CURRICULUM VITAE As of Mar. 2015 KIYOYASU TANAKA Affiliation Research Fellow, Institute of Developing Economies Address Wakaba 3-2-2, Mihama, Chiba, 261-8545, Japan Email [email protected] Tel 043-299-9755 Fields International Economics, Applied Econometrics, Development Economics Fax 043-299-9763 EDUCATION Ph.D. in Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 2008 M.A. in Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 2005 B.A. in Economics, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, 2003 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Apr. 2010 – current Research fellow, Institute of Developing Economies Apr. 2010 – current Research collaborator, Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry Jun. 2009 – Mar. 2011 Project member, Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office Apr. 2009 – Mar. 2010 Research assistant, Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry Feb. 2009 – Mar. 2010 COE Researcher, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University May 2007 – Jul. 2007 Lecturer, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Oct. 2005 – May 2008 Teaching Assistant, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Jan. 2004 – Oct. 2005 Project Assistant, North East Asian Economic Forum, East West Center, USA TEACHING EXPERIENCE Chuo University, Faculty of Policy Studies: Development Economics (2014, 2015) Institute of Developing Economies Advanced School: Introductory Mathematics (2010, 2011), Economics Seminar (2012) University of Hawaii at Manoa: Intermediate Microeconomics (UG level, 2008) REFEREED JOURNAL PAPER “Firm Heterogeneity and FDI in Distribution Services” The World Economy, forthcoming. “Agglomeration and Firm-level Productivity: A Bayesian Spatial Approach” Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming. (with Hashiguchi, Y.) “Spatial Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta in China” China and World Economy 23(2), pp. 40-60, 2015. (with Hashiguchi, Y.) CURRICULUM VITAE As of Mar. 2015 “Heterogeneous Multinational Firms and Productivity Gains from Falling FDI Barriers” Review of World Economics 150 (1), pp. 83-113, 2014. (with Arita, S.) Does Aid for Roads Attract Foreign or Domestic Firms? Evidence from Cambodia” The Developing Economies 51 (4), pp. 388-401, 2013. (with Tsubota, K.) “Transport Modal Choice by Multinational Firms: Firm-level Evidence from Southeast Asia” International Economic Journal 27 (4), pp. 609-623, 2013. (with Hayakawa, K. and Ueki, Y.) “The Size Distribution of All Cambodian Establishments” Economics Bulletin 31 (3), pp. 2128-2137, 2011. (with Hatsukano, N.) “Vertical Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Japanese and U.S. Multinational Enterprises” Japan and the World Economy 23 (2), pp. 97-111, 2011. DISCUSSION PAPER (UNDER REVIEW) "Agglomeration Effects of Informal Sector: Evidence from Cambodia “ IDE Discussion Paper Series No. 495, 2015, (with Hashiguchi, Y.) “The Impact of Foreign Firms on Industrial Productivity: A Bayesian-model Averaging Approach” RIETI Discussion Paper 15-E-009, 2015 “Directional Imbalance of Freight Rates: Evidence from Japanese Inter-prefectural Data” IDE Discussion Paper Series No. 441, 2014. (with Tsubota, K.) “FDI and Investment Barriers in Developing Economies" IDE Discussion Paper Series No. 431, 2013, (with Arita, S.) “Regional Investment Liberalization and FDI” RIETI Discussion Paper 13-E-088, 2013.