T heher i t a g eofs por t L epa t r i moi nedus por t Abi bl i og r a phy Unebi bl i og r a phi e ByI COMOSDoc ume nt a onCe nt r e-Apr i l 2016 Pa rl eCe nt r edeDoc ume nt a onI COMOS-Av r i l 2016 The heritage of Sport: A Bibliography By ICOMOS Documentation Centre. April 2016. Author: Lucile Smirnov ICOMOS, 2016 Contact: [email protected] Cover photos - credits Berlin 1936 Olympic Parc © bcmng /Flickr; Molitor swimming pool, Paris, France © Pierre Metivier / Flickr; Leptis Magna Amphitheatre © Chris Combe / Flickr Index Heritage of sport - Modern times 3 3 4 7 General studies Stadiums Swimming pools and baths Archaeological sites related to sport Doctrinal text Historical surveys – scientific studies Olympic heritage 8 8 9 14 2 Heritage of sport - Modern times General studies 037742 - Sporting Heritage. London, English Heritage, 2012. p. 48, illus. (Conservation Bulletin. 68) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; sports; sports buildings; sports facilities; intangible heritage; memory; cultural significance; values; history; uk. ACCESSION NO: K-337. ISSN: 0753-8674. URL: http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/publications/conservation-bulletin-68. URL: http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/content/publications/publicationsNew/conservation-bulletin/conservationbulletin-68/cb-68.pdf 030332 - Architectural principles in wood functionalism in Finland. Saari, Jarmo. Hut, Helsinki University of Technology, 2000. p. 67-74, illus. (Preservation Technology. Dossier 4) In: "Wood and Modern Mouvement" (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: beams; timber-framed architecture; timber-framing; exterior walls; commercial architecture; sports buildings; modern architecture; wood; Finland. ACCESSION NO: 15086. CALL NO: MO. 002/ D4. ISBN: 951-22-5119-1. 024769 - Historische Sportstätten und Denkmalpflege in Österreich: ein Bericht. Dahm, Friedrich. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.69-74, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Austria. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 021621 - Sport - Stätten - Kultur: Historische Sportanlagen und Denkmalpflege. Internationale Fachtagung des Deutschen Nationalkomitees von ICOMOS und des Landesdenkmalats Berlin im Deutschen Sportforum auf dem Olympia-Gelände in Berlin. ICOMOS Germany. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. 96 p., illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. 38) (various texts in eng, ger, fre). Sports - Sites - Cultures: Historic Sports Grounds and Conservation. eng. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports facilities; sports buildings; cultural centres; conservation; case studies. ACCESSION NO: k-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 013748 - Parque Julio A. Roca. Parque Sarmiento. Buenos Aires, Brihet e Hijos, 1979. p.24-26, illus., plans. (Nuestra Arquitectura. 50, 511, 512) (spa). Issue devoted to the 400th anniversary of Buenos Aires Foundation. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: town planning; redesigning projects; sports facilities; parks; Argentina. // Buenos Aires (Argentina) // Parque Julio A. Roca, Buenos Aires (Argentina) // Parque Sarmiento, Buenos Aires (Argentina) ACCESSION NO: 10917. CALL NO: UR. 031. ISSN: 0029-5701. 000417 - Fighting the flab. Heard, Helen. London, Royal Institut of British Architects, 1981. p. 38, illus. (Riba Journal. 81,4) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: re-use; arches; railways; sports facilities; UK. ACCESSION NO: K-167. 3 Stadiums 040607 - Olympic Stadiums and Cultural Heritage: On the Nature and Status of Heritage Values in Large Sport Facilities. Routledge, 2015. p. 684-707, illus. (The International Journal of the History of Sport. Vol. 32, Issue 5) (Incl. notes) (Eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; sports facilities; leisure facilities; public and civic architecture; historical surveys; cultural significance; values; history of architecture; conservation of architectural heritage; typological analysis; registration; inventories; classification. ACCESSION NO: 16575. ISSN: 1743-9035. 036138 - Mise au point for Le Corbusier's Baghdad Stadium. Marefat, Mina. Paris, DOCOMOMO International, 2009. p. 30-40, illus., plans. (DOCOMOMO Journal. 41) (eng). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: architects; modern architecture; architectural projects; sports buildings; Iraq. // Le Corbusier // City of Sport, Baghdad Stadium, Baghdad, Iraq ACCESSION NO: K-364. ISSN: 1380-3204. 035844 - A case study on the restoration and strengthening of a historic stadium in China. Su, Guo-Wei; Zhu, Jia; Wang, Ming-Zhong. Delhi, MacMillan, 2007. p. 1981-1987, illus. In: "Structural analysis of historical constructions: possibilities of numerical and experimental techniques: Vol. 3" (eng). Incl. abstract and bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; restoration; structural damage; structural failures; cracks; repairs; reinforcement; strengthening; reinforced concrete; China. // Jiangwan Stadium, Shanghai, China ACCESSION NO: 15517-3. ISBN: 978-1403-93157 030559 - Der Münchner Olympiapark von 1972- Weltarchitektur unter Denkmalschutz. Himen, Helga; Walter, Uli. