①糀盟 er Instltute of Education Key Stage 1 /2 Lesson Observation Form: School Experience Lesson`懃 Dateノ κ .03.′ 5 /Fn_ SE ttutor ぶ形 SE1/SE2/SE3 PGCE/SCHOOL DIRECT/(gRBD Observe/s comments :dment on chaltenge and engagement /erisuring all pupils make progress / subject knowledge and with misconceptions/ promotion of leaming including planning and struct re of the lesson / ,ealing Jifferentiation / assessment and feedback / effective behaviour management and management of .ey strengrths- these should feed into ,eekly reviews 酬ぶ建鋤ユ 豪 … 凛 け ……七 Teachers' Standards (2012) ム盤 獅″ 雀 協 鰍 策 should Areas for development- these Standards 2012) Z ■ 2_ “ 費ね ル gned : Observe- Signed: Observer 2 (for joint observations) gned : Trainee Teacher NOTE:NO SPL「 GRAD[S /hite copy {or bainee / Yellow copy for school mentor / Pink copy for SE tutor (send to `Pracemerぉ Ad"rnrshror ar υ″, The mentor should keep a copy of this form for their records. A copy must be given to the trainee teacher within one day of the observation. There should be at least 1 observation per week- )ntinuation sheet if required Focus Teachers Standard: 5a. Differentiation' withineachlesson,laimtodifferentiateallactivitiessothateachabilitygroupfeels information based on what comfortably challenged. ln each of my lesson plans, I included of each child's individual ability each group will be doing. I had a secure knowledge of the LA group, l considered therefore when planning lessons l had this is mind. ln terms visualactivitiesthatwouldmotivateandengagedchildrenasastarter.Thisworkedwell to start the lesson' The main within lessons as children had a visual and practical activity have learnt through creating activity then focussed on implementing what the children the MA group concentrated sentences involving their specific grammar term. ln comparison, onimplementingtheirpreviousknowledgeatthestartofthelessonincomparisontotheLA groupwhofocussedonvisualstrategies.lhaveevidenceofdifferentiatingactivitiesfrom myobservationsheet.Myobservercommentedonmyabilitytodifferentiatethegrammar my differentiation of each term was terms for each group. My observer commented on how how the grammar terms I picked appropriate for each group. My observer also mentioned meaning children were were relatable to a previous assessment that children completed able to use previous knowledge to progress' Q棚盟 er lnstitute of Education CnJcal Rttection Form Date… ″ 征…………… /′ 71S Moddttesso■ _′ :徽 Focus Teachers' Standard .ir:.. RenectiOn た 1切 望 /J′ 疏 り 」 レ ′ じ ι t起 慟 へ″ 嗽 1が ソ ソ 蒻威″ 符 rfZlθ7 1乱′ れ″ ん… ″ 幽砒 μ 凝 ゐ 絣 ¨ し ルψ とA arOυ 欝 ;ち J鋤静 ?