ETH Zürich, Departement Physik, HPF G 9.3, Otto-Stern-Weg 1, 8093 Zürich Tel. 044 633 25 85 / 70 49 - WOCHENBULLETIN 12:00-18:00 Mon 18.04.2016 ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg D-PHYS D-PHYS "Sechseläuten / "Sechseläuten" (Zurich spring festival)" 16:15 Tue 19.04.2016 Tea at 15:45 at HIT J 43.1 Astrophysical Colloquium ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT H 42 Host: Quanz Sasha Hinkley (University of Exeter, UK) "Exoplanet Imaging: Recent results, and Future Prospects" 11:00 Wed 20.04.2016 ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPK D 24 Ion Beam Physics Seminar Carlos Vivo Vilches (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) "41Ca AMS at low energies: applications at ETHZ and CNA Sevilla" 14:00 ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1 Host: Beisert/Gaberdiel Strings, CFT & Integrability Mikael von Strauss (Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France) "Partial masslessness beyond de Sitter" Wed 20.04.2016 16:15 ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPV G 4 Host: Blatter The Zurich Physics Colloquium Eli Zeldov (Dep. of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Inst. of Science, Rehovot, Israel) "Scanning SQUID-on-Tip Nanoscale Magnetometry and Thermometry" Wed 20.04.2016 Apero after Colloquium at 17:15 14:00 ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg HPF G 6 Host: Ensslin QSIT Seminar Klaus von Klitzing (Max Planck Institut für Festkörperphysik, Stuttgart, Germany) "50th anniversary of quantum Hall experiments (and still wrong pictures about the current distribution)" Thu 21.04.2016 16:00 Thu 21.04.2016 LTP/PSI-Colloquium PSI Area West WHGA/001 Host: Pruna Alexander Altland (Universität zu Köln, Germany) "Quantum Chaos" Thu 21.04.2016 16:15 ETH Zürich, Zentrum HG G 5 ITS Kolloquium Alexander Balatsky (ITS, ETH Zürich and NORDITA, Los Alamos, USA) "Dirac Materials" Thu 21.04.2016 19:30 ETH Zürich, Zentrum HG G 5 Physikalische Gesellschaft Zürich Stefan Hirschberg (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen) "Challenges of the new Swiss Energy Policy" Fri 22.04.2016 10:45 UZH Irchel Y 36 K 08 Computational Science Javiera Guedes (ETH Zürich) "Transitioning from Academia to Industry: Motivation and Practical Advice" ETH Zürich, Zentrum HG G 60 Host: Zheludev Extra Physics Colloquium Thom Palstra, Philip Moll, Matthias Walser, Hide Takagi, Stanislaw Galeski (Univ.Groningen,MPI Dresden, Optotune Switzerland, MPI Stuttgart, ETHZ) "Batlogg Symposium" Fri 22.04.2016 14:00-18:00
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