HU-VW3105A-F1 Seat Alhambra 95-10 Outside Handle W/ Key Front RH= LH A:Texture Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3104A-F Seat Alhambra 95-10 Outside Handle W/o Key Front RH= LH A:Texture Black HU-VW2804MA-FR HU-VW2804MA-FL Seat Alhambra 00-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black FR:7M3837114B75R FL:7M3837113B75R 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW2804ME-FR HU-VW2804ME-FL Seat Alhambra 00-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH ME:Chrome+ Beige 6K0837207C01C 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3104A-R Seat Alhambra 95-10 Outside Handle Rear RH= LH A:Texture Black 6K4839205B 3FZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW2803A-FR HU-VW2803A-FL Seat Alhambra 95-00 Inside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black FR:7M0837020A 01C FL:7M0837019A 01C 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:10P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW2804MG-FR HU-VW2804MG-FL Seat Alhambra 00-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:7M3837114B 7DE FL:7M3837113B 7DE 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3569S-TG Seat Alhambra 95-10 Tailgate Handle S:Smooth Black TG:7M3827565 50P/ 1.7'/ 24-25KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW5804PN-FR HU-VW5804PN-FL Seat Alhambra 95-10 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:7M0837462 FL:7M0837461 10P/ 3.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:1P HU-VW5804PN-RR HU-VW5804PN-RL Seat Alhambra 95-10 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:7M0839462 RL:7M0839461 10P/ 3.7'/ 17-18KG 1419 ST001 Case Qty:1P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-VW5805PN-FR HU-VW5805PN-FL HU-VW3207P-FRK (LHD) HU-VW3207P-FLK (RHD) Seat Seat Alhambra 10-C Outside Handle+ Cover (Small Cover) Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black Handle FR:1K8837206F FL:1K8837205F Cover FR:1K8837880 FL:1K8837879 Alhambra 10-C Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (2C) FR:7N0837462D/F FL:7N0837461D/F 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 3.7'/ 19-20KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:1P HU-VW3207P-RR HU-VW3207P-RL HU-VW5805PN-RR HU-VW5805PN-RL Seat Seat Alhambra 10-C Outside Handle+ Cover (Big Cover) Sliding RH; LH P:Primed Black Handle RR:1K8837205F RL:1K8837206F Alhambra 10-C Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (2C) RR:7N0843700C/D/E/F RL:7N0843699C/D/E/F 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 3.7'/ 19-20KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:1P HU-VW2805RA-FR HU-VW2805RA-FL Seat Alhambra 10-C Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing FR:7N1837114B UBN FL:7N1837113B UBN 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) VW2805SA HU-VW2805A-MR HU-VW2805A-ML Seat Alhambra 10-C Inside Handle (Sliding Door) A:Black MR:7N0843642G9B9 ML:7N0843641G9B9 20P/ 1.4'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-VW2805G-MR HU-VW2805G-ML Seat Alhambra 10-C Inside Handle (Sliding Door) G:Gray MR:7N0843642K ML:7N0843641K 20P/ 1.4'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 1420 ST002 HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL Seat Altea 04-C (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed FR:3B0837207C 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2401MA-FR HU-ST2401MA-FL Seat Altea 04-C Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2401MA-RR HU-ST2401MA-RL Seat Altea 04-C Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 1421 ST003 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL Seat Arosa 97-04 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3205M-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205M-FL Seat Arosa 97-04 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3569S-TG Seat Arosa 97-04 Outside Handle Tailgate Handle S:Smooth Black TG:7M3827565 50P/ 1.7'/ 24-25KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW5293PN-FR HU-VW5293PN-FL Seat Arosa 97-04 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:6X08374612A/C FL:6X08374611A/C 10P/ 4'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:1P HU-VW2293A-FR HU-VW2293A-FL Seat Arosa 97-04 Inside Handle Front RH; LH A:Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW2293G-FR HU-VW2293G-FL Seat Arosa 97-04 Inside Handle Front RH; LH G:Gray 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW2293MA-FR HU-VW2293MA-FL Seat Arosa 97-04 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW2293MG-FR HU-VW2293MG-FL Seat Arosa 97-04 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:6X0837114D70E FL:6X0837113D70E 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 1422 ST004 HU-VW3105A-F1 Seat Cordoba 93-02 Outside Handle W/ Key Front RH= LH A:Texture Black HU-VW3104A-F HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL Seat Cordoba 03-09 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Outside Handle W/o Key 6K0837208B 3FZ 6K0837207C01C 50P/ 1.7'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3104A-R Seat Cordoba 93-02 Outside Handle Rear RH= LH A:Texture Black 6K4839205B 3FZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3205M-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205M-FL Seat Cordoba 03-09 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2301A-RH HU-ST2301A-LH HU-ST2102M-1RH HU-ST2102M-1LH Seat Seat Cordoba 93-02 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) A:Texture Black RH:6K0837222A LH:6K0837221A Cordoba 03-09 Inside Handle Lever Only (Metal) RH; LH (Front=Rear) M:All Chrome RH: 6L4839114B LH: 6L4839113B RH:6K0837114 LH:6K0837113 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.1'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW5400PN-FR HU-VW5400PN-FL Case Qty:5P (B08) HU-ST2302MA-FR HU-ST2302MA-FL Seat Seat Cordoba 93-02 (2D) Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:6K3837402H FL:6K3837401H Cordoba 03-09 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 10P/ 4.2'/ 16-17KG 20P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:1P HU-VW5403PN-FR HU-VW5403PN-FL Seat Cordoba 93-02 (4D) Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:6K4837402P FL:6K4837401P 10P/ 3.7'/ 19-20KG Case Qty:1P Case Qty:5P (B11) HU-ST2302MA-RR HU-ST2302MA-RL Seat Cordoba 03-09 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 20P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B11) HU-VW5403M-FR HU-VW5403M-FL Seat Cordoba 93-02 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:6K4837402M FL:6K4837401M 10P/ 6.8'/ 19-20KG 1423 ST005 Case Qty:1P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-VW3105A-F1 Seat Ibiza 93-02 Outside Handle W/ Key Front RH= LH A:Texture Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3104A-F Seat Ibiza 93-02 Outside Handle W/o Key Front RH= LH A:Texture Black 6K0837207C01C 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3104A-R Seat Ibiza 93-02 Outside Handle Rear RH= LH A:Texture Black 6K4839205B 3FZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW5400PN-FR HU-VW5400PN-FL Seat Ibiza 93-02 (2D) Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:6K3837402H FL:6K3837401H 10P/ 4.2'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:1P HU-VW5403PN-FR HU-VW5403PN-FL Seat Ibiza 93-02 (4D) Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:6K4837402P FL:6K4837401P 10P/ 3.7'/ 19-20KG Case Qty:1P HU-VW5403M-FR HU-VW5403M-FL Seat Ibiza 93-02 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:6K4837402M FL:6K4837401M 10P/ 6.8'/ 19-20KG Case Qty:1P HU-ST2102M-1RH HU-ST2102M-1LH Seat Ibiza 93-02 Inside Handle Lever Only RH; LH (Front= Rear) M:All Chrome (Metal) RH:6L4839114B LH:6L4839113B 50P/ 1.1'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:5P (B08) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 1424 ST006 HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL Ibiza 02-07 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Ibiza 08-16 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Seat Case Qty:10P (B12) Seat Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3205M-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205M-FL HU-VW3205M-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205M-FL Ibiza 02-07 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Ibiza 08-16 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Seat Case Qty:10P (B12) Seat Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2103MA-FR HU-ST2103MA-FL HU-ST2104RA-FRK HU-ST2104RA-FL Seat Seat Ibiza 02-07 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) MA:Chrome+ Black FR:6L0837114 FL:6L0837113 Ibiza 08-16 (LHD) Inside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Hole FL :Front LH W/ Hole RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing FR:6J1837114AAH1 FL:6J1837113AAH1 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2104MA-FRK HU-ST2104MA-FL Seat Ibiza 08-16 (LHD) Inside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Hole FL :Front LH W/ Hole MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2104RA-FR HU-ST2104RA-FLK Seat Ibiza 08-16 (RHD) Inside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Hole FLK:Front LH W/o Hole RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2104MA-FR HU-ST2104MA-FLK Seat Ibiza 08-16 (RHD) Inside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Hole FLK:Front LH W/o Hole MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 1425 ST007 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL Seat HU-ST5002PN-FR HU-ST5002PN-FL Seat Leon 00-06 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/o Panel Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:1M0837462A FL:1M0837461A 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 10P/ 3.