Research Journal Paper Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Rice Produced of JSAM by Local 67(1) : 6167, 2005 Processes Poritosh ROY*1,Naoto SHIMIZU*2, Toshinori KIMURA*2 Abstract Rice processing is one of the most important energy and is responsible for environmental agro-industry. It consumes a considerable pollution. Life cycle inventory analysis performed on rice (parboiled and fresh) produced by different production boiler, medium-boiler and untreated) to find an environmentally-friendly The inventory decreased from untreated) results (energy the small-boiler and there consumption, atmospheric to the untreated process is no waterborne emission amount of has been processes (vessel, smallrice production process. emission and solid waste) gradually (small-boiler>vessel>medium-boiler> in the case of the untreated process. The untreated process was found to be more environmentally-friendly compared to the others, however due to the lowest head rice yield (whole kernels after milling), it consumes greater resources (paddy). Among the parboiling processes the medium-boiler was found to be better, which has a lower energy inventory, atmospheric emission and solid waste compared to the others. This study also reveals that fuel switching only for cooking (biomass to electricity ; electricity was assumed to be generated from biomass by IGCC technology) conserved primary energy (biomass) and reduced atmospheric emission (CO2, CO, CH4, TSP, NOR, and SOX) significantly. [Keywords] rice, processing, life cycle, inventory analysis I. Introduction The food industry is one of the world's largest industrial sectors. While food processing is not considered to be amongst the most environmentally hazardous industries, nevertheless, they can cause severe organic pollution if designed or operated with insufficient attention to the environment (Ramjeawon, 2000). Use of energy resources is a major source of environmental pollution. Biomass is the major source of energy in most developing countries and biomass burning has been identified as a major source of atmospheric pollution (Crutzen and Andreae, 1990). In Bangladesh, 63% of the total energy consumption is met by biomass fuel and 37% is commercial fuels (BBS, 1993). Households sectors consume 80% of total biomass energy and rural households use it almost exclusively for cooking (Bani et al., 1998). The emission from its use depends on the quantities of fuels consumed and on the design of combustion system 1999). Therefore, efficient utilization of energy resources is very important to conserve it and to reduce environmental pollution. Rice is the staple food in some developing countries including Bangladesh. Different types of rice have been consumed all over the world, such as parboiled and untreated rice (fresh rice). In Bangladesh, about 90% of rice is processed as parboiled (Tariq, 2002). Parboiled rice has been produced by both traditional and modern methods. Modern methods are energy and capital intensive, and are not suitable for smallscale operation at the village level (Au and Ojha, 1976; Bhattacharya, 1990). It has also been reported that more than 80% of the rice is processed in villages and less than 20% is processed in commercial rice mills. In the rural areas, various methods are being used to (Bhattacharya et al., 2000). It is reported that biomass combustion contributes as much as 20 to 50% of produce rice and consume different amounts of energy. With the growing concern about environmental pollution and health risks, it is very important to find the most environmentally-friendly rice processing method. Therefore, this study attempts to evaluate the environmental effects of different rice global greenhouse gas emission of which one-third May come from households, which has an adverse effect on human health and the environment (Smith, processing methods (traditional) and find the most suitable one, using LCA (life cycle assessment) methodology. *1 JSAM *2 305-8572, Japan JSAM Member 305-8572, Student Japan Member , Graduate , Doctoral School Program of Life in and Agricultural Environmental Sciences, Sciences, University University of Tsukuba, of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki ‡U 62 Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery Pijnenburg, . Materials and assessment (LCA) 2001 life used to uct, cycle evaluate process, or lifetime, which analysis. The of or of where ment for of be in and (4) study be The definition goal the of study, of the life cycle made. This These impacts are carried with are the life : out and to of process of soaking, steaming, However, de-husking cycle this defined. exclude cides, statements study was the goal study to of to to rice rice rice. includes milling boundary only. of and of fresh 1 shows processing this study is the encircled by a of been production (Cederberg reported that agricultural processes buildings, and of and medicine roads Mattsson, Fig. LCAs 2000; 1 Life often and because cycle Iepema local and of rice and ing the system the the envi- investigaas rice. the Head head paddy are the rice and rice which expressed of whole analysis and system being entering of rice to was parboiled leaving listed and (local quan- parboiling evaluate the rice. also In outputs were parboiled re- evaluated. and processes rice quantifies environmental The evaluated environproducand com- rice. consumption is consumed The in use important rice rice boundary and process. are for is vessel of this the (0.5-1.2 study parboiling energy in devices The stages for industry processes devices different energy sectors parboiled parboiling the of processing where parboiling a lack the the fresh cycle. most provide yield={(weight use, inputs from Energy the to defined of of investigated of with tries insectiof were the in in from data of head (LCI) energy the impacts life of rice parboiling process rice is on been quantity processes Energy methods. a paddy)}•~100. with all Three (1) (FU) aims has inventory use, production pared consists cycle associated tion not analysis life mental milling. rice Figure different production : pre-steaming, de-husking process under The large is which depends unit head of Inventory tified. 