C Proof of employment - kihz

Kinderbetreuung im
Hochschulraum Zürich
C Proof of employment
Eine Stiftung der
Universität Zürich und der ETH Zürich
Proof of employment
Proof of employment: father
Child’s name
Carer at kita
We confirm that Mr.
has worked at our company since
on a _______________%
basis as (function) __________________________________.
If less than 100%
� regular working hours
� Mo � Tu � We � Th
� Fr
Working hours from _______________ to _______________
� irregular working hours
spread over ________ days
� Mo � Tu � We � Th
� no. of hours
� Fr
_______________ per week / month
� on call: approx. _______________ % per week / month
Notes concerning irregular
working hours
Company / Institute
Date, Place
Function (HR / Superior)
Stamp and signature