EINLADUNG im Rahmen des Seminars in Geometric Analysis and Physics (GAP Seminar) zum Vortrag von Alex Gottlieb (WPI, Vienna) über Geometry of the Hilbert space for three fermions with six single-particle states Abstract: The Hilbert space for a single particle with six basic quantum states is the standard 6dimensional complex space V, and the Hilbert space for a system of three fermions with six single-particle states is the (alternating) tensor product space V^V^V, a 20-dimensional space. The simplest vectors in V^V^V are "decomposable" wedge products of three vectors from V. Every vector in V^V^V can be written as a sum of three decomposables, and most can be written as a sum of just two. Every vector in V^V^V can be written -- in various ways -- as a linear combinati on of at most five decomposable wedge products of vectors drawn from a single orthonormal basis of V. These multilinear algebraic properties of vectors in V^V^V are related to the geometry of that space. Zeit: Freitag, 08.04.2016, 11:30 – 13:00 Ort: SR 11, 2. Stock Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien gez.: M. Bauer, V. Branding (Fak. Math, TU) D. Fajman, J. Joudioux (Fak. Phys, UniVie) B. Schoerkhuber (Fak. Math, UniVie)
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