradition and Innovation: Contemporary Émigré Journals on the “Other Shores” of Virtual Space 16:00 – 16:30 TEA/COFFEE 4 Parallel Session 5: Cultural Retention, Adaptation and Exchange C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 16:30 Maria Gatti Racah (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy): “A Jewish Question and a Russian Answer”: Émigrés’ Reflections on Exile and Diasporic Solidarity 17:00 Susanne Marten-­‐Finnis (University of Portsmouth, UK): Russian Art Goes Global: The Ballets Russes, Concepts – Trajectories – Negotiation Strategies 17.30 David Markish (writer, Israel): Поверх оценок. Русско-­‐еврейская литература или собрание литераторов? Parallel Session 6: Literature of Russian Emigration: Discourses, Languages and Themes B 3 1, room 0.11 (Sitzungssaal) 16:30 Anna Arustamova (Perm State University, Russia): The Russian Theme in the English-­‐
language Prose of Russian Émigré Authors in the USA (Maria Moravsky’s Firebird and Olga Ilyin’s The Saint Petersburg Affair) 17:00 Melissa Purkiss (University of Oxford, UK): Gaito Gazdanov: “Литература в газетных статьях была совершенно неуместна” 17:30 Dagmar Gramshammer-­‐Hohl (KFU Graz, Austria): Narratives of Homecoming in Russian Literature of Emigration 18:00 Nora Scholtz (LMU München, Germany): „Мы — реализации метафоры“ /“Wir sind die Realisation einer Metapher.“ Emigration als Verfahren und multiple Kompositionsstrukturen in Viktor Šklovskijs ZOO ili pis’ma ne o ljubvi 18:30-­‐19:00 PAUSE 19:00-­‐20:00 ROUND TABLE: Russian-­‐Jewish Emigration: Cross-­‐cultural Perspectives C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) Michael Meylac (France), David Markish (Israel), Olaf Terpitz (University of Vienna, Austria), Susanne Marten-­‐Finnis (UK). Co-­‐ordinator: Olga Tabachnikova (University of Central Lancashire, UK) 5 PROGRAMME FOR 14 NOVEMBER, SATURDAY Session 1: Émigrés of the Russian Musical Avant-­‐garde C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 9:00 Rebecca Mitchell (Middlebury College, USA): Leonid Sabaneyev’s Apocalypse and Musical Metaphysics after 1917 9:30 Olesya Bobrik (State Institute for Art Studies, Moscow, Russia): Memory of Russia in the Literary and Musical Œuvres of Arthur Lourié from the 1940s-­‐1960s 10:00 Irina Akimova (independent researcher, France): L'apport des musiciens russes dans l'élargissement des sujets sur la musique entre 1920 et 1960 : Un aperçu de quelques périodiques français 10:30 Jonathan Powell (independent researcher, composer, and pianist, UK/Poland): The Russian Musical Avant-­‐Garde in Paris: Lourié, Obukhov, Sabaneyev and Wyschnegradsky 11:00 – 11:30 TEA/COFFEE 11:30 – 12:30 Stephen Walsh (Cardiff University, UK) – Plenary Lecture “Stravinsky in Emigration: How to Stay Russian in Exile” C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 12:30 – 14:00 – PAUSE FOR LUNCH Parallel Session 2: Theatre, Ballet, and Cinema in Emigration C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 14:00 Vitaliy Ryzhenkov (independent researcher, Russia): Nicolay Evreinov in the European Cultural Space of the 1930s-­‐1950s 14:30 Olga Velitchkina (independent researcher, France): Facing New Soviet Russia: Russian Cabaret Culture in Paris between Thaw and Perestroika 15:00 Evgeniy Tsymbal (film director, Russia): Андрей Тарковский – сны об эмиграции и эмигрантская реальность в «Мартирологе» в 1976-­‐1986 гг. Parallel Session 3: Musical Emigration towards East and West C 7 3, room 1.12 (Seminarraum) 14:00 Tatiana Baranova-­‐Monighetti (independent researcher, Switzerland): Russian Emigration and Antisemitism: Stravinsky’s Case 6 14:30 Elena Dubinets (independent researcher, USA): Which Place is Called a Musical Home? Multi-­‐
