英 コ ミ サ ロ フ 米 文 学 ア ダ ム KOMISAROF, Adam 教 授 生 年:1968年 最 終 校:国際基督教大学大学院行政学 研究科博士課程(行政学博士) 卒 業 年:2008年 e-mail:akomisar@flet.keio.ac.jp 研 究 室:日吉来往舎 640番(電33343) 専攻科目:異文化コミュニケーション, 異文化適応 塾内役職: 所属学会・団体:異文化コミュニケーション学会,International Academy for Intercultural Research学会(フェロー,理事),International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 主要著作・論文: [著書]At Home Abroad : The Contemporary Western Experience in Japan(Reitaku University Press, 2012) ; On the Front Lines of Forging a Global Society: Japanese and American Coworkers in Japan (Reitaku University Press, 2011) [共編]Crossing Boundaries and Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities(Routledge, 2015) [論文]“Are Americans More Successful at Building Intercultural Relations than Japanese? A Comparison and Analysis of Acculturation Outcomes in Japan” S pringerPlus, 3 (2014) ; “Re-entry: A Teaching Moment for Intercultural Communication Awareness and Skills” JALT 2010 Conference Proceedings (2011) ; “Conflicting Acculturation Strategies Regarding Ethnocultural Diversity: Towards a Resolution for Japan’s Multicultural Future” Journal of Intercultural Communication, 13(2010) ; “Testing a Modified Interactive Acculturation Model in Japan: American-Japanese Coworker Relations” International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 33 (2009) ; “Facilitating Positive Acculturation Outcomes Among American Sojourners Teaching in Japanese Schools” Human Communication, 9(2006) ; “The Impact of Perceived Acculturation Attitude Alignments upon U.S.Japanese Relations” Journal of Intercultural Communication, 7 (2004) ; “Distinguishing Meaningful Dimensions of Cultural Variability and Stereotypes : Focus on Individualism-Collectivism” JALT 2003 at Shizuoka Conference Proceedings (2004) ; “Coping Styles Among Native English Speaking Instructors Toward Japanese University Classroom Culture” Journal of Intercultural Communication, 5 (2002) ; “Different Ways of Belonging : American JET Program Participants’ Perceptions of Japanese Membership Norms” Human Communication, 4(1) (2001) ;他 [共著]“Acculturation in East and Southeast Asia” in J. Berry & D. Sam(Eds.) , The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology, 2 nd edition,(Cambridge University Press, 2016) ; Communication Success,(南雲堂, 2004) ; 他 海 外 歴: 2012年 4 月~2013年 3 月 英国オックスフォード大学(客員研究員) 私の研究紹介:My research interests are in intercultural communication, acculturation psychology, and intercultural education. I aim to facilitate positive intercultural contact both in Japan and abroad and to advance theoretical research by developing new ways of conceptualizing the acculturation process and its outcomes. 97
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