KYOTO Design Lab, リスボン大学 University of Lisbon DESIGN 4 Lecturers Kyoto Institute of Technology 文 部 科 学 省・京 都 工 芸 繊 維 大 学 機 能 強 化 事 業 |ワーク ショップシリ ーズ| WORKSHOP KYOTO Design Lab WORKSHOP SERIES DESIGN 4 Prof. Jose Pinto Duarte ジョゼ・ピント・ドゥアルテ[リスボン大学教授] Full Professor, Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon (FA/Ulisboa) Visiting Scientist, School of Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) José Pinto Duarte holds a professional degree from the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon (FA/UTL), the Master in Design Methods and a PhD in Design and Computation from MIT, USA. He is Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon (FA/ULisboa), Visiting Scientist at MIT and Vice President Emeritus of eCAADe - education and research in computer aided architectural design in Europe, European organization of which he was also President. He does research on using new technology for mass customization in design, architecture, and urban planning. University of Lisbon ─ Prof. Cañavate, Javier School BSc in Chemical Engineering, MSc and PhD in Engineering. College professor and Dean of School of Engineering in Terrassa (EET), a school of the Technical University of Catalonia BarcelonaTech (UPC) Spain ─ Prof. Güzin KONUK Professor, PhD, Dean of The Faculty of Architecture, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Theme ─ Workshop on shape grammar in product design and engineering ─ KYOTO Design Lab WORKSHOP Schedule DESIGN Site In product design and engineering, we commonly use computer-based techniques to model and fabricate forms. To develop those forms, we may use parametric or generative methods. Such methods usually involve a programming language (like Java or Python) or a tool like Grasshopper. To designers, these often seem less intuitive than sketching manually. In this workshop, we focus on a technique that combines both the directness of drawing and the generative power of algorithms. We will be implementing this technique, called shape grammar, with an experimental software application to design and fabricate 2D patterns. This workshop is for practitioners and students of design who are interested in digital fabrication, mass customization, and algorithmic design. [火] [水]8:30 ─ 19:00 ・11日 2015年3月10日 1号館 3階310号室 • 問合せ • 仲隆介教授 4 [デザイン経営工学専攻] Coordinate ••••• [email protected]
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