Redesigning Communities for Aged Society Hiroko Akiyama Institute of Gerontology The University of Tokyo CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing Launch Conference on “Creating Age-Friendly Communities” October 8, 2015 Drastic Increase of Older-olds (age75+) Age 2005 2030 2055 Population 127.77 million Population 115.22 million Population 89.93 million Age Age 100 100 Age75+ 1.16( 9%) Age65-74 1.41(11%) Age15-64 8.41(66%) Age0-14 1.75(14%) 90 90 Age75+ 2.27(20%) 80 80 Age65-74 1.40(12%) 70 60 50 50 Age15-64 6.74(59%) 30 20 20 Age0-14 1.12(10%) 0 million 0 0.5 1 Age15-64 4.60(51%) 40 30 10 Age65-74 1.26(14%) 70 60 40 Age75+ 2.39(27%) Age0-14 .75(8%) 10 1.5 2 2.5 million 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 million2.5 People now live into their 90s ~average life expectancy in Japan~ Men 80 Women 86 Aging occurs in urban population National Average 3 Demographic Shift and New Needs (2030) Elderly with Dementia Dementia 10%20% Elderly Elderly without without Dementia Dementia 90% 80% Old Age Dependency Ratios Year 1965 Year 2012 (Age 20-64 / Age 65+) Year 2050 Longer work life Child care support 9.1 persons 2.4 persons 1.2 persons Needs to increase labor force We are Living Longer and Healthier! 11 years younger in usual walking speed between 1992 &2002 1.4 Walking Speed (m/sec) 1.2 1.0 0.8 1992 0.6 2002 0.4 0.2 0.0 Age 65-69 70-74 70-74歳 75-79 Men 80+ 65-69 70-74 75-79 70-74歳 80歳+ Women Takao Suzuki (2006) Health Indicators Japanese seniors are willing to work 70% of people age 60+ want to work until age 70 <How long do you want to work? > 60歳ぐらいまで 65歳ぐらいまで 70歳ぐらいまで 75歳ぐらいまで 76歳以上 働けるうちはいつまでも 70% 2.4 9.7 0% 19.2 10% 20% 23.0 30% 40% 8.9 50% 36.8 60% 70% 80% Source: Seniors’ Social Participation Survey (Cabinet Office) 90% 100% Well-being of Japanese Elderly National panel survey of the elderly over 25 years N=5715 Social Relations Economic Status Health Survey Design • National probability sample of 5715 Japanese (age 60+) • Face-to-face interview in every three years • Supported by NIA & Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor Survey Years Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 6 Wave 7 Wave 8 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2006 2012 20 years (Physical performance tests added) Functional Health Measure Score 3 ADL & IADL without assistance 2 IADL with assistance but ADL without assistance 1 ADL & IADL with assistance 0 Dead ADL questions -Bathing -Walking a short distance -Going up a few steps IADL questions -Shopping for groceries or clothes -Using the telephone -Going out by bus/train Latent Class Analysis: Model P.F. at age 63-65 P.F. at age 66-68 P.F. at age 69-71 P.F. at age 72-74 P.F. at age 75-77 P.F. at age 78-80 P.F. at age 81-83 P.F. at age 84-86 P.F. at age 87-89 Trajectories of Independent Living Men Independent Living 3 Resilient (10.9%) 2 Early Decline (19.0%) Gradual Decline (70.1%) 1 0 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74 75-77 78-80 81-83 84-86 87-89 Age Trajectories of Independent Living Women Independent Living 3 Gradual Decline (87.9%) 2 Early Decline (12.1%) 1 0 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74 75-77 78-80 81-83 84-86 87-89 Age Three Priority Issues • To extend years of being independent • To create an environment for aging in place • To maintain and strengthen human bonds Redesigning Communities for 2030 ICT Network Productive aging Individualized mobility assistance Diverse housing Community E-health Primary care Health Info Quality of Life (QOL) Quality of Community (QOC) Hospital->Home Hospital Evaluation 24-hr. visiting nurses & home help Pharmacy Costs Attending Dr. Patient studies Major Projects • • • • • • Productive aging Human Bonds Housing Health Care Transportation ICT Social experiment in 2 communities China Fukui Korea Kashiwa Tokyo Osaka Pacific Ocean Community for 2030 Group Home Blueberry Farm Community Center Park Cart to move around the community Recycling Factory Assisted Living Nursery Library Community Eatery Home Care Station Stores Day Care Blueberry Farm Grade School Skilled Care Nursing 20 Work Places for the Second Life Farmers Market Community Farm Community Eatery Meal Delivery Roof Garden Paper Diapers Recycling Factory Mini-vegetable Factory After-school Program Creating Work Places Kashiwa City Agri. Utilizing fallow lands Urban farming Agri Using vacant houses Mini vegetable factory UR Office Seven @ renovated apartment complex Agri Rooftop farm Food Community eatery Farmers union “Kashiwa Noen” Kashiwa City, Agri. Committee, etc. Daiwa House Urban Renaissance Agency (UR) Urban Renaissance Agency (UR) (discussing the post-renovation plans) Kamei Kogyo (spa & restaurant) Univ. of Tokyo Food Kids Life Mobile shops, meals-on-wheels Child-care support Supporting & enhancing living Kurumi Gakuen (local kindergarten) Sugiura Environ. Project (local company) Kashiwa City Dept. of Family, etc. Tokyo Marine Nichido