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006. p. 46-68, illus. (Die Denkmalpflege. 1-2, 2006) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; historical surveys; modern architecture; architectural heritage; historic monuments; re-use; restoration; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-063. ISSN: 0947-031-X. 030558 - Die Sanierung und Modernisierung des Olympiastadions in Berlin (2000-2004). Odenthal, Anna Maria. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006. p.29-45, illus., plans. (Die Denkmalpflege. 1-2, 2006) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; historical surveys; modernization works; deterioration; restoration; conservation; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-063. ISSN: 0947-031-X. 026739 - The Phoenix Municipal Stadium backstop screen. Faynor, Paul; Robitaille, Albert. Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, 2005. p. 95-100, illus. In: "International Conference Heritage of technology - Gdansk Outlook 4. Proceedings" (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: civil engineering works; sports buildings; USA. // Phoenix Municipal Stadium, USA ACCESSION NO: 14900. CALL NO: A.I.518. ISBN: 83-88579-26-6. 4 024775 - Denkmalsport und Sportstadt Berlin- eine Exkursion. Haspel, Jörg. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.92-95, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // Berlin, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024775 - Denkmalsport und Sportstadt Berlin- eine Exkursion. Haspel, Jörg. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.92-95, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // Berlin, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024774 - Babylon- Olympia- Berlin: Großstadtkultur zwischen Antike und Moderne. Stimmann, Hans. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.91. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024773 - Sportmuseum ohne Ort? Günther, Reiner. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.89-90. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024772 - Konservieren und kommentieren- Denkmalvermittlung für das Berliner Olympiagelände. Donath, Matthias. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.81-88, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024771 - Olympiastadion und Olympiapark München-bürgerschaftliche Denkmalpflege. Marano, Giulio. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.78-80. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // München, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024768 - Wembley- myth or monument? Powell, Kenneth. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.66-68, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; UK. // Wembley Stadium, London, UK ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024767 - Sport sites for Olympia and development of the historic heritage. Atun, Mustafa. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.57-64, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Turkey. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024766 - Private- public- partnership: Kann sich ein Olympiastadion Berlin rechnen? Zopfy, Hans-Wolf. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.54-56. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // Berlin, Germany 5 ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024765 - Architektur Geschichte und Bedeutung von Masaryks Staatlichen Stadion Strahov Svobodová, Markéta; Kopriva, Milos. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p. 47-53, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Czechoslovakia. // Prague, Czechoslavakia ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024764 - Die Zukunft historischer Sportstätten in Leipzig- das Sportforum Leipzig. Baron, Norbert. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.4 3-46. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; Germany. // Leipzig, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024763 - Denkmalgeschützte Sportstadien und Sportallen in Polen- das Beispiel Breslau. Dobesz, Janusz L. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p. 39-42, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; Germany. // Breslau, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024762 - The Berlin Olympic Stadium: How to deal with the first "Gesamtkunstwerk" of the Third Reich today. Nicolai, Bernd. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p. 37-38, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // Berlin, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024761 - Sports and leisure in Rome from the Fascist years to the Olympic games. Casciato, Maristella. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p. 29-36, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture. // Rome ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024760 - Olympiastadien der Neuzeit- Entwicklungslinien einer Bauaufgabe des 20. Jahrunderts. Schmidt, Thomas. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.21-28, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; sports facilities; architecture. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024759 - Stadia of Anatolia. Ilhan, Nevzat. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.15-20, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; conservation; restoration; Turkey. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 020634 - Whither Sporting Heritage? Reflections on debates in Victoria about Waverley Park and The Melbourne Cricket Ground. Hay, Roy. Adelaide, The University of Adelaide, Australia ICOMOS, 2002. p. 367-370. In: "20th Century heritage. Our Recent cultural legacy" (eng). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: 20th; sports facilities; Australia. // Melbourne Cricket Ground, Australia // Waverley Park, Victoria, Australia ACCESSION NO: 14370. CALL NO: MO. 013. ISBN: 0-9581987-1-3. 6 Swimming pools and baths 039621 - Drowning by numbers: The commercial transformation of the Harold Holt pool. Ely, Anna; Raisbeck, Dr Peter. Burwood, Australia, Australia ICOMOS, 2013. p. 72-83, illus. (Historic Environment. 25, 1) In: "(Un)loved Modern (1)" (eng). Incl. bibl., abstract, plans. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: architectural heritage; sports buildings; sports facilities; swimming pools; protection of architectural heritage; modern architecture; modernism; re-use; management of cultural heritage; town planning; debates; interventions; master plans; architectural projects; australia. // Harold Holt swimming-pool, Stonnington City, Australia // Brutalist architecture ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715. 038768 - Building rammed earth walls in the municipal swimming pool in Toro (Zamora, Spain). Raya, A.; Crespo, C.; Sánchez, S.; Antelo, E. London, United Kingdom, CRC Press,Taylor Francis group, 2012. p. 187-192, illus. In: "Rammed earth architecture" (eng). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: earth architecture; construction; walls; architectural heritage; built heritage; building techniques; building materials; steel; joints; shrinkage; methodology; swimming pools; spain. // City of Toro, Zamora province, Spain ACCESSION NO: 16406. CALL NO: Br. C. 150. ISBN: 978-0-415-62125-0. 038274 - Kunsteisbahn und wellenbad Dählhölzli Ka-We-De, Bern: Mehr als eine sportanlage. Erb, Tobias. Zürich, Switzerland, Schweizer Heimatschutz/Patrimoine suisse, ^c2012. p. 22-24, illus. (Schweizer Heimatschutz/Patrimoine suisse. 2, 2012) In: Heimatschutz Patrimoine: Bäder - gestern und heute. Les bains, hier et aujourd'hui (same text in ger, fre). Patinoire et piscine Ka-We-De du Dählhölzli, Berne : bien plus qu'une installation sportive. fre. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: leisure; leisure facilities; sports; sports buildings; modern architecture; 20th; swimming pools; water; cultural heritage; switzerland. // Ka-We-De swimming-pool, City of Bern, Switzerland ACCESSION NO: K-092. ISSN: 0017-9817. 038272 - Die schönsten bäder der Schweiz: Eine zeitreise durch 150 jahre bädergeschichte. Schoeck-Ritschard, Patrick. Zürich, Switzerland, Schweizer Heimatschutz/Patrimoine suisse, ^c2012. p. 8-13, illus. (Schweizer Heimatschutz/Patrimoine suisse. 2, 2012) In: Heimatschutz Patrimoine: Bäder - gestern und heute. Les bains, hier et aujourd'hui (same text in ger, fre). Les plus beaux bains de Suisse : voyage à travers 150 ans d'histoire des bains. fre. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; water; thermae; baths; architectural heritage; swimming pools; modern architecture; 20th; switzerland. ACCESSION NO: K-092. ISSN: 0017-9817. 037742 - Sporting Heritage. London, English Heritage, 2012. p. 48, illus. (Conservation Bulletin. 68) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; sports; sports buildings; sports facilities; intangible heritage; memory; cultural significance; values; history; uk. ACCESSION NO: K-337. ISSN: 0753-8674. URL: http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/publications/conservation-bulletin-68. URL: http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/content/publications/publicationsNew/conservation-bulletin/conservationbulletin-68/cb-68.pdf 027117 - 'La Piscine' : musée d'art et d'industrie de Roubaix. Jenger, Jean. Paris, LUR, 2005. p.29-31, illus. (Patrimoine et Cadre de Vie. 167) (fre). 7 PRIMARY KEYWORDS: re-use; swimming pools; museums; France. // Musée d'art et d'industrie de Roubaix, France ACCESSION NO: K-036. ISSN: 1761-5534. 021000 - Méthodologie de la restauration ou "ce qui haît a toujours existé" (Peter Handke). Goossens, Miek. Gent, Universitat Gent, 2002. p. 61-70, illus. In: "Restoration principles for a new Europe" (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: restoration; swimming pools; Belgium. // Piscine Van Eyck, Gand, Belgium ACCESSION NO: 14387. 