助成金申請書(2016 年度) Grant Application 公益信託 久保田豊基金 受託者 みずほ信託銀行株式会社 御中 Messrs. The Kubota Fund Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd 氏名/Name ( Family name, First name, Middle name ) 性別/Sex 1. Female 2. Male 生年月日/Date of Birth ( D / M / Y ) / 年齢/Age 写真 Photograph 国籍/Nationality ( 4cm×3cm ) / パスポート番号/Passport No. 滞在期限/Stay Permit Until ( D / M / Y ) 来日(予定)日/ Arrival Date ( D / M / Y ) / / / / ~ / / ( Extension expected ? 1. Yes 2. No ) 助成金申請期間/Application Period for the Grant / / ~ / / 申請者住所・連絡先/Address of Applicant 〒 e-mail: TEL: 所属機関および連絡先/Institutional Affiliation and Address 所属機関名/Name of the Institutional Affiliation ( Technical college / Undergraduate / Master / Doctor ) ※As of April 2016 〒 e-mail: TEL: ※Please send the PDF without modifying, re-scanning or changing the application for our process purpose. 推薦者氏名/Name of the recommender 推薦者所属および連絡先/Institutional Affiliation of the recommender and Address e-mail: TEL: 来日形態/Condition of Visit 1. 政府からの派遣 sent by local governments 2. 自費、個人負担 private expense 3. 日本の団体からの招待 invited by Japanese organizations 4. その他 others ( ) 来日目的/Purpose of Visit 技術の習得 acquire new technologies 論文の作成 write thesis/ dissertation 学位の取得 receive degrees その他 others ( ) 研修・研究分野/Field of Research 1. 土木工学 civil engineering 2. 電気工学 electrical engineering 3. 農業・農村開発 agriculture and rural development 4. 環境科学 environmental science 5. エネルギー工学 Energy engineering 6. 開発経済 development economics 7. その他 others ( ) 研修・研究テーマ/Theme of Research 高校卒業以降の経歴 Activities after Graduation from High School 年 月 Year / Month / ~ / / ~ / / ~ / / ~ / / ~ / / ~ / ※Please send the PDF without modifying, re-scanning or changing the application for our process purpose. 最終学歴/Final Academic Degree 年 月 Year / Month 母国での勤務先名/Office in Home Country 日本語に関する資格、学習予定があれば記入 /Japanese Language Qualification and Plan for studying Japanese, if any. 次項へ続く/Go to the next page ※Please send the PDF without modifying, re-scanning or changing the application for our process purpose. 助成金受給予定年度の月額所得と収入源 Estimated Income per month for period of Grant and the Resources ¥ 1. 久保田基金以外の奨学金など other Japanese scholarship except Kubota Fund 2. 家族からの送金 remittance from family 3. 母国からの奨学金 scholarship from home country 4. アルバイトなど part time job 5. その他 others ( ) 助成金申請の理由(500 文字以内)/Reason for Grant Application(350 words maximum) 研修終了・卒業後の進路(800 文字以内)/Job or career plan after studying in Japan(600 words maximum) ※Please send the PDF without modifying, re-scanning or changing the application for our process purpose. 来日の経緯・目的および来日後の状況について記入してください。 (500 文字以内) Please describe your purpose of visit and your activities since arrival in Japan.(350 words maximum) 次項へ続く/Go to the next page ※Please send the PDF without modifying, re-scanning or changing the application for our process purpose. 研究テーマ・方法、およびそれらを将来のキャリアプランにどのように活かすかについて記入してください。 (1,000 字以内) Please describe theme and method of your research, and how you plan to make use of it for your future career.(700 words maximum) 本申請書の記載は事実に相違ありません。/I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct. 日付/Date 署名/Signature ※Please send the PDF without modifying, re-scanning or changing the application for our process purpose.
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