WORKSHOP I: Sustainability and Campus Management Processes Chaired by Prof. Stefano Cordiner, University of Tor Vergata, Rome 9:00 7YWXEMREFPI (IZIPSTQIRX ERH 'EQTYW Ullika Lundgren, Sustainability in HEIs – A Web-based Learning- Environmental Controller, University of Gothenburg Action Project Between Ten Latin American Universities and Four European Universities Green Space: A Consistent and Holistic Sustainable Management Julien Meillard, 7YWXEMREFMPMX](ITYX]9RMZIVWMX]SJ0EYWERRI UGAF Core Group Member Research Workshop II: "Education for Sustainable Development – Indicators for Assessment and Monitoring" Organized by Prof. Inka Bormann, Antje Brock, Insa Otte, Theresa Grapentin 8LIEMQSJXLI[SVOWLSTMWXSTSMRXSYXXLIVSPIWXLEXYRMZIVWMXMIWGERIQFVEGIVIKEVHMRK)HYGEXMSRJSV7YWXEMREFPI(IZIlopment. The discussion of best-practice examples will provide the basis for our conversation. We will explore characteristics that are necessary for catalyzing the transformation of societies towards sustainability (through Higher Education for SusXEMREFPI(IZIPSTQIRX-RTEVXMGYPEV[IEVIMRXIVIWXIHMRXLIGSPPEFSVEXMSRWFIX[IIRYRMZIVWMXMIWERHSXLIVWSGMIXEPEGXSVW A focus will be on the discussion of their impact or potential impact as well as their transferability based on the analysis of best-practice examples. Furthermore, we will look into the question of the measurability of Education for Sustainable (IZIPSTQIRXERHEWO[LEXEVIETTVSTVMEXIMRHMGEXSVWJSVWIPJIZEPYEXMSRERHVITSVXMRK# Tuesday, 12 April 2016 | Seminar Center Freie Universität Berlin, Room KL29/135 Time Topic Speaker 9:00 am Plenary Session, open for all participants Chaired by Prof. James Tansey University of British Columbia Governing by Numbers: The Role of Statistical Information in Transformation Prof. Philipp Lepenies Freie Universität Berlin The State of the Global Climate Negotiations with a Special Focus on the Israeli Perspective Ophir Pines-Paz Tel Aviv University The Campus as a Living Lab from an Operational Perspective John Metras University of British Columbia 10:30 am 'SíII&VIEO Spring Campus 2016 | 10 WORKSHOP II: "Education for Sustainable Development – Indicators for Assessment and Monitoring" 11:00 am The Role of Universities in Fostering Education for Sustainable Development - Opportunities and Criteria for Successful ESD Collaboration -RXVSHYGXMSR)7(ERHXLI+PSFEP%GXMSR Program Prof. Inka Bormann Freie Universität Berlin Positive Education for Sustainable (IZIPSTQIRX Prof. Tamar Ronen Rosenbaum & Dr. Dorit Kerret Tel Aviv University What We Have Learned from Learning Gardens: The UBC Orchard Garden & the Cultivating Learning Network Prof. Susan Gerofsky University of British Columbia (MWGYWWMSRSJ-QTEGXWSV4SXIRXMEP-QTEGXW and Transferability Moderated by Inka Bormann Freie Universität Berlin 12:30 am Lunch 2:00 pm The Role of Universities in Fostering Education for Sustainable Development Opportunities and Criteria for Successful ESD Collaboration Schools@Universities: Opening Up Research -RWXMXYXMSRWEWE0IEVRMRK7TEGIJSV)7( Karola Braun-Wanke Freie Universität Berlin 7))(7Ö%HZERGMRK'EQTYW7YWXEMREFMPMX]F] Carole Jolly 'VIEXMRK4EVXRIVWLMTW&IX[IIR7XYHIRXW7XEí University of British Columbia and Faculty 4:00 pm CityStudio Vancouver: An Innovation Hub Fostering the Interaction of University and Societal Stakeholders (video on TedX) Duane Elverum & Janet Moore University of British Columbia What are Criteria for Identifying Promising Potential Partners for Collaboration? Antje Brock & Insa Otte Freie Universität Berlin 'SíII&VIEO 4:30 pm - The Question of ESD Qualisty within 6:00 pm Collaborations (MWGYWWMSR 7YQQEV]ERH(MWGYWWMSRSJ-RTYXWJSVE Checklist on Identifying Promising Potential Partners for Collaboration 7:00 pm Self-organized Berlin Tour (optional) Spring Campus 2016 | 11 Wednesday, 13 April 2016 | Seminar Center Freie Universität Berlin Time Topic Speaker 9:00 am Plenary Session, open for all participants Chaired by Dr. Heike Walk Freie Universität Berlin Food Security as a Pressing Issue of 7YWXEMREFPI(IZIPSTQIRX Prof. Andries Jordaan University of the Free State, Blomefontein Governance of Research for Society Dr. Klaus Jacob Freie Universität Berlin 10:30 am 'SíII&VIEO WORKSHOP II: " Education for Sustainable Development – Indicators for Assessment and Monitoring" 11:00 am Indicators for Assessment and Monitoring Adequate Indicators and their Steering-/ 0DQDJHPHQW(ìHFWVIRU+(6' How Yould a Set of Adequate Indicators for ,)7(MRXLI'SRXI\XSJXLI+%40SSO0MOI# Antje Brock & Insa Otte Freie Universität Berlin (MWGYWWMSRERH-HIRXMîGEXMSRSJ6IPIZERX -RHMGEXSVWJSV,)7( Wrap Up - Workshop Results 12:30 am Lunch 2:00 pm )RIVK])ðGMIRG]7XERHEVHWERH)\TIVMIRGIW in Federal Buildings Dr. Olaf Böttcher *IHIVEP-RWXMXYXIJSV6IWIEVGLSR&YMPHMRK9VFER%íEMVW ERH7TEXMEP(IZIPSTQIRX 2:30 pm Campus Tour: Sustainability and Energy Management at Freie Universität Berlin Andreas Wanke & Melanie Thie Freie Universität Berlin 4:00 pm Sustainability Tour of The Botanical Garden Karsten Schomaker (ITEVXQIRXEP1EREKIVERH,IEHSJ8IGLRMGW Infrastructure, Environment; Botanical Garden Friedhelm Haas Haas Architects 7:00 pm (MRRIV6IWXEYVERX8SQEWE:MPPE/VIY^FIVK/VIY^FIVKWXVE¢I&IVPMR A bus transfer will be organized from the Botanical Garden (6pm) and the Seminar Center (6:15pm). Spring Campus 2016 | 12
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