Press Release adesso is establishing a higher

Press Release
adesso is establishing a higher-education council
Dortmund, 7 April 2016 – adesso AG is establishing a higher-education
council to foster the transfer of knowledge between research and
practice. The new committee consists of senior management from the IT
service provider and numerous professors from renowned universities.
The aim of the adesso higher-education council is the mutual exchange on
current scientific and technological issues. The committee will bring together
different viewpoints from science and practice to provide fresh inspiration for
both sides. The higher-education council will meet twice a year. Apart from
senior adesso staff, Supervisory Board Chairman Prof. Dr Volker Gruhn and
Executive Board member Andreas Prenneis, the committee includes
professors from six different universities:
Prof. Bernhard Rumpe, RWTH Aachen University, Chair of Software
Engineering Computer Science 3;
Prof. Wilhelm Hasselbring, Kiel University, Software Engineering Group
Department Computer Science;
Prof. Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund University, Chair of Computer
Science 13 Service Computer Science (Dienstleistungsinformatik);
Prof. Michael Klotz, University of Applied Sciences Stralsund,
Depart-ment of Economics;
Prof. Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Institute of Databases and
Information Systems;
Prof. Stefan Tai, Technische Universität Berlin, Information Systems
The specific activities of the higher education council include the fostering of
close cooperation. adesso’s goal in doing so is to be even more actively
involved in research projects. In turn, the IT service provider will increasingly
integrate the universities’ scientific expertise into its customer projects. The
plan is to deepen the cooperation between adesso offices and nearby
universities at the regional level.
In addition, adesso representatives and the university professors will discuss
current technological, scientific and funding-policy issues on the council, and
determine their strategic relevance.
“The practical world has to cooperate much more closely with the sciences
these days so as to meet the current and future challenges of a digital world,”
says Prof. Dr Volker Gruhn, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adesso AG.
“That’s why our council brings together adesso’s expertise with that of our
university partners. Together, we want to develop and realise sustainable
ideas in order to become an innovator for the IT industry.”
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adesso AG
adesso is one of the leading IT service providers in the German-speaking area and
focuses its consulting and software development activities on the core business
processes of companies and public authorities. adesso’s strategy is based on three
pillars: the deep industry-specific know-how of its staff, the comprehensive expertise in
technology and the application of reliable methods in software implementation
projects. Following this approach, adesso develops superior IT solutions, which
enhance the competitive position of a company.
adesso was founded in Dortmund in 1997 and employs more than 1,600 members of
staff in thirteen offices. The share is listed on the regulated market. Some of the most
important customers are Allianz, Hannover Rück, Union Investment, Westdeutsche
Lotterie, Swisslos, Zurich Versicherung, DEVK, DAK and Beschaffungsamt des
Bundesministeriums des Innern.
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Contact person:
adesso AG
Daniela Steins
Stockholmer Allee 20
44269 Dortmund
T: +49 231 7000-2508
[email protected]
Nicole Gryzewski
Nußbaumstraße 12
80336 München
T: +49 (0)89-59997-704
F: +49 (0) 89-59997-999
[email protected]