011534 - Denkmalpflege und das Neue Bauen. Mörsch, Georg; Huber, Dorothee; Wohlleben, Marion; Furrer, Bernhard; Allenspach, Christoph; Barbey, Gilles; Affolter, Claudio; Marbach, Ueli; Wyss, Alfred; Dosch, Luzi. Bern, Gesellschaft für Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte, 1990. p. 1-97, illus. (Unsere Kunstdenkmäler=Nos monuments d'art et d'histoire=I nostri monumenti storici. 41, 1) (ger). Issue dedicated to conservation of historic monuments of "The Modern Movement". PRIMARY KEYWORDS: architecture; 20th; conservation of historic monuments; theory of conservation; inventories; architecture history; theory of town planning; conversion of buildings; modern architecture; apartment blocks; houses; schools; universities; hotels; shops; swimming pools; museums; zoological gardens; Switzerland. // Riegl, Alois -philosopher // Steger, Adolf -architect // Egender, Karl -architect // Wohnsiedlung Schorenmatten, Basel (Switzerland) // Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zürich (Switzerland) // Bern (Switzerland) // Freiburg (Switzerland) // Lausanne (Switzerland) // Zürich (Switzerland) // Wohnsiedlung, Neubühl (Switzerland) // St. Antonius Kirche, Basel (Switzerland) // Johanneskirche, Basel (Switzerland) ACCESSION NO: k-128. ISSN: 0566-263 X. 008202 - Watery Palaces. Powers, Alan. Watford, CFE Publishing LTD, 1986. p. 10-15, illus. (Traditional Homes. 2, 9) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: swimming pools; baths; architecture history; UK. ACCESSION NO: K-288. Archaeological sites related to sport Doctrinal text 036670 - Verona Charter on the Use of Ancient Places of Performance. Adopted at the International Colloquy held in Verona, August 1997. Brussels, Council of Europe, 1998. 8 p. (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: charters; leisure facilities; theatres; amphitheatres; circuses; sport facilities; sport buildings. ACCESSION NO: 16151. URL: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/heritage/resources/Texts/Verone_EN.pdf (eng). URL: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/heritage/resources/Texts/Verone_FR.pdf (fre). 8 Historical surveys – scientific studies 040505 - Nomination dossier: Ephesus. Ladstaetter, Sabine (ed.); Buyukkolanci, Mustafa (ed.); Ulusan, Evrim (ed.); Ozdemir, Umut (ed.); Sayar, Bengü (ed.). Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums. Ankara, Turkey, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Directorate General of Culture Heritage and Museums, 2014. 112 p., illus., maps. (eng). Incl.bibl., annexes (legal texts, maps, photographs). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage; world heritage sites; nominations; historical surveys; documentation; archaeological heritage; maps; legal aspects; photographs; urban archaeological sites; archaeological sites; archaeological remains; roman architecture; greek architecture; public and civic architecture; leisure facilities; amphitheatres; temples; religious heritage; christian heritage; wall paintings; historic towns; monitoring; medieval architecture; churches; serial property; turkey. // Ephesus, Turkey (WHC 1018 rev.) ACCESSION NO: WHC 1018 rev. URL: http://whc.unesco.org/uploads/nominations/1018rev.pdf . 040504 - ICOMOS Evaluation: Ephesus, Turkey. ICOMOS. Charenton-le-Pont, France, ICOMOS, 2015. illus., maps. (same text in eng, fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage; world heritage sites; nominations; serial property; archeological heritage; urban archaeological sites; archaeological sites; archaeological remains; roman architecture; greek architecture; public and civic architecture; leisure facilities; amphitheatres; temples; religious heritage; christian heritage; churches; international organizations; outstanding universal value; evaluations; criteria; values; recommendations; management; monitoring; turkey. // Ephesus, Turkey (WHC 1018 rev.) ACCESSION NO: WHC 1018 rev. 040496 - Management Plan: Ephesus Area. Ladstaetter, Sabine; Buyukkolanci, Mustafa; Ulusan, Evrim; Ozdemir, Umut; Sayar, Bengü. Ankara, Turkey, 2014. 102 p., maps. (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage; word heritage sites; nominations; archaeological heritage; urban archaeological sites; archaeological sites; archaeological remains; roman architecture; greek architecture; public and civic architecture; leisure facilities; amphitheatres; temples; religious heritage; christian heritage; churches; management plans; planning; serial property; turkey. // Ephesus, Turkey (WHC 1018 rev.) ACCESSION NO: WHC 1018 rev. 040295 - Der reiz der zerstörung: Ephesos. Ladstätter, Sabine; Hatzenbichler, Jürgen. Edition Lammerhuber, 2013. 297 p., illus. (same text in ger, tur, eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological heritage; archaeological sites; greek architecture; ancient art; urban archaeological sites; town gates; temples; amphitheatres; surrounding walls; leisure facilities; sports facilities; librairies; mosaics; archaeological remains; ruins; baths; christian heritage; frescoes; decorations and ornaments; archaeological excavations; sculptures; turkey. // Ephesus, Selcule, Izmir Province, Turkey ACCESSION NO: 16531. CALL NO: Arch. 674. ISBN: 978-3901-753-37-4. 