
第39回 核医学特別セミナー
Recent advances in molecular imaging system technology research at Stanford 18:00 -­‐ 19:00, Aug 6 8⽉月6⽇日(⽊木)医学研究科 フラテ特別会議室
Craig S. Levin, Ph.D. Professor of Radiology, and by courtesy, Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Bioengineering Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford (MIPS), Division of Nuclear Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine. 革新的PET機器などの研究開発を推進するリーディング研究者として知られる
スタンフォード大Levin教授による講演です。 The Molecular Imaging Instrumenta7on Laboratory (MIIL) at Stanford (miil.stanford.edu) advances instrumenta7on and computa7onal algorithms for visualizing and quan7fying molecular signatures of disease. Among the different molecular imaging modali7es, positron emission tomography (PET) has become a powerful tool for interroga7ng the molecular basis of disease, and is currently the only molecular imaging method that regularly used in the clinic. The MIIL has a par7cular focus on exploring new concepts in PET system technology. In this presenta7on we will discuss some of our research projects in this area.
レポート提出先及び連絡先 医学研究科 核医学分野 鈴木 東南棟1階106-2 内線5152