1 ton a i.e., study, e.g., the of impact and FU of three- case inventory FU the from resources the facil- estimate the used consumption unit category kernels)/weight this impacts them an the used, the of at considered. which product, or operated functional study, a percentage, the not of rice transport in also the and market main environmental also of paddy energy the to produced leases processes compare is drying, en- because manually are the impact this the local However, Definition is The investigate environmental study study, construction the The are unit be 2. nearby areas. were process) this this considered Therefore, purpose of will in the and In and Usually, transports reference rice data. local transportation in made different and production machines, data practice. can reference The the the by as- line. has common yield the environmental since produced and of system It of parboiled the dashed other mass making. product of be processes decision life to In the not purposes normalized. LCA to were rickshaw-vans. capacity, a product and the important evaluate respective The The rice expected a all to goal of the which according The quantify itate these The first of Furthermore, to very stage conditions, has is cycle the at the transportation assess- only of in tion. study, 1993). related, phase. the the unit), definition this marketed analysis, Improvement scoping boundary (SETAC, (functional scope are wheeled scoping and purpose sumption be and definition defines unit unavailability ronmental Goal the the for steps. 1. 2001). related facilities mill-gate product the Inventory deals or com- certain steps. (2) and This comparison of four scoping, assessment Dijik, impacts parboiling grave' services; can categorized cycle be: a parts life be prod- to or cycles a cradle can improvement (SETAC). two of life definition Impact LCA can of its `from processes greatest can Goal (3) an ; identification concept (1) of that effect as purpose alternative the a tool throughout known produces, service is environmental activity is alternative parison of the ; Van methods vironmental The Vol 67, No. 1 (2005) are commonly t/batch), the is one consumption developing staple of coun- food. Various being used used parboil- small-boiler in a ROY, SHIMIZU, KIMURA: Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Rice Produced by Local Processes 63 (2-4t/batch) and medium-boiler (5-10t/batch). The paddy is poured on the vessel and fires are lit underneath of it. In boiler processes, steam is generated in the boiler and applied to the paddy hoppers through the connecting pipes. show the studied parboiling processes. consumption in these ured at Gazole under in the conical Figures 2 to 4 The energy parboiling processes was measMalda district in West Bengal, India (Roy et al., 2003 b). In the local parboiling (traditional) processes, sun drying is the common practice, i.e., no energy has been used of parboiled paddy. However, in the drying in this study, process energy consumption during drying of parboiled paddy was derived from literature (Palipane et al., 1988). The energy consumption during de-husking and milling were measured in our laboratory. According Fig. 2 Vessel process to our own studies, the head rice yield was considered to be 67% and 60% for parboiled rice and fresh rice, respectively (Roy, 2003). The energy consumption in cooking of milled rice was also taken from our own study (Roy et al., 2004). Table 1 shows the energy forms and estimated energy consumption per ton of head rice at different stages of rice life cycle. Then the material and energy balances were established for each unit process. De-husking, milling and cooking energy were considered to be the same for parboiled rice produced by different processing methods. these materials and energy balance, an analysis was done for energy. Based on inventory Fig. 3 Small boiler process It was assumed that the energy requirement in the life cycle of rice was met by the biomass energy and biomass (rice husk) as the source of primary energy for all types of energy consumed in the rice life cycle, except diesel energy. The biomass and electricity generation dustrial use of biomass used in parboiling is considered to be the inand an improved domestic cook-stove was used for cooking. Different processes are being used to generate electricity from biomass. These are : steam turbine, circulating fluidized bed gasifier and integrated gasification combine cycles (IGCC). Among these, the IGCC system is reported to be more efficient than the others. Also the efficiency of the systems depends on the capacity. The electrici- Table 1 * Derived Energy forms from the literature and estimated (Palipane energy et