Yield forecasting in Australia with APSIM-Yield Prophet and

Institut für Landnutzungssysteme
zum Kolloquium
Müncheberg, 8. März 2016
Yield forecasting in Australia with APSIM-Yield
Prophet and assisting farmers with estimation of soil
hydrological properties
Dr. Kirsten Verburg
Commonwealth Scientific and
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO),
Donnerstag, 17. März 2016
15:00 Uhr, Dachsalon (Institut LSE, Haus 16)
Wir laden alle Interessenten sehr herzlich zu diesem Vortrag ein!
gez. Prof. Dr. Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura
Institut für Landnutzungssysteme • Eberswalder Staße 84 • D-15374 Müncheberg
www.leibniz-zalf.de • Telefon: +49 33432 82-310 • Fax: +49 33432 82-387
zum Kolloquium
Aktuelles aus dem Institut für Landnutzungssysteme
The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) is internationally recognised as an
advanced simulator of agricultural systems. It contains a suite of modules which enable
the simulation of systems that cover a range of plant, animal, soil, climate and management interactions. APSIM is used by scientists in a broad range of applications, including
support for on-farm decision making, farming systems design for production or resource
management objectives, yield gap analysis, assessment of the value of seasonal climate
forecasting, and as a learning tool to better understand complex interactions within agricultural systems. APSIM also underpins a yield forecasting tool Yield Prophet® that is
used by farmers and their advisers to inform crop management decisions. APSIM-Yield
Prophet draws its soil information from a large database APSoil, which contains field
characterisations of plant available water capacity (PAWC) for 1000+ soils around Australia and is publically available.
Kirsten Verburg is a soil scientist with CSIRO Agriculture in Australia where she applies her
skills in soil and cropping systems modelling to improve the understanding of soil water
and nutrient dynamics in agricultural systems. This supports the development of management strategies as well as monitoring designs. Applied research with and for farmer
research groups plays an important role in her work.
Kirsten will give an introduction to APSIM-Yield Prophet, outlining its use in dryland cropping in Australia where yields are strongly driven by highly variable in-season rainfall and
stored soil water. She will also present work-in-progress on assisting farmers and their
advisors with estimation of soil hydrological properties. This involves extrapolating from
the point-based APSoil database using soil-landscape associations and introduces the
farmers and advisors to online soil and landscape survey information.