(with Arita, S.) BOOK CAPTER “Location Choice of Multinational Firms in CLMV Countries”. In Ikuo Kuroiwa (ed.), Economic Integration and the Location of Industries, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. (with Keola, S. and Hayakawa, K.) “Economic Integration and Industrial Location in Laos: How Has Border Mattered?” In Ikuo Kuroiwa (ed.), Economic Integration and the Location of Industries, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. (with Keola, S. and Hayakawa, K.) “The Determinants of Offshore Production by Multinational Corporations (MNCs): A Comparison between Japanese and U.S. MNCs”. In Robert M. Stern (ed.), Quantitative Analysis of Newly Evolving Patterns of International Trade: Fragmentation; Offshoring of Activities; and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade, World Scientific, 2012. (with Matsuura, T. and Urata, S.) “Does Offshoring Improve Domestic Productivity? Evidence from the Japanese Manufacturing Industries”. In Robert M. Stern (ed.), Quantitative Analysis of Newly Evolving Patterns of International Trade: Fragmentation; Offshoring of Activities; and Vertical Intra-Industry Trade, World Scientific, 2012. (with Ito, K.) CURRICULUM VITAE As of Mar. 2015 “Trade Collapse and International Supply Chains: Japanese Evidence”. In Richard Baldwin (ed.), The Great Trade Collapse: Causes, Consequences and Prospects, VoxEU, CEPR, 2009 BOOK REVIEW Trade and Industrial Development in East Asia: Catching Up or Falling Behind by Peter C. Y. Chow, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012, 397 pp., The Developing Economies 51 (3), pp. 326-328, 2013. BOOK CAPTER in JAPANESE 「海外直接投資」(ジェトロ・アジア経済研究所 黒岩郁雄・高橋和志・山形辰史 編『テキス トブック開発経済学第 3 版』有斐閣ブックス)2015 年 「海外直接投資」 (黒岩郁雄 編『東アジア統合の経済学』日本評論社)2014 年 (馬田啓一・木村福成編『国際経済の論点』文眞堂)2012 年 「日中韓の技術革新:展望と政策」 ARTICLE (in JAPANESE) 「対日直接投資の動向と特徴:外資系企業動向調査による推定」 経済統計研究第 42 巻Ⅱ号 2014 年 「カンボジア経済センサス」アジ研ワールドトレンド 2014 年 9 月号 “Challenges to Make Cambodian SMEs Participate in Global Value Chains: Towards Addressing Poverty and Inequality” Bangkok Research Center Research Report No. 14, 2014. (with Hatsukano, N.) 「日本企業とアジア(下):サービス分野進出カギに」日本経済新聞経済教室 2013 年 8 月 「中国、日本、韓国の技術革新ネットワーク -特許引用パターンを中心に」アジ研ワール ドトレンド 2011 年 8 月号(鍋嶋郁氏と共著) 「日本の特許データから読む中国、日本、韓国の技術特化」アジ研ワールドトレンド 2011 年 7 月号(鍋嶋郁氏と共著) 「東アジア経済におけるミクロデータを使用した企業・事業所のダイナミクスの研究のサー ベイ」経済社会総合研究所(ESRI)Research Note No.11。2010 年(乾友彦氏と池本賢悟氏と共著) “Trade Collapse and International Supply Chains: Evidence from Japan”, VoxEU, CEPR, 2009. “Trade Collapse and Vertical Foreign Direct Investment”, Hitotsubashi University Global COE Hi-Stat Vox No.7, 2009. “The Complex Expansion Strategies of Japanese and U.S. Multinational Firms” 経済学論纂第48第 3・4合併号, 中央大学経済学部 TRANSLATION (in JAPANESE) 「韓国の近代化:朴正煕将軍の時代」 趙利済・渡辺利夫・カーター J.・エッカート編 東京大学出版会2009年 CURRICULUM VITAE As of Mar. 2015 GRANT Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), “The Impact of Foreign Firms on Domestic Firms’ Productivity in Cambodia”, Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology, Apr. 2012-Mar.2016. HONORS, SCHOLARSHIPS, and FELLOWSHIPS 2008 Burnham O. Campbell Dissertation Scholarship, University of Hawaii at Manoa 2007 Travel Grant, Graduate Student Organization, University of Hawaii at Manoa 2005 - 2008 Graduate Assistant Fellowships, University of Hawaii at Manoa 2004 - 2005 Economics Department Tuition Waiver, University of Hawaii at Manoa 2003 Asia Pacific Tuition Differential Exemption, University of Hawaii at Manoa 2000 - 2003 Scholarship for Excellence of Grades, Chuo University REFEREE ACTIVITY Bulletin of Economic Research, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, Japan and the World Economy, Journal of Asian Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economies, South African Geographical Journal, Southern Economic Journal, The Annals of Regional Science, The Developing Economies, The World Economy AFFILIATION OF SOCIETY Japanese Economic Association, Japan Society of International Economics, International Economics and Finance Society Japan
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