
Start by translating the following from Japanese → English and English → Japanese.
1.I came to ask a question
2.I came to drink orange juice
3.えいが を み に いきます
4.フランスご を ならい に いきました
5.I came to learn French
6.おまえ を とまり に きました
1.しつもんし に きました
2.オレンジジュース を のみ に きました
3.I will go see a movie
4.I went to learn French
5.フランスご を ならい に きました
6.I came to stop you
Now it’s time to do some of your own sentences. I’ll give you some prompts and then you
can come up with something yourself. I’ll have example answers too, but try to come up with
something on your own. You should make sentences that all use the v.stemに_______ pattern.
Feel free to change the tenses however you’d like.
1. Make a sentence with the verb べんきょうします
2. Make a sentence with the verb はなします
3. Make a sentence with the verb あいます
4. Make a sentence with the verb たべます
5. Make a sentence with the verb かいます
Example sentences for the above exercises:
1.にほんご を べんきょうし に いきました (I went to study Japanese)
2.にほんご を はなし に きました (I came to speak Japanese)
3.オバマさん を あい に いきます (I will go meet Obama)
4.チキン を たべ に いきました (I went to eat chicken)
5.すし を かい に いきません (I will not go buy sushi)