SS16 Modules for Summer Semester nd Level: 2 Semester of Studies (Year 1) No. 1231 Subject Economics 1: Fundamentals of Economics: Microeconomics Volkswirtschaftslehre 1: Grundlagen der VWL, Mikroökonomie 1221 International Economics and International Organisations (Group A + B) Aufderheide, Außenwirtschaft und Internationale Organisationen Detlef ISGM 2 6 1241 Management and Human Resources and Organisatio (Group A) Management und Personal & Organisation Schwuchow, Karlheinz ISGM 2 6 Aufderheide, Detlef ISTM 2 6 1211 Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and International Economic Relations Mikroökonomie, Makroökonamie & Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen German and International Business Law Nationales und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht European Law I Europarecht I 1221 International Economics and European Integration Außenwirtschaft und Europäische Integration 1231 1241 Professor Course ECTS Schmidt, Peter BIM 2 6 Ianeva, Nadia Trüe, Christiane ISTM 2 3 ESWV 2 6 Frankenfeld, Peter ISVW 2 3 Professor Course Beckmann, Roché BW 4 Level: 4th Semester of Studies (Year 2) No. 1431 Subject International Management and International Economics (Group AA+AB+BA+BB) Dimensions of International Business 1421 International Business Finance and Accounting Internationale Unternehmensfinanzierung und Rechnungslegung 1511 International Business Studies-International Economic Relations (Group AJ+C) Internationale Wirtschaft Japan in the Global Economy Japan in der Weltwirtschaft Project Management (Group A+B) Projektmanagement Strategic Management Strategisches Management Cultural Studies and Intercultural Management (Group A+B) Kulturwissenschaften und Interkulturelle Kommunikation 1331 Introduction in International and Cross-Cultural Management in Tourism (Group A+B) Einführung Internationales und Interkulturelles Management im Tourismus 1441 1451 1411 1431 ECTS 6 Abée, Stephan / ISGM 4 / Varmaz, Armin EFA 6 6 Schuchardt, Christian / Goydke, Tim AWS 4 6 Eilker, Jens AWS 4 3 Tervo, Topi ISGM 4 Schwuchow, Karlheinz ISGM 4 Berninghausen , Jutta ISGM 4 6 Holzapfel, Rupert / Nissel, Ktrin ISTM 4 6 3 6 Berninghausen , Jutta ESWV 4 2311 Intercultural Communication (Diversity) Interkulturelle Kommunikation (Diversity) Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management Regional Economics - Competition / Sector and Region Regionalökonomie Theorie 1441 Project Management Projektmanagement Krohne, Farian / Meyer, Helga ISWI 4 6 Schöttl, Michael / Schuchardt, Christian ISWI 4 6 Pundt, Leena ISWI 4 6 Röhrich, Martina ESWV 4 1512 2221 1511 International Management I and International External Auditing Internationales Management I und International External Auditing Intercultural Communication (Group A+B) Interkulturelle Kommunikation 2212 Management Business Game ONLY WITH B2 GERMAN LEVEL Unternehmensplanung und Berichtswesen 1451 Lo, Luling Frankenfeld, Peter 3 ISVW 4 3 ISVW 4 6 3 Level: 6th Semester of Studies (Year 3) No. 1611 1631 Subject International Management I Internationales Management I International Business Law Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht Level: 8th Semester of Studies (Year 4) No. 1822 1841 Professor Course ECTS Welvers, Ulrich BIM 6 BIM 6 / Ianeva, Nadia EFA 6 6 6 for advanced students Subject International Business Law (Group AJ + C) Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht Current Developments in Japan Aktuelle Entwicklung in Japan Professor Course ECTS Scholz, Lydia AWS 8 3 Krähe, Michael AWS 8 3 FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS ONLY – Additional Subjects No. Subject 1110 Elements of Corporate Finance 2110 2140 Presentation & Communication Skills Academic Research Writing based on History, Politics, Economy Alemazung of Germany Olesch, JensR. Controlling Erler, Sebastian Business Game (Planning and Reporting) Bremen and the World (Economics and Political Integration over Spiegel, Steffen the Centuries) 2300 International Economics 2290 Strategic Management 2131 Taxation 2111 Management and HRM/Organisation Diskussion über aktuelle Themen 2121 Business Ethics 2230 Global Marketing 1150 Supply Chain Management & Quality Management 2130 2180 Fundamentals of Investment Appraisal Indonesia: The Rising Economic Power 2310 Social Media Marketing Maloney, Philip Kolmykova, Anna Röhrich, Martina Silaban, Erwin Leverenz, Christina 2320 Business Economics in Cruise Lines Berthold, Florian 1140 2120 2160 Professor Schöttl, Michael SoepraptoJansen, Nena Pirooznia, Nima Kiesow, Gerfried de Hesselle, Vera Course ECTS SiB 3 SiB 6 SiB 6 SiB 6 SiB 3 SiB 3 SiB 6 SiB 3 SiB 3 Golpelwar, Mayank-Kumar SiB Matsui, Noriko SiB Aufderheide, Detlef SiB 6 6 SiB 3 SiB 6 SiB SiB 3 3 SiB 3 SiB 3 KOOWB General Studies for Exchange Students *Please note: ECTS for KOOWB courses (General Studies and Language Courses) will not appear in your transcript – you will receive a certificate including your grade and ECTS directly from the KOOWB!! Subject VANR Thema KOOWB KOOWB KOOWB KOOWB KOOWB Gender and Multiculturalism General Management Studies (for non-business students) Germany and the European Union - History, Politics and Culture Intercultural Competence and Communication Job Applications in Germany - Procedures and Opportunities KOOWB Openness, Creativity + Perception & Presentation Skills KOOWB Organizational Behavior KOOWB Research Methods and Academic Writing Professor Course ECTS* Dozentin/Dozen Beginn ECTS* t Price 9032 3 Barfuß 9039 6 Wege 9035 3 Musundi-Beez 9033 3 Phillips 9036 3 Unnithan9034 3 Brauch Price 9038 3 Unnithan9037 6 Brauch
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