Better Life Service City Dept. of Aging, Social Welfare Council, etc. New Work Style for the Second Life Office Seven - “Job seminar” for residents: held 6 times & 517 people completed - Using work-sharing, a flexible employment scheme for both employers and workers - Technological development using a cloud computing system to support the flexible work scheme Senior Senior Senior Farmers union Job-matching, labor mgt. support Senior Coordinating Body: “Office Seven” Senior Recruitment, job-matching, labor mgt. Senior Business corp. School Nonprofit Org. Health care Seniors in Work Places Effect Indicators Individual Community Physical and mental health Tax revenue Social relations Health care costs Meaningful life Social capital Smile Evaluation Study Vascular test IOG Lab Bone density ・CAVI/ABI ・FMD Body composition Cognitive function Physical activity ・Fat/body water/ bone and muscle mass ・Pedometer/calories/Mets Data 歩数 Physical Activities *p<0.001 8000 6000 Activity Tapestry 4000 2000 Jan. 15 Low 0 就労前 就労日 非出勤日 Mets(運動強度) *p<0.001 1.5 1.4 Work days Feb. 15 Activity Frequency Feb.2 Started working 1.3 1.2 1.1 就労前 就労日 非出勤日 消費カロリー *p<0.001 3000 2000 1000 6:00 12:00 18:00 High 0 就労前 就労日 非出勤日 KEIROKA: 3S Assistive Technology KEIROKA Technology 3S Assist Assistive technology to reduce fatigue/load of human - Secure assistance workers in manual labors, e.g. agricultural work, - Sustainable assistance to maintain physical functions nursing care, construction, designed on the concept - Subliminal assistance not to disturb sensory functions of 3S assist. Smart Suit ® Semi-active KEIROKA Technology Smart Suit ® Lite Passive KEIROKA Technology KEIROKA technologies for buck support Biomechanical design for Smart Suit Contact to Prof. Tanaka (Hokkaido University, JP) [email protected] Housing for Life Stages Health Care in Community Urgent hospitalization Rehabilitation / Convalescent Skilled Care Home-based care clinic Daycare center Care manager office Visiting nurse station Home helper station Assisted Living in Community ◇イメージ図 サービス付き高齢者向け住宅 自立棟 介護棟 小規模多機能 24H訪問介護 居宅介護 主治医 在宅療養 支援診療所 診療所 子育て 地域交流 支援施設 地域包括 スペース 薬局 支援センター 24H訪問看護 (株)学研ココファン 作成 Alternative Means of Transportation Community Bus Bicycle, Tricycle Silver Vehicle Car Sharing Reforms of Road Plan Assessment of Elders’ Driving Ability Reaching out by ICT Long distance care Internet Shopping Electric Medical Chart Assisting Communication Emergency Call System New Government Initiatives in Social Experiment ‘Redesigning Communities for Aging Society’ ‘Innovation in Science, Technology and Social System for Aging Society’ Collaboration of Multi-stakeholders Municipal Government Industries Universities Citizens UT-Industry Gerontology Consortium - Forefront of gerontological research and technology - Industry roadmap towards 2030 - Platform for new industry Seminar Working Group Meeting Summer Camp U-T Industry Consortium on Gerontology 59 companies Ajinomoto Co., Inc. / ANGFA Co., Ltd. / Arai / COMPASSO / Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. / Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. / Du Pont Kabushiki Kaisha / e-solutions, inc. / Ezaki Glico Company, Limited / Fanclstaff / Fujifilm Corporation / FUJISOFT INCORPORATED / FUJITSU RESEARCH INSTITUTE/ GENESIS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. / Healthcare Partners Co., Ltd. / Hitachi, Ltd. / House Foods Corp. / ITOKI CORPORATION / JTEKT CORPORATION Kao Corporation / Lion Corporation / LIXIL Corporation / Medithink / Merck & Co., Inc. / Misawa Homes Institute of Research and Development Co., Ltd. / Mitsui & Co., Ltd. / Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. / Mizuho Bank, Ltd. / NEC Corporation / Nestle Japan Limited / NICHIREI CORPORATION / Nippon Life Insurance Company / Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. / Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. / Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. / NTT DOCOMO, INC. / Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. / Panasonic Corporation / Research and Development, Inc. / Ricoh Company, Ltd. / SECOM Co., Ltd. / Seibu Shinkin Bank / Sekisui Integrated Research Inc. / Shinsei Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. / Shiseido Co., Ltd. / Siemens Japan K.K. / Sunstar Inc. / Suntory Beer & Spirits Limited / Suntory Beverage & Food Limited / Suzuki Motor Corporation / The Kaiteki Institute (Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings) / TMJ, Inc / Tokyu Corporation / Toyota Motor Corporation / UDIT Inc. / Unicharm Corporation / Urban Renaissance Agency (UR) / Yachiyo Industry Co., Ltd. / Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. 38 Living Lab ~Innovation by Co-Creation with Users~ Coordinate Community University Business Generating insights Test bed Innovation for Aging Society Government Challenge in Aged Society Longevity Health Wealth
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