040256 - Ephesos: Architecture, monuments sculpture. Krinzinger, Friedrich (ed.); Ertug, Ahmet; Cormack, Sarah; Ladstätter, Sabine; Kerschner, Michael; Aurenhammer, Maria; Pülz, Andreas; Zimmermann, Norbert. Ertug Kocabiyik, 2007. 240 p., illus., plans, maps. (eng). Incl. bibl. 9 PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological heritage; archaeological sites; greek architecture; ancient art; urban archaeological sites; town gates; temples; amphitheatres; surrounding walls; leisure facilities; sports facilities; librairies; mosaics; archaeological remains; ruins; baths; christian heritage; frescoes; decorations and ornaments; archaeological excavations; sculptures; turkey. // Ephesus, Selcule, Izmir Province, Turkey ACCESSION NO: 16528. CALL NO: Arch. 671. 040242 - Teatros romanos en España y Portugal: ¿Patrimonio protegido? Pérez-Prat Durbán, Luis (ed.); Del Valle Gómez de Terreros Guardiola, María (ed.). Huelva, Spain, Universidad de Huelva, 2014. 384 p., illus. (spa). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological heritage; roman architecture; theatres; amphitheatres; court-houses; conservation of archaeological heritage; restoration of archaeological sites; legal protection; conservation in situ; conservation measures; international standards; charters; spain. ACCESSION NO: 16524. CALL NO: Arch. 672. ISBN: 978-84-16061-10-5. 040234 - Nîmes, la mesure des siècles. Nito, Jean-Luc. Paris, VMF, 2015. p. 26-35, illus. (Vieilles Maisons Françaises. 260) In: "Dossier : Nîmes, la mesure des siècles" (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic towns; historic town centres; architectural heritage; roman architecture; historic buildings; historic houses; historic surveys; historic monuments; sports buildings; sports facilities; leisure facilities; ancient art; roman art; historic gardens; religious heritage; public and civic architecture; town planning; urban fabric; museums; france. // City of Nîmes, Languedoc. Roussillon region, France ACCESSION NO: K-190. ISSN: 0049-6316. 039659 - L'amphithéâtre de Fréjus : entre conservation, restauration et reconstruction d'un monument historique. Goven, François; Delestre, Xavier; Jourdan, Robert; Dumasy, Françoise; Flavigny, Francesco; Jacquin, Laure. Paris, Editions du Patrimoine, 2013. p. 25-39, illus., plans. (Monumental. Revue scientifique et technique des monuments historiques. 2013/1) In: "Dossier : Création architecturale et monuments historiques" (fre). Incl. notes, plans. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: built heritage; architectural heritage; historic monuments; archaeological heritage; archaeological sites; archaeological remains; roman architecture; amphitheatres; conservation projects; conservation measures; documentation; architectural projects; theory of restoration; philosophy of restoration; philosophy of conservation; france. // Amphitheatre, City of Fréjus, France ACCESSION NO: K-594. ISBN: 978-2-7577-0273-4. ISSN: 1168-4534. 035270 - The soil stiffness influence and the earthquake effects on the Colosseum in Roma. Capparella, L.; Carriero, A.; Cerone, M.; Sabbadini, F.; Viskovic, A. Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University, 2001. p. 421-428, illus. In: "Studies in ancient structures. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress. Istanbul (Turkey), July 9-13, 2001" (eng). Incl. bibl. and abstract. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic monuments; roman architecture; soil properties; earthquake damage; structures of buildings; analysis; structural damage; structural failures; amphitheatres; descriptions; numerical analysis; modelling; case studies; Italy. // Colosseum, Roma, Italy ACCESSION NO: 15201-2. ISBN: 975-461-303-6. 024770 - Les routes des arènes et des stades en Europe et en Mediterrannée : des siècles d'architecture, de sport et de spectacle. Haman, Mohaman. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.75-77. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (fre). 10 PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024767 - Sport sites for Olympia and development of the historic heritage. Atun, Mustafa. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.57-64, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Turkey. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024758 - Ancient Greek Stadia. Charkiolakis, Nikolas S. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.11-14, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; conservation; restoration; Greece. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 023078 - L'amfiteatre romà de Tarragona, La Basilica visigotica i l'esglesia romanica. Taller Escola d'Arqueologia (TED'A). Tarragona, ajuntament, 1990. 2 v., illus., plans. (Memories d'excavacio. 3) (cat). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: roman architecture; amphitheatres; romanesque architecture; churches; archaeological excavations; world heritage list; Spain. // Basilica visigotica, Tarragona, Spain (WHC 875) // Eglesia Romanica, Tarragona, Spain (WHC 875) // Amfiteatre roma, Tarragona, Spain (WHC 875) ACCESSION NO: WHC 875 (12). ISBN: 84-600-7430-7. 