Country Migration and Homecoming Experiences of Russian Émigré Composers 15:00 Simo Mikkonen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland): Russian Artistic Intelligentsia of Shanghai, 1919-­‐1949: Russian Culture in a Cosmopolitan Context 15:30 Hon-­‐Lun Yang (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong): Russian Émigrés and the Shanghai Municipal Orchestra 16:00 – 16:30 TEA/COFFEE Parallel Session 4: Musical Culture and Ideology between East and West C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 16:30 Katerina Levidou (University of Athens, Greece, and KCL, UK): On the Poiesis of the Poetics: Stravinsky’s ‘Bible’ of Neoclassicism as a Reflection of Russian Émigré Thought 17:00 Patrick Zuk (University of Durham, UK): Boris Asaf’yev and the Development of Soviet Musicological Constructs of ‘the West’ and ‘Russia Abroad’ 17:30 Suzanne-­‐Laetitia Kassian (Université Paris-­‐4, France): Pierre Souvtchinsky et Boris Assafiev, collaborations et échanges Parallel Session 5: Inner vs. Outer Emigration: Special Cases and Subversions C 7 3, room 1.12 (Seminarraum) 16:30 Svetlana Zvereva (independent researcher, UK): Russian Sacred Music Beyond the Frontiers of the USSR from the 1920s to the 1940s: Affirming Traditions, Seeking New Forms (to be read in absentia by Dr Stuart Campbell) 17:00 Maria Razumovskaya (independent researcher, UK): Heinrich Neuhaus: An Émigré Within 18:30-­‐20:00 CONCERT Jonathan Powell, piano C 5 1, room 1.01 (Musiksaal) Leonid Sabaneyev Sonata in Memory of Scriabin (1915) Artur Lourié Crépuscule d’une faune (1912); Gigue (1924) Ivan Wyschnegradsky Etude sur le carré magique sonore, op. 40 (1957, rev. 1970) Nicolas Obouhov Révélation/Откровение (1915) Igor Stravinsky Piano Rag Music (1919) Nicolas Obouhov Hostie/Просфора (before 1933) 7 Ivan Wyschnegradsky Sergey Prokofiev Elévation, à la mémoire de Nicolas Obouhov op. 38, no. 2 (1964); Solitude op. 38, no. 3 (1959) Sonata no. 5, op. 38/135 (1923, rev. 1952-­‐3) 20:00 – DINNER PROGRAMME FOR 15 NOVEMBER, SUNDAY Parallel Session 1: Going West: Russian Émigré Artists in Berlin and Paris C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 9:00 Paul Weber (independent researcher, Germany): Kandinsky’s Departure to Berlin in 1921 9:30 Elina Knorpp (independent researcher, Germany): Djagilevs Bühnenbildner – Schicksale im Exil 10:00 Pavel Pavlinov (independent researcher, Russia): Судьба и творчество Зинаиды Серебряковой и ее детей в Париже 10:30 Lena M. Lencek (Reed College, USA): Pavel Pavlovich Muratov and Bernard Berenson: Notes on a Correspondence Parallel Session 2: Going South: Russian Émigré Artists in Turkey and Italy C 7 3, room 1.12 (Seminarraum) 9:00 Vita Susak (Lviv National Art Gallery, Ukraine): Alexis Gritchenko’s Two Years in Constantinople or Tsvetodynamos in Istanbul 9:30 Aysenur Guler (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey): The Impact of Alexis Gritchenko on the 1914 Generation of Turkish Artists 10:00 Giuseppina Giuliano (Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy): Андрей Белобородов, «метафизический палладианец» 10:30 Matteo Bertelé (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Italy): Between Dissidents and Academicians. Russian Emigré Artists in Italy during the Cold War 11:00 – 11:15 TEA/COFFEE 11:15 – 