Daily schedule Thursday, 2 June 2016 8:30 Oral presentations: Emergency management / Hazard and risk assessment Avalanche detection systems: A state-of-the art overview on operational radar and infrasound systems Walter Steinkogler, SWITZERLAND Instabile Felswände an der Lötschberg-Nordrampe (Berner Oberland, Schweiz): Ueli Gruner, SWITZERLAND Risikomanagement und Warn-Dispositiv Hans-Heini Utelli, Unstable rock along the Loetschberg railroad incline: risk management and SWITZERLAND warning deployment Efficient risk assessment of Norwegian railways combining GIS and field studies Kjetil SverdrupThygeson, NORWAY Umgang mit Gletscherhochwasser im Berner Oberland Management of glacier floods in the Bernese Oberland Nils Hählen, SWITZERLAND Questions and discussion 10:00 Coffee break 10:30 Oral presentations: Hazard and risk assessment Maps of pluvial floods and their consequences: a case study Naturgefahrenbedingte Risiken: ein individualisierter dynamischer Berechnungsansatz der Trefferwahrscheinlichkeit auf Netzwerken Natural hazard induced risk: a dynamic individualised approach for calculating hit probability on networks Thomas Glade, AUSTRIA Esther Schönthal, SWITZERLAND Räumliche und zeitliche Exposition von Gebäuden in Österreich Spatial and temporal exposure of elements at risk in Austria Sven Fuchs, AUSTRIA Integrated natural hazards protection concept Vitznau LU - Case study Plattenbach Benjamin Hohermuth, SWITZERLAND Questions and discussion 12:00 Lunch, poster exhibition 13:30 Oral presentation: Hazard and risk assessment Flood volume estimation in Switzerland using synthetic design hydrographs - a multivariate statistical approach Manuela Irene Brunner, FRANCE Potential large wood-related hazards at bridges: the Dlugopole bridge in the Czarny Dunajec River, Polish Carpathians Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva, SWITZERLAND ProtectBio: Wirkungsbeurteilung von Schutzwäldern gegen gravitative Naturgefahren Benjamin Lange, ProtectBio - Evaluation of the effects of protection forests on natural hazards due SWITZERLAND to gravity Channel widening during extreme floods: how to integrate it within river corridor planning? Francesco Comiti, ITALY The case study of Badouzih rockfall in northern Taiwan: mechanism, numerical simulation and hazard assessment Ting-Chi Tsao, TAIWAN Questions and discussion 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Poster award Hans Kienholz, Scientific und Technical Advisory Board (WTB) Summary of congress Niki Beyer Portner, Scientific und Technical Advisory Board (WTB) Interpraevent 2018 Hideaki Marui, Veranstalter IP 2018 Closure / Acknowledgements Josef Hess, President OC Interpraevent, FOEN Kurt Rohner, President Interpraevent
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