018700 - Tarraco, patrimonio mundial: biografía de una ciudad. Clío. Madrid, Clio, 2001. 22 p., illus. (Clío. 1) (spa). Suplemento del n°1 de Clío. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: roman architecture; world heritage list; amphitheatres; archaeological heritage; circuses; walls; Spain. // Tarragona, Spain (WHC 875) ACCESSION NO: 14099. CALL NO: V.H. 1211. 018692 - Trier Amphitheatre. Cüppers, Heinz. Mainz, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, 1995. 38 p., illus., plans. (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: roman architecture; world heritage list; amphitheatres; archaeological remains; Germany. // Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier, Germany (WHC 367) ACCESSION NO: 14108. 018297 - Plan Patrimoine Antique : Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Agence pour le Patrimoine Antique, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Marseille, Agence pour le Patrimoine Antique, 2001. 24 p., illus. (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: roman architecture; conservation plans; historic monuments; world heritage list; theatres; amphitheatres; visitors; statistical analysis; France. // Arlès, France (WHC 164) // Digne les Bains, France // Fréjus, France // Marseille, France // Nice, France // Orange, France (WHC 163) // Saint-Rémy de Provence, France // Vaison la Romaine, France ACCESSION NO: 14042. 017868 - Tarragona : amfitheatre, Circ-pretori, Forum de la Colonia, La Muralla Romana. Salom, Cristòfor Ajuntament de Tarragona; Museu d'Història de Tarragona. Tarragona, 11 Ajuntament de Tarragona, 1997. 4 vol., illus, plans, maps. (same text in spa, cat, eng). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: roman architecture; world heritage list; walls; amphitheatres; circuses; forums; archaeological remains; archaeological heritage; Spain. // Tarragona, Spain (WHC 875 rev.) ACCESSION NO: 13999. 017527 - Les théâtres et les amphithéâtres antiques. Une étude comparative. Moretti, Jean-Charles. ICOMOS. Paris, ICOMOS, 2000. 8 p. (fre). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: ancient architecture; theatres; amphitheatres; world heritage convention; comparative analysis. ACCESSION NO: 13928. 017481 - Italica. Aguiar, Graf. Barcelone, Exposition Internationale de Barcelone, 1929. 17 p., illus. (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological sites; roman architecture; amphitheatres; Spain. // Congrès International d'Archéologie. IV. Barcelone, 1929 // Italica, Sevilla, Spain ACCESSION NO: 019. CALL NO: Arch. 405. 011947 - Archaeological sites and historic monuments at Ancient Ephesus (Ismir), Turkey. [s.l.], Keskin Color, [s.d.]. 10 slides : col. (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological sites; ancient architecture; ruins; theatres; market places; amphitheatres; statues; columns; palaces; mosques; entrances; sports facilities; ruins; roads; Turkey. // Agora, Ephesus (Turkey) // Isabey Mosque, Ephesus (Turkey) // Municipal Palace, Ephesus (Turkey) // Curetiae Street, Ephesus (Turkey) // Odeon, Ephesus (Turkey) // Great Theatre, Ephesus (Turkey) // Harbor Street, Ephesus (Turkey) // Stadium, Ephesus (Turkey) // Isbey Mosque, Ephesus (Turkey) // Brothel, Ephesus (Turkey) CALL NO: TR.EPH.01:1-10. 011905 - Several Roman and romanesque monuments in Arles, France. Monaco, Diapazur, [s.d.]. 6 slides : col. (fre). Listed as WHC 164 in 1981. Condition: ave. Density: high contrast. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; roman architecture; romanesque architecture; amphitheatres; churches; arches; France. // Eglise Saint-Tromphine, Arles (France) // Les Arènes, Arles (France) // Les Alyscamps, Arles (France) CALL NO: FR.ARL.03.1-6. 009945 - Arheolosko-konzervatorski radovi u Solinu u 1981 i 1982 g. Archaeological and Conservation Works in Solin (1981-1982) (eng). Oreb, Franko. Zagreb, Republicki zavod za zastitu spomenika kulture, 1988. p. 233-241, illus., plans. (Godisnjak zastite spomenika kulture Hrvatske. 12) (scr). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: archaeological excavations; roman architecture; amphitheatres; archaeological interpretation; Yugoslavia. // Institute for Protection of Monuments, Split (Yugoslavia) // Christian Cult Centre, Solin (Yugoslavia) ACCESSION NO: K-283. ISSN: 0350-2589. 009397 - Rettet das Römanische Trier. Archäologische Trier-Kommission (Germany). Trier, Eigenverlag Archäologische Trier-Kommission, 1972. 56 p, illus. (ger). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; historic monuments; roman architecture; Germany; town gates; amphitheatres; bridges; baths; basilicas; historical surveys. 12 // Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier, Germany (WHC 367) ACCESSION NO: WHC 367 (12). 009388 - Das Amphitheater in Trier. The Amphitheatre in Trier. Otto, Frei; Fritz, Johannes. Stuttgart, Institute for Lightweight Structures, 1984. p. 106-115, illus. In: "IL 30 Sun and Shade Toldos Vela" (same text in ger, eng). Follow-up information on World Heritage Sites. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; plans; historic monuments; roman architecture; conservation of archaeological sites; amphitheatres; re-use; cultural activities; temporary covers; Germany. // Amphitheatre, Trier (German FR) // Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier, Germany (WHC 367) ACCESSION NO: WHC 367 (3). 008908 - Interregional seminar. Nicosia, 1982. Recent archaeological research in Algeria. Its difficulties and importance. Bouchenaki, Mounir. Nicosia, Department of Antiquities, [1982]. p. 1-7. (Acts of the Interregional Seminar sponsored by UNESCO and the LIMC) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: management of archaeological sites; archaeological excavations; Algeria; necropoles; historical surveys; roman architecture; amphitheatres. // Tipasa (Algeria) // Amphitheatre, Tebessa (Algeria) ACCESSION NO: 9336. CALL NO: Arch. 181. ISBN: 9963-36-406-3. 003279 - Rapport sur les travaux de conservation de l'Amphithéâtre d'El Jem (Thysdrus). Slim, Hédi; Golvin, Jean-Claude. Tunis, 1974. 11 p. (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; roman architecture; amphitheatres; conservation measures; architectural surveys; Tunisia; reports. // El Jem (Tunisia) ACCESSION NO: WHC 38. 003275 - Nomination form. Amphithéâtre d'El Jem. INAA - Institut National d'Archéologie et d'Art (Tunisia). Tunis, INAA, 1978. 4 p. (eng). Amphitheatre of El Jem. eng. Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; historic monuments; roman architecture; amphitheatres; historical surveys; conservation policy; Tunisia; nomination forms. // El Jem (Tunisia) ACCESSION NO: WHC 38. 003276 - Icomos valuation. Amphithéâtre d'El Jem. The Amphitheater of El Jem (eng). Icomos. Paris, Icomos, 1979. 2 p. (same text in eng, fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; roman architecture; amphitheatres; Tunisia; valuations. SECONDARY KEYWORDS: historical surveys. // El Jem (Tunisia) ACCESSION NO: WHC 38. 002445 - Various monuments and views of Arles, France. Paris, Diafrance/Véronèse, [s.d.]. 10 slides : col. (fre). Listed as WHC 164 in 1981. Reproduction prohibited. Legends on mounts. Condition: ave. (faded). Publisher's series: Arles I (13-004.1); Arles II (13-004.2). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; historic monuments; roman architecture; romanesque architecture; amphitheatres; churches; cloisters; tympana; architectural details; arches; high reliefs; aerial photography; France. // Eglise Saint-Trophime, Arles (France) // Arènes, Arles (France) // Eglise Saint-Honorat, Alyscamps, Arles (France) CALL NO: FR.ARL.02:1-10. (restricted). 13 002438 - Nomination form. Monuments romains et romans d'Arles. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France). Paris, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, 1980. 6 p. (fre). Roman and romanesque Monuments of Arles. eng. Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: world heritage list; historic monuments; roman architecture; romanesque architecture; historical surveys; amphitheatres; theatres; thermae; necropoles; churches; cloisters; abbeys; France; nomination forms. // Alyscamps, Arles (France) // Eglise Saint-Trophime, Arles (France) // Abbaye de Montmajour, Arles (France) ACCESSION NO: WHC 164. 002074 - I Restauri dell'Anfiteatro Flavio. Mocchegiani Carpano, C.; Luciani, R. Roma, Istituto nazionale d'archeologia e storia dell'arte, 1981. p. 9-69, illus. (Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte. 3,4) (ita). Incl. plans. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historical surveys; restoration works; restoration techniques; structural surveys; amphitheatres; ancient architecture; structures of buildings; deterioration; Italy. SECONDARY KEYWORDS: decorations and ornaments; marble; tuffeau. // Coliseum, Rome (Italy) ACCESSION NO: K-169. Olympic heritage 040616 - Olympic Legacies. London, English Heritage, 2012. p. 34-41, illus. (Conservation Bulletin. 68) In: "Sporting Heritage" (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage; sports; sports buildings; sports facilities; cultural significance; stadiums; uk. ACCESSION NO: K-337. ISSN: 0753-8674. URL: http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/publications/conservation-bulletin-68. URL: http://www.englishheritage.org.uk/content/publications/publicationsNew/conservation-bulletin/conservationbulletin-68/cb-68.pdf 040607 - Olympic Stadiums and Cultural Heritage: On the Nature and Status of Heritage Values in Large Sport Facilities. Routledge, 2015. p. 684-707, illus. (The International Journal of the History of Sport. Vol. 32, Issue 5) (Incl. notes) (Eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; sports facilities; leisure facilities; public and civic architecture; historical surveys; cultural significance; values; history of architecture; conservation of architectural heritage; typological analysis; registration; inventories; classification. ACCESSION NO: 16575. ISSN: 1743-9035. 