12:00 Ada Raev (Otto-­‐Friedrich-­‐Universität Bamberg, Germany) – Plenary Lecture “Russian Émigré Artists between National Stereotypes and Universal Innovations” 8 C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 12:00 – 13.30 – PAUSE FOR LUNCH Parallel Session 3: Changing Identities of Russian Émigré Artists C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 13:30 Nadezhda Stanulevich (Russian Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Russia): Émigré Colour Photographs and Films by Prokudin-­‐Gorsky & Sons 14:00 Kateryna Lobodenko (Université Paris-­‐3, France): De l’ancien au nouveau : des recherches identitaires des émigrés dans le dessin de presse russe en France dans l’entre-­‐deux-­‐guerres 14:30 Olga Furman (Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia): The Impact of Russian Avant-­‐garde Art on European Children’s Book Illustrations. Nathalie Parain in France 15:00 Lovorka Magaš Bilandžić (University of Zagreb, Croatia): Russian Émigré Artists in Zagreb: The Froman Family and Their Impact on Cultural Life in Interwar Croatia 15:30 Lina Bernstein (Franklin and Marshall College, USA): The Russian-­‐Born Indian Artist Magda Nachman Acharya Parallel Session 4: Russian Émigré Artists in International Dialogue C 7 3, room 1.12 (Seminarraum) 13:30 Jeremy Howard (University of St. Andrews, UK): Shedding Light: The Union of Youth Dispersal after Victory over the Sun 14:00 Tatiana Teterevleva (Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Arkhangelsk, Russia): Fairy Trips Валерия Каррика: Русская культура на периферии русского зарубежья (1920-­‐е–1930-­‐е гг.) 14:30 Hikaru Ogura (University of Tokio, Japan): Aleksey Remizov and Józef Czapski: Exchanges between Two Artists 15:00 Zinaida Starodubtseva (independent researcher, Russia): Identity Policy of Russian Artists Abroad in the 1970s-­‐1990s 15:30 Olga Keller (JLU Giessen, Germany): Ilya Kabakov: A Representative Émigré Artist and the International (Émigré) Art Discourse 16:00 – 16:30 TEA/COFFEE Parallel Session 5: Russian Émigré Artists between Professional Corporations and the Art Market C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 9 16:30 Tamara Galeeva (Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia): Split Identity: World of Art – Association of Russian Artists in Paris in 1920s-­‐1930s 17:00 Nicola Kozicharow (University of Cambridge, UK): The “Rich and Powerful” Maliavin and the European Art Market 17:30 Bettina Jungen (Amherst College, USA): The Émigré Artist and the Collector Parallel Session 6: Russian Emigration and Art History C 7 3, room 1.12 (Seminarraum) 16:30 Francesco Lovino (Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague): The Seminarium Kondakovianum, or a Rediscovery of Byzantium in Prague 17:00 Marina Dmitrieva (GWZO Leipzig, Germany): The Kondakov Institute of Russian Exiles in Prague: Transnational Context and Interactions 17:30 Maria Podzorova (Université Paris-­‐7, France): Russian Émigrés in the Popularisation of Soviet Art: The Example of George K. Loukomski 18:00 Maria Lipatova (Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum, Russia): Russian Theatre in France. A View from the Theatre Museum of A. Bakhrushin 18:30 – 20:00 FINAL DISCUSSION and screening of Evgeniy Tsymbal’s documentary about V. Kropivnitskaya and O. Rabin “Валентина Кропивницкая. B поисках потерянного рая“ (Valentina Kropivnitskaya: In Search of Paradise Lost), in Russian, with English subtitles, 52 min. C 7 4, room 1.17 (Konferenzraum) 10