Registration Deadlines Objective Bunsen Discussion Meeting on at

Bunsen Discussion Meeting on Due to the unique properties of neutrons,
neutron scattering is an outstanding tool in
material science, (bio-)physics and chemistry.
With the up-coming new European spallation
source (ESS) in Lund new experiments and
new science will be possible and new user
communities will get attracted. Therefore, it is
necessary to review the state of the art of
present experiments and to develop new ideas
and future experimental challenges.
at Bielefeld University 2016 Registration will be required via the
conference website:
Submission open from:
 1st February 2016
25.07. – 27.07.2016
 Students:
 Regular participant:
100 €
300 €
Deadline early bird registration:
 16th May 2016
Regular registration:
 Students:
 Regular participant:
 after 16th May 2016
150 €
360 €
(Please observe the deadline for registration
and payment; otherwise the late registration
fee will have to be paid on-site. )
Deadline for registration:
 24th June 2016
Deadline for submission of abstracts:
 24th June 2016
The scientific program will consist of invited
The contributions should be submitted via
and contributed lectures. The actual list of
the template provided on our conference
the confirmed invited speakers can be found
on the conference website
All abstracts will be reviewed by the
Organizing Committee.
Scientific topics: polymers/colloids,
Universität Bielefeld
biological systems, surfaces and catalysis,
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung
hard matter/magnetism, material science
Methoden 1
and energy.
Further questions ?
[email protected]
33615 Bielefeld
Plenarsaal (Room 222)
In addition, sufficient time will be given for
poster presentations and discussions.
Please visit the website of the Deutsche
Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische
Organizing Committee
Chemie (DBG) ( or
directly our conference website
Short‐term schedule
Prof. T. Hellweg
Bielefeld University, Physical und Biophysical
Chemistry, Bielefeld
25.07.2016: Start of the conference (noon)
Prof. M. Ballauff
Scientific program
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin; Institute Soft Matter
Poster session
and Functional Materials, Berlin
26.07.2016: Scientific program
Conference Dinner
(Park Inn by Radisson Bielefeld)
27.07.2016: Scientific program
End of the conference (noon)
Prof. Dr. G. Eckold
chemie/neutrons_in_chemistry/) for
updated information on the conference,
registration and submission of contributions.
Office of Prof. Dr. Thomas Hellweg:
Sandra Gericke
Göttingen University, Institute of Physical
Physikalische und Biophysikalische Chemie
Chemistry, Göttingen
Universität Bielefeld
Prof. Dr. R. von Klitzing
Universitätsstr. 25
33615 Bielefeld
TU Berlin, Stranski-Lab. for Theoretical and
Tel.: +49 521-106-6888
Physical Chemistry, Berlin
Fax: +49 521-106-2981