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Qnn,anMπ QttgNu,J LL● 彫醤ηし、η」号可 側 ηuq、 g,8前 爵 %ふ 255o oo耐 跳血 anデ ぅ1"跳 1づ q ● Lttη oη 彫し 1日 ヽ,η Uう %η lザ nLバ 轟nan」 ηL]跳 EJη un● デld守色 nn,=L,ooっ ηnn,彫 η,っ o Иl。 1,0ぎ 観 。デ L]■ 0山 'indonη ttn』 う■ n'rnn'rr6n:i'r:Joru flnr:finu'r 2558 6o iuo-un{d 11 iln:'tnil 2559 , tt nqn6nruu 2558 メ 眈れ t (:0lfl.rflq:10'rru 9t:. tnu: e.iii qt r ur unr : i vr u 1 o-u ut ur v daa.:, , 1 ouvl:flT)0rtr fft,ror' tr 6 r u r i vr u r n-u fi n il r n : 3 )1。 'fbLl剛 ■ttttanη nnη ■lnttη -) :J:rnrs ru fufi gη 5η "跳 lQ山 EJ AnnouncementofSilpakornUniversitylnternationalCollege List of Successful Candidates for Graduate Studies For Academic Semester 2′ 2015(Winter) the list of successful Silpakorn University lnternational College has evaluated and determined (Winter). The information can be seen candidates for Graduate studies for academic semester 2t2015 hereunder. 1. Candl List of Successful Candidates 1.1 (PIan B) Master of Business Administration in lnternational Business Application Name Last Name MS MANASSA∨ 匡E JAR∪ ROJPAKORN MS NA丁 丁HAPHON S∪ ∨lCHAPANICH First Number 21 1.2 Doctor of Philosophy in lnternational Business Application First No. Name Last Name Number 2. 1 1565001 MS NALIN SIMASATHIANSOPHON 2 1565002 MR.SAKSURIYA TRAIYARACH Admisslon Schedu:e Date Time SUIC Administrative Office Friday November 20, Remark Venue The first insta‖ ment of tuition │ 5th Floor, Office of the 09.00 hr fee(THB 40,000)must be President Building, 2015 │ pald Taling Chan, Bangkok the admission Remark : The applicants who pass the direct admission requirements but cannot attend The applicants who fail shall submit a written statement to SUIC before Monday, 16'n November 2015. or neglect to submit the written request will be disqualified to study at SUIC. 3. Pavment of Tuition Fees and Universitv Fees 3.1 On the admission confirmation day (Friday, 20h November, 2015), the first installment of tuition fee (THB 40,000) must be paid. The first installment will be deducted from the total tuition fee after the student has completely registered all courses. Applicant may submit the tuition fee through one of the followings: 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 Cash A cashier's cheque payable to Silpakorn University lnternational College Money Transfer Name: Branch: Account Name: Account Number: Bank g.2 Krung Thai Bank Bangkhunnon Branch Silpakorn University lnternational College 058-0-29287-8 On Monday; 4* January,2016, students shall complete the following amounts at the bank or the Financial Department at Taling Chan campus 3.2.1 Pavment of Tuition Fees Tuition Fee / Semester (Baht) Graduate Programs Thai Students Master of Business Administration in 1 Foreign Students 40,000.00 45,000.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 Hotel and Hospitality Management 2 Master of Business Administration in lnternational Business 3 Doctor of Philosophy in lnternational Business 3.2.2 Pavment of Universitv Fees Amount (THB) Detalls 1 New Student Registration Fee (One-Time Payment) 600.00 2 Property Damage Fee (One-Time Payment) 1,000.00 3 University Fee Semesterly 2,000.00 4 Library Service Fee Semesterly 1,000.00 5 Computer Lab Fee Semesterly 500.00 6 Registration Service Fee Semesterly 50.00 7 Personal lnsurance Fee Yearly 15000 5,300.00 Total 5 Remark : SUIC reservos tha rights to amend th6 Tuition Fe6, th6 Registration Fee, and other fees without prior notice. 4. New Students and Course Reqistrations 4.1. New Students Reqistration: Each student will be informed of the student lD number via email, which is for filling-in personal information on the website $Ebl4{.Igg.g!3q!b during 1"'to 15h December, 20'15. 4.2. Course Reqistration: The Graduate School of Silpakorn University will register courses for each new student during 21"tto 3Ot December, 2015. 4.3. Required Documents for New Students: New students must submit the following documents on the Semester First Day (Monday; 1lh January, 2016). Each document must be Certified True Copy on every page. . One ('l) copy of government-issued identification document: Passport (for a foreign nationality) or ldentification Card (for a Thai nationality). . . One (1) copy of House's Registration (for a Thai nationality). Ph.D. Student One ('l) copy of complete transcripts and official diploma of former education in Bachelor and Master levels. . MBA Student: One (1) copy of complete transcripts and official diploma of former education in Bachelor level. . . APPlication lD Card. Two (2) sets of facing-forward photo in 'l inch size (must not be in an academic gown or former academic institute uniform) o The Medical Certificate (issued by a healthcare facility certifiod by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand) 5. First Dav of the Semester Academic 212015 is on Monday: 11h January, 2016 Announced on 11s November 2015 //1´ れ , (Assoc P“ 漁 Dr Gaysorn Chansir)出 uに γ Director of S‖ pakorn University interna‖ onal Co‖ ege
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