al ., 1988) consumption Fig. per ton of head 4 rice Medium in different boiler stages process of rice life cycle 64 ty Journal efficiency plant of capacity be an of by is plan using (ASTRA) is 1999). sumption To emission from the (3) the SOX, factors for In the a little was also Solid complete al., varied for different processing the vessel, small-boiler and fossil fuel was used, medium-boiler process, or not for water. of after the considered BOD, in and COD emission. The waterborne emission literature water has also is been 90.6 and 17.4% reported 83.0% respectively amount of the ash that for the industry waste husk (ash) however diesel by a shallow in the case of the energy was used to tube-well. Water parboiled method rice was Results inventory results but from energy and others. The energy inventory was the lowest fresh rice among all types of rice. an this of study environmental consumption, air an the and steaming). The energy consumption during presteaming treatment was found to be 1501.6, 1823.1 and 901.0MJ/t for vessel, small-boiler and medium-boiler, respectively. During the steaming process it was 1568.5MJ/t for vessel, process, respectively. small-boiler The energy consumption during pre-steaming process indicates that there may be room to improve the small-boiler process. Parboiled rice consumes a lower amount of energy compared to fresh rice in the dehusking process, but it consumes and cooking process. greater energy in the milling The energy consumption in was 90.3, 94.6 for parboiled rice, respectively. The rice processing industry consumes gy and at the same time, it produces the forms of byproducts or waste. of the rice processing some Rice industry, some which of water list parameters point emission, view emission are and waste. 1. Energy In the energy consumption life have cooking as dehusking cycle been processes, the final and In of this rice, consumed. the energy. milling, study, different For types thermal However, mechanical energy of parboiling, consumption in final drying energy has the energy has in been case the of been par- Fig. 5 Inventory results: energy ener- energy in husk is a rate exhaustive only for the rice, energy inventory process (pre-steaming discussion consist in is sup- energy inventory, the lower compared to the was oxidization conwas plied through a manually operated hand-tube-well for both the vessel and small-boiler processes. Figure 5 shows the energy inventory results of this study. byproduct (Bhattacharya solid rice of of In the case of processes, no dehusking, milling and cooking process and 3999.6 and 120.0, 48.0 and 3600MJ/t (Ramalingam it produces methods. untreated content. discussed used. waterborne It The parameters, used the considering The and was factors rate ‡V . solid soak in terms in terms of electrical energy. Energy at different phases of rice processing 2376.1, 2290.4 and and medium-boiler negli- drainage Phenol, cook-stove, determined of excess is was measured biomass energy. On the other hand, energy consumed in the dehusking, milling and cooking process was and fresh 1980). 2000). ash which been 1996). oxidization and also during it combustion improved al., drainage has method reported the 2003 waste et husk in (boilers), of the soaking et al., process In the case of parboiled varied only in the parboiling processes. (Roy water vessel the produced study amount from from Vol. 67, No. 1 (2005) and drying Among the medium-boiler derived the process, of for Raj, For water nitrogen, derived (4) (Singh CO, The 2000). from own Therefore, emission Anthoni al., caused processes not considered and CO2, parboiling excess the Amino were the excess case process. following is steaming to water were al., con- were et our of the study. et of from the in steaming et considered. comes parboiling compared excess were components from amount However, and these amount during gible the biomass emission VOC mainly taken local reported this atmospheric and drained The of in cook-stove total boiling supply emission water was a). dispersed (Bhattacharya the (Bhattacharya water process generate emission excess process. to Machinery measured sumption Bangladesh improved 30% factors waterborne The be bio- emission NOx, Water polluted in be an the from possible can of to literature The with determined. determine CH4, be of Agricultural It might technology and these Atmospheric TSP, 43% electricity would efficiency on was (2) it reported Based be Society (Gustavsson,1997). biomass The to produce IGCC that from areas. reported to the expected electricity local is 35MWth ambitious mass and IGCC of the Japanese consumption is a ROY, SHIMIZU, KIMURA : Life Cycle Inventory source of biomass energy and considered to be consumed by the system itself. In this study, biomass is considered to be the source of primary energy for different stages of the rice life cycle and the life cycle inventory was analyzed for two options. These are: option-1 (biomass is used for cooking) and option-2 (electricity generated from biomass is used for cooking). Table 2 shows the energy balance in the life cycle of rice produced under different processes and options. It shows that all the processes have a shortage of energy. The energy shortage was found to be the highest for the small-boiler and was the lowest was for the untreated process. The untreated process produced the highest amount of energy compared to the other processes because of the difference in head rice