掘 轟 鰍 殿 (棚 tt\s{,*- cnuurt'^ yI 針 a … 彎 :暇 Ъ路 紹準 Y,.?73,^r, anA u7-t よ し LUork-.tir-epl 「Ψ ′ ゛ h彎た^酬 」 t t欠 OChlt crcrcLtnal.-sJ Jι t, (人 1紹 TarqeUs Revlew とA ttυ ιω αJ七兵glP"酬 υ じへ 鳳 麻 も 扱融 メ 1クⅧ χ」 クヽ 0沃丈 UUし に」力ら タ Make a right angled │ 5 ︵′ / 「 ︱︱︱ ︱ Add a new point Draw the triangle Write the coordinates of the new pointbeloy.,. 一 一 一 二 triangle 5 ,,/ . ,l (=/'!,:i Make an isosceles triangle Add a new point Draw the triangle Write the coordinates of the new point below (3, Ll.t' l/J /-l l'. r (2,-z) 3. o Make a scalene triangle Add a new point o Draw the triangle r Write the coordinates of the new point below ( ,- . J )7 frrt fr^r (cwd,u'ate.r 0!4ot ltwaug * lau Jbaf<. セ │″ 数 lρ /a山 ″ νυ , | 以 │ 一一一一一一一一一一一一一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一一 (3.+ )r- 一 二 1 ;童 互 上 れ三 ´十 ` : │ , ´ ノ IIIF:三 II享 陛 I撃 筍 0 -― ― 一 一 一 一 T土十■ ︲ ■■‡ヨ 丁 「 一 二 「 .ン ノ ・ ^ │___ __ ――― ― = ― ― ― ― 準 平脅 :一 年 響 鰐 fttr″ `=彎 J筵 とこ 」中 ヱ 「」 ①糀忠 er lnstitute of Education C‖ ucal RenectiOn Form Module/lesso ". g/イ 5・ 、 θ Date_■_■、 Lu&.ra.gt Focus Teachers'standard ...5 A Reflection I karh-ar *a- fi,u 6a, , / kad. H',t, tuP*1,t'4&lq b fuacl^ a' wnE(t Uai L;ana (uJott -fkl As u-,qJ' claLL ox atakt^q a pr-t;vtaLure*(lku. /rr il^! NtLu\ai Latt a,t , 1;h*atu^ur XUuqqed, wdL Ur\d,uttanocu.o q W La.Au, Utidt-e.n cn t{rv r-A qrG^f d/d .tly Uo-.luei .rc,t ry\OeL ,'rrLLLT\ proq.retJ fhlre+N w clwL dc^u^,n, 1 [44 Ou rwouu*r]LaJ\o [rd.pz_r{turd. U\{l/- ou,. TarqeUs "U^dr_ u,ilot/\ lOUu'Jt-d. I - Hutl 0, SQ-ct*1g und-uib.noCvq o.,ur,r alruLdruJ lr.. ro-,(attor,.. fu- o*.ot {oLta-L ctouetoprv.a/\t q, &l^" C¨ 」 麟 饂む Assu: crr.r.rousn I ,ryfyML^L fu^€k= - ObstvvoJron" qt o,(t Ofl,a Revlew 蜘 妹 d∝ 血 u m鵬 tt咆 に 比薇 ,6 勧ωじむね . u70μ 鉄辮 出 般 ktj叫品 謂 酔智 ?興u牧 彎総 紺鵠 W,1鮮 酬蹴 8 `嚇uЩ y#Y:"9tu9ノ 1x "正 W duelterr,r.ud \^?tyy^^P, ryq :己 oも L」J妙 0( I― 6腔 嘔 AJttL 卸 も 鵠 霧 喩U JkppD行 Q以 欄 J′ `写 Ψ .Ч 町 炒 誅 岬 nげ ん た 山 山醐回 も れ に 切麒 α れ泣 地 し通 ∞ヘメ │ 七 上ん畝ク、 . ャ 一′ ・ 棚 忠g tnsutute of Educatlon Observation of Teacher bv Trainee i Date._3′ li rt午 Lesson... illtoi--lti FocusTeachers'Standard: Refect AXa - - u Year group... b u* N!Q-dA q' ? griruca-i*iro-( iqQ-d'i' oL4'ru'o-r\dr'.5 --(-Jp 5c{. ot(',q-f' p^*pi' "ra ob{]r;tU , ?L/Jo,bLLL/.LQJ) ' tugl^- arla 0elLr^o-t!-r ' U'ga-( ua/kJkQ-ab' ' Dt6-uerwuo*ra^. pro'"na-na tlvolqK d't1'ettttf CI4u-utuJ ilq-04 TeA(lha/ urp^oJ-*" <xpn'u@'g"auo + t/.'L +o'lz- u-Lt Uttd's:/::'boo' +o'J hoLot ur.:or.u.rL Na-e4 e.r{rcL J\4?-ort Cr.na::r^- *"re @t'd- w\L'}-J OJrLon^+& tO tOrrvrp^-o-to fl\L \tu)/P- Ptie' : i\d!P'Q/.d0^Hg @ wul couotn^c.:r^rrrr, Chlotren wc!4&rgt p.ro?r(Jf urcLo J(o-o U.^-a- b C/\a,l.&-^q(-l9"@akJ ' Target Review lmpact
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