035888 - Respecting the layers: Newington Armaments Depot and the Olympic Village. Simpson, Rod. Burwood, Australia ICOMOS, 2005. p. 38-42, illus., plans. (Historic Environment. 18,3) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: historic sites; interpretation; Australia. // Newington, Australia ACCESSION NO: K-320. ISSN: 0726-6715. 033801 - Heritage and Global Climate Change: Summer Fires in Greece. The Case of Olympia. Avgerinou-kolonias, Sofia. Altenburg, E.Reinhold Verlag, 2008. p. 220-223, illus. In: "Heritage at risk: ICOMOS World Report 2006/2007 on Monuments and Sites in Danger" (eng). 14 PRIMARY KEYWORDS: cultural heritage at risk; climate change; fire; fire damage; temperature; archaeological sites; restoration; conservation measures; Greece. // Olympia, Greece (WHC 517) ACCESSION NO: 15684. CALL NO: Ri. 095 (5). ISBN: 978-3-937940-47-2. URL: http://www.international.icomos.org/risk/world_report/2006-2007/pdf/H@R_20062007_59_Special_Focus_Greece_Olympia.pdf 030559 - Der Münchner Olympiapark von 1972- Weltarchitektur unter Denkmalschutz. Himen, Helga; Walter, Uli. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006. p. 46-68, illus. (Die Denkmalpflege. 1-2, 2006) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; historical surveys; modern architecture; architectural heritage; historic monuments; re-use; restoration; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-063. ISSN: 0947-031-X. 030558 - Die Sanierung und Modernisierung des Olympiastadions in Berlin (2000-2004). Odenthal, Anna Maria. München, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2006. p.29-45, illus., plans. (Die Denkmalpflege. 1-2, 2006) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; historical surveys; modernization works; deterioration; restoration; conservation; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-063. ISSN: 0947-031-X. 026262 - Sustainable Development and Monument Conservation Planning: A Case Study on Olympia. Bithas, K.; Nijkamp, P. Colombo, ICOMOS, 1993. p. 98-115, illus. (Central Cultural Fund Publication. 133) In: "Economics of conservation" (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: conservation of historic monuments; sustainable development; conservation economics; economic development; conservation plans; Greece. // Olympia, Greece ACCESSION NO: 14160. URL: http://www.international.icomos.org/publications/93sy_eco12.pdf 024774 - Babylon- Olympia- Berlin: Großstadtkultur zwischen Antike und Moderne. Stimmann, Hans. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.91. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024772 - Konservieren und kommentieren- Denkmalvermittlung für das Berliner Olympiagelände. Donath, Matthias. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.81-88, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024771 - Olympiastadion und Olympiapark München-bürgerschaftliche Denkmalpflege. Marano, Giulio. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.78-80. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // München, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024767 - Sport sites for Olympia and development of the historic heritage. Atun, Mustafa. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.57-64, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Turkey. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 15 024766 - Private- public- partnership: Kann sich ein Olympiastadion Berlin rechnen? Zopfy, Hans-Wolf. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.54-56. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // Berlin, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024762 - The Berlin Olympic Stadium: How to deal with the first "Gesamtkunstwerk" of the Third Reich today. Nicolai, Bernd. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.37-38, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture; Germany. // Berlin, Germany ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024761 - Sports and leisure in Rome from the Fascist years to the Olympic games. Casciato, Maristella. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.29-36, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; architecture. // Rome ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 024760 - Olympiastadien der Neuzeit- Entwicklungslinien einer Bauaufgabe des 20. Jahrunderts. Schmidt, Thomas. München, ICOMOS Germany, 2002. p.21-28, illus. (ICOMOS Journals of the German National Committee. XXXVII) (ger). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: sports buildings; sports facilities; architecture. ACCESSION NO: K-046. ISBN: 3-87490-680-9. 019759 - The renovation of the Olympic Stadium, Helsinki. Kairamo, Maija. Helsinki, ICOMOS, 1999. p.94-97, illus. In: "Monuments and Sites: Finland" (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: modern architecture; contemporary architecture; 20th; modernization works; Finland. // Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, Finland ACCESSION NO: 13896. ISBN: 951-96602-4-0 16
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