yield (60% and 67% for untreated and parboiled rice, respectively). It indicates that the untreated process consumed a greater amount of resource (paddy) compared to the treated (parboiled) rice. Among the parboiled rice, the energy shortage was lowest for the parboiled rice produced under the medium-boiler process compared to the other processes. If fresh rice is considered to be a sustainable energy consumption option (energy shortage may be met by agri-residues, animal wastes, tree-leaves and twigs) then the other processes might be responsible for deforestation. However, about 22 to 29% of primary energy can be conserved in the rice life cycle by fuel switching only for the cooking process (biomass to electricity) because of the improved end use energy efficiency. The conservation of biomass energy would reduce the intensity of deforestation. Considering the head rice yield and energy consumption, it would be wise to recommend the medium-boiler process to produce parboiled rice even though it consumes a greater amount energy compared to the untreated process. 2. Atmospheric emission The atmospheric emission is directly related to the energy consumption patterns. Among the rice production processes CO2, CO, CH4, TSP, NON, and SOX were the highest in the case of the small-boiler process and the lowest for the untreated process (Figs. 6 and 7) because of the difference in energy consumption patterns. option-2 The air emission varied from option-1 to mainly because of the types of end use Table Option-1: biomass was used 2 Energy for cooking; balance Option-2: Analysis of Rice Produced. by Local Processes 65 energy (option-1: biomass; option-2: electricity) for cooking. Electricity generating technology (steam turbine, circulating fluidized bed gasifier and IGCC) might also be responsible for the difference in air emissions. In this study, it was assumed that IGCC technology has been used for electricity generation from biomass (option-2). The VOC emission was observed only in the case of the medium-boiler process, because of the fossil fuel (diesel) consumption and it was estimated to be 0.77g/t. The atmospheric emis- Fig. 6 Inventory results : atmospheric emission atmospheric emission (CO2 and CO) Fig. 7 Inventory results: (CH4, TSP, NOx, SOX, VOC) in the life cycle electricity was of rice used for cooking 66 Journal sion inventory indicated switching to be parboiling best to atmospheric SOx) can sion. 17% and tively. The cycle the no waste in in The life life the and parboiling be Fig. 9 only formed for waste of is to rice the be pollution. this hence of a the head rice, it rice would found to this waste the the types decision of rice responsible Thus, the consumption, and emission ronment and health The environmental of pattern solid effect that in the are to and required and pollution, process rice production reduce rice the to the water- life cycle. most en- others. awareness for method fuel the from to be the compared method all pollution, would found motivation study emission, waste was vironmentally-friendly incentive, varies en- to the This reveals atmospheric and nominal it substitution process the environmental for environmental consumption untreated on processes makers. the of pollution energy global information production to compare and reduce Among study to intensity switching. rice. in of solid provide of rice process The process consumes parboiled evaluated the borne environmentally- and are process. proc- to effect different but environmentally-friendly produce is rice it possible processes study production however pattern process environ- This Considering an of that effects rice. rice yield, processes medium-boiler to consumption to on of others, paddy. process reveals environmental found recommend parboiling on vironmental pro- environmental of the head rice effect Production production solid of process reduce of the to of analysis substitution rice lowest wise would minimize consumers a negative to amount yield it to switching 29% 9). lowest makes production compared greater was the fuel (Fig. cycle. intensity the required the from to lowest others it pro- energy the the process The 22 the Therefore, waste inventory untreated the solid have that has 8. rice to rice, medium-boiler rice the indicates friendly soak-water untreated produces to parboiled rice. cycle on The of about processes is excess the Fig. discussion and ess of different rice process. the the General depends the compo- in case related compared parboiled (1) the from the and reported from directly case reduces ment be the of of duction in various the emission emission. Untreated production all also waste adopt cooking in Water soaking phenols and water medium-boiler to process on parboil- discharged BOD, production solid However, the the emission contained COD, no is results. of the effect the water calculated is methods better in to waste inventory for 15 respec- no soak-water treatment there solid amount emis- rice, has after of process soaking Solid cessing VOC fresh to and about emitted The them were hence The source rice. among nitrogen 4. the reduced drains main parboiling is and NOx, Fig. 8 parboiled and rice, is fuel 24 only). soak-water the of amino CH4, cooking it The about CO, and for the was emission is There parboiled because excess nents be (medium-boiler treatment from TSP can switching emission Water life except for fuel process 3. 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