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3205M-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205M-FL Seat Case Qty:1P HU-ST5002PN-FRP HU-ST5002PN-FLP Seat Leon 00-06 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/ Panel Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:1M0837462A WP FL:1M0837461A WP 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 5P/ 4'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:1P HU-ST2201M-1RH HU-ST2201M-1LH HU-ST5002M-FR HU-ST5002M-FL Seat Seat Leon 00-06 Inside Handle Lever Only RH; LH (Front= Rear) M:All Chrome Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/o Panel Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:1M1837730 FL:1M1837729 100P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG 10P/ 3.7'/ 14-15KG Case Qty:20P (B11) HU-ST2201MA-FR HU-ST2201MA-FL Case Qty:1P HU-ST5002M-FRP HU-ST5002M-FLP Seat Seat Leon 00-06 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black FR:1M0837114D FL:1M0837113D Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/ Panel Front RH; LH M:Manual FR: 1M1837730 WP FL:1M1837729 WP 5P/ 4'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:1P HU-ST2201MA-RR HU-ST2201MA-RL Seat Leon 00-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black RR:1M0839114D RL:1M0839113D Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 1426 ST008 HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL Seat Leon 06-12 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3205M-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205M-FL Seat Leon 06-12 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST3202A-RR HU-ST3202A-RL Seat Leon 06-12 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black 20P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B11) HU-ST2202MA-FR HU-ST2202MA-FL Seat Leon 06-12 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Leve + Black Housing FR:5P0837114 FL:5P0837113 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2202MA-RR HU-ST2202MA-RL Seat Leon 06-12 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome Leve + Black Housing RR:5P0839114 RL:5P0839113 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST5202PN-FR HU-ST5202PN-FL Seat Leon 06-12 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:1P0837462A FL:1P0837461A 10P/ 4'/ 16-17KG 1427 ST009 Case Qty:1P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-VW3208P-RR Seat Leon 13-C (LHD) Outside Handle+ Cover Front RH= Rear RH W/o Keyhole (大頭) P:Primed Black Handle:5G0837205N Cover :5G0839168 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3208P-FLK Seat Leon 13-C (LHD) Outside Handle+ Cover Front LH W/o Keyhole (小頭) P:Primed Black Handle:5G0837205N Cover :5G1837879 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3208P-RL Seat Leon 13-C (LHD) Outside Handle+ Cover Rear LH W/o Keyhole (大頭) P:Primed Black Handle:5G0837205N 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3208P-FRK Seat Leon 13-C (RHD) Outside Handle+ Cover Front RH W/o Keyhole (小頭) P:Primed Black Handle:5G0837205N 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2203A-FR HU-ST2203A-FL Seat Leon 13-C Inside Handle Front RH; LH A:Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2203A-RR HU-ST2203A-RL Seat Leon 13-C Inside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST5203PN-FR HU-ST5203PN-FL Seat Leon 13-C Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:5F4837462B FL:5F4837461B 10P/ 4'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:1P HU-ST5203M-RR HU-ST5203M-RL Seat Leon 13-C Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual RR:5F4839462A RL:5F4839461A 10P/ 4'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:1P HU-VW3208P-RL Seat Leon 13-C (RHD) Outside Handle+ Cover Front LH= Rear LH W/o Keyhole (大頭) P:Primed Black Handle:5G0837205N 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3208P-RR Seat Leon 13-C (RHD) Outside Handle+ Cover Rear RH W/o Keyhole (大頭) P:Primed Black Handle:5G0837205N Cover :5G0839168 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 1428 ST010 HU-ST5101M-FR HU-ST5101M-FL HU-ST3501A-FR1 HU-ST3501A-FL1 Seat Seat Malaga 85-92 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:022521-400A FL:022521-401A Toledo 91-98 Outside Handle W/ Key Front RH; LH A:Texture Black FR:1L0837208B/C FL:1L0837207B/C 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:1P HU-ST5101M-RR HU-ST5101M-RL Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST3501A-RR HU-ST3501A-RL Seat Seat Malaga 85-92 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual RR:022522-400A RL:022522-401A Toledo 91-98 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:1L0839206B RL:1L0839205B 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:1P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST5101P-FR HU-ST5101P-FL HU-ST2501MA-RH HU-ST2501MA-LH Seat Seat Malaga 85-92 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:022521-400B FL:022521-401B Toledo 91-98 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing RH:1L0837220B LH:1L0837221B 10P/ 1.4’/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:1P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2501A-RH HU-ST2501A-LH Seat Toledo 91-98 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) A:Texture Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST5001M-FR HU-ST5001M-FL Seat Toledo 91-98 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:1L0837402 FL:1L0837401 10P/ 2’/ 8-9KG Case Qty:1P HU-ST5001PN-FR HU-ST5001PN-FL Seat Toledo 91-98 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:1L0837402B FL:1L0837401B 10P/ 2’/ 15-16KG 1429 ST011 Case Qty:1P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL HU-VW3205P-FRK (=RR =RL) HU-VW3205P-FL Toledo 99-05 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Toledo 05-09 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Seat Case Qty:10P (B12) Seat Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST2201MA-FR HU-ST2201MA-FL HU-ST2202MA-FR HU-ST2202MA-FL Seat Seat Toledo 99-05 Inside Handle Lever Only RH; LH (Front= Rear) MA:Chrome+ Black FR:1M0837114D FL:1M0837113D Toledo 05-09 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Leve + Black Housing FR:5P0837114 FL:5P0837113 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST5002PN-FR HU-ST5002PN-FL HU-ST2202MA-RR HU-ST2202MA-RL Seat Seat Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/o Panel Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:1M0837462A FL:1M0837461A Toledo 05-09 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome Leve + Black Housing RR:5P0839114 RL:5P0839113 10P/ 3'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:1P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST5002PN-FRP HU-ST5002PN-FLP HU-ST5503PN-FR HU-ST5503PN-FL Seat Seat Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/ Panel Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:1M0837462A WP FL:1M0837461A WP Toledo 05-09 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:5P0837462 FL:5P0837461 5P/ 4'/ 19-20KG 10P/ 3'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:1P Case Qty:1P HU-ST5002M-FR HU-ST5002M-FL HU-ST5503PN-RR HU-ST5503PN-RL Seat Seat Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/o Panel Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:1M1837730 FL:1M1837729 Toledo 05-09 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:5P0839462 RL:5P0839461 10P/ 3'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 3'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:1P Case Qty:1P HU-ST5002M-FRP HU-ST5002M-FLP HU-ST5503M-RR HU-ST5503M-RL Seat Seat Leon 00-06 Window Regulator W/ Panel Front RH; LH M:Manual FR: 1M1837730 WP FL:1M1837729 WP Toledo 05-09 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual RR:5P0839462A RL:5P0839461A 5P/ 4'/ 19-20KG 10P/ 3'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:1P Case Qty:1P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 1430 ST012 HU-VW3209P-FRK (=RR =RL) Seat Toledo 12-C Outside Handle+ Cover (Small Cover) Front W/o Keyhole P:Paint to Match Handle:5N0837205MGRU Cover :5N0839167BGRU 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-VW3209P-FL Seat Toledo 12-C Outside Handle+ Cover (Small Cover) Front W/ Keyhole P:Paint to Match Handle:5N0837205MGRU Cover :6R4837879GRU 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ST5004PN-FR HU-ST5004PN-FR Seat Toledo 12-C Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:5JA837462 FL:5JA837461 10P/ 4'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:1P HU-ST5004PN-RR HU-ST5004PN-RR Seat Toledo 12-C Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:5JA839462 RL:5JA839461 10P/ 2'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:1P HU-ST2504MA-FR HU-ST2504MA-FL HU-ST5004M-RR HU-ST5004M-RR Toledo 12-C Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:6JA837226 FL:6JA837225 Toledo 12-C Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual RR:5JA839462 RL:5JA839461 RR:5JA839040 RL:5JA839039 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 2'/ 8-9KG Seat Case Qty:10P (B12) Seat Case Qty:1P HU-ST2504MA-RR HU-ST2504MA-RL Seat Toledo 12-C Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 1431 ST013 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 1432 ST014
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